Chapter 1150: A Victory with Far-Reaching Implications

  Chapter 1128 – A Far-reaching Victory

All thinking about pitting their teammates, then tragedy struck. As soon as the signal to retreat was sent out, the British and Japanese allied forces all started to scurry back, and the battlefield was in complete chaos.

The speed of the warships was not the same, and after turning on full power, the original combat formation directly collapsed. Everyone was busy running for their lives, there was no one left to break the back.

Originally to pit teammates, it did not occur to me that both sides wanted to go together, and in the end, not only did they pit their teammates, but by the way, they even pit themselves.

Defeated, the British and Japanese allied forces contributed to a “Great Escape at Sea” with practical actions.

In the distance, under the cover of the waves, from time to time there were probes exposed, observing the entire battlefield.

For the sake of this battle, they have been in underwater ambush for a day and a night, just waiting for this opportunity now.

From the beginning of the battle, Major Wallace, as the captain of the boat, was staring at the big screen, not daring to relax at all, until the British and Japanese allied forces collapsed, the tense nerves only relaxed.

The picture transmitted back from the mirror was not really clear, but there was still no problem in judging the enemy’s position.

Seeing the enemy warships appearing within the attack range, the atmosphere inside the boat was once again tense, Major Wallace: “Let go of these small fishes in front of us first, our mission is to leave the enemy’s main ship behind!”

The British and Japanese allied forces, who were still unaware of the trap ahead, all had only one thought now – run. It wasn’t necessary to run as fast as they could, just run past their teammates.

In terms of speed, the Royal Navy still had an advantage. Far East Fleet warships performance in general is better than the Japanese Navy, coupled with more experienced skills, running up naturally more advantageous.

Fast warships rushed to the front, and the slow ones were forced to become the backward force. In this respect, the Japanese allies must be thanked.

Fortunately, the Japanese warships at the end of the last in the desperate resistance, for the retreat to buy time, otherwise can run off half of the warships are lucky.

However, Admiral Michel could not be happy, although he had pulled away from the Shinra Navy, his flagship, the Elizabeth, was being targeted by enemy fighters.

There were still more than a dozen fighters circling overhead, with bombs dropping at regular intervals, obviously trying to catch them and not let them go.

Not only the Elizabeth, but all the larger warships were now under the spotlight.

It’s not a joke that many ants bite the elephant. Just take a look at the Elizabeth at this moment, it is completely full of holes.

One third of the main guns were unusable, the casualties among the officers and men exceeded two hundred, and even the power system was affected.

Even if she returns to Cam Ranh Bay, she will need at least a few months of repairs, and will not be able to participate in combat for a short time.

There was a whooshing sound.


I don’t know who shouted, and immediately afterward a violent explosion was heard. The hit destroyer began to tear apart, slowly sinking downwards.

Having escaped with his life, Admiral Michel’s cold sweat stayed. The enemy in the sky hadn’t been taken care of, and the enemy underwater had popped up again.

If it was any other time, naturally they could pull out the submarine and finish it off based on the direction; but not now, they were busy running for their lives and had no time to delay.

As if a signal light had been set off, since the first torpedo exploded, followed by a succession of explosions, the sound of explosions continued to ring out.

Almost every loud bang was followed by a notable battle success. Seemingly realizing something, Admiral Michel hurriedly ordered, “The enemy has an ambush, order the fleet to disperse and break out!”

There is no way, the fleet’s swarming withdrawal in one direction is like putting together the targets on the training field, even if it takes off the No. 1 target, it is still able to hit the No. 2 and No. 3 …… targets.

See run to the front of the British warships fell into bad luck, fell behind the Ito Yuken Admiral did not feel the slightest relief, on the contrary, the expression is more and more gloomy.

To this point, if you still do not know the enemy’s trap, it would be a waste of life.

The greater the loss of the British now, means that the enemy is more prepared, also means that the probability of them running out is lower.

Nearby, Akiyama Mayuki proposed, “Sir Commander, let’s separate from the British! The Empire has already paid too much for this war.

At this point in time, there’s no need to tie up with the British anymore. Anyway, in the eyes of the enemy, we can only be considered small fishes now.”

“Fascinated confidence”, not really this time. As could be seen from the number of fighters overhead, the Far East Fleet was obviously being taken care of a bit more.

Such treatment was based on strength, and compared to the bullish Royal Navy, the Japanese Navy was far inferior, both in terms of battle record, and popularity.

Hardware gap is even greater, the Japanese Navy is limited by the domestic industry, most of the major warships are dependent on outsourcing, localization is still a long way off.

A country that can’t even stand on its own in terms of military industry will naturally not be taken seriously. Not being taken seriously is not entirely a bad thing, at least it is much less difficult to escape.

Not waiting for Admiral Ito Yuken to make a decision, only to hear a loud “boom”, immediately after the warship began to appear violent shaking, the command headquarters of the people were also thrown to pieces.


This was the last realization of Yohan Ito before he fell unconscious.


The brutal battle continued, the fallen warships either surrendered or were sunk, and the sea was filled with a large amount of floating objects, with human figures vaguely visible.

Fortunately, the sound of violent explosions, scared the sea creatures, otherwise these unlucky people who fell into the water, at this moment has fed the sharks.

Night to save the remaining British and Japanese allied forces, but this is no harm, after this battle of the Far East Fleet and the Japanese Navy is considered to be ruined.

More than ten thousand tons of the main ship one of ten, all kinds of subsidiary warships loss is also countless. Running out of most of the faster cruisers, engage in a breakthrough, sneak attack merchant ships is okay, want to turn the tide do not even want to think.

Bloody battlefield, did not affect the good mood of Admiral Arest. Such a clean victory, completely out of his prior expectations.

“Order the fleet to stop attacking, rescue the people in the water and count the losses.”

It was natural for a victor to have a victor’s demeanor, today’s battle had been fought, and now it was time to take prisoners.

All of them were good laborers, and their blood and sweat would be needed in the next raid on the Central South Peninsula.


“Your Majesty, good news! This afternoon the Southern Fleet fought a duel with the British and Japanese allied forces in Malacca, and our army won a great victory!”

A grabbed the telegram, originally ready to sleep Franz the Great, at this moment has no sleep.

After confirming it again and again, Franz revealed a long-lost smile, and the whole person relaxed.

The specific results of the battle have not yet been tallied, even the losses of his own family are only an approximate figure, but it does not affect in any way that this is a great victory.

Sinking two dreadnoughts, five old battleships, capturing an old battleship, the British Far East Fleet and the main force of the Japanese Navy are almost all accounted for.

Without the main ship as the battle force to bear, even if the other warships escaped more, the British and Japanese allied forces are also the name of the real dead.

Waiting for their fate is in the next few days, by the Shen Luo Navy siege. Do not even need to personally, the light of the Western Dutch fleet in the South China Sea are able to complete the task of beating the dogs.

The victory of the Battle of the Strait of Malacca not only reversed the situation in the Far East, but also affected the world situation.

The myth of the invincibility of the Royal Navy was broken, the biggest impact is not the military strength, but the confidence of the world’s countries on this war.

Simply calculating the military strength, the Far East Fleet accounted for at most 15% of the Royal, even if the whole army was wiped out, the overall strength of the Royal Navy was still dominant.

But the confidence of the blow, that is not a simple set of data. The British and Japanese allied forces have a full advantage, actually by the South China Sea fleet turned the plate, who can guarantee that the next battle in the Royal Navy will be victorious?

Especially for the oceanic alliance member states, at this moment they have to reconsider, whether to continue the war.

The most important reason for everyone’s participation in this war, besides the British lulling, is still because of the interests.

However, the interests were based on the premise of defeating the Holy Roman Empire, and if they lost the war, they would have to lose their money to the bottom.

Anyway, we have only just declared war, and have not yet officially started the fight, as long as we pay a certain price, pull back is not impossible.

While shaking the Ocean Alliance, it would also stimulate the allies to participate in the war. Although there is no clear division of benefits after the war, but the Vienna government’s consistent style is still known to everyone.

Under the model of distribution of payment and benefit, if you want to seize a share of the benefits after the war, you have to make enough contributions.

If you are just a contributor, you will also be a contributor when the benefits are distributed after the war.

If nothing else, the British will be exhausted. Even if the London government could abandon the Far East, the Indian Ocean could not be abandoned, could it?
Without the Far East Fleet’s hold, the South China Sea Fleet killed into the Indian Ocean is inevitable. Want to ensure that the British Isles and India’s routes are open, the British are bound to be divided into troops.

Drawing the fleet is not as simple as it sounds. The scale of the Royal Navy is indeed huge, but they are now able to use the mobile force is not much.

The local fleet has to hold back the Shen Luo navy, the overseas fleets have to maintain the trade line open, draw a sufficient counterweight to the South China Sea fleet of troops, is not an easy task.

After a little thought, Franz made a decision: ”Immediately release the results of the naval battle, and order the Propaganda Department to launch a public opinion campaign all over the world to shake the heart of the Ocean Alliance’s military.

Inform our allies to print a batch of leaflets overnight and scatter them along the way to the British Isles during the air force bombardment tomorrow.”

With such a good opportunity, it would be a shame to God if we didn’t take advantage of it.

I don’t know if the British public can withstand such a blow, less than a week after the war started, they suffered air raids and naval defeats one after another.

It would be perfect if someone could take the lead and start something internally to cause a ruckus.

After thinking about it, Franz gave up the intention of going down personally. Intelligence officers weren’t easy, and asking them to carry out such an order was clearly an imposition.

Britain’s infighting is serious, but that is based on the absence of external threats. Now the situation is so serious, the opposition party is not a fool.

Political struggle is political struggle, the prerequisite is that the British Empire must exist. It is impossible to completely abandon the national interest for the sake of political struggle.

Even if there are some people who can’t understand the situation and want to take advantage of the situation to make things happen, the interest groups will not tolerate them to fool around.

(End of chapter)

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