Chapter 1072: Class Me

  Chapter 1051 – Class Me
Hearing this news is like a fantasy, the crowd was directly stunned. The Americans want to build a “Siberian Railroad”, this is not the sun out of the west?

The Americans want to strengthen the economic exchanges and cooperation between Russia and the United States, everyone can still accept, after all, after the split of the United States of America seriously lack of goods sales market.

After all, after the split of the United States of America is seriously lack of commodity sales market. The same as a member of the marginalized world, and there is no conflict of interest, in recent years, Russia and the United States have been good relations. But the Americans want to build the “Siberian Railroad”, it is a bit funny.

The Siberian Railroad is so effective in promoting economic and trade cooperation between Russia and the U.S., why don’t we know about it?
Everyone knows that in the case of a small distance difference, the cost of rail transportation is much higher than sea transportation, let alone the Siberian Railway, such as special railroads, the cost of transportation is even higher.

Whether it is from the East Coast or from the West Coast, direct shipment of goods to the Russian Empire is better than running to the Far East for transit.

If you really want to talk about promoting economic trade between the two countries, there is actually something. Just not promoting commercial trade between the Siberian region and the United States.

Unlike the Siberia of later times, the Siberian region of these days can be said to be nothing but big.

More than thirteen million square kilometers of Siberia, just less than seven million people, this is still counting the results of Ottoman immigrants, otherwise this figure can be a discount.

Siberia developed after the opening of the railroads. It was mainly due to Stalin’s policy of exile that the population increased.

With such a small population, spread over 13 million square kilometers, it’s a joke to talk about trade.

The purchasing power of the Siberian market is not even a tenth of that of St. Petersburg.

To say that the Americans are interested in this “vast unoccupied” market, and want to go deeper into the farming business, I guess a normal person will not believe.

Nicholas II asked: “What do the Americans want?”

There is no love-hate in the world without reason, and this is especially true between countries. As a normal person, Nicholas II did not believe that there was no benefit, the Americans would run to do charity.

It was important to know that the construction cost of the Siberian Railroad was not a small amount, and it could rank second in the entire history of mankind, second only to that loop railroad in Shinra.

Several years earlier, the Tsarist government had completed its exploration of the Siberian Railroad. If the cost of the budget is not too scary, the tsarist government’s pockets and not drum, the railroad would have begun construction.

These days, the United States, although the financial strength than the Russian Empire is a little stronger, but that is also stronger than the limited, are also in debt.

Their own railroads are not finished, suddenly came to say to help build the Siberian Railway, no wonder Nicholas II did not suspect their motives.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich explained: “In recent years, the United States of America has encountered a bottleneck in its development, and urgently needs to open up a larger market for the sale of goods.

It’s just that the world has now been carved up, including the Americas, which was originally regarded by the Americans as their backyard, is now reduced to the British and Shinra spheres of influence, and there is simply no room for them to intervene.

In order to change this situation, the Americans will expand their attention to the Far East. Only their strength is limited, incapable of competing with the British, and even suppressing the Japanese is difficult.

Without outside intervention, it was only a matter of time before the Americans were expelled from the competition in the Far East.

Judging from the present international situation, we are the only ones who can offer help to the Americans at present and who are likely to do so.

There is simply no way for them to cope with the Anglo-Japanese alliance except by joining forces with us. The Americans’ proposal to build the Siberian Railroad may seem to be a favor to us, but in reality it is a strategic helplessness on their part.

Of course, the Americans are not vegetarians, and they have quite an appetite.

In addition to joining forces with us to expand in the Far East, they also want to get the franchise for the Siberian Railroad, as well as most-favored-nation status in international trade.”

From the time they defeated Napoleon, the Russians have had a kind of “bewildering confidence,” which reached its peak especially after the capture of Constantinople.

The Russo-Prussian War had awakened the Tsarist government, but after winning the war, everyone quickly became obsessed again.

This “self-confidence” was also reflected in political diplomacy. The strategy of going south to India was based on this “delirious self-confidence”.

Hearing this explanation, everyone, including Nicholas II, was moved.

The most-favored-nation status was as good as nothing. Anyway, the Russian Empire was already a world of Shinra industrial and commercial products, and it was good to let another American in to act as their competitor.

For Nicholas II, who wanted to get rid of Shinra’s influence, he was just worried that the Americans were useless and couldn’t compete with Shinra even if they opened up the market.

Joining forces to expand in the Far East, that wasn’t even a condition. In itself, the Russian Empire needs allies to share the pressure as it expands in the Far East.

As for the sole domination of the Far East and the completion of the Yellow Russia program, that was something for the future, and did not affect the current US-Russian cooperation in the slightest.

It can be said that the requirements of the Americans, in addition to the railroad franchise is a little difficult, other conditions are within the bottom line.

Prime Minister Sergei Witte: “It is naturally a good thing that the Americans are willing to help build the Siberian Railroad, but it should not be now.

The Empire’s strength is not unlimited, the French rebellion needs to be suppressed by the Empire, and the Central Asian Railroad is even halfway through, we really don’t have the ability to start another big project.

Judging from the current construction progress, if the later works progress smoothly, then the Central Asia Railway will be opened to traffic in 1899, the latest will not be more than 1900.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can talk to the U.S. about putting the construction of the Siberian Railroad three years from now so that we can deal with it comfortably.”

Even if the Americans were willing to help, the Tsarist government would still have to pay for the construction of the Siberian Railroad and would have to bear the lion’s share of the cost.

Including the Central Asian Railway, which was under construction, it looked like the Vienna government was aiding the construction, but the labor and raw materials were still provided by the tsarist government.

In the lack of machinery and equipment in the era, almost all the processes are completed by hand. Labor and raw materials accounted for more than 80 percent of the cost of railroad construction.

As for the difficult problem of demolition and relocation, which the railroads in later times had to face, it did not exist at all now. Including the tax on each link, it is now also zero through and through.

On the surface, it seems that the tsarist government did not pay much money, but hurt the national strength ah! Free labor is not unlimited, once the draft over the degree, that is also to be a big deal.

Foreign Minister Mikhailovich shook his head: ”I’m afraid this won’t work, leading the construction of this Siberian Railway is the American steel giant.

Their main purpose in pushing for this program is to clear out their own stockpiles. If they delay it for three years, their losses will be very high.

Not to mention that the U.S. government will change in two more years. If the program is not finalized soon, a new administration will come in after the change ……”

Unlike agricultural surplus, which can only be scrapped and disposed of, steel surplus can still be backlogged. But this backlog time is also limited, and the longer this backlog time needs to pay the higher the cost.

Capitalists are the most realistic, once it comes to harming their own interests, then what is said is useless.

Capitalists are not easy to deal with, then the U.S. government is even more difficult to deal with. If it can be re-elected, it is just, in case the government changed, policy continuity can not be counted on.

One administration is pro-Russian, the next may be anti-Russian. The speed of political change in the United States is comparable to that of a woman changing her clothes.

Nicholas II’s indecisiveness was exposed, and he was slow to make up his mind. He wanted to build the Siberian Railway, but was worried that it would be too expensive for his country to support.


The hot sun scorching the earth, Franz is now in the Alps to avoid the summer heat, with a bay of mountain pools. Quite a bit of “the spring is silent and cherishes the fine flow, the shade of the tree shines on the water and loves the sunny and soft” flavor.

Since having a son as a strong man, Franz from the tedious political affairs freed, living a good life of traveling in the mountains and playing in the water.

Once a person is idle, he likes to toss, if it is not too painful to take this year’s transportation, it is possible that Franz has already begun to fulfill the dream of the last life of global travel.

Think about the beauty of the road accompanied by, can be intoxicated, taste of exotic flavor, that is definitely a kind of enjoyment.

Unfortunately, in his last life, he did not have money and could not put it into action; now he has money, but the conditions for traveling around the world are not available.

If you can’t travel around the world, then you can travel around Shenluo. If you want to suffer in a poor mountainous place, then you should enjoy yourself in a prosperous and comfortable area.

Anyway, at his current age, Franz didn’t have to worry about sapping his will and playing himself into oblivion.

Old son capricious ran out to play, this can be bitter Frederick. Although he had also been in contact with political affairs for many years, but now all of a sudden turned into a decision maker, he still felt tired.

There was no way around it, any decision now involved great interests, so he couldn’t afford to be careless.

As the Crown Prince, Frederick did not have the prestige of Franz. Before making a decision, it is inevitable to coordinate the relationship between all parties.

Fortunately, the bureaucrats of the Vienna government, the recent years by Franz conditioning more or less, no one dares to stab in front of the Crown Prince. Otherwise Frederick’s days, will be more difficult.


Prime Minister Karl: “Your Highness, last night the Russian forces in France sent a telegram to the Allied Command asking for help, hoping that the Commander can solve the logistical problems for them.”

Seemingly uneventful report, Frederick knew that trouble was coming again.

For a long time the Viennese government had held the Allied Command, naturally no one would have a problem with it during the Continental War, after the war the situation was very different.

No one wanted a mother-in-law over their head, and the countries of the Antifa Alliance were no exception. Given this situation, it was natural that the Vienna government, which was focused on eating its words, did not insist.

Soon the Allied Command was reduced from the highest military command of the alliance to a liaison and coordinating body.

In addition to the political needs of the time, stand out to brush a sense of presence, most of the time are not in the overly specific military command.

Regardless of how the real power changes, but nominally the Allied Command, is still the highest military command organization of the Antifa Alliance.

Now the Russians asked for help, as the nominal supreme command organization of the Allied Command, can not sit idly by.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the Russians have provided the Vienna government with an opportunity to re-insert itself into the command of the armies in France.

Frederick, however, preferred not to have this opportunity. While the benefits of taking command of the armies in France might seem enormous, it was in fact of no use to Shiloh.

France is now like this, simply can not squeeze the oil. Excessive penetration into the military command in France, in addition to taking the blame and pulling the hatred, what else is there?
It can’t be used as an opportunity to meddle in the internal military and political power of each country, right?
Not to mention going to implement it, but wherever the slightest sign is revealed, Shinra is going to be caught in the crossfire.

Similar tragedies, the Habsburg dynasty, but the forefathers personally experienced. Young blood boiling, casually shouted a few slogans of unification, after succeeding to the throne by the vassals all kinds of targeting.

Now the situation is similar, the European countries are willing to recognize the hegemony of God Luo, in addition to their own strength, the most important thing is that Franz does not like to toss.

It’s rare to run into a boss who doesn’t make things happen, so everyone naturally wants to flatter him. Other people flattered to flatter, but they still need to have self-knowledge.

If you really drift, Napoleon is an example. The whole of Europe alone, even if the battlefield won, political is also lost.

In this context, the telegram of the Russian army in France for help is a hot potato. Once handled badly, it would bring very big trouble to the Vienna government.

It was not as if the Vienna government had not encountered similar things before. Only before it was all handled by Franz, Frederick was just a bystander. Now encountered, or inevitably have a few headaches.

After a few moments of silence, Frederick asked, “What does the Prime Minister suggest?”

“Now we have two choices, either first allocate a portion of the supplies to the front line of the Russian army, take the opportunity to take the command of the Russian army, but we must grasp the degree of which can not be over-involved.

Either we send a diplomatic note to the Tsarist government, urging them to provide supplies to the front as soon as possible. Only then, the efficacy of the Allied Command will be nullified, and there will be no more ability to do so in the future ……”

Frederick sighed darkly, the two choices given by Prime Minister Karl were effectively one.

Sending a note to the Czarist government in the name of the Anti-French Alliance, urging the Russians to supply the frontline troops, is not also meddling in Russia’s internal affairs?
What’s more, it was also riding on the majesty of the Allied Command. This kind of effort is not pleasing to the eye, obviously is better to do less.

Providing logistical supplies to the Russian army is also not a good job. It seems to get the command of the Russian army in France, but also worsened the relationship between the two countries.

It can be said that whatever choice the Vienna government makes now will ultimately affect Russian-Austrian relations. A bad operation may also affect the international image of Shinra.

However, it was impossible not to choose. Since the prime minister has brought it up, it is obviously the result of careful consideration. Perhaps there was a better way to respond, but people hadn’t thought of it yet.

After contemplating the effort for a while, Frederick nodded: ”The most important thing on the battlefield is efficiency, the Russians are busy right now, waiting for them to deal with it on their own is definitely too late in time.

For the sake of the overall situation, we will suffer a little loss, first to provide logistical supplies to the front line Russian troops. When the situation in France is stabilized, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will communicate with the Tsarist government.”

Other abilities are uncertain, but the ability to talk nonsense with his eyes open, Frederick has moved closer to Franz.

(End of chapter)

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