Chapter 1155: The Bitter British Army

  Chapter 1133 – Bitter British Army
Modern warfare is no longer confined to the field; most of the time, the game outside the field tends to be more intense.

The war of hegemony started from the outbreak, Britain was in a passive, but that was only limited by the war mindset, and was caught off guard by the Holy Roman Empire.

For the whole war, it can only be regarded as a first-hand advantage, and cannot directly determine the final result. Just as Germany swept across Europe first in WWII and eventually retreated in disgrace.

The only difference is that the Soviet meat shield hadn’t been born yet, and the American nursemaid was still a little girl.

The allies did not give strength, and Britannia had to endure the ordeal alone. Fortunately, Britain was at its peak, not the “waning days” of World War II.

However, the family foundation no matter how thick, but also by the impact of the war. Price increases are nothing, the key is the impact of the maritime trade routes, resulting in a shortage of domestic supplies.

In the short term, we may still be able to rely on stockpiles to support, but the war will not end in a day or two, sooner or later the stockpiles will be exhausted.

There was no way around it, everyone’s expectations of the Royal Navy were too high beforehand, and they hadn’t even considered the safety of the trade routes.

If the capitalists hadn’t sensed the war in advance and hoarded some of the supplies, I’m afraid that it wouldn’t have been as simple as a price hike now.

Naval Minister Swindin: “The navy will escort the merchant ships, but we are limited in the number of warships we can take out, and we have to suppress the continental alliance.

In order to protect the safety of the merchant ships, it would be best to let the merchant ships concentrate on their actions and we will uniformly send out warships to protect the safety.”

The Royal Navy’s performance in the Malacca Naval Battle had already triggered an uproar in the country. Despite their repeated proclamations that they had fallen for the enemy’s tricks, a loss was a loss.

Compared to the Japanese Navy, the Royal Navy was fortunate that the British public at most called them losers and did not label them as “traitors”.

In order to win the war, or in order to remove the “waste” hat, the Royal Navy must be in the next action to perform well.

But performance is performance, facing the reality of the problem still need to be solved.

The British Isles every day in and out of the thousands of ships, the light of the ocean liner are not less than three figures, the Royal Navy, even if they are mobilized, but also to protect over.

Especially the enemy is now using the tactics of broken traffic, simply do not fight with them.

Participate in the attack are high-speed warships, combat power how to put aside, at least the speed is first-class.

To deal with these enemies, ordinary warships would not be of any use at all, and only a few of them would be able to participate in the battle.

Underwater submarines are even more troublesome. In this era of no sonar detection equipment, unless it is a distance contact, or simply can not be found.

In this context, even if the merchant ships can concentrate their actions, the pressure of escorting is still heavy.

Minister of Commerce Burns: “Sir, the concentration of merchant ships together only exists in theory, once in a while it is barely possible, every time it is impossible to do.

Not all commodities can be shipped at the same time. Concentrating will seriously slow down the transportation speed.

Especially some cold routes, there are not even a few ships a month, can’t let people run once a year, right?

Our transportation resources aren’t unlimited, we can’t afford to waste them like this.”

War is cruel, the original time and space British also played the trick of centralized transportation, just the result is a little touching.

Except for particularly important supplies, which needed to be centrally transported and escorted by warships, everything else was done as quickly as possible.

There is no way, centralized transportation warships escort does solve the problem of security, but the fleet is concentrated dragged down the transport efficiency, some of the goods that should not be stored for a long time, but also directly rot in the warehouse.

Other problems are good to say, affecting everyone to make money will not work. In times of war, human life is the most worthless, but the sea and catch the most profitable time of maritime trade.

As long as the profit is big enough, the risk is nothing. And do not need to personally escort the transportation, capitalists naturally do not care about the risk.

A single trip on an ocean route could earn almost a third of a ship. No matter how powerful the enemy’s attacks were, they couldn’t intercept all the ships, or even one-tenth of them.

The probability of encountering an enemy attack every time you go out to sea is only a few percentage points at most, and it’s entirely possible to gamble on luck.

As long as it ran four trips without being sunk, it would be a blood profit. Even if an accident did occur, there was still the insurance company to cover it.

Of course, insurance companies don’t pay for nothing. After the war broke out, the insurance premiums went up, and anyway, the fleece comes off the sheep’s back.

After hearing the words of the Minister of Commerce, Swendin helplessly waved his hand, ”If the fleet can’t be centralized, then we can only express our regret.

The enemy’s colonies are spread over a very wide area, and they shrunk back as soon as the Royal Navy was deployed. Unless the colonies are uprooted first, there is no way to clear these rats.”

Put down?
No, this is politics. Unlike in the past, political slogans can be shouted at will. This is a time of war, and once you make a promise you can’t keep, it’s the same as actively delivering a handle into the hands of your political enemies.

Don’t look at the fact that we are all sitting together now, seemingly as grasshoppers on the same rope, but there is also competition between grasshoppers.

If we really encounter problems, we all dump the pot faster than anyone else. It is unrealistic to share the same pain and suffering, and it is the regular operation in politics to die a friend of the road.

To pull down the enemy’s colonial ports is easy to say, but if you really want to implement it, it can’t be accomplished overnight.

Britain’s energy is limited, the existing colonies are barely guarded, and then open up new battlefields is obviously a bit difficult.

War Minister Marcus: “The Cape of Good Hope is already in danger, the East African battlefield is even more rotten, the empire’s achievements in Africa are being eaten up by the enemy bit by bit.

In Asia, the enemy has launched simultaneous attacks on Persia and the Central and Southern Peninsulas, and the enemy’s ambitions for India have not been disguised in the slightest.

According to the intelligence gathered at the front, the Russians have also increased their troops to the Afghan area and may launch an attack at any time.

The Persian government has asked us for help for the seventh time, and if reinforcements are not sent, the defeat of Persia is only a matter of time.

Of course, we are not without counterattacks. Through the tireless efforts of the Canadian Corps, we have taken most of Alaska.

Because of the national policy, the Army has always kept its strength low, and now using troops on multiple fronts at the same time is beyond our limits.”

The reason was too good to be true, for the Royal Navy had not been able to play its part, and now the lobstermen had assumed the main combat duties.

Opening five fronts at the same time, and even one of the fronts won a great victory, such an achievement was completely worthy of the British Empire’s investment in the army.

As for the water in it, there is no need to look deeply into it. The British government needed good news to stabilize the people, and the British people also needed good news.

In this context, any victory is worth publicizing.

The capture of Alaska was a good subject. More than one million seven hundred thousand square kilometers was more land than Britain had fallen to combined, and after canceling each other out the British Empire still made a profit.

As for the difference between land and land, just ignore it. As long as the newspapers don’t talk about it, how can the general public figure it out?

In addition, Alaska in Britain’s popularity is not low at all, in the folk there is a beautiful name “Golden State”.

So the Canadian Legion’s armed parade was not a parade, but a great victory.

Shamelessly, can also be labeled as “the battle of the turnaround”. Anyway, it’s all about appeasing the people, so there’s no harm in bragging about it.

“Hasn’t the army already expanded to two million, and there are many colonial legions, why is it still ……?”

Without waiting for the Navy Minister to finish his sentence, Marcus interrupted, “Your Excellency’s expansion of the army also requires time, two million is just a figure on paper.

The war broke out just over a month ago, the countries that can mobilize two million troops in such a short period of time, there are only two or three in the whole world, which does not include Britain.

The army is different from the navy in that you have plenty of money to spend and you maintain a large establishment in normal times.

Just a month or so ago, the Imperial Army was only 137,000 strong. Now it has expanded directly to 2 million, which is equivalent to a fourteen-fold increase.

With such an expansion, we don’t have enough reserves of either officers or weaponry.

Optimistically, it would be a great achievement if the recruits recruited in the next two months could each get a gun.

It would be a blessing in disguise if they could be ready for combat within the year. In the short term, we don’t have much in the way of maneuverability.”

Flip-flopping is anyone’s game; the Navy doesn’t want to take the blame, and the Army is equally reluctant to take the fall. Everyone’s reasoning is sound, and there’s nothing wrong with it on the bright side.

The Navy was unable to keep the sea trade lines open, mainly because of the presence of enemy colonies, and there was no way to take out the enemy’s cross-breaking fleet.

The Army was even drier, coming right up and selling itself short. Expansion of the army is expanded, but most of the new recruits have not yet entered the barracks, manpower a rifle can not be guaranteed, how can there be combat power?

The speaker has no heart, but the listener has the intention.

Prime Minister Campbell was stimulated, once the factory of the world, and now even the manpower of a rifle can not be guaranteed, how can this be embarrassing?

There is no way, the size of the British Army has always been only one hundred thousand, even if there is a stockpile of weapons, marvelous and then stockpile more than one hundred thousand guns top day.

Even if you think of expanding the army, no one would expect to need to expand so much. Especially in the last hundred years, there have been too many international conflicts, most of the time it is just a mess and then end.

According to past experience, it has never been Britannia that attacked other countries, and it has never been attacked by another country, at least not in the last few decades.

It was only when the situation became tense that people reacted. But it was too late in time, not to mention which group of MPs were dragging their feet, capacity alone was a big problem.

In normal years, Britain only needs to have a production capacity of 100,000 to 200,000 guns per year to be able to meet the needs of the native troops and colonial forces.

Now that the local army has expanded, the colonial army has also expanded, all of a sudden there is a gap of five to six million rifles, how can it be made up in a short period of time?

In the original space and time, during World War I, Britain was forced to place orders with the Americans because the expansion of the army was too fast and the speed of weapons production could not keep up.

Now it is even more so, the only difference is that the industrial capacity of the United States did not get up, and the military production capacity is not even as good as the British.

The United States military industry is not working, the other members of the Oceanic Alliance, industry that is even more garbage. The vast majority of these countries, weapons and equipment are purely imported.

These days, the military production capacity, almost all harbor in the European continent, are now the British Empire’s enemies.

In this context, from what place did the British Army go to get so many guns? Even if it was smuggling, there was no smuggler, who had so much energy.

What’s more, it’s not just weaponry that needs to be bought, the subsequent ammunition is equally in high demand.

With Britain’s military production capacity, I’m afraid that if we work together, we won’t even be able to produce the daily training ammunition for a few million troops.

These problems can not be solved, the army to launch a counter-offensive, that is a joke. To be able to stabilize the situation, it is all open.

Looked at the world map on the wall, Campbell Prime Minister sighed deeply, to the mouth of the words and swallowed back.


In the Near East, along with the battle of the Shen Luo Army’s attack on Persia, the Tsarist government also quietly increased its troops to the border area.

Whether these troops are used to defend against Persian invasion or are ready to jump out and pick peaches at critical moments, it is not possible to jump to conclusions for the time being.

At least Colonel Seacrest couldn’t figure out what the country wanted. In the recent period, he has repeatedly asked the country to fight, but all were rejected.

These days, it is not easy for small and medium-sized nobles, without a prominent identity background, if there is no military achievements, it is not easy to get ahead.

The Far East battlefield, even if it is, is a hard job. Not to mention the harsh climate, the key is that there may be problems with logistics.

The most tragic thing is to beat the Japanese military merit to be discounted, winning is deserved, losing is the worst offense.

Even if the government can sympathize with the suffering of the frontline officers and soldiers, not to pursue the relevant responsibilities, the parties themselves are embarrassed to mix in the circle of nobles.

This point, look at the Far East to send back the war report to know, the Russian army officers and soldiers that is really again desperately.

Everyone doesn’t like hard work, and Colonel Seacrest is no exception. Build a career should also be divided into time, not what battlefield can be mixed, it is best to find soft persimmons to pinch.

It was hard to wait until the hegemony war broke out, the Russian Empire joined the continental alliance and the British dominated oceanic alliance started the war, but unfortunately it was declared but not war.

In order to further the opportunity, the Russian army within the Russian army is also you fight, the Afghan front is naturally the hottest.

Although the number of enemies is large, but the enemy is also easy to make war ah. The Indian colonial army was under the British flag, and the officers were all British.

Rounding it up, that’s about equal to all British troops. Stepping on the shoulders of the British to get to the top is really not too good.

Unfortunately, Colonel Seacrest made a bad move, limited by his identity and background, and unfortunately lost out to his competitors and came to the Persian front.

(End of chapter)

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