Chapter 1158: The Kamikaze Special Forces Team

  Chapter 1136 – Kamikaze Special Forces

After the shelling of Tokyo Bay, only wreckage was left all over the ground, and the Japanese people were busily cleaning up the ruins, the scene looked particularly miserable.

As the saying goes: “Revenge does not come overnight”. Along with the defeat in the naval battle of Malacca, the Japanese navy lost its sea power, and the Spanish navy immediately killed.

Intercepting merchant ships and shelling harbors had now become the daily routine of the Spanish Navy. It was as if they were uncomfortable if they didn’t come over to make things happen one day.

Perhaps because of hatred, or perhaps in order to solve the problem of Philippine security once and for all, in the course of the war against Japan, the Spaniards performed extraordinarily eye-catching.

Against this background, the Japanese were naturally out of luck. The Japanese people, who were themselves in a state of panic, now panicked.

Only the imagined Shinra liquidation did not wait, but the Spanish retaliation came first.

If you say and Shinra between, can also take the “fight against the Russians” to save their lives outside, Tokyo government and the Spanish have no way to talk about it.

One was in the east and the other in the west, with a series of countries in between. Whether the Russian Empire is doing well or not, it has nothing to do with Spain.

The two sides not only do not border on the sphere of influence, even in international trade, there are few disputes of interest.

Emperor Meiji recently had a very difficult time, how to get rid of Spain’s entanglement, became the Japanese government’s biggest problem right now.

Saionji Gongwang: “Within the last half a month, we have lost hundreds of ships of all sizes one after another. Now even the fishing boats do not dare to go out of the harbor, and the foreign trade line, moreover, is almost completely interrupted.

As a result, domestic prices have risen dramatically, and certain industrial raw materials are even out of stock.

Especially the front line is still fighting, without local material support, the front line troops are afraid to support for a long time.

If we don’t take action and let the Spaniards continue to plunder, I’m afraid that the empire will have to …… collapse.”

The word “collapse” was not said. But from everyone’s nervous look on may be able to see, the presence of intelligent people have completed the brain.

Danger everyone realized, just how to solve the problem, is a big problem.

The navy could not be counted on; the Battle of Malacca had broken the spine of the Japanese navy. The lucky ones who had escaped were still not out of their panic.

What’s more, now that the main ships are all gone, only a bunch of subordinate warships, now out of the harbor is to contribute to the enemy’s war effort.

Foreign Minister Inoue Sin: “The Foreign Ministry has done its best, we have contacted the Spanish, but they won’t talk to us at all.

In order to solve the problem, we even communicated with the government of Vienna, and they acquiesced to our continued attack on the Russian Empire, but that did not include binding Spain.

The Vienna government made it clear that war had broken out. Spain, as a major member of the Continental Union, has the right to attack any country in the hostile power.”

The rules of the game were that cold and unforgiving, and even though the Vienna government was able to solve the problem with a single greeting, the Japanese just didn’t carry enough weight.

The smoke of the naval battle of Malacca had only just cleared, and it was impossible to say that they were not cynical when they were stained with each other’s blood.

The Vienna government did not immediately retaliate, that are concerned about the overall situation, how can go to ask Spain to retaliate against the Japanese small matter.

Can’t top that is their own incompetence, even Spain can’t pass this hurdle, I’m afraid it’s unrealistic to suppress Russia.

Unable to help the Holy Roman Empire to suppress the Russian Empire, Japan will lose the value of existence. Once a pawn loses its value, it is a discard.

If you want to preserve Japan and its own glory and wealth, the Japanese government must solve the current troubles and prove that its existence is valuable.

“It is not impossible to deal with the Spanish warships. In the naval battle of Malacca, the enemy used air bombardment, and we can likewise follow suit.

If we can’t, then we can enlist the death squads, strap bombs to the airplanes, and ram them directly into the enemy warships.

Spain is already rotten, and it’s already a great struggle to maintain the size of the navy at the moment, they can’t afford to lose it.”

Yamagata Arimoto’s proposal was cruel, but it was largely true. Without taking lives, the current Japanese navy was no match for the enemy.

Despite playing daredevil and not being able to defeat the Spanish Navy in the same way, they would at least be able to dare the Spaniards away and restore the trade routes in the Far East.

Opposition was out of the question, and the most worthless thing in Japan these days was human life. As long as the problem can be solved, there is no pressure for people to die more.

This kind of resolution that requires taking the blame in the future naturally cannot involve the Emperor. Prime Minister Katsutaro, the professional backstabber, immediately clapped his hands and said, “Okay, let’s do it!
I don’t care what methods you use, as long as you drive the Spanish Navy out of Japanese waters, it will be the greatest victory!
This bearing the crisis of the autumn of survival, I hope that all of you put aside your prejudices, and work together and tide over the difficulties.”

Obviously, the last sentence was addressed to the military. Although there was also infighting in the government, it was nowhere near as intense as the army and navy fighting.

After the Battle of Malacca, the Japanese Navy, which originally had the upper hand in the struggle, was directly stepped on by the Army.

Most of the passages that now circulate among the people insulting the navy were made up by the army, with the main purpose of stinking up the navy.

Originally, Katsutaro, who came from the army, should have followed the trend, but as the Japanese prime minister, he had to consider the whole picture.

No matter what, Japan is an island nation. Since it is an island nation, it is destined to be inseparable from the navy.

In particular, the arrival of the Spanish Navy made Katsutaro realize the importance of the Navy. If he continued to suppress the navy, I am afraid that Japan would have no future.

As to how effective it would be, it would depend on whether everyone’s mind was clear. But anyone who realized the importance of sea power would not cut down the navy.

Military ****ism is not entirely without merit, not only in terms of efficiency, catching up with the democratic countries by a large margin; even the dead soldiers are also a large number of catch.

Recruitment of pilots to crash warships has just spread the news, the enlistment point is a long line. Regrettably pilots have a threshold, not everyone can be, can only fail everyone’s full blood.

The more they were discouraged, the more motivated everyone was to sign up. It was like the late stage of World War II, when many pilots were forced by social opinion to sign up for the death squads.

Under the impetus of the butterfly effect, the famous “kamikaze special engineering team”, so early on the stage of history.

Then, there was no more. Aircraft crashing into warships, this thing is completely inexperienced to talk about, want to train can not be started.

As long as a head-on collision, regardless of whether the target is hit or not, even the people with the aircraft will be finished together.


On March 16, 1905, the Shinra East African Front Army broke through Djibouti, and the remaining British troops were forced to lay down their arms and surrender, ending the East African campaign.

Overnight, the Cape of Good Hope became Britain’s last stronghold on the African continent, and for a time the pressure on the government in London increased dramatically.

Underneath an unassuming building, temporarily converted into an air raid shelter, is the British government meeting room.

Because of the rush, the conference room was even too late to be decorated. Perhaps for the sake of aesthetics, or perhaps for convenience, the surrounding walls were covered with military maps.

Even in the center of the desk, there is a huge sand table. Standing in it was like being in a military command center, but this was really a government conference room.

The military style of the interior was all forced out by the war. Since the outbreak of the war, the main duty of the British government has changed from governing the country to: serving the war.

Colonial Secretary Cormann: “This cannot be allowed to go on! If we don’t do something, we’re going to lose Africa for good.”

We won’t lose Africa, at least we’ll have Madagascar. But an island is obviously no match for a continent.

Once the Cape of Good Hope fell, Britain’s route to the Indian Ocean was, quite literally, cut off.

Although it can be detoured, but open the map to know, this time to go around is not a half a star.

Without supplies from India, Britain would have to rely entirely on the Americas. From the perspective of overall strategy, this is undoubtedly extremely fatal.

Everyone knows that it is important to keep the Cape of Good Hope, but no one can answer exactly what method should be used to keep the Cape of Good Hope.

“The Ministry of War has already sent reinforcements, but in order to preserve the Cape of Good Hope, we still need the cooperation of the Ministry of Logistics, the Navy and the Air Force.”

It wasn’t that Marcus wanted to shrug it off, it was really that the Cape of Good Hope was in a special situation. Not only was it windy and rough, there was also a lack of water itself.

In later times, Cape Town was known as the “world’s most water-scarce city”. Although it is not so serious now, but after being cut off from the outside water supply, it is still difficult to meet the demand by groundwater alone.

In the last war in South Africa, the colonial government of Cape Town experienced the taste of water shortage, and even used ships to deliver fresh water to the front line.

Having learned its lesson after the war, the colonial government increased its fresh water reserves. But bureaucrats are the best at this stuff, they are good for three minutes.

To reserve water for hundreds of thousands of people is not something that can be handled by a few cisterns, it requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and a long period of time.

With the exception of the first post-war governor who rubbed it in and gave it high priority, the successors that followed were not interested in this out-of-the-blue project.

It was just that the plan was ambitious, the investment was large and it lasted a long time, but the key was that it could not produce any political achievement. Even after the completion of the construction of the underground water storage project, people have little intuitive feeling.

Instead of filling this bottomless pit, it would be better to use the money to build the city and improve transportation, at least these are what everyone can see.

Anyway, as long as no war breaks out, Cape Town will not run out of water. Smart bureaucrats, naturally, know what to choose.

But now that the war has broken out, along with the continuous contraction of the defense line, the lack of water resources has also become a problem for the defenders of Cape Town.

Even more tragic was the rampant activity of the enemy air force, which ravaged overhead every day, and the entry of ships into the harbor during the day was like a ferry.

Without taking care of the logistical problems, even if reinforcements were sent in, they would only add to the enemy’s war effort.

Sensing the concerned gazes of the crowd, Air Force Minister Attilio helplessly waved his hand, ”Don’t look at me like that, the situation of the air force is clear to everyone. If we were able to suppress the enemy, we wouldn’t be so passive.”

The security of the London skies could not be guaranteed, let alone the Cape of Good Hope. Even if they were to draw their fighters over, at most it would only delay them for a few more days and still not change the ending of the defeat.

The battle for the defense of the Cape of Good Hope, itself, was a short strike against a long one. To fight the Holy Roman Empire on land, Attilio was not optimistic at all.

No matter how important the Cape of Good Hope is, if you can’t win, you can’t win. Britannia can send reinforcements, so can the enemy.

For a moment, the shadow of defeat surged over everyone. For the first time, the crowd thought carefully about the possible consequences of losing the war.

Seeing the heavy expression of the crowd, after hesitating for a long time, the Minister of Military Affairs Sigmund slowly said: “There is something worse, according to the news from our intelligence officers who are lurking in the Holy Roman Empire, the enemy is planning a landing operation.

The specific battle plan is still unclear for now. But we can roughly deduce that the enemy is preparing to have the navy and air force together to cover the landings of the army.

If the enemy’s air superiority cannot be neutralized, the Royal Navy will have to intercept the enemy’s landing, and the risks involved are very great.

It may be possible that this is a trap to deliberately lure our naval main force to a specific battlefield and use the power of the air force to carry out a siege.”

True or false, false or false. The war had been going on until now, and neither side had done less to pass false information to the other.

It was just that this time was different, once the enemy carried out a landing operation, even though they knew that it could be a trap, the Royal Navy had no choice but to go for it.

Yang conspiracy is so terrible, know that there is a pit must also step on, the British government can not take the safety of the British Isles as a gamble.

If the Royal Navy did not move out to intercept, the enemy faked it. Once the enemy landed successfully, the Oceanic Alliance would immediately fall apart.

It doesn’t matter how tightly we were bound before, and how great the interests involved are, at the moment of life and death everyone will still have to fly separately in the face of great difficulties.

In fact, if it were not for the inconvenience of information transmission in these days, the countries are only immersed in Britain’s past fame, do not know the specific situation, I am afraid that some people have already begun to cut meat to stop losses.

Jumping off the ship in advance is certainly dangerous, but that is also greater than the probability of survival after the ship sinks, and then struggling for help.

No allies in the back to support, only by the strength of the British Empire, once into the short-range phase, failure is a matter of time.

Naval Minister Swindin said fiercely, “This must be the enemy’s conspiracy against the Royal Navy, landing before not obtaining sea power is in itself a risk.

Even if the enemy has air power, the air force is not omnipotent, and it is still difficult to cover the landing of a large army.

Surface ships are inconvenient to deploy, but we can still use submarines. If we sink a single troop carrier, a regiment will be lost. No one can ignore such a loss.

If we are really pushed, we can also follow the example of the Japanese and organize death squads to ram enemy ships with airplanes.

One person, one airplane, one bomb for one ship, we ……”

(End of chapter)

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