Chapter 110: The Fall of Turin

  Chapter 110 The Fall of Turin

Allies are not good when the major powers of Europe contradictions, Austria can be allied with but only one, once the team is left is the enemy.

Perhaps Metternich saw through the nature of things early, after the war against France took the initiative to shrink the Austrian sphere of influence, efforts to balance the strength of the European countries, so that Austria is in a supreme position.

In this day and age, these diplomatic measures are considered successful, the only failure is that Austria’s internal reforms have failed, and its own strength has not kept up.

There is not enough strength, naturally, can not continue to let the Vienna system continue, Austria again to make choices.

“Let’s wait and see what bargaining chips the British give. If they still want to continue to support the unification of Italy, then the Kingdom of Sardinia can not stay.

At worst, we will suffer a little loss and help the French manage their share of the territory first. When their domestic situation stabilizes, then we can sell it back to them!” Franz said fiercely

On the issue of Italy, the French can undoubtedly be bought, they have long been eyeing the Italian region, while Austria’s strategic center of gravity is simply not here, the two sides do not have a core conflict of interest.


Kingdom of Sardinia, Charles Albert has become a hot pot of ants, the development of the war and his expected gap is too big.

In the age of hot weapons, it is no longer possible to win a war just by having more people.

Even with the unprecedented outburst of the Sardinian army and the +200% morale in local combat, it still can’t change the nature of the rabble.

Coupled with the lack of weapons and ammunition, the equipment in the hands of many soldiers stayed in the era of cold weapons, and the patriotic fervor could not stop the bullets from flying.

“Your Majesty, hurry up and go! The enemy is about to descend on the city, Turin can’t hold on!”

Prime Minister Azeglio’s loyalist attributes exploded, after the defense line was lost, the first time to inform Charles Albert to run away.

There is no way, the Sardinian Kingdom is not very large, Turin is just over a hundred kilometers away from Milan, as soon as the troops on the front line collapsed, they could only prepare for the defense of Turin.

Charlie Albert said in despair, “No, I’m not going anywhere, I’m going to live and die with Turin!”

“Your Majesty, for the sake of the future of the Sardinian Kingdom, you must leave here immediately.” Minister of War, Li Qi, cried out in persuasion

In continental Europe the monarch is also a huge bargaining chip, if Charles Albert, the king, is captured by the Austrian army, then the Kingdom of Sardinia is pretty much over.

This is not holding the king hostage, but controlling the monarch there are many articles that can be done, such as forcing Charles Albert to sign a series of sellout treaties, or even simply annexing the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Even if the other powers wanted to intervene, they did not have the leverage on the greater good, which was very unfavorable to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Charles Albert growled: “Waste, rice bucket, stupid …… If it is not your incompetent goods, how can we fail? By now, instead of thinking about how to retreat from the enemy, you guys are actually thinking about running away ……”

Time passes by, under everyone’s rounds of persuasion, Charlie Albert still ran away, of course, this and the Austrian advance force arrived under the city of Turin whether there is a relationship, no one knows.

When British Foreign Secretary Palmerston arrived in Vienna, news of the Austrian army’s capture of Turin came through.

After organizing the intelligence in his hands, even Parmesan, who was a mastermind, had a headache over the problem of Sardinia.

Things out of their expectations, according to the British plan, at this time Austria any still fighting with the Kingdom of Sardinia in the Lombardy region, at most Austria has just recovered the lost territory.

But the performance of the Sardinian Kingdom disappointed them, perhaps the first national mobilization, it drained their blood, the second mobilization of the army is completely in the head.

Especially the gang of “patriots”, “Italian nationalists”, originally thought they would fight with the Austrian army to the end, but the final result told the world, the mouth cannon is still a mouth cannon.

Those who shouted the loudest slogans were often the fastest to desert on the battlefield. Just after the battle started, people do not know where to go.

Charlie Albert put these people on the front line as cannon fodder, but did not expect these people backhandedly pitched back, directly giving the position to the Austrians.

This made Palmerston feel difficult, the Austrian army to negotiate before the occupation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and after the occupation of the Kingdom of Sardinia and then negotiate, the price to pay is very different.

If not for the internal instability of France, Austria had no more allies, and it was difficult for Austria to monopolize the Kingdom of Sardinia, he could have just returned home.

This worry did not last long, as the welcome banquet prepared for him by the Austrian Foreign Ministry began.



Having received diplomatic support from Austria, the bourgeois liberal government was once again in high spirits, and in their opinion with the whole German Confederation at their back, the Russians were not so formidable.

It was not to be seen that all the European countries were in solidarity with the Danes, but in fact only the Russians would really take action. The Swedes only aimed to ensure that the Danish Kingdom would not be destroyed, but had no plans to help the Danes recover their lost lands.

Especially after seeing that the French people broke out the June Uprising in order to support the Polish revolution, the determination of the liberals to support the independence of Poland was once again strengthened.

Frederick William IV couldn’t help it, if the liberals were allowed to wave any longer, Prussia and Russia were about to go to war, and 250,000 Russian troops had now arrived at the Prussian-Russian border.

The Tsarist government had reached the limit of its patience with the Kingdom of Prussia and any move to irritate the Russians would be unwise.

Before the Crimean War, Russia was a formidable power on the European continent, not at all comparable to the Kingdom of Prussia, which had not yet unified Germany.

On his instructions, the Junker nobles, who hated the revolution, formed the “League for the Defense of Property”, and at the same time tightened their control over the army, looking for various excuses to purge the army of republicans.

A counter-revolutionary coup d’état was brewing in Prussia. The bourgeois government, inexperienced in the struggle, seemed to know nothing about it, and continued to implement its idealized plan of unification.


The Anglo-Austrian negotiations opened, and Palmerston feared that if they continued to drag on the Sardinian government would capitulate to Austria, and then their investment over there would be wasted.

After exchanging pleasantries, Palmerston went straight to the point: “Mr. Metternich, for the sake of the world’s peace issue, we need the Austrian government to handle the conflict with the Sardinian Kingdom carefully.”

Metternich laughed and said, “Mr. Palmerston, the conflict between us and the Sardinian Kingdom will soon cease to exist, the Italian region will soon be stabilized, your country does not need to worry at all.”

This is kind of the first chapter of today, please vote, subscribe, and reward!

See you after 12 noon, Hai Yue is waiting for you ????

(End of chapter)

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