Chapter 1133: Bloodshed Caused by a Cow

  Chapter 1112 – A Bloodshed Caused by a Cow

At the same time that the British government received the news, the Vienna government also received an urgent telegram from Africa – the Anglo-Austrian-South African conflict broke out.

According to the telegram, the cause of the incident was: a head of the family of Viscount Aguirre, the lord of Shen Luo South Africa, was grazing in the border area, and was killed by Jorge, the British farmer on the opposite side of the border.

Claims negotiations failed, and the angry Viscount Aguirre directly led his men over to ransack the other side’s farm, taking out a few unlucky ones in the process.

Nothing surprising, in the weak and strong colonies, a similar bridge has long been commonplace.

These days the colonists are all outlaws, a word on the start is the basic operation; Shen Luo’s fiefdom nobles are also tantrums, are killed on the battlefield, who egregious who is a grandson.

Especially the two sides also have interest disputes, that is even more intolerable. Since we can’t talk about it, we will follow the colonial rule – force to solve it.

Originally this is nothing, in the colonial conflict to kill a person, in the colony has long been commonplace.

Only Viscount Aguirre’s bad luck, in the retreat, and heard the British army encounter, both sides broke out in a fierce battle.

With rich combat experience, Aguirre managed to kill a bloody road, but the identity was still exposed.

This kind of thing is never done secretly, as long as not caught evidence, who will not go to uncover the lid.

Now it was different, the British had established the identity of Viscount Aguirre, and this could not be tolerated.

Handing people over was naturally impossible, Shinra was the African hegemon, so naturally he didn’t care about the protests of the British.

I don’t know whether they ate dynamite or what, after fruitless communication, the British army chose a windy and sunny day to send troops to attack Viscount Aguirre’s territory.

According to the British, this was to capture the murderer. Obviously, this kind of argument naturally wouldn’t be bought by the Shinra side.

Viscount Aguirre is not alone, after the territory was attacked by the British army, the surrounding nobles immediately mobilized to send troops to help.

After defeating the incoming British troops, Viscount Aguirre, who felt humiliated, and the noble lords who came to his aid, decided to ask the British for a statement.

Then, everyone began to call for friends. After half a month a coalition army numbering more than ten thousand people was gathered and swept towards the Cape of Good Hope.

At this point, the incident had already far exceeded the boundaries of “armed conflict”, and it was obviously more appropriate to describe it as a war.

The private army of the aristocrats of Shenluo and the British colonial government were at war, and everyone knew that the matter had become serious, and both sides could not cover it up, so they could only let the country to solve the problem.

Can not cover up before reporting, naturally, not the South African Governor’s Office so slow to react, not to mention deliberately cover up, mainly due to the characteristics of the times.

Along with the advent of the colonial era, colonial conflicts have become commonplace. Take the Holy Roman Empire as an example, on average, there are more than three digits of disputes with neighbors every year.

The smallest dispute was a verbal tug-of-war, and the largest was a military confrontation.

In this context, if every conflict requires the central government to intervene, it is likely that the government of Vienna do not need to do anything, every day will be busy to give the aftermath of the incident.

In order to improve administrative efficiency, Franz could only redefine the colonial conflict according to the actual situation.

Any conflict that did not result in a fight was simply ignored, and the local government took care of it on its own, without reporting it to the authorities.

Incidents where an armed conflict had broken out, but the number of participants was less than less than a thousand and the number of casualties was less than a hundred, the results were directly reported.

If the government of Vienna needs to be personally involved, it must be a large-scale conflict, and the central government will only intervene if the local government is really unable to handle it.

It was precisely because of these restrictions that the conflict had been delayed until now.


Prime Minister Chandler: “The above is the general course of events, from the overall analysis of the incident, Viscount Aguirre’s over-aggressive behavior is the main reason for the outbreak of this conflict.

However, this is also the cause of the incident, Viscount Aguirre is only to protect the sanctity of private property, although the means is a little bit too aggressive, but it is understandable to deal with robbers.

If the British army did not cross the border without authorization, intensifying the conflict, there would not have been the outbreak of large-scale military conflict.

The government believes that the British need to pay the main responsibility for this conflict incident. The counterattack of the Noble Union Army is only defending the sovereign security of the country.”

It was obvious that Chandler was avoiding the issue and pushing four, five, six. But politics has never been about pros and cons, regardless of black and white.

Not to mention the fact that the Noble Allied Forces had only just retaliated now, even if they had already taken the Cape of Good Hope, the Vienna government would still have to dump the pot on the British.

The responsibility for the war was all on the British, and there was naturally no need to pursue it within Shinra. What’s more, defining it as a war now is not accurate.

From beginning to end, the Vienna government had not been involved, it was just an ordinary civil conflict, so what was the point of talking about a war?
Although the scale of the conflict was a little larger, but the conflict is always just a conflict, and war is two concepts.

Turning over the history of the Holy Roman Empire, we know that in the past few hundred years, its vassals and foreign Pk a lot of times to go, but involved the central government is very few.

Not only the Holy Roman Empire, all European countries have a similar history. The nobility’s private encounters are not equal to wars between countries, but can only be regarded as civil “friendly matches”.

There are only 10,000 people involved in the conflict now, believe it or not, in a few months, the number of participants can be ten times more?
I can see that Prime Minister Chandler has made up his mind, as long as I do not recognize this as a war, then it is a civil armed conflict.

As for the British government’s opinion, it can retaliate on its own. If you’re really angry, you can declare war, and the Vienna government will take it all.

In a sense, this is also the British own pot. Have to retain a few tens of thousands of square kilometers in South Africa to seduce people, if only left a port city, the aristocrats are definitely not so great enthusiasm.

After all, according to the state of the Holy Roman Empire, important ports and big cities were returned to the central government, while other areas were the domain of the partition.

Although it can’t be said that whoever fights down the land belongs to whom, but taking away the most fat piece of cake is still a must.

War is a gold swallowing beast, if there is not enough benefit stimulation, even if all the neighboring relatives, it is impossible to have such a high efficiency.

It was already being coveted, and now there is a ready-made excuse to send the door, there is no reason not to move?
The cause of the incident?

Noble Allied Forces: “Sorry, we only saw the British invasion. The troops were sent out to defend our country, and now we are just chasing the incoming enemy.

All that is required is for the British South African government, to hand over all the participants, and to hold those responsible accountable and compensate for the damages.

As for what happened in front of us, unfortunately that is only the colonial government’s side of the story, and with the modesty of your government, we have every reason to disbelieve it.”

In short, an uninformed, all the responsibility was none of their business. Not just no responsibility, but instead, they were heroes who fought against the invaders to protect their country.

At least from the standpoint of the Vienna government, it had to be defined that way. No matter that the British had a thousand reasons, ten thousand causes and effects, the unauthorized entry of British troops was the original sin.

At this point in time, it is obviously impossible to stop. The front lines are all fighting, and even now it is too late to call a halt.

Moreover, with the current international situation, the whole world knows that there will be a battle between Shinra and Britain in the near future.

There was no essential difference between doing it a few months earlier or a few months later.

At this point, pulling the cause and effect in addition to the war of words, has no practical significance. In any case, it is all about dumping the blame on each other, and in the end, the loser will bear all the responsibility.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Minister of War Fislav said with righteous indignation, “Your Majesty, the British army dares to enter the country without authorization, it is clear that they do not take the empire in their eyes, we must give them a head-on blow.”

Although the war against Britain, the main actor is no longer the army, but the main force of the colonies is still the army ah!

Don’t look at the recent years the navy and air force are developing well, but in the big colonial movement, they are all the little brother of the soy sauce.

If you look at all the wars in the past few decades, you can see that all of them were fought by the army. Against this background, it is natural that most of the aristocrats under the system of military honors and titles come from the army.

Even if they were reduced to a supporting role this time, when it came to grabbing territory, the main force was still the Army.

War this thing who can’t say, in case the sea battle is lost, in the end still by the army to turn the tide.

Even though it wasn’t said, it could be seen from the actual actions, the army didn’t think that the Shen Luo Navy could win.

In order to cope with the adverse effects of the Navy’s loss, the Ministry of War even formulated a “plan to save the sky”.

The content is very simple and rough, the main force from the Middle East through Persia all the way to kill India, the partial division from Malaysia through the Central and South Peninsula side attack India.

Summarized is: take India, will be the dust of Britain.

As for the turf battles on the African continent, that can only be considered a daily spice, far from being a main course.

The plan has been formulated, want to implement the prerequisite is naturally: Shen Luo with Britain to start a war.

No matter whether the Vienna government is now focusing on the development of the navy, as long as the outbreak of war, the pursuit of the goal is only – victory.

As long as the army can take India, that is the first war hero, the navy and air force can only obediently follow as a little brother.

On the army’s plan, the Vienna government is naturally clear. Although we can not talk about full support, but to be able to more of a choice, or no one can refuse, the resources invested are still not a few.

The main thing is that people do not have enough confidence in the Navy, and too much confidence in the Army.

Although the army’s plan, to face the same huge dilemma; but everyone believes that as long as the willingness to invest, always be able to fight through.

Air Force Minister Conrad concurred, “The Marshal is right, we must give the enemy a headache. The British’s time is over, now it’s our turn to perform.”

As much as the Army wanted war, the Air Force wanted it even more. As the youngest branch of the military, the Shinra Air Force faced the same dilemma as the Navy – a lack of war performance.

The military was a place where the strong were revered, and the only way to prove one’s strength was to perform on the battlefield.

In comparison, the Air Force still had a bit more backbone. Although it was born late and participated in few wars, the enemies it faced were even more rookies.

Shen Luo air force at least have the experience of bombing and hitting airships, opposite the British air force is the naked pink newcomer.

What’s more, Shen Luo’s aviation industry started earlier, and its own industrial strength is much stronger than the British, which is reflected in the military is the performance of warplanes is much better.

With so many advantages, as long as they don’t kill themselves, there is absolutely no reason for the air force to lose.

In contrast, the Navy was much more miserable. Despite the focus on government resources, the Royal Navy is still being pushed down by the Royal Navy.

The Army and Air Force were both number one in the world, possessing the strength to stand above the rest, but the Navy could only rank second.

Before the newly built dozen or so main ships were commissioned, the Navy simply did not have the strength to challenge the Royal Navy.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one, the situation has come to this point, and it is impossible to wait for the navy to be ready to go to war, at least the opposite side of the British are not willing to wait.

Losing is not losing, see colleagues are clamoring for war, naval minister Castagni can only be hard: “The navy has been prepared, once the war breaks out we will use the tactics of breaking the cross, attacking the enemy’s maritime trade lines.

When the new warships are commissioned, we will go out to sea to fight the British and break the Royal Navy’s maritime hegemony.”

There was no way around it, and it was a last-minute letdown. Originally, Castagni wanted to shout a few loud slogans, but seeing the scrutinizing eyes of the crowd, he chose to tell the truth.

Fortunately, Castagni had stopped in time, if he had clamored for a duel with the Royal Navy right away, it was estimated that everyone would have been completely heartbroken.

People have self-awareness, and the army is no exception. Can not beat the enemy is not terrible, the most terrible thing is no self-knowledge.

Especially for the top level of the government, a single decision could affect the fate of the country for decades to come, and accurate self-knowledge is of the utmost importance.


Scanning the crowd, Franz said calmly, “The navy and air force immediately activate the first level of strategic mobilization, the army activates the second level of tactical mobilization, and all government departments do a good job of coordinating and cooperating with each other.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a protest to the British government, condemning the shameless behavior of the British army’s illegal entry to attack civilians, and ordering the British government to hand over the murderer; the Ministry of Propaganda immediately launched a public opinion offensive, dumping all the responsibility on the British.

The foreign departments initiated the evacuation of all organizations in the territory of Britain and its allies, with the exception of the intelligence services, with the aim of evacuating all of them within two months.

Evacuation operations, launched in tandem with the British, can be packed off to neutral countries if necessary.

Customs, citing international tensions, strengthened auditing of the export of strategic goods to ensure, as far as possible, that goods do not flow to the British Isles.

Domestic economy shifted to wartime, the focus of resources tended to warships, aircraft manufacturing, the General Staff as soon as possible to determine the combat program.

Ordered the local colonial governments to activate the comprehensive wartime system, and to give up part of their territories if necessary.


(End of chapter)

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