Chapter 1078: The Great Lullaby

  Chapter 1057 The Great Flip-Flop

With the budget battle intensifying, Franz returned to the Vienna Palace at the end of October, ending the vacation trip early.

Vacation can go at any time, as the emperor always have to take the state affairs as the priority. Although the exercise of the Crown Prince, that is not the same as a complete hands-off.

You should know that there is not much else in politics, is the pit on the road ahead. Small pits step on no harm, as a lesson learned.

But also some of the pit is never step on, a foot step down that may be trapped in, never come out.

For example: the annual budget allocation is now in progress, once the basket is poked, it is a fatal injury.

If you can not balance the needs of all parties, take it for granted to do the budget, or only from the ideal, the effectiveness of the budget into a certain area or several aspects, it is finished.

In case someone pushes the envelope, even if Frederick is the Crown Prince, he will have to eat his words. At least the incompetence hat, that can not be removed.

A not yet succeeded to the throne on top of the “incompetent” hat of the Crown Prince, even if it is inherited the throne, but also very difficult to convince.

Similar things, and it is not unheard of. Including Franz at the beginning of the throne had suffered a loss, but at that time coincided with the counterattack on the Kingdom of Sardinia, the blame to the war.

Now that the world is at peace and there is no war to help take the blame, the allocation of the budget is quite a test.

Of course, if you don’t want to take the responsibility, you can also pass the job to the prime minister. Only this would lead to the phase power becoming bigger, and the emperor would become a rubber stamp if he wasn’t careful.

That would put the fate in someone else’s hands, and in case you run into a black hearted one, you might as well turn the royal family into front stage clowns.

Finally turned into the following people fishing for benefits, the emperor is responsible for taking the blame, disobedient to a violent death. Similar things, history can not happen less.

On this issue, the state and business are actually the same.

Many people are fortunate to start their own business, and in the end, they are fooled into missing, not to train their descendants to take over, but to hand over to professional managers to take care of.

It seems to be very scientific, but in the end, it usually ends in tragedy.

Just look at the performance of listed companies. In the past 37 years, the U.S. listed companies delisting rate as high as “72%”, the delisting of these companies are almost all the credit of professional managers.

This rate is rising as morality and the fast pace of society continue to deteriorate.

Although the enterprise has been tossed to the end, but the professional managers who manage the enterprise, but in the process to complete the rich. It is only the shareholders who really suffer.

Even if there are a few occasional businesses that grow, the owners of the business have changed, and there is no longer a dime’s worth of relationship with the founders of the business.

Really rely on managers to take care of the enterprise, no problems, are the major shareholders personally constraints, do not let the management of the enterprise to fly.

The same goes for countries, once the emperor doesn’t care, the bureaucrats quickly let themselves go. And then degenerate at a rate visible to the naked eye, until finally emptied ……

“Flowers don’t bloom for a hundred days,” and bloom and decay is supposed to be the law of nature. Watering and fertilizing is nothing more than letting the flower hang around for a few more days.

The same is true for the country, what the future will be who knows. Anyway, it is full of uncertainty, then it is better to leave their own rivers and mountains to their own people to toss.

Even if you have to lose your family, losing it in the hands of your own offspring is better than giving it to someone else to lose. On this issue, Franz saw very clearly.

Including the plan of dividing the states in preparation, in addition to the practical needs, but also in the diversification of investment. Putting eggs in different baskets to increase risk resistance as much as possible.

What could be done at the moment was done, the rest that was not Franz’s concern. Anyway, while he was alive, surely nothing would go wrong.

Vienna Palace
After listening to Frederick’s work report, Franz nodded with satisfaction. There were no major mistakes, that was enough.

To be able to ensure the normal functioning of the empire in times of peace was proof that Frederick had the ability to run the empire.

As for the war years?

It is estimated that Frederick will not be able to meet, once the curtain falls on the struggle for maritime hegemony, the Holy Roman Empire will become the only superpower.

With the strong strength of God Luo, in the future for a long period of time, will not be able to find an evenly matched opponent.

Unless aliens invaded, only the Holy Roman Empire would be able to beat up others.

In Frederick’s time, at most, there would be some localized wars, which could not be called a challenge at all. After that, it would be the era of “nuclear peace”, and the probability of a major war would be even lower.

After the report, Franz asked with a smile, “Frederick, what do you think of the Navy’s heavy artillery battleship program?”

It seemed that it did not occur to him that Franz would ask this question. Frederick was first stunned, then answered, “It looks good, just too costly.

If we can build a battleship with all heavy guns, the British will naturally be able to do the same. When the time comes, it will be another naval arms race.

Although our industrial strength exceeds that of the British, the government will not be able to invest much more in the navy than the British. In the end, it is likely to be a lose-lose situation.

The probability of winning might not be as good as the Air Force’s Terminator program; at the very least, the Air Force, when pushed, can still ram warships with airplanes.

Of course in the long run, a lose-lose ending is not unacceptable to us. It’s just that it would be cheaper for the Americans and the Russians.

In recent times, the United States and the Czarist government have been at war. It’s not unlikely that at some point, these two fringe countries will ally.

Although in a short period of time, their national power was far inferior to the British, but their potential for development was all above that of Britain.

Spell out the British, when out of the two rivals with greater potential, is completely more than worth it.

For the sake of the Empire’s interests, we must inherit the British legacy while pulling them down, or else it will be a wasted endeavor.

To do this, we must ensure that after defeating the British, the Imperial Navy will still have the power to overwhelm the nations of the world.”

Not looking good, that’s a given.

The Holy Roman Empire’s revenues were high, but its expenses were equally staggering. It was impossible for the government to invest all of its revenues, in naval construction.

Purely fighting for financial strength, in a short period of time, divine Luo did not have an advantage. Unless the time is delayed for ten or twenty years, when the economy of the Holy Roman Empire develops further, the government of Vienna will be able to have the financial strength to crush the British.

In contrast, the air force’s “Terminator Program” is more optimistic. Along with the continuous development of aviation technology, the weight of the aircraft is also increasing day by day.

So far, the largest strategic bomber of the Shen Luo Air Force has been able to carry two tons of ammunition.

Paired with special giant bombs, it was already enough to pose a threat to battleships. The only problem was the lack of accuracy, making it difficult to hit accurately.

However, the air force had already begun to figure out how to solve this problem. If the accuracy was really not good enough, they could still take the quantity to make up for it.

The big thing is to fight for luck, thousands of bombers on the line, there will always be a few lucky. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can also smash the Royal Navy to death.

In case of really bad luck, you can also take the airplane to hit warships. Although this is a joke, but this kind of suicide attack is really very effective.

In the war against France, there were reconnaissance planes that suffered accidents in the air and were unable to return properly.

At the last moment the pilot took a heroic step and crashed it directly into a French warship, exploding a big firework.

There was more than one similar case, except that most of them missed their targets. But as long as the hit, the effect is extraordinarily good.

Of course, it wasn’t that Shinra pilots weren’t really afraid of death. The main thing was that these days, once an airplane met with an accident at sea, it would have been ten deaths.

Forced landing at sea, that was completely overthinking, and it wasn’t a seaplane. Ordinary airplanes landed at sea, is to flop and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Parachute is equal to the sea to feed the fish, not to mention the news can not be passed back, even if it is passed back, but also can not wait for rescue personnel to come.

If you choose to crash into the enemy’s warships, you’ll be pulling a backstabber before you die. By the way, for the family to do a little contribution, after all, people died military service is still valid, the reward will not be less.

According to the plan of the Air Force Department, if it comes to a critical moment, you can really fight. As long as the death squads look hard enough, they will always be able to find them.

It is really not enough to make up the number of people, but also can artificially create accidents. In the end, the choice to pull the enemy’s back, that would be too much.

Politics this thing, that is to be as black as black. As long as the interests are big enough, there is nothing that politicians can’t do.

Franz laughed and cursed, ”The Air Force’s Terminator program is the real bad idea. Thousands of bombers, how dare they think of that.

While aviation technology is developing, the cost of building airplanes is climbing, and the quality of pilots required is likewise increasing.

If the technology is in place, the cost of thousands of bombers is estimated to be able to build hundreds of battleships.

It’s still cheap, I see the most expensive thing in the future being the air force. Just wait, it won’t be thirty years before the air force’s military expenses are on par with the army and navy.”

If it wasn’t for the experience in his previous life, it’s not unlikely that Franz would have been fooled by the air force’s plan. After all, the pie given by the air force did look very tempting.

It was just a pity that this stuff, delicious as it was, really wasn’t cheap!

Nowadays, airplanes aren’t worth much, thousands of bombers are only tens of millions of divine guilders, and counting the pilots’ logistics and maintenance, it’s not that expensive.

The future is different, soon tens of thousands of dollars worth of airplanes will be outdated, replaced by hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars worth of sky-high prices.

Whether or not the entire Holy Roman Empire could afford to keep thousands of bombers was an unknown, let alone amassing thousands of bombers at once.

Besides, the enemy is not a fool, the British are also developing their air force. Running to someone’s lair to carry out an attack, their air force will also counterattack.

How many fighter escorts would be needed to cover thousands of bombers?

This question is frightening just to think about, or else the air force of the German Third would have sent the entire Royal Navy to sea during World War II.

It’s not that they didn’t want to, but they simply couldn’t do it. Instead of carrying out this unreliable plan of the air force, Franz felt good about the navy’s plan instead.

The “All Heavy Gun Battleship”, was the Dreadnought of the original time and space. It was originally something the British came up with, and it nearly ended up burying the Royal Navy.

Regardless of whether or not it could surpass the British Navy in the end, it at least brought both sides to the same starting line, erasing the advantage that the Royal Navy had accumulated in the early stages.

(End of chapter)

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