Chapter 1151: Post-war effects

  Chapter 1129: Post-War Impact
In the early hours of the morning, the British government’s temporary quarters inside the air-raid shelter were still brightly lit at the moment.

Another sleepless night, the smoke of the daytime bombing had just cleared, and another bad news came over.

British and Japanese allied forces in the sea battle failed miserably, even the flagship sank, fleet commander Admiral Michel is now unknown.

Received this news, the crowd’s first reaction is: “joke”, the light of the Far East fleet will be able to suppress the South Pacific fleet, how can the British and Japanese allied forces lost?
Unfortunately after double checking, it proved that this is the reality, not some kind of mischief.

Forced to accept this reality, Campbell Prime Minister’s three views have been subverted, the original Royal Navy is no longer invincible.

After having this perception, Campbell’s entire being was bad. If the Royal Navy couldn’t suppress the scene, what should be done about this war?
The most confused or Navy Minister Swainuddin, the front line of the war report, although it is very clear, the reason for the failure of the war is attributed to: the enemy’s air force entered the war.

As for the aircraft carriers, have been hiding in the rear, until the end have not shown their heads, anyway, are the aircraft bombing, the British warships involved in the war naturally can not tell the difference.

War is cruel, loss is loss, no matter how many reasons, can not change the fact that the war is lost.

How powerful the enemy’s air force was, just take a look at the present location of the Cabinet Government’s offices. But where there was a hint of a way, they would not have been reduced to this state.

After a brief exchange of glances, the room quickly fell silent, and the people were left in a state of inaction.

It was quite a bit like “Clueless fruit on a clueless tree, you and I under a clueless tree”.

After a cup of coffee, Foreign Minister Adam took the lead to break the silence: “The failure of the Malacca naval battle has had a very bad impact on the overall strategy of the empire.

I’m not very clear about the military problems, but the diplomatic troubles are absolutely devastating.

The enemy will not rest easy, and perhaps tonight, or perhaps tomorrow, the news will spread throughout the world.

I fear that our allies, who are already on shaky ground, are going to make trouble again. It will cost the Empire more to appease them.

The best way to solve the problem is still to prove that we have the strength to win the war, or it will be hard to get them to give it their all.”

Having been used to playing the empty glove trick, Adam was obviously a little uncomfortable with having to come up with tangible benefits now.

But the cruel reality was in front of his eyes, the era of pure flimflam has passed, now everyone has learned to be more skillful. No matter how big the pie is, it can’t be filled with hunger.

Even if you can’t eat the big cake for the time being, at least you have to let everyone be able to smell the aroma, otherwise people won’t contribute!

Naval Minister Swindin: “According to the intelligence coming back from the front line, this defeat was mainly due to encountering an enemy ambush, air force, submarines, which were ignored by us in the past, have now become the enemy’s magic weapon of surprise and victory.

The same trick is only effective for the first time, as long as we have a defense, the situation is very different.

The role of air power in naval warfare, however, is something we must face up to, and I propose the formation of a naval air force to deal specifically with the threat of enemy air power.”

The first part was fine, but when he heard the proposal of “forming a sea air force”, the Minister of Air Force, Attilio, was immediately unable to sit still.

If the navy has a sea air force, then the army should have a land air force as well. If the army and navy have their own air force, then why do they need an air force?
When it comes to the survival of the air force, Attilio has to fight for it.

“No, the Navy and Air Force are both very specialized military branches, focusing on one side is the best choice, doing both will only end up with four different things.”

Swendin shook his head, “But your air force is simply unable to take on such a heavy responsibility right now, if you can’t even guarantee the safety of London, how can you guarantee to defeat the enemy’s air force?”

It wasn’t that he wanted to steal the show, it was really that the performance of the Britannia Air Force was too ineffective. Since he couldn’t count on it anymore, he had to take it on himself.

Although the Royal Navy did not have a perfect air force establishment, there were still quite a few reconnaissance planes, and even a small number of fighters and bombers.

Expanded a bit, it was an air force. Not looking for how powerful, as long as it can slow down the enemy air force during a sea battle.

After all, the English Channel is such a little distance, if the enemy is forced to launch a landing, the Royal Navy can only fight within the coverage of the enemy’s air force.

Attilio disdainfully rolled his eyes: “Our air force can not, is not the formation of sea navigation on the line?

The Holy Roman Empire is the world’s first air force power, the size of the air force is at least twice as large as ours, without thousands of fighters how to fight against them?

Do you have enough pilots or enough crew, do you think that just a few random people will be able to do these jobs?”

Personnel was a hard nut to crack, this stuff wasn’t something you could just say you had. While there were a number of Aero Clubs in Britain, they were all very small.

Even in the 21st century, airplanes were the toys of a few, and now, let alone now, who could afford to play with them except for a very few tycoons?
These second-generation people who can afford to play are all non-rich and wealthy, and very few of them are willing to go to war and sell their lives.

These rare, has long been in the pocket of the air force, even the crew together to the requisition, including civilian airline pilots, crew, are now being forced by the air force to merge.

Even so, in the defense of London, the British Air Force still felt the strain.

Seeing that the argument was showing signs of escalating, Campbell interrupted, “Stop arguing, at this point, what we need is to be in the same boat.

If the Navy wants to form a Sea Air, then the personnel problem will find its own solution.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will try to communicate with the allies to see if they can support a group of pilots first, including the production of aircraft that can also be delegated out partially.”

It could be seen that Campbell was really tired, and now he didn’t even want to speak more than a single word.

He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since the bombing of London began, and had wanted to have a good night’s rest today, only to catch up with this again.


A sleepless night is not only the British government, received the Vienna government informed the news of the European dignitaries, the same is a sleepless night.

Only as neighbors of the European countries can truly understand the power of the Holy Roman Empire.

From the beginning of the bombardment of the British Isles, everyone was confident that the Holy Roman Empire would win the war, but the turning point of the war still came a little too quickly.

To realize that the outbreak of the war is less than a week, the bullish British Empire is in trouble, is really a bit out of everyone’s expectation.

The biggest impact is still the Russian Empire, unlike whoever is the boss can not take their turn of the small European countries, Russia is also one of the contenders for supremacy.

Only now fell into the wind, unable to compete with Britain and Shen Luo, but as the world’s oldest three Russian Empire has never given up ambition.

The Tsarist government, which had originally expected to reap the benefits of the fight between the oldest and the youngest, suddenly realized that its ally was actually hanging on.

The Southern Fleet defeated the British and Japanese combined fleet, obviously unscientific things happened so grandly, and still with a small price to achieve.

Now to go south or not, became the tsarist government must now choose the difficult problem. This can be worried about Nicholas II.

Navy Minister Leonid: “The situation is changing too quickly, the facts prove that the British are just outside the strong, empty of the world’s hegemony of the name, but does not have the strength to match.

The Royal Navy may not be as strong as we thought, for the sake of the Empire’s interests, the southward strategy must be launched as soon as possible.

If necessary, we can abandon the Far East first. Time is running out, if we don’t enter India as soon as possible and create an established fact, I’m afraid that if we really wait for the war to be divided into winners and losers, there will be nothing left for us.”

It’s not surprising that the Navy wants to go south. Russia lacks quality access to the sea, and Constantinople, as good as it is, is under the eye of the Holy Roman Empire.

Not to mention, with the Mediterranean Sea all but an inland sea for the Holy Roma, there was clearly no chance for the Russian Navy to make a difference. Even if they barely got in, there was no benefit to be shared with them.

The same is true for the Baltic Sea, not only is there a not-so-weak Nordic Confederation at the doorstep, but they also have to face the two great powers of Shinra and Britain directly.

Getting a piece of the pie was already the limit, and wanting to get regional hegemony was simply impossible.

The subcontinent and the Far East were the only options available. The terrain and climate of the Far East is severely limited, making it difficult to connect with the mainland, and even with the Siberian Railroad, it hasn’t changed.

In contrast, the subcontinent was much better. Not only was it rich, it was easy to rule, and it was the best colony in the world.

Minister of the Interior Vyacheslav: “The strategy of advancing eastward has been carried out to this point now, and it is about to be won, so it cannot be given up lightly.

The southward strategy looks good now, but in reality it is also full of difficulties. Not to mention the fact that the British are not weak in India, but we can’t even get past our allies.

Continental Union so many member states, who do not want to go over to get a piece of the pie, we have no right to monopolize?
Even if we really take it, I am afraid that after the war, we will have to spit out most of the real belongs to our interests, but not necessarily as rich as the defeat of the Japanese.

There is another important factor that we have to consider as well. Given the importance of India to Britain, I’m afraid the British government will surrender just as soon as we’ve killed our way into India.

Without the British to hold us back, what makes us able to take control of the Indian region before the Holy Roman Empire?”

The deer of India was so fat that anyone wanted to come up and get a piece of the meat. The Russians were drooling, and the other members of the Continental Union were no exception.

If the Russian Empire really took India all by itself, it would immediately be in the crosshairs. It will have to spit it out sooner or later if it doesn’t want to suffer a social beating.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich: “The Margrave is right, we must be cautious when it comes to going south.

Even if we do decide to go south, it would be best to communicate with the Vienna government first and divide up our respective interests in advance.

We alone do not have the strength to swallow the Indian subcontinent. If we blindly send it into our mouths, we are likely to choke on it.”


(End of chapter)

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