Chapter 1075: Gain and Loss

  Chapter 1054: Gain and Loss

The wheel of human civilization rolled forward, and the tide of the times was vast. Accompanied by the progress of science and technology, the footsteps of the great age were getting closer and closer to this world.

Perhaps they were all tired of fighting, or God was tired of watching war movies every day, the world in 1897 was suddenly quiet.

Except for the French war, which was still burning, Cuba, the Philippines, and Morocco were quiet. The exhausted Kingdom of Spain was finally able to stop and take a breath.

Just this kind of peace, not all the battlefield fight out, more or all parties to compromise the results.

No matter how much the Kingdom of Spain was in decline, it was not comparable to a few indigenous tribes. After a long period of fierce fighting, the insurgents eventually couldn’t take it anymore.

As the victor, the Kingdom of Spain also suffered badly. The Spanish government, which suffered heavy casualties and was heavily indebted, could no longer afford to continue the siege of the insurgents who abandoned the cities and retreated into the jungle.

Since everyone could no longer fight, they had to sit down and negotiate. With the help of a compromise treaty, the Kingdom of Spain finally pacified the colonial rebellion.

Obviously, this was not the end. Since the hatred was already formed, it was not so easy to eliminate.

The compromise was only a temporary truce, and there was no telling when in the future the flames of war would be rekindled.

It’s just that the bitter Spanish government has no time to care about the future now. The war was over and their troubles had just begun.

Not to mention that a huge debt, how to pay; light hand of the French mercenaries, is a hot potato.

According to the contract, the war is over, this group of mercenaries should be “repatriated”. But now the French and the Russians are fighting high, the Spanish government should give this “elite troops” to whom?

To the Resistance, no. If they did, the Russians would be furious, and the whole anti-French coalition would have a problem with Spain.

The Spanish government could not afford to do such a thing to the detriment of its own people.

Theoretically, the Russian Empire and Spain were both members of the Antifa Alliance, so there was nothing wrong with handing the mercenaries over to the Russians.

The problem was that the Czarist government had done something really unethical, and if it really gave the mercenaries to the Russians, it would be pushing them into the fire.

Although the Russians also formed a French traitor cannon fodder unit in France, but this kind of formed ex-French army unit, the Russians certainly do not dare to trust.

It’s the same for any ruler, elite troops that can’t be controlled, then they can only be destroyed.

With the style of the woolly bear, it must be one thing or another, directly send this group of mercenaries back to the country to repair the Siberian Railway.

In any case, the French mercenaries are also for the Kingdom of Spain has made great achievements, just so they are sold out, the Spanish government still can not do it.

Since it is not appropriate to send them back, it can only be kept first. The problem is that the Spanish government is not rich, the war has ended, and then keep more than 200,000 mercenaries, it is really too wasteful.



Prime Minister Antonio asked with concern, “How many have we already pulled together?”

Spending money on mercenaries for a long time was a waste, though spending money on your own army was different.

After seeing the combat power of the French mercenaries, Antonio realized that his own army really couldn’t hold its own.

It was not that the Spaniards were not good fighters, but that the army, like the country, was rotten.

Reform can never be accomplished overnight, before the completion of the army reform, the Spanish government still needs a force that can support the appearance.

Not to reach the world’s top level, but at least to be able to hang the colonial rebels and maintain the stability of the colonial empire.

Now this mercenary from France, just to meet the requirements.

If it was during the time when France was strong, Antonio would never dare to have this thought. Now it’s different, France, which has been fighting for years, is obviously a phoenix that has plucked its feathers.

In addition to the army slightly able to fight a little bit, the rest of everything is not as good as Spain, including the population is also so.

Although the total population of France is slightly more, but the young and strong labor force is less. According to the current situation continues, in a few years time the total population will be surpassed by Spain.

The power contrast has changed, and the boldness has changed with it. Without the risk of being turtled up, Antonio was ready to dig the corner of France.

Colonial Minister Taboada: “It’s going very well, the French have long been tired of the continuous wars.

After we made our offer, about one-fifth of the mercenaries were willing to emigrate with their families, and nearly another third said they would consider it carefully.”

“Boredom,” naturally, is credited to Spanish government propaganda. Not all mercenaries like war, not to mention that even if they don’t think about themselves, they have to think about their families.

It is only after experiencing war that one realizes the preciousness of peace. The six-year-long war had long bored the French public, only they had no right to declare the end.

To escape the scourge of war, every year a large number of French people emigrated overseas with their families in tow. Those who had money bought boat tickets to go, those who didn’t fled as refugees.

With the Russians in the lead, the hatred of the Continental War was not even worth mentioning. All the countries bordering on France, including Spain, did not receive fewer refugees.

It was because of the refugees that the Spanish government had the idea of keeping mercenaries. The whole family is here, not afraid of these guys do not obey.

More dare not say, hundreds of thousands of immigrants Spanish government still dare to receive. Anyway, years of war, France is also a lot of men and women, easy to digest.

Prime Minister Antonio nodded with satisfaction: ”Very good, with these seeds in, we can mix a few main corps.

I’ll leave the rest of the work to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as soon as possible, negotiate with the countries to get the families of these people back.

As for the French who don’t want to emigrate, don’t force them, they can go back if they want to. But after sending them back to France, we will no longer be responsible for their safety.”

As it happened, the Spanish government’s modesty was no higher. Unwilling to hand over the mercenaries to the Russians, it was trying to dig in itself. Once it was found that they could not be used for that purpose, the offer to buy them was equally unambiguous.

Antonio is not afraid of spreading out to damage the international image. The French mercenaries did make a contribution, but the Spanish government is not without payroll.

Originally, it is just a simple labor contract, money and goods, even if the end.

As long as the people were not personally delivered to the Russians, it could not be considered a betrayal. As for what happened after they were sent back to France, it has nothing to do with them.

Foreign Minister Junior: “Your Excellency the Prime Minister, perhaps we can hand over this mercenary force to the Carlos government. Even though they are now in exile, they are still the only legitimate government in France.

Previously, our employment contract was also signed with the Carlos government, and returning the men to them now is just a reflection of our adherence to the spirit of contract.”

It wasn’t that Junior was soft-hearted, it was mainly because he had just dug in, and the emotions of the new immigrants always had to be taken care of.

It was important to appease the people without offending the Russians to death. Handing the trouble over to the Carlos government became the best option.

As for how the Carlos government, already in exile, should clean up the mess, it had nothing to do with Spain.

Anyway, King Carlos left on his own, and the Russians didn’t expel him, so he could return to his country at any time as long as he himself wished.

It was thought that there was no harm in returning with an army; after all, he was the legitimate king of France, and Spain had absolutely no reason to stop him.


The Russian army fought hard in France, not without value.

The Siberian Railway has been launched, the Russian laborers on the Central Asian Railway have been replaced by French laborers, and the Russian people are chanting “Wise Tsar”.

After all, the Tsar had to be wise since he didn’t have to do the labor himself. What did it matter to them if the French were dead or alive?

But the “wise” Nicholas II was not happy at the moment. Although the troops on the front line, a few months ago to the Allied Command for help, let him lose face, but it is also their own troops.

Besides, the face was not lost for nothing. At least the logistics for the frontline troops didn’t need to come out of the Tsarist government’s pocket. It had important implications for the Tsarist government, which was already not wealthy.

Along with the passage of time, the casualty figures of the Russian army swelled, and Nicholas II felt his scalp numb as he watched.

The French resistance, however, was not abating. According to the officers at the front, every Frenchman, man, woman, and child in sight could be one of the partisans.

The more they fought, the more enemies there were, and anyone who encountered them would have been left scratching his head. The Czarist government would have been unable to resist the urge to back down if the military expenses had not been paid for by someone else.

Of course, the fact that it was still holding out had nothing to do with the fact that Nicholas II was the new tsar. As the first war after the succession, if you can not win beautifully, it is very damaging to the reputation.

Compared to the Tsar’s reputation as a monarch, the lives of gray animals were worthless. On this issue, the position of the Tsar’s government was very unified.

Casually throwing away the telegram in his hand, Nicholas II complained with dissatisfaction, “Reinforcements again, I really don’t know what those idiots at the front line are doing!”

When there are casualties, they must be replenished, and the heavier the casualties of the Russian troops on the front line, the more replenishment troops have to be provided from the rear.

Unlike coughing up and withholding on supplies, when it came to soldier replenishment, the bureaucrats of the Tsarist government still rarely discounted.

Especially after the front line turned to the Allied Command for help, no one dared to mess around with the issue. After all, no one could guarantee that those Iron Beaners at the front wouldn’t stir things up.

This was the first war after the Tsar’s succession, so if the Tsar thought it was against himself, it would be the end of the story.

Political struggle is struggle, but there should be a bottom line. Taboos that can not be touched, absolutely can not be touched, or it will be the death of the official.

On this issue, Alexander II used thousands of heads to give Russian bureaucrats a hard lesson, and to this day everyone has palpitations.

Alexander III was not as tough, but likewise dealt with a number of ungrateful ones.

The Tsar of the moment, Nicholas II, was a little less tactful, but his ideals in life were great. On many occasions it was openly stated that he wanted to emulate his great-grandfather, grandfather, and father.

Learning Alexander III everyone is not afraid, if you learn from the previous two killing ruthless people, it will take a life.

Especially after the outbreak of the “Hoden tragedy”, everyone obviously felt the Tsar’s murderous spirit a little heavier.

Look at the previous group of withholding the front line supplies bureaucrats know what happened, not only was copied home, and now they are still digging potatoes in Siberia.

It is said that each person to dig a train wagon of potatoes to send back, to be able to clear the sins committed previously.

Siberian Railway has just begun, from the opening of the train is still a long way off, it is clear that most of these unlucky people will not be able to come back.

In the face of the angry Tsar, no one was willing to go up and look for scolding. Others could pretend to be deaf, but Sergei Vitte, as prime minister, could not hide.

“Your Majesty, it’s not all the fault of the officers at the front, they’ve done their best.

In the past six months, the troops on the front line have sent half a million laborers to the country, and this number is still gradually increasing.

Behind the French Resistance, there are the British in support, and it’s normal for it to take a little longer.”

It’s not that Sergei Witte is excusing the frontline troops, but the French Resistance was originally forced out by the Tsarist government’s “forced conscription”.

If it were not for the fact that they were forced to do nothing, the French would not have resisted so fiercely. After all, people are afraid of death, and those who really do not fear sacrifice are always in the minority.

Although the politician’s temperament is generally on the low side, but the dumping of pots is still skillful. Throwing black pots randomly and indiscriminately will sooner or later cause a rebellion.

Domestic decree, increased pressure on the frontline troops, and then dumped the pot on the commander of the frontline troops, such a stupid thing Sergei Vitte has not done.

The Prime Minister, too, needs to take responsibility. When it is time to carry the thunder, you must take the initiative to come forward.

Just look at the effect, Sergei Viktor’s words, the military representatives look at him a lot more favorable.

Nicholas II coldly smiled, sneered: “This is a little longer, or longer billion points?
If we keep dragging it on like this, the Central Asian Railroad will be opened. It can’t wait for the Siberian Railroad to open so they can extinguish the French resistance!”

Reinforcements or not, Nicholas II didn’t care. There was no shortage of gray livestock in the Russian Empire anyway, and someone else was paying for the war.

The key is the delay in extinguishing the French resistance, Nicholas II’s face has no place to rest. The tsar also needs to be compared, against the previous several masters, Nicholas II after the succession of the performance, obviously can not take the hand.

Not only the domestic public in the comparison, the international media also often take out to flirt. To the good face of Nicholas II, this is never tolerated.

Sergei Witte wanted to say something. The question of when the French Resistance could be extinguished was one that only God could answer.

(End of chapter)

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