Chapter 1074: Off-Track Plan

  Chapter 1053 – Off-Track Plan

In addition to calling for restraint on both sides, the Vienna government simply does not take practical action, posing as if it has nothing to do with me, and the condemnation of the European countries has followed suit and stayed on the verbal level.

After all, these days there are not many countries that dare to tease the Russians.

Let everyone shout slogans is okay, really if you go to interfere then save it! This kind of fearless international spirit, ordinary countries can not afford.

Just for the “evil water to the east plan” the first step of success, and rejoice in the British government, not yet had time to be happy for a few days, then received the Russian army ravaged the bad news of France.

Yes, Prime Minister Robert Cecil was furious. If the Russians were allowed to go on like this, France, which was only half alive, would really die.

If he hadn’t had his wits about him, Robert Cecil would have ordered the Royal Navy to block the gates of the Baltic Sea and intercept the Russian convoys carrying French laborers.

The main thing is to block the door is not effective, even if the blockade of the Baltic Sea, the Russians can still go to the Mediterranean Sea, or simply borrow the Shenla’s railroad transportation system.

For the sake of the greater good, Robert Cecil had to choose restraint. After all, this time to intensify the Anglo-Russian conflict, the bogeyman strategy will not be able to play.

The international situation is now very obvious, once the Holy Roman Empire’s eyes turned from the continent to the sea, Britain’s biggest challenge came.

Without chipping away at the Russians before then, Britain will really be cold.

To fight with the Holy Roman on the sea, and then to fight with the Russians for India on land, just think about how horrible the picture is.

But no amount of restraint could quench the anger in Robert Cecil’s heart. Without the French, who else could Britain turn to as cannon fodder?

The Russians?

Just look at the Russo-Austrian alliance, which had taken decades of effort from previous terms to split up, and Robert Cecil didn’t think he could bring the two countries to arms.

Really, if Shinra and Britain were to bayonet each other, the chances of the Czarist government taking advantage of the opportunity to go south to India would be a hundred times greater than going west into Europe.

The Spanish?

It’s not that Robert Cecil is looking down on people, it’s really that the empire of slatterns these days is just a slattern any way you look at it, and the empire has long since flown off to nowhere.

Without the empire of the plate duck, that is a dish on the table. Even if it was pulled over, it would be an additional meal for the enemy.

These two can’t work, can’t find Sardinia, Belgium, Switzerland …. …these small bean-popping countries, right?

As a qualified politician, Robert Cecil is no fantasist. “Throw up your arms and the herd will gather.” That’s fiction, a rallying cry that peak Britannia didn’t have, much less now.

Just based on “geopolitics” four words, doomed to the continent of Europe, this group of wallflower small countries, it is impossible to come forward and the god Luo confrontation; On the contrary, it is possible to be held hostage by the god Luo, to Britain to declare war.

A similar scene had appeared in the previous war against France. In order to pull heads to make up the numbers, the Vienna government was coercing and baiting all the means.

The only three neutral countries, all because they do not border France, itself can not affect the big picture, only to avoid.

Now the Holy Roman Empire and the year of the “new God Luo”, has been incomparable. In the evening, the government of Vienna can pull a bunch of little brothers to beat up France, and now there is no need to say.

The European continent is not chaotic, the Holy Roman Empire will be able to gather the resources of Asia, Europe and Africa. In the face of such a rival, even if Britain is sitting on the four seas do not know how to start.

Today’s times are different, once upon a time, the British government’s national policy is who is strong to suppress who, the threat of all pressed down; now Robert Cecil’s goal has dropped to: stabilize the situation is good.

Rivals unprecedentedly strong, can keep Britain’s maritime hegemony is good, more things Robert Cecil has not dared to ask for.

“Are the Russians so reckless that the government of Vienna, as the gendarme of Europe, is just going to watch and not care?”

Although the title of “European gendarme” is overbearing, it is not a good word to use for the Vienna government.

In the Vienna Conference of 1815, Metternich controlled the pace of the conference by diplomatic means, restricting the Russians to Eastern Europe and pushing Britain out of the continent.

Immediately after the formation of the Holy Alliance and pull together the countries, trying to maintain the balance of the monarchical system and the European continent, Austria once won the title of “European gendarmerie”.

However, the moment of glory was just a moment. In the following years, as an old-school empire, Austria went downhill.

Strength is not good Austria can not withstand the stick, in order to avoid falling into the target, the government of Vienna can only woe to the east, will pull the hatred of the overbearing title to the Russians.

The Vienna government did not dare to ask for it, but the tsarist government loved it. Since 1848, the Russian Empire has had the reputation of “European gendarmerie”.

Once again, the “European gendarmerie” hat on the head of the Vienna government, only hope that the Vienna government to follow the dust of that year, the country’s power all the way down.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron: “I am very sorry, Prime Minister. In spite of our efforts to build up the momentum, even King Carlos went to the Palace of Vienna every day to block the door, but the Vienna government just won’t budge.

It is obvious that the Vienna government’s determination to suppress France has reached a point where it cannot be shaken. Even if it involves the international reputation, also can not make them shake the slightest bit.

From the current signs, the Russians and the Vienna government may have reached a political deal, and France has become the victim of this deal.

The Tsarist government used the suppression of France as a bargaining chip in exchange for Vienna’s understanding of their construction of the Siberian Railway, which also solved the problem of the labor needed for the railroad.

The most direct evidence of this was the fact that it was now the government of Vienna that provided the logistical supplies for the Russian troops in France.

If the inference is correct, then while we are concerned about the Holy Roman Empire, we must also increase our focus on the Tsarist government.

It was a mistake in our previous work, underestimating the cunning of the Russians, that allowed them to take advantage of the situation.”

For Britannia, the process of how Russia and Austria hooked up didn’t matter. What mattered was the end result, that the government in Vienna was indeed supporting the Russians in their actions.

Everything else could be fooled, but the fact that the Vienna government was supplying the Russians could not be fooled.

After calming down, Robert Cecil waved his hand and said, “This is not your responsibility, we all underestimated the Tsarist government.

Who would have thought that the damned Russians play politics, the tactics are actually also so poisonous.

If they had this kind of ability before, the European landscape would definitely not be in the current situation.”

Diplomacy has always been a shortcoming of the Russians, being able to move the knife without reasoning is the inherent impression left by the Tsarist government to the European world.

Even Alexander III, the so-called “most diplomatic tsar,” was actually only easing relations with European countries, allowing the Russian Empire to be accepted by the European world.

The greatest diplomatic achievement was probably the further consolidation of the Russo-Austrian alliance. The greatest diplomatic achievement was the further consolidation of the Austro-Russian alliance, which tied Russia’s economy to that of Shinra a little more tightly and completely eliminated the threat of the Western Front.

Without blowing it out of proportion, this was indeed a great diplomatic achievement. Relying on economic bondage, it intertwined the interests of Russia and Shinra. What’s happening now is that one family is finished, and the other is going to follow suit.

All the other European countries have to worry about, the threat posed by the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, but the Tsarist government can be completely ignored.

The interests of the two countries are too deeply involved, the Holy Roman Empire to go to war with the Russian Empire, the first knife will have to first cut in their own body.

No one in his right mind would like the idea of “self-inflicted wounds”. Before the economic separation of the two countries, the Tsarist government did not need to worry about the threat from Europe, can rest assured boldly south or east.

Now that it has come to this, there is genuinely little that the British government can do other than reassure itself. Unless they can abandon their conspiracy against the Russian Empire and terminate the Siberian Railway construction program.

Obviously, this is not possible. Never mind that the Holy Roman Empire was Britain’s greatest threat, it was the Russian Empire that was the most immediate threat to the British.

This is not a contradiction. As powerful as the Holy Roman Empire was, the navy had a long way to go to overtake the Royal Navy.

Even if it did surpass it, it didn’t mean that the two countries were immediately going to war.

As long as the British government does not take the lead, then it is more likely that the Holy Roman Empire will still slowly pull Britain down through a long period of confrontation and consumption.

The kind of just have a slight advantage, immediately run out to play a gambling duel, only middle-aged teenagers can do it, a mature country is not blindly bet on the fate of the country.

Compared to the distant threat of the Holy Roman Empire, the Russians are the immediate threat. Now it’s just three or four years until the Central Asian railroad opens.

According to the principle that every tsar in the Russian Empire who succeeded to the throne would inevitably start a foreign war, Robert Cecil did not need to think about it to know where the Russians were targeting.

With such a perverted enemy as Shinra, already they had enough to suffer, Robert Cecil really did not have the energy to have a friendly match with the Russians in India.

A dead friend of the road is not a dead friend of the road. For the sake of his own family’s safety, it would have to be a disaster. Whether it was possible to screw the Russians in the Far East or not, the London government had to try.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Pavel: “The plan to use the Siberian Railway to deplete the national strength of the Russians has now failed by one-third, so the remaining two-thirds will never be allowed to fail again.

In any case, the Russians must first be allowed to get the Siberian Railway project off the ground. The French laborers could only reduce the Tsarist government’s investment in manpower, but the financial and material investment was still not enough.

With the railroad project in tow, the Russians will not be able to move south to compete with us for India, at least for the next few years.

At the same time, we will have to increase our support for the French Resistance, the Polish Revolutionary Party, the Bulgarian Independence Organization, the Russian Revolutionary Party, and anti-Russian groups such as the Afghan guerrillas.

Whether they ultimately succeed or not, they will be able to sap the strength of the Russians if they make a fuss about something.

As long as it is delayed until the Siberian Railroad opens, the Russians will have a second strategic option, and the situation will be very different.”

Reality is cruel, and since France is already destined to be unsalvageable, it’s better to just give up. It’s not the first time you’ve sold your teammates anyway, not to mention that it was the French who did it.

(Remarks: the British Chancellor of the Exchequer has the first minister and the second minister, the prime minister is also the first minister of the Exchequer, the second minister of the Exchequer is the real fulfillment of the duties of the Minister of Finance)

(End of chapter)

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