Chapter 1153: Shinra’s Version of the Sea Lion Plan

  Chapter 1131 – Shinra’s Version of the Sea Lion Plan

The small story that happened on the Persian front didn’t attract the attention of the Vienna government. Different identities look at things from different perspectives.

In Franz’s view, whether it was a loan route or holding the Russian army together to launch an attack on Persia, it could only be considered a minor issue.

The Russians had not been drooling over India for more than a day or two. No matter what the top of the Czarist government thinks now, the nobles and bureaucrats in the country have been unable to hold back.

Even with the Far East battlefield tying their hands, there was no stopping the Russians’ ambitions for India. Especially after the Shenluo Navy’s great victory in the Battle of Malacca, the Russians’ confidence in the Continental Alliance to win the war had risen directly to bursting point.

Inside the Russian Empire, the voice of the main war faction had risen straight to the top, and the Russian nobles were now most worried about, “Going late, the British surrendered.”

This is not for nothing, before this the continental war is so, not waiting for them to force the French to surrender.

The British Empire was much more substantial than France, and India alone made the Russians hungry for more. If they were late and missed the opportunity to divide India, there would be no medicine for regret.

In this context, the front line of the Russian army will not only not obstruct, and may even push the boat directly into it.

Anyway, the Russian-Austrian joint war is not the first time, according to past cases, follow the Austrian army to fight together not only logistical security, even the standard of food is a few grades higher.

As for the political issues, people with different positions have different views. Perhaps in the eyes of the warlords, those who hindered the start of the war were “national traitors”.

Once the fact is established, with Nicholas II’s indecisive character, in addition to hold his nose and admit it, nothing else can be done.

The Russians are in the war, what’s the need to worry about cannon fodder? The big deal is that after the war, a piece of India will be carved out and given to the Russians.

The only thing that could attract Franz’s attention now was the European theater. The military was no longer satisfied with the bombing of the British Isles, and the land, sea and air combined to come up with a grand strategy for landing on the British Isles.

“Isn’t it a bit too hasty to land on the British Isles now?”

Have to admit that air control is a good thing, the Holy Roman Empire, which controls air control, dumbfounded the British at the beginning of the war.

So much so that without control of the sea, the Holy Roman military was also prepared to force a landing.

Once the landing was successful, the war entered the countdown. With a bunch of militias that were temporarily conscripted, they were powerless to stop the attack of the divine Roman Army.

But the landing was not easy, don’t look at the British now acting very clumsily, that’s just that they hadn’t adapted to this war yet.

If they really reacted, John Bull would not be so easy to deal with. Even if they can’t turn the tide, at least they can struggle twice.

Chief of Staff Morquez: “Your Majesty, this is the best option to end the war in a short period of time.

Now that the British haven’t reacted yet, and their mindset is still stuck in the period of the Continental War, this is the best opportunity.

As long as we successfully complete the landing, it won’t take three months for us to defeat the British and win the war.

If we follow the conventional method of fighting, it will be difficult for us to win this war without one or two years.

In order to be able to win the war in the shortest possible time and minimize the war losses, it is acceptable to take a little risk.”

“Fighting a world war in three months” was exciting to think about, it was clearly open and shut.

If the war could be over in such a short period of time, the British had basically found their allies for nothing.

In any case, Franz did not think that the American countries could complete the mobilization in just three months, and put troops into the European battlefield.

Of course in this case, the broken diplomatic tactics planned earlier were also for nothing. No matter how the blockade, three months of supplies for the British Isles still have.

In this regard, Franz did not have any special requirements. As long as he could win the war, no matter what kind of fighting style, he could accept it.

After hesitating for a while, Franz slowly said, “Then let’s try it first, but the plan has to be more thorough, so as not to let the enemy exploit the loopholes and cause too many casualties to the attacking troops.”

It has been proven that every political figure does not lack the adventure gene, the difference only lies in whether the gene is: dominant, or recessive.

A forced landing on the British Isles may seem like a no-brainer, but in reality there are many hidden dangers.

The main force of the Royal Navy was still in place, and the British Air Force retained a certain amount of strength, so in case they found an opportunity, the likelihood of heavy losses was very high.

The failure of the original time and space “sea lion program” is also the result of a combination of factors, the seeds have been planted in advance in the Dunkirk battle.

Of course, the most important thing is that some guy suddenly had a brain fart: the focus of the air attack was changed to bombing London, so that the British air force got a chance to breathe, and the danger was turned into a miracle.

A lesson from history that Franz naturally wouldn’t turn a blind eye to. Although the Shinra Air Force was also bombing London, the strategic purpose was very different.

The German three bombed London was aimed at the command system, attempting to use the bombing to throw London into chaos, causing the British command system to collapse and forcing the British to surrender.

The bombing by the Shinra Air Force was much simpler, it was aimed at the British Air Force, and its main purpose was to bait the main force of the British Air Force.

In essence, the bombing of London was a cover, and the actual target of the bombing was still the heavy industrial system of the British.

In Franz’s view, the significance of blowing up a large steel plant is no less than wiping out a division of British troops; smashing a shipyard is far more meaningful than sinking a battleship.

In the case of the milkmaid is not powerful, once the loss of their own blood production mechanism, the British defeat is only a matter of time.

With the option of greater certainty, Franz would naturally not take the risk. But not now, the risk had been reduced to a manageable level.

The worst outcome would be nothing more than the loss of a few ships and tens of thousands of troops, which was completely bearable for the Holy Roman Empire now.


The launch of the “Sea Lion Program” does not mean that the previous strategy will be nullified. It’s not a contradiction in terms, and it’s possible to do both at the same time.

Changing strategic plans at will is definitely a big no-no in the military, for example, that who-knows-who lost his kingdom because of a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

Learning the lessons of history, Franz never took a cautious attitude when it came to strategy.

It may seem that the Holy Roman Empire had many strategies, as if there were priorities everywhere, and as if there were no priorities, but in reality, this was not the case.

In the choice of strategy, large and small states were very different. Small countries are limited by their national strength, so they choose a direction and just go straight to the death.

Don’t expect to turn around or change in the middle, because small countries often have only one chance, and failure is the end.

In contrast, large countries are different. They have enough power to support multiple strategies at the same time, and even if one or two of them fail, it won’t hurt.

Compared to Britain, the Holy Roman Empire already had an advantage in terms of national strength, and it is not surprising that several strategies were launched at the same time.

A closer look reveals that the previous series of strategic plans of the Holy Roman Army all have a common feature: weakening Britain’s war potential.


The sun was setting, leaving only the afterglow of the evening sun. On the surface of the sea, two ships with British flags planted on them, one in front of the other, were sailing head-on towards the Golden Orchid Bay.

From the guns full of vicissitudes, one could vaguely tell that the latter ship was a warship. The warships came behind the merchant ships and were so close to each other, which was weird to see.

Closer and closer, the wire rope connected between the merchant ship and the warship was exposed to the sight of the crowd, and it turned out that the warship was being dragged forward by the merchant ship.

The warship finally entered the harbor. The surviving officers and men on the warship breathed a collective sigh of relief. As the lucky one who escaped from the Malacca naval battle, the Blizzard also paid a heavy price.

From the bullet marks that densely covered the surface, it could be seen that the Blast Wind had not been less ravaged. If you look closely, you will find that the draught of the Blizzard is extraordinarily deep, as if it is overloaded.

Overloading is impossible, in order to escape the ship can be abandoned, are halfway to abandon.

Since it was not overloaded, the result was very obvious. Fortunately, the Blast adopts a closed cabin design, or else the warship’s water ingress can kill a person.

Perhaps it was because the escape was too high, after getting rid of the enemy’s pursuers, the power system of the Blast Wind was directly paralyzed.

If not for a British merchant ship encountered on the way, it is expected that the Gale, which had escaped, would have turned into a ghost ship.

The warship just stopped, the maintenance personnel quickly boarded the ship to repair. From the reaction speed can be seen, the maintenance engineers are definitely experienced, obviously not the first time to encounter this situation.

The result of the Malacca naval battle had already been transmitted. After the initial confusion, the remaining Royal Navy quickly got into shape.

No matter what, the days are always going to pass. The result of the naval battle could not be changed, but the aftermath still had to be done.

Far East Fleet main force loss is exhausted, is considered to exist in name only, reinforcements naturally can not be sent out, the only thing that can be done is to the surviving warships in time to carry out repairs.

There were no flowers, no applause, and likewise no welcome banquet. From the tense atmosphere, we can see that the situation in Cam Ranh Bay is not optimistic.

But this was all a minor problem for Colonel Nigel, who had just come back from the dead. It was all God’s blessing to be able to retrieve a life, so who cared about the situation.

Even if he wanted to think about the future, it would be something after he went back to have a good sleep and completely relax.


Colonel Nigel said with an expressionless face, “His Excellency the Governor, the above is the whole story of the Malacca naval battle.

It was not a war at all, from start to finish we were passively beaten, not even a single decent counterattack was ever organized.

After Admiral Michel ordered a scattered retreat, we split up, and the telegrams sent out behind us were not answered at all.

When we retreated, most of the enemy fighters attacked around the main ship, and the Elizabeth was more than likely already shipwrecked.”

It was evident that Colonel Nigel had been badly hit. Completely lacked the usual vigor, his body was full of dishevelment, and his tone was even full of “despair”.

There is no way, the Royal Navy in the Malacca naval battle lost too bad. Not only did not hit the pride of the past, even on the future of everyone also has no confidence.

Colonel Nigel is one of them, in his view, the strong rise of the air force, the future of the war in the navy will play less and less room.

The Holy Roman Empire is the world’s first air force power, in the field of aviation will be Britain far behind.

In the next battle, if there is no way to deal with the enemy’s air force, no matter how strong the Royal Navy is, it will be difficult to realize its true strength.

No desire, therefore no desire, since all confidence in the future is lost, on the next possible pursuit, Colonel Nigel naturally Buddhist.

Nigel was not a deserter on the battlefield, Nigel received the order to retreat, and then took the “Blast” to run away.

To be able to bring back the “Blast”, he is worthy of the British Empire. To ask for more would be too much.

However, someone has to take the blame, and the best choice is naturally Admiral Michel, the Fleet Commander.

But this guy has mostly met God, and everyone is tolerant of the dead. Since Michel had already died in battle, even if there was a big mistake, it would be written off.

Responsibility can only be borne by the living, and still the smaller the background of the background, the higher the rank and position of the officer, the more likely to become a scapegoat.

Unfortunately, Colonel Nigel was one of the options for the scapegoat. After all, most of those higher in rank than him were on top of the main ship, which had sunk to the bottom of the sea in droves.

“Colonel Nigel, that’s enough for today, what you need now is to go back to a hot shower and get a good night’s sleep, or go out and relax.”

Not getting the news he wanted, Governor Evans still had no intention of giving Nigel a hard time. Holding people accountable was a matter for the future, right now people couldn’t care less.

Along with the end of the Malacca Naval Battle, the international pattern in East Asia was completely broken, and Cam Ranh Bay was no longer safe.

The enemy could hit at any time, and with Britain’s power in the Central and South China Peninsula, there was almost no chance of winning.

Once the Central South Peninsula fell, Sir Evans, as the governor, would likewise be among the unlucky ones.

The same people are at the end of the world, each other is too anxious.

Just look at the circles under his eyes, I can tell that Governor Evans is afraid that he has not slept well in recent days. Perhaps there is still a chance for the British Empire to turn the tide, but there is no chance for the British colonies in the Central and Southern Peninsula to make a comeback.


The world does not change by individual will, and for the British, the situation in East Asia continues to deteriorate.

The once bullish British Far East Fleet is now a lost dog, being chased around the world by the Continental Alliance.

That’s right, Spain and Holland also entered the war. Victory is the easiest way to stimulate people’s nerves, and the originally reluctant Spain and Holland changed their original minds.

They were already on board anyway, so why not get a share of the maximum benefit for themselves? The opportunity to beat a fallen dog is rare, so naturally you can’t miss it.

(End of chapter)

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