Chapter 1108: Just Judgment

  Chapter 1087 A Fair Sentence
The wheel of history rolled forward, not changing by the will of individuals. The man behind the curtain never showed up, and the Japanese government could only swallow the bitter fruit by itself.

In a sense, whether or not there was a mastermind behind the scenes, the end result was the same. In short, the escalation of the Japanese-Russian conflict is inevitable.

No war broke out, that is Japan and Russia are not ready for war. Now both governments are tacitly stalling for time, and whoever completes the preparation for war first will do it first.

Perhaps to relieve the pressure on behalf of the Japanese government, or perhaps it was a mere coincidence, after Christmas 1903, the London government issued a proclamation announcing: withdrawal from the free trade system.

There was no surprise, the secret negotiations between Shinra and Britain ended in failure last week.

Even Franz’s proposal for another alliance between the two countries for joint world hegemony was rejected by the British.

Thinking about it, if they continue to maintain the free trade system and jointly rule the world with Shinra, it is estimated that in less than ten years, Britain will have to go home and collect their clothes.

As a vested interest, the British will not be willing to let go of the fight, not to mention that they still have the Royal Navy.

Although the Royal Navy’s advantage, is no longer obvious, but the advantage is always an advantage.

Along with the collapse of the free trade system, the struggle for hegemony between Shinra and Britannia no longer had the possibility of de-escalation.

While keeping a close eye on the situation in the Far East, Franz also began to prepare for the next battle for supremacy.

Frankly speaking, Franz did not want to seize the hegemony by war, but unfortunately, the reality was cruel, and from the time the British refused to compromise, the chariot of the Holy Roman Empire was activated.

As the driver of this chariot, Franz could put on the brakes, but there was no way to stop the chariot from never moving forward.

“Frederick took note of all the countries to convene a world free trade and economic summit in Vienna next month to agitate for all countries to come together to sanction the British.

If necessary, you can inflate the price of monopoly exports to Britain, so that the British market will experience a shortage of goods in a short period of time, and detonate the economic crisis in advance.

The relevant enterprises should be notified in advance so that they can be prepared to reduce production and minimize our losses as far as possible. For enterprises with heavy losses, the government will subsidize them accordingly as appropriate.”

Monopoly products are self-explanatory, except for food which is petrochemical products. As for machinery and equipment, although the performance of the products produced by the British was not great, they were still able to build them after all.

Even if it is food and petrochemical products, Shen Luo’s monopoly is not complete, as long as there is time the British can still look for replacements.

Unfortunately, what the British lack is precisely time. Before the Congress has not yet passed, the British government, even if it wants to stockpile the relevant materials in advance, do not have that power.

The government did not stockpile in advance, and private enterprises were equally unprepared. According to the practice of Britain, a policy may be involved for decades, we simply can not imagine that the results will be so soon.

Unlike the Shinra economic system, where the government can intervene in the market at any time, the London government has no right to dictate to domestic enterprises, much less order them to stockpile raw materials in advance.

Once the price of raw materials in the international market rises, the relevant enterprises are bound to be impacted, along with the downstream consumption will also be greatly affected.

The implementation of trade barriers is not what Franz wants. This is a lose-lose fight, the British are certainly not good God Luo will also lose a lot of money.

Whether it is to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, or to kill eight hundred enemies and lose a thousand, no one can give an answer before it happens.

The only certainty is that a new round of economic crisis will break out with the collapse of the free trade system, and all export-oriented enterprises will be hit hard.

In a sense, the outbreak of the economic crisis is the countdown to war. With the two world wars in the original time and space as a template, Franz is far more far-sighted than ordinary people.

Delaying the outbreak of war is not impossible, but Franz can’t wait.

Seeing that he is 74 years old, physical and mental qualities have been greatly reduced, and then do not start the war, I do not think I will be able to lead the war.

When the British were dealt with, there were still a great many things that needed to be done at home. A large part of these matters can only be handled by Franz himself.

In order to draw a successful conclusion to his own imperial career, Franz must give has set aside enough time, in the energy can still support before completing all this.

The economic crisis was the beginning of the war, but it was the economy, not the army, that was at war first.

Frederick said, “Father, isn’t it too soon? The country is not ready for this, and if we start an economic crisis now, we will lose a lot of money too.”

As the Regent Crown Prince, Frederick had long been aware of the economic situation in Shenluo.

Since the news of Britannia’s withdrawal from the free trade system was rumored, the far-sighted enterprises in the country were preparing to store food for the winter.

Not everyone’s high ideological awareness, mainly state-owned enterprises and the royal consortium opened a good head, many other capitalists are passive to follow the trend.

Specifically, in 1903, the major domestic enterprises in Shenluo all coincidentally suspended capacity expansion, reduced the inventory of goods, and increased cash flow reserves.

Just these are still not enough, just one year, even if everyone is prepared, but still can not guarantee that can get through the next winter.

Bitter free trade system for a long time the country is not just a Britain, with the British opened the head, the back of the followers is definitely not a few.

It is far easier to destroy than to build. The reality is very obvious, do not want to re-establish the free trade system until the defeat of Britain.

The duration of this market winter will be at least several years, and may even continue for more than ten years.

Franz shook his head, “It can’t wait. If we don’t lose everything with the British, how will the Russians dare to fight the Japanese to the bottom?

The Siberian Railroad has not yet been opened, and Russia’s military power in the Far East is no match for the Japanese.

The Tsar’s government has launched an eastward strategy, but the interests of the Far East are still dispensable to the Russian Empire.

Once the front line suffered a defeat, who can guarantee that the Russians will not cut their losses and abandon the Far East?
It would be fine if the Tsarist government continued to move southward after abandoning the Far East, but we are afraid that the Russians will shrink back and watch us play with the British.

If we don’t pull out this nail in advance, are you assured of a duel with the British?”

“Trust” was a hard issue, even though the Russian-Austrian alliance had lasted for decades, Franz still did not trust the Russians.

There was no betrayal, just not enough leverage. For his own safety, it was better to let the hairy bear get sick first.


Politics never pulls one hair to affect the whole body. Along with the collapse of the free trade system, Britannia and Shinra were officially at loggerheads.

As a result of this, the ministerial group investigating the Russian Embassy case also split, making the situation in the Far East even more confusing.

But this is all the big people need to consider, from the ordinary people’s life is still far away. It is the people of Tokyo who are really “in” the situation, which is becoming more and more tense.

Not to mention marching in the street, even friends and family gatherings will attract the presence of the military police, so that everyone has to be careful in chatting.

There is no way, the International Court of Justice trial has already begun, the Japanese government really do not want to make trouble.

No matter how much the civil society pushed, in the eyes of the Japanese government, those who stormed the Russian Embassy were thugs.

There is no ruler that likes unruly people. Even if the starting point is good, the result is tragic!

If we don’t make an example of them and deter those who come after us, who knows if similar scenes will continue to be staged in the future?
If we let the radicals’ temperament come, today we can destroy the Russian embassy, tomorrow we will destroy the Shinra embassy, the day after tomorrow we will destroy the British embassy ……

If the radicals were to go on with their death-defying behavior, they would have buried the foundation of Japan at some point.


Since the beginning of the split in the legation, Lorelei, the presiding judge from Switzerland, has seen a steep increase in pressure.

On the one hand, to maintain the sanctity of justice, on the other hand, to be subjected to the mission within the finger pointing, make him is bitter.

The biggest problem with this international trial is that there is no uniformity in sentencing standards and no international precedent to follow.

Russia and Austria demanded to be dealt with severely, while Britain and Japan hoped to be lenient. Of course, this controversy is limited to ordinary people involved in the case, important criminals still want to click.

“Kazuo Tanaka, founder and president of the Iron Blood Revenge Society, has planned many anti-Russian marches and assassinations, one of the main planners of the Russian Embassy case ……”

Not waiting for the investigation mission representative to finish his accusation, Tanaka Ichio roared, “Objection, clearly I was the one who planned the Russian Embassy case, how can I be one of the planners?

What are you trying to do? Are you playing with the whole family? Put the world justice in what, put the law in what …….”

The scene in front of them directly caused many people to be dumbfounded, especially Tanaka Kazuo’s defense lawyer, the whole person was in a state of confusion.

This is completely different from what was communicated beforehand, the client took all the charges on himself, where did he, the defense lawyer, put him?

As the presiding judge, Lorelei was equally dumbfounded, in the past twenty years of his trial career, he had never seen such a criminal.

Fortunately, the bailiff in charge of the custody reacted and timely stepped in to stop Kazuo Tanaka, ending the farce.

Just after this farce, the rest of the trial became child’s play. Although Lorelei wanted to go through the judicial process, unfortunately the other judges didn’t buy it.

Just because it’s an “international court” doesn’t mean it’s necessarily professional. Except for Lorelei, the presiding judge, who was a judicial professional, most of the others were temporarily assigned by ministers of various countries.

There was no uniform international law these days, let alone any uniform judicial procedures. The absence of rules and regulations means that they are operable.

In most people’s opinion, as long as the facts of the crime are established, then let’s hurry up and pass sentence, there are still a lot of people waiting behind us.
Without any surprise, Tanaka Ichio, who voluntarily admitted to the facts of the crime, was directly sentenced to death.

Perhaps the Japanese government’s efforts were effective, or perhaps the international tribunal finally decided to comply with Tanaka’s request to commit harakiri because of Tanaka’s voluntary admission of guilt.

Once the farce began, it will not end so quickly. Tanaka Ichio is just the beginning, and all those who are doomed to die when the evidence is conclusive have taken the initiative to assume responsibility, and the only requirement is to commit harakiri.

The Japanese present are even more furious, every felon requesting harakiri, will break out bursts of applause, as if to greet the heroes in general, making Lorelei directly doubt life.

Not only is he skeptical, watching the trial of the ministers of various countries, the same was in front of this scene, the impact to the three views.

At least to struggle ah, one by one to make a heroic appearance, make the legion of ministers as if it is the villain.

Well, this year’s legation is indeed not what good goods, in the vast majority of the time, all play the role of the antagonist.

However, this time was clearly an exception, in addition to disposing of the real culprits, the Ministerial Corps didn’t take advantage of the fire.

It’s not that they didn’t want to, but mainly because they were spoiled by the shit-stirrers. Britain and Austria towards confrontation, the legation early split, robbing naturally can not go on.

Fortunately, those who are not afraid of death are only a few, along with the end of the felon’s trial, the people in the back of the room gradually normalized, and the defense attorneys were finally no longer spectators.

This wave of warriors in the front was actually forced out. As the main person responsible for the Russian Embassy case, it is difficult to escape from any more defense, so it is simply heroic.

The same cannot be said of the accomplices at the back, most of whom were only involved in the march that day, and some more were completely caught in the crossfire.

Since they were not the organizers and did not storm the Russian Embassy, they were not responsible for the deaths of the Russian Embassy staff.

Although the International Court of Justice was violating Japan’s sovereignty, the most basic justice was still required, and naturally, it could not click off all the people in one fell swoop.

As much as the Russian delegates would have liked to do so, unfortunately, the Tsarist government did not have enough influence in the legation to cause everyone to lay down their modesty.

Because the people involved in the case is too much, there are more than 5,000 people to be tried, in addition to the beginning of the felons are tried one by one, later simply a group of a group to come.


“Thirty-three people, including Jiro Yamagata, Ichiro Tanabe, Wang De Cheng, Li Yi Xiang, and Watanabe ……, organized and participated in the November 27, 1903 march, which resulted in traffic congestion and a serious disruption of the social order, leading to …… ”

Without realizing it, the picture has changed. The original charge of the Russian Embassy case became a crime against social order.

If it is not the International Court of Justice behind the legation is not to be messed with, it is estimated that the Japanese government will have to open scolding, endangering social order are to be managed, this is not robbing the job?

Of course, this is impossible. A little bit of political common sense know, endangering the social order of this crime can be big or small, the investigation mission to prosecute the crime, obviously is ready to let these people off the hook.

Relationships exist everywhere. International students can find a way, as the local snake of the Japanese students, naturally will not lack of relations.

Evidence of felons, naturally, can not be fished out, but not directly involved in the main, as long as the back of the relationship in place, or to get people out.

Of course, acquittal is impossible, the investigation team is also to face. Casually give a trivial charge, a symbolic punishment, or to have.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the trial and jury, these clients of mine were just participating in an ordinary parade, and we all don’t want to see an accident in the middle of it.

We have reached a compensation agreement with the victims, and both the victims and the Tokyo government have agreed not to file a lawsuit ……”

Keeping one’s eyes open is a skill. As a defense attorney, there is naturally no lack of ability in this area.

As a judge, Lorelei hated connections, which meant that justice was being challenged.

Now, for example, people did not influence the verdict, but directly changed the indictment charge.

The case involving the Russian Embassy, casually sentenced to three to five years, ten to eight years can be, but just disturbing the social order, the victims and the Tokyo government have given up the prosecution, he, the presiding judge is also helpless ah!

After conferring with the other judges, it was unanimously decided to deal with the situation and impose a symbolic punishment.

After all, if you and I are good, then that’s really good.

In a daze, thirty-three people, including Wang De Cheng, were released from prison with the punishment of two years of compulsory community labor.

As for how to implement, in what place to carry out the implementation, these small problems, naturally, no one will not be in-depth investigation.

Wang DeCheng, who escaped from his cousin, after understanding the cause and effect, the whole person is not good.

After participating in a parade, not only did he spend two months in prison, but he also dragged his family into owing a whole lot of favors.

To be able to stand out from the many Wang’s children to study abroad, he has a few kilograms of Wang De Cheng is still clear.

To their own face, at most can make a few good friends of the students to run for it, these are simply not enough to make their own whole body to retreat.

Although he is not the only one who is affected by the disaster, but to facilitate the arms deal with the God Luo, his family must also have made great efforts.

These are the political resources needed to exchange, as for when to pay the debt, that depends on when people need.

Seemingly seeing his cousin’s worries, Wang Deran comforted, “You don’t have to worry too much, the elders in the family know more than we do.

Although the family owes a lot of favors this time, but the blessing of a blessing is not a blessing. Don’t forget that by taking this opportunity, we have likewise expanded our connections quite a bit.”

There was nothing wrong with it, that’s how connections were originally established. Today you help me, tomorrow I’ll help you, after helping each other out a few times, everyone becomes worldly friends.

To his cousin’s consolation, Wang De Cheng only nodded reluctantly. Although the relationships were established this way, as the person involved, he was definitely not the one to take credit for it.

In Japan, it was just a matter of time, but once he returned to China, it was time to settle the score with him.

With his understanding of his strict father, even though he would not beat him to death, it was still very possible to beat him half to death.

Feudal big family, the education of the children is very strict. Being dragged by a Japanese friend to participate in the parade, causing such a big mess, itself is a big taboo, not severely punished how to warn future generations.

Even not only their own bad luck, even the cousin will also be punished. Only cousin lucky, did not go to jail, can still find a way to cover up a couple.

(End of chapter)

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