Chapter 1103: The Japanese Traitor Is Struggling

  Chapter 1082 – The Japanese Traitor is Struggling

The real situation was far more serious than what ordinary people could see. In order to ensure a smooth agreement, the Meiji government even ordered the transfer of the Army.

Yamagata Aritomo’s plan for the defense of the homeland was aborted one step ahead of schedule before it had a chance to begin implementation.

Knowing its own family, the Meiji government, as the high point of Japan’s millennium, was no idle man.

There were destabilizing factors in the country, and everyone was well aware of them. The traces of the Army’s involvement in the Russian Embassy case were so obvious that naturally they couldn’t be allowed to stay in Tokyo to add to the chaos.

The excuses were all ready-made: the breakdown of relations between Japan and Russia, border tensions, and the need to transfer troops to reinforce the situation.

Anyone can kidnap for the greater good, and the way politicians play with it is far beyond what the Army radicals’ gang of infantile teenagers can compete with.

“How dare you call yourself a patriot when you don’t even go as a soldier to defend your country?”

It was now the Meiji government, and Japan as a whole had not yet gone mad, and naturally the Army was not as crazy as it had been in the Showa era.

Military orders are like a mountain, no matter how much civil unrest, the Army can only pack their bags and go to the front.

The more influential the radicals were, the sooner they were put on board. On the contrary, it was the “steady” troops like the 4th Division that were saved for the end.

Don’t look at the later generations about the fourth division a lot of paragraphs, but when it comes to the critical moment, or this unit is reliable.

During the Southwest War, the 4th Division was awarded by the Emperor Meiji himself for its outstanding performance, and was the only unit in the Japanese Army to receive this honor.

The reason why the fourth division was favored by the Japanese government, not only their combat strength, the most important thing is that they are enough “peace”.

Perhaps due to cultural traditions, this unit from Osaka was different from other Japanese armies from the very beginning of its existence.

The Japanese Army was heavily influenced by Bushido and military ****ism, and most of the commanders emphasized the spirit of death for their soldiers.

Typical representative example is “Nogi Hiden”, with his original space and time in the Russo-Japanese War performance, put in other countries, are to be court-martialed existence, but is worshiped as a “military god”.

In this social context, do not like to blindly fight for their lives, love to use their brains when fighting the fourth division, it seems very different.

Originally, the alternative is discriminated against, if this alternative troops, but also doubly favored by the upper echelon, it is even more intolerable.

It was inevitable that there would be a few more nicknames such as “Traders Division” and “Wimpy Division”.

These were all minor issues, but the 4th Division was left in charge of the aftermath, along with the Marines, Military Police, and Police, to maintain stability in the country, and to supervise the boarding of friendly forces.

Obviously, this was not a good job. But there was no way around it. Only the 4th Division, which was a different kind of army, could do such a “hard job” that offended people.

Radicalization in the army was so rampant that, with the exception of the relatively rational 4th Division, all the other units were more fanatical than one another.

Couldn’t leave that task to the Marines, could we?

Really, if the Navy were to oversee it, I guess the Army would have to have a nervous breakdown up and down the line, and insults don’t even play well with that.


Walking on the street, Saito Daisuke could clearly feel the strange gaze, the feeling was very unpleasant, as if they had done something unforgivable.

A young officer came forward and reported, “Your Excellency Osamu, these are the troublemakers that were just apprehended.”

Scanning over the unlucky ones who had been captured, Saito frowned. Without any exceptions, most of those captured were students.

Each and every one of them held their heads high and strutted as if they had done something remarkable, as if they were not to be looked at as if they were fighting cocks that had just won a big victory.

One didn’t need to think about it to know that it was another group of middle-aged teenagers who had been fooled into stupidity.

Normal people were caught, even if they are not anxious to call out the wrongdoing, it is also as chilly as a cicada, trying to find ways to get rid of the crime for themselves, which has what arrogance.

“Well done, Uemura-kun. Take them down to the good guardians, and leave the rest to the government!”

Similar situations had been seen far too often recently, and Osamu Saito had already lost interest in theorizing with them.

There was no way around it, trying to convince a bunch of middle-aged teenagers who hadn’t been beaten up by society was just too difficult.

In a sense, the civil fervor was also a bitter fruit sown by the Japanese government itself. The tradition of subjugation is not innate either.

The root cause of all this is still the aftermath of Westernization. Blindly learning from the various systems of the West, the good, the bad, the suitable and the unsuitable were all copied in one go.

The idea of “leaving Asia and joining Europe” was not just a slogan, but was put into practice. The Japanese Army was the most enthusiastic because it was the first to follow the example of France in the formation of the new army.

Unlike the French, the Japanese, who had not been baptized by the storm of ideas, were inevitably led astray.

It is human nature to want to take shortcuts, and countries are made up of people who inevitably have to be influenced as well.

Under the guiding principle of “learning from the most advanced”, the Japanese Army came into contact with the “military ****ist ideology” in Paris, which was able to improve the combat effectiveness of the army in a short period of time, and then found a realistic template in Prussia.

There was no need to say, it was copied. Perhaps thinking that mere “military ****ism” was not enough, the Japanese Army modernized itself by adding the distinctive spirit of Bushido.

The 4th Division was less affected because most of its soldiers came from Osaka, where there was a strong commercial atmosphere, and had a broader perspective.

The same reasoning applied to the navy. Knowing more makes one less one-sided when looking at things.

As in the case of the intervention of the legation, the radicals in the army even shouted the slogan of “fight at all costs”, while the more knowledgeable and prudent ones wanted to end it quickly.

It is clear that Colonel Saito was relatively conservative in his thinking, and he commented on the actions of the middle-aged boys as “ignorance is fearless”.

It’s easy to say that “we will not hesitate to fight”, but if it really comes to a fight, does Japan have the power to fight?

Not Saito presumptuous, is really the strength gap is too big. After personally participating in the Philippine War and seeing the combat power of French mercenaries, he deeply realized the gap between the Japanese army and the world’s top army.

The army could not compare, and the gap in the navy was even greater. Spain didn’t hire mercenaries for naval battles.

From the intelligence gathered, the Spanish Navy has long been rotten and corrupt, with old-fashioned tactics, low morale, and fear of death among officers and soldiers. ……

But this is the rotten Spanish Navy, hard to actual action, let Japan from all walks of life to recognize what is “a hundred years of Navy”.

There is no way, the British will not teach these things in the bottom of the box.

The details of the experience, only by time to slowly accumulate. If you have suffered and been fooled many times, you will naturally learn the lessons.

In the evening, the end of the day’s work, Saito Osamu, at the moment is writing, writing a day’s work summary.

It’s the same in both ancient and modern times, when you arrest someone, you have to write a report. Only when the causes and consequences are clearly explained can the judicial officers who will take over later proceed to deal with them.

“Ding bell, ding bell ……”

The phone on the desk rang, Saito Osamu helplessly put down his pen, adjusted his emotions for a few seconds, and politely replied, “This is Saito Junichiro, may I ask who you are?”

“This is the Joint Investigation Mission for the Russian Embassy case, and I am ordering your ministry to send all the apprehended personnel, all of them, to the East Gate tomorrow morning ……”

Compared to Osamu Saito’s politeness, the reply on the other end of the phone was much more arrogant. Not only did he not introduce himself as an identity, he didn’t even say one more word of politeness, and was completely in a tone of command.

There was no way, people under the roof had to bow their heads. These days, Europeans are superior wherever they go, coupled with the embassy case before being cheated by the Japanese government, itself has a bellyful of fire, and now naturally have a good attitude.

Not to mention mid-level officers like him, even the Japanese government’s top brass, in the investigation mission do not get the respect they deserve.

The other party’s tone is upsetting, Saito first sergeant but can not be angry, hastily explained: “Your Excellency, we arrested just ordinary mobbing criminals, and the Russian Embassy case has no relationship ……”

Regardless of whether there was a relationship or not, it had to be no relationship at all. Saito really do not have a problem with the middle-aged teenagers, but it does not mean that he can watch this group of “patriots” to die.

There is no way, ordinary people sent over, after the investigation, there is still a possibility of coming out, the middle-aged teenagers that is absolutely no return.

Ignorant people have no fear, a little fooled or stimulated, these people will dare to take responsibility.

Not everything is suitable for the big head. The Russian Embassy case has made such a big fuss, and now it doesn’t matter how many people are involved, as long as you dare to admit it, people will dare to kill.

Don’t look at these middle-aged teenagers who don’t seem to have much use right now, but these people are indeed the future of Japan. People grow up, and just because you’re middle-aged now doesn’t mean you’ll be middle-aged in the future.

In order to preserve these patriots, most of the suspects handed over by Osamu Saito during this recent period were gangsters.

In his opinion, these people, anyway, are all social worms, it is better to waste and utilize, take out for the legation to take out their anger.

Yes, in the view of many Japanese, the recent strong pressure of the mission is to “take a breath”, and in the process humiliate the Japanese Empire.

Tracing the murderer?

The Japanese government, as a local snake, can’t find out who the culprits are even with all its efforts, but the outsiders brought in by the Legation can do it?
If we can’t find the culprits, then we have to arrest the planners and participants of the demonstration that day.

“Senior Colonel Saito, please realize the seriousness of the problem. Whether or not there is a connection, whether or not it’s the murderer’s investigation team’s call, there’s no need for you to judge on your behalf.”

The brash voice not only doused Colonel Saito’s enthusiasm, but also revealed the identity of the speaker.

Seeing that communication had failed, Osamu Saito replied coldly, “Okada-kun, don’t forget your identity.

To work for the foreigners and brutalize your own compatriots is going to be retributed one day.”

This world never lacks two-fifths, and Japan is naturally no exception. The government was thinking of leaving Asia and entering Europe, and there were even more ordinary people who wanted to be foreigners.

If you just want to be a foreigner, that’s just a personal choice, naturally it’s not a big deal, far from being a second-fiddle.

The reason why it is annoying is that these people “put up their bowls for dinner, but put down their bowls for the night to screw their mothers”.

If the mission wants to investigate the Russian Embassy case, it is obvious that they alone are not enough, and it is time for the Japanese traitors who are familiar with the situation in Japan to come to the scene.

The opportunity to impress the master is rare, the Russian Embassy case is obviously the best stage for the Japanese traitors.

The legation had long ago painted the big cake. As long as the Russian Embassy case is done well, all embassies will recruit a group of enthusiastic people familiar with the Japanese social environment from among the top performers.

For many people, this was a chance to get ahead in one step. Not only would they be able to successfully obtain citizenship, but they would also be granted full diplomatic staffing.

Don’t underestimate the hidden benefits of this humble staff status, which made Japanese traitors rush to the embassies.

Not only is it convenient to do business as a buyer’s agent, but more importantly, it is able to realize the class leap, and can enter the Japanese high society at once.

Okada is one of the best, relying on the talent of careful and good at finding digging, played an important role in the investigation of the Russian Embassy case.

Although he didn’t catch any big fish, he netted a whole bunch of small fish and shrimp, and was doubly favored by the legation.

Talent was hard to come by, and a number of countries had already extended an olive branch to him. No choice had been made, and that was because Okada was still waiting for a better opportunity.

That’s right, ordinary European countries can no longer make Okada’s heart, what he wants is to join Britannia or Shinra.

Britannia had the largest market share in Japan, and following the British could bring great financial rewards.

As a latecomer, Shinra occupied a slightly smaller share of the trade because it hadn’t plowed deeply into the Japanese market, but it had a lot of potential for the future.

Another important reason was that there was a higher probability of becoming a daimyo (nobleman) in Shinra, whereas in Britain there were also titles of nobility, but they were not real.

Although he had not yet received an official invitation from the embassies of the two countries, Okada was confident in himself.

The investigation of the Russian Embassy case had only just begun, and he stood out from his competitors and was commended by the legation.

Okada, who considered himself superior, was in a bad mood when he was called out on his identity.

“Senior Colonel Saito, I don’t need you to worry about my affairs, it’s better to do your job first!
The reaction is so intense, it’s not the Russian Embassy case, you had a hand in it, right?”

The speaker may not have meant what he said, but the listener did. Anyway, Senior Colonel Saito was taken aback, and he had learned a thing or two about Okada’s ability to snap his hat.

At this point in time, whoever was involved with the Russian Embassy case would end up in tragedy.

As of now, there have been a number of dignitaries in Japan’s military and political circles who have suffered unmitigated disaster because of their children’s pitfalls against their fathers and grandfathers.

Although the European world is not popular, but the Japanese government can not not show ah! Hara-kiri is not so much, but early retirement home is a must.

Involved in the bad luck, directly involved in, that is not to mention. If you don’t get caught, you’ll have to wait for the judgment of the International Court of Justice!

“Okada-kun, meals can be eaten carelessly, but words cannot be spoken carelessly. It’s best to keep jokes like this to yourself.

Otherwise, if you make people think that you’re working on a case, you’re just making up charges out of thin air and looking for someone to act as a scapegoat to take the fall, then that’s not good.”

Losing is not a losing battle, and Osamu Saito also went out on a limb. Anyway, he wasn’t involved in the Russian Embassy case, so he wasn’t afraid of investigation at all.

As a mid-level officer of the Japanese Army, even if someone wanted to plant evidence, the military would not agree.

If he really caused trouble, he would certainly be in bad luck, and the other party would not be able to get away with it either. What the mission needs is a dog that helps investigate cases, not a dog that causes trouble.

Once the trust of the mission is lost, and no longer provide shelter, Okada this kind of two-fifths of the rhythm, that is a minute to sink the body of Tokyo Bay.

(End of chapter)

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