Chapter 1104: The Human Condition

  Chapter 1083: The World of Humanity
Similar skirmishes were still being played out between the investigation mission and various Japanese departments. Only most of the time, it ended with Japanese government officials conceding defeat.

Including Senior Colonel Saito was no exception, even though there were ten thousand reluctance in his heart, in the end, he still had to obediently hand over the person.

There is no way, in order to end the case of the Russian Embassy as soon as possible, send off the group of the plague of the Ministerial Corps, the Japanese government simply do not have a choice.


“What? Tokusei has been arrested, didn’t I tell you guys to stay out of the way?”

Li Boan exclaimed.

In the daytime, he was still spreading common sense to his friends from China, warning them not to get involved in things, and then at night, he received the terrible news that his co-tenant friend had been arrested.

Because they couldn’t wipe out their feelings, the two of them went out to participate in the parade during the day, and when they returned home in the evening, there was only one person left.

“Buran, it’s really not our fault. Participating in today’s parade, we were just pulled over to make up the numbers, no matter shouting slogans or playing banners, we were mixed in the middle of the crowd.

Under normal circumstances, the police would only arrest the planners, and the ones in front of us who led the leader. Even if there is an accident, we will be able to escape.

It’s just that today was different. The Japanese government deployed the army. The scene was so chaotic that I don’t know exactly what happened, but anyway, the parade and the army clashed violently, and in the end, shots were fired.

After the scene got out of control, the Japanese military police went around taking people like crazy. De Cheng was mistaken for a member of the Iron Blood Revenge Society because he was too close to Mitsui Taro ……”

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, as if he was ashamed of his proclivity to run away during the day. The focus of the crowd’s concern, though, was clearly not here.

It’s not like they were on the battlefield, of course the military and police took people to run away. Really if you stay and share the pain, that is really stupid.

After a moment of silence, Li Bo’an slowly said, “Okay, De Ran. This is not your fault. No one wants to see De Cheng’s accident, but things have already happened, now let’s find a way to fish for people!”

“Fishing for people” was never a skilled job. Especially fishing people out of the Japanese army, it was even more troublesome.

These days, those who are able to go out to study abroad are either rich or noble. Not to mention the common people, even the gentry’s family could not afford to support a foreign student.

There is no way, even to go to Japan, which is the least expensive place to study, it costs thousands of taels of silver. At home, this money could buy a hundred acres of good land.

If one studied in Europe, it would be even more expensive. No matter how frugal, several thousand taels of silver are going to be spent. If the grades are not good and you need to pay for sponsorship, then it will be even more of an astronomical figure.

This is the main reason why international students work part-time from time to time. The money given by the family is not enough, and if you don’t go to work to earn money, there is no way to complete your studies successfully.

Unfortunately, everyone’s connections are at home, and now that they are far away in a foreign country, the network behind them can’t play a role at all.

Wang Deran nodded and said with slight hesitation, “On the way back, a Japanese friend told me not to act rashly now.

They will find a way to fish for people, so let’s not act rashly, lest we get into trouble.”

“Stirring up trouble” is definitely a major taboo for the people of China. Especially when overseas, everyone practiced sweeping the snow in front of their own door.

If it were not for the arrest of a close friend, it is expected that everyone would just be a little bit sad, and at most help out a little bit when they can.

Li Boan shook his head helplessly: ”I’m afraid the Japanese can’t be counted on, there are so many people who have been arrested and imprisoned recently, and there are many dignitaries among them.

So many handfuls of characters have not been able to get anyone out. Obviously, this is no longer a matter for the Japanese themselves to say now.

If I’m not mistaken, the disposition of all the problems suspected in the Russian Embassy case is now in the hands of the legation.

The Japanese can’t even find a scapegoat now, so how could they exonerate De Cheng!”

It is not that Li Bo’an is pessimistic, it is really that he understands too much and sees the world too thoroughly.

In the face of the international community’s push, the Japanese government have chosen to concede. Against this background, going against the tide would have been the way to take death.

As a bystander, from the very beginning he was not optimistic about the demonstration organized by his Japanese classmates. If marches worked, wouldn’t the Great Powers have to go home and eat noodles?

Besides, this time the Japanese government was at a disadvantage. The Japanese government could not be blamed for the failure of the police in the embassy area to prevent the tragedy.

If it were the Japanese government during World War II, it might have dared to stand up to the international community. Unfortunately, this is the pre-Russian-Japanese war Japan, facing the great powers of the army pressure, not from the heart will have to be beaten.

Don’t think that the face of European countries is not important because they “emphasize real profit over vanity”. For the sake of face, it is not worth the effort, but the navy can still do a good job.

“Why don’t we seek help from the imperial court, Lord Liu is also a member of the legation now, he should be able to say something.”

The one who spoke was a fellow student from Japan who had rushed over on hearing the news. The circle of foreign students itself is not big, and we need to take care of each other when we go out, so those who were on good terms in the past have basically rushed over now.

“Wuhen, don’t even dream about it. Expecting the imperial court to step in is better than expecting the Japanese army to release them.

Everyone has been in Japan for more than a day or two, when have we seen that Lord Liu help us out?
Seeking help from the imperial court won’t do anything at all except waste money for nothing, and it might even affect our development when we return home.”

The young man’s words resonated with the crowd. Almost all of the students who stayed in Japan did not have good feelings towards that corrupt court in the country.

In a sense, the Far Eastern Empire’s ministers abroad were also just backstabbers. With a government that was more trouble than it was worth, how did that make diplomats perform?
It didn’t matter if it was a big deal or a small deal or if it was justified or not, but whenever people protested, the domestic government went soft.

If you argue with them, not only will it not work, but it will affect your career. In the long run, the foreign ministers naturally followed the negative work.

As a matter of fact, the people in the room were already considered to be relatively stable. If they were on the radical side, they would be clamoring for the overthrow of the court at this time.

Of course, the “stability” was only temporary. Along with the spread of revolutionary ideas, sooner or later, “rebellion” would become the mainstream idea among the foreign students.

“The court has its own difficulties, and it is now rumored that international forces are involved in planning the Russian Embassy case in order to provoke a Russo-Japanese war.

Against this background, the court venturing to get involved is likely to arouse the suspicion of various countries. It is impossible for Lord Liu to act rashly.

Judging from the current situation, we can only turn to the Chinese Embassy for help. There are a lot of people engaged in overseas trade over there, and they have a wide range of connections, so they should be able to speak up.”

Instead of turning to the government, they sought help from a private organization. It had to be said that this was also an irony.

However, this was the reality. Not all overseas businessmen are so warm-hearted that they will do any favor.

The main thing is that the foreign students are valuable to them, or the connections behind the foreign students are valuable to them.

Those who traded in East Asia could not avoid the Far Eastern Empire. Having the help of a local snake was definitely much better than not having it.

Even if they couldn’t be used for a short period of time, these favors wouldn’t be wasted. Most of the foreign students these days were the elites of the times.

When they were overseas, they were inconspicuous, but once they returned to their home countries, they would immediately double in value. It wasn’t to say that every foreign student would be able to rise to the top, but most of them would do very well.

Chinese society is a society of favors, and people are happy to sell favors when they can.

Li Bo’an: “Brother Yao Yang’s proposal is good, right now asking for help from the Chinese Association is indeed the best way.

There are many compatriots over there who have gotten foreign citizenship and have contacts with various embassies. Finding them to help is much better than working on our own.

It’s best if we put together a sum of money and send it to the Chinese Embassy for them to help us out. It’s best if we can fish De Cheng out directly, and even if we can’t then let someone take care of it.”

Overseas trade these days, in addition to spelling guts, more or more is still spelling connections.

There is no country to support the foreign businessmen, can be mixed in the overseas nourishing, naturally will not lack of contacts.

With the help of contacts is a big favor, and then let people pay, that is not acceptable. Even if you send it over, it is possible that others will not accept it, then it must be sent.

All present are elites, although not very old, but people are still very skillful in the world, naturally no one will refuse.

No matter how much money or how little money, all have to mean a little, spread the word that is for friends “righteousness”.

With this reputation, in the future to socialize, are much easier. After all, we all like enough righteous friends.

There is nothing to condemn, tend to be powerful is the nature of human nature. After receiving the news, everyone was willing to come over to help, that was all human kindness.

Seeing that everyone was generous, Li Bo’an laughed: “Just having money won’t do it, and it’s also a pain in the ass for China Club to find people to help.

At this point in time, everyone should not hide. If you guys don’t mobilize your connections, I can’t send out this money.”

Smart people could see that this was Li Boan’s true purpose. Whether it was discussing countermeasures or making donations, it was all laying the groundwork for the back.


The Eastern Emperor of the Warring States, recommended by a reader.

The main foot traveled to the middle of the Warring States period, and as soon as he opened his eyes, it was Le Yi who led the allied army of five countries to defeat the main force of the Qi army, and was leading the Yan army to kill the capital of Qi, Linzi.

At this moment, Qi Linzi soldiers but thousands, and on the tyrant, there are treacherous ministers, under the chaotic people, the country in chaos.

The main foot to save the survival, do everything possible to fight against Le Yi, fighting wisdom and courage, to avoid Qi repeat history, a collapse.

(End of chapter)

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