Chapter 1096: Plan Exposed

  Chapter 1075: Plan Exposed
St. Petersburg, after receiving the news from the Far East, Nicholas II went straight to the edge of the storm.

The causes and consequences of the matter is no longer important, anyway, Japan and Russia Far East conflict broke out, fell in the eyes of Nicholas II, is the Japanese in the provocation.

Old scores have not been and the Japanese government, and now the Japanese dare to provoke, that is naturally intolerable.

If not taking into account the Siberian Railway has not been opened to traffic, the logistical pressure constraints on military operations, Nicholas II would like to destroy Japan now.

Of course, this is just think about it. The international situation is so complicated, only a fool would risk provoking a war.

The tsarist government is ready to go east is not false, but when to go east, in what context east, that will have to be carefully considered.

“Eat a lesson and grow wiser.”

In recent decades, the Russian Empire has not eaten less war losses, losses ate more, the tsarist government also followed the sublimation.

A moment to the south, a moment to the east, seems to be the strategic goal of the fluctuating, in fact, this is not a kind of political wisdom?

In the context of Britain and Shenla’s struggle for supremacy, as the world’s third largest power of the Russian Empire, there is no fishing joy, there is only a deep fear.

There is no way, want to fight for world hegemony, the strength of the Russian Empire is too weak; want to fish in troubled waters, fishing, the strength of the Russian Empire is too strong.

Don’t look at the Russia-Austria relationship is very good, but the two governments are still full of suspicion and mistrust between them. The government in Vienna was uneasy about Russia, not to mention the British.

In a sense, the better the Russian Empire did now, the more likely it was to arouse the scorn of the two hegemons.

Nicholas II was a little more indecisive, but he was by no means a fool. The old ministers left behind by Alexander III were still in place, and the Tsarist government had not yet slipped into the abyss.

Involvement in the hegemony struggle between Shenla and Britain can indeed be very profitable in the short term. Once the two countries are divided, it will be the Russian Empire’s turn to be unlucky.

With the volume of the Russian Empire, whoever is in charge will be deeply jealous, and suppression is an inevitable operation.

Not to stand in line even more can not. The strength of the Russian Empire, has been able to a certain extent to sway the struggle for hegemony. Whether it is Vienna, or London, can not tolerate the existence of this destabilizing factor.

Such a situation, naturally, was not what the Tsarist government wanted. The best ending, naturally, was for Britain and Shinra to lose both, and for the Russian Empire to take advantage of the situation to rise.

Obviously, this was impossible. Both Shinra and Britannia had their own advantages, and it was almost impossible to expect the two countries to end up together in a confrontation.

Standing in the position of the Tsarist government, it could only choose to settle for the second best, to reap as many benefits as possible before this hegemony struggle broke out, and to grow its own strength.

Whether it is south to India, or east into East Asia, any one of the strategy is completed, Russia will be transformed to once again stand at the top of the world.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to realize either of these two strategies. The Tsarist government has tried and failed.

As early as in the Anglo-Russian War more than ten years ago, the Tsarist government tried out the strength of Britain. With lobster soldiers as the core + a steady stream of Indian cannon fodder, even gray livestock had to be scalped.

Of course, this was no reason for the Tsarist government to abandon India. Although the enemy’s armies were numerous, none of them were very good at fighting, and such soft targets were always the military’s favorite.

What really scares the Czarist government is still the strong national power of the British Empire, as long as the government in London does not give up, you can always spend with them.

Anyway, the British colonies are not much else, is a large population, even if it is five for one, ten for one, the British government can afford to die.

The population base of 500 million is the greatest strength of the British. The Russian Empire will be the first to suffer if they drag their feet for a long time.

Even if there is Shen Luo support is useless, in front of the national interest, allies are unreliable, who can not guarantee that the Vienna government will not stab them at the critical moment.

The southward strategy was blocked, and the eastward strategy was likewise not easy. The strength of the enemy is not great, but the transportation is really too pitiful.

As early as a few years of the multinational allied forces besieging the Far Eastern Empire, the Tsarist government had experienced the pressure of logistics. The logistics of a few tens of thousands of troops could not be supplied domestically, and could only be procured from Japan nearby.

Once the eastward plan was officially implemented, it was not a matter of tens of thousands of people. Without millions of troops, want to implement the “Yellow Russia program”, that is simply dreaming.

A few tens of thousands of troops of logistics can be purchased nearby, millions of troops of logistics, then no one dares to pretend to manpower.

Even if the tsarist government is willing to buy, the Japanese are not likely to sell. After all, once the Russians’ eastward strategy kicks in, it’s going to be against Japan.

As long as the Tsarist government wanted to move eastward, the only two independent countries in the Far East stood in opposition to the Russian Empire.

Many enemies are not scary, and the Tsarist government is not intimidated. The crux of the problem was still the logistical pressure.

Let alone the fact that the Siberian Railway had not yet been opened to traffic, even if it had been put into operation. Expecting a single line of railroad to solve the logistical problems of a million troops is a pipe dream.

If it is not possible to put it in place at once, then we can only turn to gradual encroachment. Unfortunately, the tsarist government had only just taken a step forward when it was sniped at by the Japanese.

What is more troublesome is that with the Russian Empire’s power projection in the Far East, at the moment it can’t help the Japanese at all, and may even be threatened by Japan in return.

Both sides are not a big fat meat, but for a moment and can not get down mouth, the greedy tsarist government naturally is which side do not want to give up.

While outsiders thought that the Tsarist government was wavering in its strategy, the Russians themselves did not think so, which could also be called “flexible diplomatic strategy”.

Just waiting for the international situation to change, the Russian Empire can take advantage of the opportunity to go south or east, or even the two strategies together.

The time that the Tsarist government is waiting for is naturally the hegemony war between Britain and Shinra. As long as it waited until the two big bosses fought, the Russian Empire would be sky high.

Obviously, Nicholas II, who was the proud son of the sky, was not the lord who could hold back. The Russian Empire suffered a loss in the previous conflict, and he couldn’t stand it first.

Prime Minister Sergei Veit: “Your Majesty, please calm down. We will settle the Japanese’s score with them sooner or later, there is really no need to fight with a doomed country.

On the surface, we are the ones who have suffered. But thinking from a different perspective, bad things can be turned into good things as well.

The Vienna government has always opposed our eastward advancement, and the Empire’s expansion in the east in recent years has caused a rift in the relationship between the two countries.

The current opportunity is the best time to repair it. We can use this opportunity to release a signal to the outside world, telling the Austrians that our eastward strategy has been thwarted.

If necessary, we can also make a show of giving up the Far East to confuse the outside world and provide cover for the eastward strategy.

The conflict between the Far East and the Japanese, for the time being, there is no need to rush to deal with it, and it is not too late to delay it until we wait for the opening of the Siberian Railroad and then consider how to deal with it.”

Face is never as important as the inside, and the Russian Empire is also a master that can bend and bend. For the sake of national interests, Sergei Vitt does not mind conceding first.

As for the extermination of Japan, that was not a casual remark. Soon after Nicholas II succeeded to the throne, the Russian government formulated a perfect plan to exterminate Japan.

Of course, plans are always plans. Any country has a long list of reliable and unreliable strategic plans.

In a sense, the strategic plans of the think tanks of various countries are a brain competition. It’s not about feasibility, it’s about who has the most imagination.

Not to say that all of them are realized, but any country that is able to realize one tenth of them can become the captain of the Earth.

Compared to the crazy plan of conquering the world and landing on the sun, destroying Japan is simply not worth mentioning. Of all the strategic plans of the Russian Empire, this was definitely an existence that ranked high in feasibility.

After listening to the Prime Minister’s persuasion, Nicholas II was in a much better mood. After all, he is also a status and dignity of the monarch, can not and a “dead country”.


“Then let them get away with it for a few more days for the time being, and settle new and old scores with them later.”

It can be seen that the breath in Nicholas II’s heart is still not put down. Estimated that when the time is ripe, he will go to seek the bad luck of the Japanese.

But this is not important, the crowd present at the same Japanese have no good feelings. At the moment did not attack, that is their own strength does not allow.

Once the conditions are ripe, we don’t mind letting the Japanese learn what is “the roar of the hairy bear”. When it comes to holding grudges, the Russians are definitely one of the best in the world.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich: “Your Majesty, the real reason why the Americans helped us build the Siberian Railroad has been found out.

According to the intelligence we have gathered from all sides, after analyzing it in depth, we can be sure that there is a shadow of the British behind this.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that this is a deliberate attempt by the British to lure us eastward in order to relieve military pressure in the Indian region.

This can also explain why the Americans are insisting that the Siberian Railroad rest only on a single line and not a double line.”

Those who are able to play politics are all human beings, and although the efficiency of the Tsarist government is a little low, the level of competence at the top of the government is definitely not low.

The Siberian Railroad has been started for some years, and the Czarist government has not given up tracking down the real purpose of the Americans.

Persistence proved to be effective. No matter how secretive the British and American governments were, they left traces behind when they made the deal.

For a short time, the Russians didn’t notice a problem, but over time, when everyone came around, they noticed the anomalies.

It’s not like we’re investigating a case, we don’t need concrete evidence. As long as it is proven that the British had both the motive and the ability to plan in secret, then it was the British government that did it.

Slamming the table, Nicholas II said indifferently, ”It’s true, in front of national interests, friendship is really not worth mentioning.

But it doesn’t matter, just think of it as using each other. We are going to build the Siberian Railroad anyway, and with the help of the Americans, we also save a fortune in expenses.

As for the subsequent expenses, there is no need to pay them, I believe the British have already paid for us.”

Speaking softly, it could be seen from the tense look that Nicholas II was not at peace within himself.

The fact that the investigation had gone to Britain’s head meant that the next plan to move eastward would have to be considered even more carefully.

Nicholas II does not think that the British purpose is so simple, spend so much money, just to attract the Russian Empire eastward.

Although the Siberian Railway was a single-line railroad, and the capacity of the railroad was very limited, there was no rule that a single line could not be changed to a double line.

There was already a railroad, continue to add a rail line next to it, the construction difficulty can be much lower than before, at least transportation is no longer a problem.

Once the transformation of the railroad is completed, the transportation problem that restricts the expansion of the Russian Empire to the east will be solved.

The furry bears that can invest with the strength of their country are not something that those two independent countries in the Far East can stop, unless they can join forces.

Obviously, this is impossible. From the time of the first Sino-Japanese war, it was destined that the relationship between the two countries could not be too good.

As long as the Czarist government exerts a slight foreign policy and expands in a rhythmic manner, nothing will go wrong.

In the operation of hundreds of years in the Indian region, Britain can hold back the Russian army, does not mean that they also have the ability to snipe the Russian army in the Far East.

A little thought, Nicholas II felt that there is a problem, the British absolutely can not be sincere to help them complete the “Yellow Russia program”.

To know that the British and Russian conflict is a long time, stabbing each other is the routine operation, to help each other to strengthen the strength that is in the enemy.

What exactly is the problem, Nicholas II is not clear. Anyway, in the face of the Far East problem, the tsarist government suddenly cautious.


The Japanese government naturally knew nothing about the changes that took place in St. Petersburg. It is not that the intelligence organization does not try hard, it is really that the innate likeness gap is too big to penetrate.

Intelligence collection on the Russian Empire, the Japanese government is currently only stuck in the stage of newspapers, radio, tavern gossip.

To buy intelligence officers and go deep into the Tsarist government to detect information is just a matter of thinking, but in reality, it is not practicable at all.

It is not that the Czarist government’s secrecy is high, on the contrary, the Czarist government’s secrecy is one of the lowest in the world, which can be said to be a big sieve.

Japanese intelligence organizations have not been able to build up, the fundamental reason is one word – poor. There was no money in their pockets, so naturally they could not operate.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Japanese conflict, the situation in the Far East is tense, the Japanese government all panicked.

The Russian Empire, known as “Europe’s road roller”, is the world’s top power. Although the last few decades have not kept up with the times, it is not something that the fledgling Japan can compare.

The Philippine War is the best reference, in the bottom of the powers of Spain, were able to laborers far away in the miles and they played half a catty.

The more powerful Russian Empire, not to mention. In short, against the Russians, the top echelons of the Japanese government were not confident.

This is not a wimp, everyone is just following their hearts.

Although it was propagandized to the public that “the war between Japan and the West broke the myth of the invincibility of the white man”, in reality, it was a bloodless deal for their own family.

The only gain was that the Japanese Navy was given a chance to develop rapidly.

Unfortunately, this opportunity was not so wonderful, because the number of warships is too many, after the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese government has been worried about how to afford this navy.

With the loss of money in the previous experience in, the Japanese government senior to and European countries at war, has always been palpitating.

If you win the war, you have to worry about the European Union to intervene, and can not get the desired spoils of war; if you lose the war, it is even worse, once back to the Meiji Restoration before not to mention, or even to fall into the colony.

No matter how the war was won or lost, Japan was destined to be the loser as long as the war was on. If the end is so tragic, then why fight?

It is not yet the turn of the military ****ism to be in charge, with Ito Hirobumi as the head of the civilian political group, still firmly in control of power.

The Japanese government is still generally a normal country, except for the strong martial spirit.

Except for the young middle and lower officers who were highly demoralized, swaggering, and swallowing like tigers, the top echelons of the government were not at all interested in the war, at least not for a short time.

(End of chapter)

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