Chapter 1098: My Way Is Not Alone

  Chapter 1077: My Way Is Not Alone
With the sound of a gunshot, the scene, which was already in chaos, became more and more unmanageable.

“The Russians are killing people!”

It was unknown who shouted out, directly triggering the entire scene. The already angry protesting crowd was completely ignited.

The most important characteristic of the word “radicalism” is that decisions are often made in the heat of the moment, without weighing the pros and cons.

It doesn’t matter where they are, all they can think about is “kill all the Russians, blood for blood!”

Not only did they think it, but they acted on it. Crowds of protesters toppled the gates and walls and charged inside the embassy.

In the face of the crowd, the Russian guards put up a valiant resistance, but it was hard to beat them with two fists, even with guns.

After all, this was the embassy district. Security was primarily the responsibility of the Japanese government, and the guards’ weapons were limited to defense against small-time criminals, with no heavy firepower at all.

People were rushing in, and what would happen next was self-evident. Anyway, the embassies of the countries watching nearby had already picked up their cameras and were snapping away at the chaotic scene.

The only regret is that the distance is too far, there is no picture quality to speak of, through the photo can only see the crowd in the impact of the Russian Embassy.

Not far away from the police responsible for maintaining law and order, at this moment has been scared. The concept of making a scene outside the embassy is completely different from making a scene inside.

From the chaos of the scene, we can see that the group of people who broke into the embassy are not rational, and if they do something irrational, the consequences will be unimaginable.

“Sheriff, what should we do now?”

Glaring at his men who were about to pee in fear, the middle-aged sheriff said indifferently, “What to do?
Remember, Muraki. A mob tried to storm the British Embassy just now, and we’ve been intercepting it all along. What happened over at the Russian Embassy, we didn’t see anything.”

After saying that, the middle-aged man had already swung his fists and punched and kicked his men, as if he was simulating the scene after the mob’s onslaught.

They were far from the only ones who had made similar decisions, and in order not to take the blame, not many of the police officers on duty nearby had their bodies intact.

There was no way around it, the scene had gotten out of hand, and it simply wasn’t something that pawns like them could stop. If you get involved now, you don’t know if you can bring the situation under control, but you’re bound to get caught up in it.

Socially experienced, all know that the first to be alone. As for the other problems, that was a matter for the higher-ups. Anyway, it was an order from the higher-ups to allow the parade to approach the Russian Embassy area.

When something like this happens, someone has to commit hara-kiri to take the blame, and it’s not just anyone who can take the blame.

As a pawn, the flash should be flashed. As long as they are not directly involved, the big shots can’t care about them.


Inside the government office building, Prime Minister Okuma Shigenobu, who had just had his afternoon tea, was staring at a pile of documents when he suddenly received the shocking news that “a mob had stormed the Russian embassy area”.

“Is the situation under control?”

“Are there any casualties in the Russian Embassy?”


Protests were protests, and storming the embassy district was over the top. The general public didn’t know the gravity of the situation, but Okuma Shigenobu was aware of it.

Since he wanted to “leave Asia and enter Europe”, he naturally had to understand the rules of the European political game, such as the universally recognized “international law”.

The storming of the Russian Embassy appears to be a conflict between Japan and Russia, but it is not.

If the situation is not handled properly, the Japanese government will be blamed by the entire international community. Not to mention international sanctions, just condemnation is enough for the Japanese government to drink a pot of water.

In this context, the Russian Embassy has no casualties, it becomes particularly important.

If only property casualties, the big deal is to pay a sum of money; if people are injured, such a good opportunity for the Russians will not let go.

We must know that the Russian Empire is not alone, not only the Russian-Austrian alliance, people are still one of the main members of the European Union.

Reasons are sent to the door, the tsarist government has no reason not to pull allies to intervene. International politics does not promote individual heroism, the crowd is the king.

The staff replied in a panic: “The scene has gone completely out of control, the police department has already called for help from the military, and it is not yet known whether there are any casualties in the Russian Embassy.”

Upon hearing this result, Okuma Shigenobu fell onto his butt. The scene was so out of control that the military had to intervene, who would dare to believe that there were any casualties?

The question now was no longer how many people had died, but how many were still alive in the Russian embassy. In short, a diplomatic disaster was coming.


The advent of the telegraph brought mankind closer together. It was only during the day that something happened in Japan, and in the evening the news was received in Vienna.

As for blocking the news, just think about it. You should know that these days the telegraph company, but controlled by the hands of the Great Powers, do not need to buy the Japanese government’s account.

Besides, it was useless to cut off the telegraph connection. The incident happened in the embassy district, the embassies of various countries are not far away, there are so many witnesses exist, simply can not keep a secret.

You can’t kill people to silence them, can you?

If something really happened to the staff of the embassies of various countries, the Japanese government would definitely not enjoy any worse treatment than that of its next-door neighbor, the year of Xinjiao.

Except for the fact that it was not clear what the exact casualties were at the Russian Embassy, everything else was accompanied by a telegram that traveled around the world.

Looking at the telegram held in his hands, Franz fell into deep contemplation. The Russo-Japanese war he still heard of, but the Japanese people stormed the embassy this one, he really had not heard of it.

Whether history has changed, or someone is deliberately covering up the truth, or is too small to cause waves.

Franz had passed the age of curiosity and had no interest in deepening his interpretation of the Russo-Japanese conflict.

“Has the Japanese main war faction been crushed lately?”

At a distance of a few hundred meters, it was good to be able to roughly see the scene, and it was natural that the shootings, hidden in the shadows, were unknown.

Not knowing that someone was messing with it, the attack on the Russian embassy district was directly defined as “mob attack on the Russian embassy district”.

In a purely Russian-Japanese conflict, there is no one else who could have done such a stupid thing, except for the war madmen of the Japanese military.

According to Franz’s personal experience, such extreme incidents usually occurred when the main warring factions of the Japanese army were suppressed, and in order to turn the tide, they resorted to extreme methods.

There were many other similar incidents that happened in the original time and space. For example: one year the government wanted to cut military spending, and the unwilling Japanese military directly staged a coup ……

Frederick: “That’s right, in recent years the Japanese government has been cutting its military budget. The military budget has been pared down from 84.7% of revenue at its peak to 46.2% now.

It is said that the Japanese government is also prepared to continue to compress military spending, and is prepared to control military spending, to about 35% of fiscal revenue.

However, what does this have to do with the mob storming the Russian Embassy area? It can’t be because you are dissatisfied with a lower percentage of the military budget. ……”

It is a characteristic of the times that military spending remains high as a percentage of fiscal revenue. The more economically backward a country is, the higher military spending is as a percentage of fiscal expenditures.

Countries that are able to control their military budgets within 40% are basically countries that have pulled off the process of industrialization; countries that are able to control their military budgets within 25% can be considered developed countries.

From the proportion of the military budget, it can also be seen that Japan’s economic development in recent years has been good, otherwise the proportion of the military budget would not have been able to go down at all.

After all, raising an army is very costly. Along with the development of military technology, the daily maintenance costs of the army have been on the rise.

In the case of the army establishment remains unchanged, the annual military expenses will only increase, not decrease. If you want to compress the proportion of the budget, the only way is for the growth rate of fiscal revenue to exceed the growth rate of military maintenance costs.

In the era of the gold standard, the mint tax revenue is far less perverse than in later times, and it is simply impossible to become the pillar of fiscal revenue. The government’s fiscal revenue increase is mainly the tax growth brought by the economic development dividend.

“It’s unlikely to happen in other countries, but it’s impossible to say in Japan. With this country, we can’t use common sense.

The traditional ideas of Bushido, coupled with the military ****ist ideology, the Japanese military has been on a radical path of no return from the very beginning.

Of course, this could be one of the many factors that led to the storming of the Russian Embassy. The immediate trigger was, more than likely, the Far East conflict of a while back.

Facing the Russian Empire, the Japanese government did not have enough backbone. For the sake of domestic development you the big picture, the Japanese government can make concessions, does not mean that the civil radical groups will also look after the big picture.

In this world, there are too many people who look at problems and do things without thinking. If you mix in nationalism and extremism, it’s even crazier.

As long as someone provokes them, there’s nothing they wouldn’t dare to do. Not to mention storming the Russian Embassy, even slaughtering all the Russian Embassy staff is not out of the question.”

With the original time and space as a reference, what Franz found normal was a full-blown shock to Frederick’s three views.

“Storming the embassy district” was already appalling enough, but if they were to massacre the embassy staff, then let’s not talk about anything else and just go to war.

No great power could accept such provocation, least of all the Russians, with their violent temper.

At the end of the day, he was still used to seeing big storms, in addition to the initial disbelief, Frederick quickly recovered, slowly said:

“If we really kill all the Russian embassy staff, then the Russo-Japanese war will be unavoidable. But now that the Siberian Railway is not yet open to traffic, the Russians should not make a move right away.

Judging from the progress of the Siberian Railway, the main line is expected to open next year, and the branch railroads will take about three to five years.

If there is no accident, the Russo-Japanese War should break out in the next five to ten years. Then can’t we ……”

Not waiting for Frederick to finish his sentence, Franz interrupted, “This is only the best time to start the war from the Russian side of the consideration, but the outbreak of war is never decided unilaterally.

If you were Emperor Meiji, would you wait for the Russians to be ready to fight and then passively respond to the war?”

There was no way around it, it was a cognitive misunderstanding. The difference in strength between Japan and Russia was so vast that if not for the transportation constraints, three or five Japan combined would not have been enough for the Russians to fight.

If you take into account the discriminatory heart against people of color, the assessment of the strength of both sides, and even greater.

The Philippine War is a benchmark, the Spanish laborers were able to fight with Japan half a catty, if not the distance limitations of the power to put, Japan would have been defeated.

As for Spain’s use of French mercenaries, directly ignored by everyone. Europe has a tradition of using mercenaries, able to recruit mercenaries to fight that is also a reflection of strength.

In the opinion of many people, the gap in strength is too great, the weak take the initiative to provoke a war, that is looking for death.

On the contrary, passive response to the war can also strive for international sympathy, inviting great powers to intervene in mediation. The same is the defeat, but enjoy the treatment is very different.

The former lost, may be the death of the country; the latter although defeated, but there is a chance of survival.

After all, the international community will not watch the Russians continue to expand, intervention is inevitable.


Just when Franz father and son in the consideration of how to fish in the Russo-Japanese War, the tsarist government also received the bad news from the Far East.

Only the information they received was not from their own embassy, but was forwarded by the government in Vienna.

Allies, this little favor or help.

If he hadn’t double-checked that the embassy in Tokyo had lost contact with him, Nicholas II would have thought it was April Fool’s Day.

A small Japan, actually dare to provoke the great Russian Empire again and again, this is clearly again bully their sword is not favorable.

After receiving the news, Nicholas II held a high-level government meeting overnight. This kind of thing happened, if not retaliate back, the Russian Empire how to mix in the international community?
Prime Minister Sergei Witte: “Your Majesty, we must strike back strongly at the Japanese provocation, letting them know that the Russian Empire is not something they can mess with.

It’s just that the Siberian Railway is not yet open to traffic and we have limited troops in the Far East, making it difficult to deal a heavy blow to Japan.

Instead of retaliating painlessly, we should wait a little longer. When we are ready, we will directly destroy Japan to ease our hatred.”

Count Sergei Witte is a rationalist prime minister, righteous indignation is righteous indignation, anger and raise a division is never done.

The past will not be forgotten, but the future will guide you. In recent years, the Russian Empire has not suffered from the loss of “anger and rise”, and now must learn a lesson.

Deep down, Sergei Viktor has made up his mind, no matter how the Japanese provocation, must be held until after the Siberian Railway is fully operational.

Not only is Sergei Viktor sensible, now the tsarist government is basically the top of the class left behind by Alexander III, all the sensible faction.

The head of the Orthodox Christian Authority, Pobedonoschaev: “The Prime Minister is right, it is true that military action is not appropriate at the moment.

For clowns like Japan, we either don’t take action, or if we do, we have to kill them with a single blow in order to truly deter people.

Considering that Japan is an island nation, trying to exterminate them is clearly beyond the capabilities of the Imperial Navy with its current strength.

In this matter, we can follow the example of the Austrians and formulate a comprehensive twenty-year development plan first, and then exterminate the Japanese monkeys when we are well prepared.”

It can be seen, rather than Donoschev is also deeply “Gou” the essence of the road, the first up is a twenty-year plan to destroy Japan.

To the Russian Empire’s strong family background, really if you dive down to plant twenty years of land, then there is no doubt that Japan must be cooled completely.

Not to mention Japan, even the current British Empire, may not be able to suppress the Russian Empire after the completion of industrialization.

(End of chapter)

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