Chapter 1089: Spring and Autumn Dreams

  Chapter 1068 – Spring and Autumn Dream
While the eyes of the outside world, were focused on the general election, Franz sent his two sons to the overseas colonies as governors again.

Frankly speaking, there is a certain political risk in changing people at this time. The struggle for British and Austrian hegemony was not yet over, and the overseas colonies were not secure.

Once the colonies fall in the future game, the governor is the first to bear the brunt of the responsibility. But there is no way out, wealth and fortune are never at risk.

Even for the royal family, political resources are not unlimited. In order to ensure a smooth transition of power, political resources must be prioritized towards the Crown Prince.

In a country where military honors are conferred, without enough merit and prestige, it is difficult to convince the public even if Franz pushes them into office.

For the sake of long-term consideration, sending them off to the colonies in advance would be very necessary. Even if they are not able to accumulate enough merit, at least they will be able to cultivate a group of close friends and henchmen.

European imperial power is not as strong as the eastern imperial power, even if it is Franz this kind of strong emperor, many times can only go with the flow.

Although in the long run, the “Overseas States Program” is more favorable to the empire, but in the short term it is undermining the power of the central government.

Not everyone could see that far, and not everyone could be impartial, Franz did not think that this plan could get the support of the majority of the people.

While the emperor was able to silence opposition, Franz did not have the power to make the people of the overseas colonies loyal to his sons.

If he couldn’t convince everyone, even if he was forced to accept the Emperor’s order, there would still be problems in the future.

If you want to stabilize the regime, you have to rely more on your own efforts. Taking control of the local power as a governor in advance now is a good overstep.

The change of government is the best time to finalize things, everyone’s eyes are attracted away, there is no effort to care about the small matter of the colonial governor candidate.

Even if some politicians found out about it, they could only pretend not to see it. Otherwise, there would be no place for them in the next personnel adjustment process.

Political struggle is cruel, relatively speaking the political struggle of the Vienna government, has been considered harmonious.

As long as you don’t die, even if you lose in the political struggle, the most serious consequence is to go home with your grandchildren.

The fact that Shinra did not cause a tremor internally did not mean that there were no changes outside as well. The successive changes in the personnel of the colonial governors had still attracted the attention of those who had the heart to do so.


St. Petersburg
Looking at the intelligence in his hand, Nicholas II couldn’t help but rub his forehead. Perhaps the assassination had left an aftermath, every time he overused his brain, he would get a headache.

“Recently, the Holy Roman Empire’s overseas governors keep changing, and the new governors are also all imperial sons, what does Emperor Franz want again?”

Thanks to his status as a Chicken Soup for the Soul mentor, Franz’s prestige in the monarch world was not normally high. A descendant like Nicholas II hadn’t been fed less chicken soup.

As a mentor with a sense of propriety, although what he said was all flimsy, it wasn’t completely devoid of nutrients.

Specific programs were never given, but broad suggestions were still there. Using himself as a case study, Franz also had a history of struggle compiled.

Although the artistic processing of the ingredients is more than a billion points, it still has a reference meaning and is still very attractive to young monarchs.

What reforms can not be achieved in one leap, must start from the fine details; the development of the country must be one step at a time, not speculative ……

The central idea that is classic can not be more classic, the only problem is that the axiom is good to understand, to specific operation is troublesome.

If copying the history of Franz the Great’s struggle, it is estimated that the small countries will be able to complete the initial industrialization in thirty to fifty years of hard work, and the big countries will have to struggle for twenty to thirty years.

This “industrialization” is still based on the current industrial level. Considering the development of the times, the actual time required may be even longer.

Of course, countries that already have an industrial base can shorten this time significantly. However, it still has nothing to do with quick fixes.

The fact that this is the case is not obvious to everyone. Most only saw the rapid revival of Austria and the rebuilding of Shinra, not even noticing how much of a home base Austria had before the revival, and ignoring the windfall of the big time.

It’s like an entrepreneur sharing his successes, but only if he’s already “successful”. It is possible to learn from it, but it is a dream to copy it.

Learning or not learning is one thing, but it doesn’t stop Franz from gaining respect. With all this chicken soup, I think Franz will leave a big mark in the history of the world.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich: “We have too little information in hand to confirm it for now. However, considering the special system of the Holy Roman Empire, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs speculates that Franz the Great may be engaging in partitioning again.

In the history of the Habsburg dynasty, it is not unheard of for similar things to happen. The Holy Roman Empire is now too big, and it is not surprising that Franz the Great wants to split it up.”

Indeed it’s not the first time, when the First Sunset Empire, which weighed down the European world, was split up by the Habsburgs in this way.

“Right and wrong” is hard to separate nowadays just from the few strokes in the history books. However, after the separation, the Habsburg dynasty by the joint target of the number of countries, obviously is a substantial reduction.

The Holy Roman Empire at the moment was a few points stronger than the Sunset Empire back then. The fact that there was no birth of the Anti-Shiloh Alliance could only be counted on Franz’s skillful tactics.

The Russian Empire did not panic, in addition to the Russo-Austrian alliance, more still think that it is impossible to sustain the strength of God Luo.

Franz had enough sleight of hand to make Shinra the ally of the European world, and the fact that it wasn’t targeted by a coalition of everyone didn’t mean that the successor had the same ability.

Just look at the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire to see that once diplomacy fails and falls into a crowd, there are enemies on all sides.

Of course, the premise is that the Holy Roman Empire itself first appeared to have problems, otherwise the wallflowers will not dare to get involved.

Prime Minister Sergei Witte: “If one is only worried about falling into a crowd of targets, such a split is simply meaningless.

The core of the Holy Roman Empire is mainly Europe, the Near East, and the African continent, the rest of the overseas colonies are just additions.

The governors that were currently replaced were all from the overseas colonies, and did not touch the core regions. Even without these regions, the strength of the Holy Roman Empire would not be greatly affected.

With Franz the Great’s style, even if he was really worried about falling into a crowd of targets, he would not be able to abolish himself, and it was more likely that he would still take the initiative.

Throughout the world, there are only a handful of countries that can pose a certain threat to the Holy Roman Empire, as long as these countries are suppressed, all problems will no longer be a problem.”

Obviously, this handful of threatening countries also includes the Russian Empire, not the problem of diplomatic relations, the main problem is in the strength.

The Russian Empire has the strength, that is potentially your threat object. Once the Vienna government decided to remove the threat in advance, the Russian Empire can not hide.

Economic bundling and the existence of the Russian-Austrian alliance can only ensure that the two countries do not directly turn the other cheek, but does not mean that it is impossible to secretly under the black hand.

In recent decades, the Tsarist government has suffered no less in the dark game. The tragedy is that it is clear that they have suffered losses, but also the day-to-day reasoning, and even embarrassed to say it.

Strong “fear of heart” overflowing. It was obvious that Sergei Viktor’s vigilance towards Shinra had never really been lowered.

Minister of the Interior Vyacheslav: “Perhaps Emperor Franz didn’t think that much at all, just because he loved his sons and wanted to give them a piece of fiefdom.

You have to know that the African continent, now, is already full of nobles. The remaining lands are either strategic or worthless deserts and sands.

In comparison, the overseas colonies were still more fertile. The number of fiefdom nobles is also relatively small, and dividing a piece of it for one’s son is not a difficult task.”

Getting fiefdoms for one’s son in the European world was nothing new. It’s a bit less common in recent times, mainly because countries are playing around with centralization.

While the mainland is not easy to get, there are no restrictions on overseas colonies. For a man like Franz, who was a five-digit nobleman, it was not a big deal to use his power for personal gain to get a fief for his son.

The Habsburgs themselves had this tradition, except that in modern times, most of the grand dukes who were divided on the mainland were just titular titles.

Minister of War Evgeny: “The probability of this is not high. If it’s just a matter of love, there’s the Near East to choose from, which is strategically located, albeit not fertile enough.

I do feel that Franz the Great is strengthening his local control, colonial governors are in powerful positions, often for more than a decade at a time. It’s not safe to put someone else up in such a position, simply replace them with one of your own.

Considering the upcoming struggle for supremacy between Shinra and Britain, once victory is achieved, the Holy Roman Empire’s colonies will expand further. Saving for a rainy day in advance was also very necessary.

If this plan of Emperor Franz succeeded, it was clearly not a good thing for the Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire is simply too powerful, and if we allow them to grow any further, even if we realize the Yellow Russia plan and take India, we will merely be able to be on par with them.”


There was truth in all the speculations, leaving the indecisive Nicholas II more and more perplexed. But in the final analysis, there was a common conclusion that this was going to be very bad for the Russian Empire.

Since it was not good for him, there was no choice but to find a way to sabotage it.

As for the “realization of the Yellow Russia Plan and the taking of India”, for the time being, let’s just consider it as a dream. Even though Nicholas II had a good appetite, he did not think that his family could realize the two plans in a short time.

Of course, the dream is still necessary. If you don’t even dream, what’s the difference between that and a salted fish?
With dreams in mind, Nicholas II frowned and asked, “How can I stop it? The appointment of the personnel of the colonial governors is an internal affair of the Holy Roman Empire, and we simply don’t have any reason to oppose it.”

Interfering in the internal affairs of another country was never a big taboo. Even if Russia and Austria were allies, there was still no room for the Tsar’s government to intervene on this issue.

If you really go up there and blindly compare, not only will it not work, but it will worsen the relationship between the two countries.

Prime Minister Sergei Witte: “Naturally, we can’t interfere directly, but we can create trouble for them elsewhere.

Your Majesty, France is completely rotten. Trying to get war reparations from the French is destined to be a long way off.

At this point, continuing to garrison France is no longer meaningful to the Empire, we should withdraw our troops.”

Obviously, the matter was not as simple as “withdrawing the troops”. In order to cause trouble for the Holy Roman Empire, it was natural that a stable France could not be left behind.

In fact, France has never been stable. Now, with just a little bit of spice, we can turn France into a quagmire.

The Russian army is specialized in sabotage. If they let go of their restraints, they can make France go up in smoke.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich objected, “Prime Minister, now is not the time to withdraw. Although France is no longer valuable, don’t forget the international implications.

As a member of the Anti-French Alliance, if we withdraw our troops for no reason, it will surely spark resentment towards the Empire from various countries.

Unless there is a reason that is acceptable to all parties, our hasty withdrawal and deliberate creation of problems in France is bound to be met with hostility.

The results of our decades of hard work in diplomacy will also be lost in one fell swoop, and it will be difficult to recover in the future.”

Politics is never complicated, and looking at things purely from one direction is clearly not advisable.

Although the tsarist government’s “diplomatic achievements” are not significant, but something is better than nothing. It is far more difficult to go from zero to one than from one to two.

For the Tsarist government to let go at this time would be a betrayal of the Antifa Alliance.

Traitors are always the most detestable, not only in the European world, even the Russian-Austrian alliance will follow the problem.

“It is easy to find an excuse, but it is not so easy to find an excuse that is acceptable to all parties.

Since the participation in the international community, it is inevitable to be bound by the rules of the international community, even the Russian Empire can not be an exception.

Sweeping a glance at the crowd, see no one refute, Nicholas II secretly sighed.

Diplomacy, has always been the tsarist government’s short board. Successive generations of tsars have wanted to change this pattern, but for various reasons, all ended in failure.

Comparatively speaking, Alexander III had been the most successful. The legacy of diplomatic strategy has continued to the present day.

Nicholas II, who was young and wild, naturally did not want to be under the shadow of his father, and always wanted to build on this foundation.

However, plans always fail to catch up with changes. Previously, the atrocities of the Russian army in France, attracted a scolding, fortunately, the anti-French alliance of more people, only to hold the scene.

Now if you cut yourself off from the Anti-French Alliance, I guess the Russian Empire does not need to mix in the international community. The key is that the international trade will not be able to do.

(End of chapter)

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