Chapter 1069: Royal Governor

  Chapter 1048 – Imperial Son Governor
The eldest son had to exercise, and the second son couldn’t be idle. With the constant development of the times, the management mode of the governor of the overseas colonies is more and more unable to keep up with the times.

Just look at the Spanish colonies, it’s now woefully out of date. Although there are foreign forces involved, the way of ruling itself cannot keep up with the times is also an important factor.

The colony of Shen Luo is still stable, mainly because Franz has divided a group of nobles out. There was a group of guys who worked for themselves and were suppressing all sorts of disobedience.

There was no doubt that this kind of feudal rule was even more backward. The only advantage was that it was able to stimulate the work ethic of his men and maximize the development of individual potential.

With the double bind of the feudal vassal system and benefits, one generation and two generations would definitely have no problems, and three and four generations would not have any major problems thanks to the strength of Shinra.

Further on, it was impossible to say. People’s loyalty could not withstand the wear and tear of time, and the later it got, the greater the weight of interest would be.

Now that the overseas colonies are economically backward and have to rely on local support, they are naturally as close as family members.

With the continuous economic development, the future is impossible to say. When one day the economy of the colonies develops and is not willing to continue to act as a source of raw materials and a market for the sale of goods, the conflict between the two sides arises.

The central government, no matter how impartial it is, will have a tendency to deal with problems. Once or twice will not be a big problem, but eight or ten times will lead to centrifugal separation.

Instead of waiting for the situation to deteriorate to the point of parting ways, it would be better to take advantage of the close relationship now to deal with it and give the colonies greater autonomy.

Obviously, the governor-general system cannot fulfill such a need. The British had already tried this in the original time and space, but in the end, because of the lack of cohesion, the United States and the Soviet Union were able to take advantage of it.

Since the Viceroy Administration System couldn’t meet the demand, it would be better to continue the feudal system and establish states according to the tradition of Shinra. Even if the game falls apart later, it’s still meat rotting in its own pot.

As a matter of fact, after the rise of the colonial movement, it was not Franz’s first idea to engage in the feudal system overseas.

Both the two teeth, as well as Britain and France, had once divided the nobility overseas. Only the domestic resistance was too strong, and the actual feudalization was turned into a false one.

In addition to individual small nobles, really get fiefs, most of the nobles are only a nominal title, fief governance was taken away by the government.

Since we have to play a false game, naturally, we can’t expect people to give up the good life in their native land and go to the poor countryside to struggle in the colonies.

After the rise of Shenluo, after seeing the fighting power of the fiefdom nobles, it’s not like the countries haven’t thought of following suit.

Unfortunately, at this time, the situation has been finalized, and the bourgeoisie, bureaucratic groups desperately blocked, the king sealed a few nobles is okay, want to want to go on a rampage to divide and conquer is simply not possible.

The reason for the opposition was very lofty: the colonies were national, belonging to all the people, and could not be usurped by individuals.

In one sentence, the achievements of the founders of the colonies were all wiped out, as if the colonies just fell from the sky.

Anyone with a little bit of knowledge knows that the government certainly played an important role in the process of opening up the colonies, but the real main force was the immigrants.

“The colonies are national and belong to all the people”, on the surface, it is true that the interests of the people are being safeguarded, but in fact, it is necessary to add a sentence after this – “The interests of the colonies belong to the bureaucrats and capitalists! “.

The essence of the opposition still lies in the distribution of benefits.

According to the Divine Law’s feudalization model, the central government only controlled the major cities and important ports, and the rest of the land was mostly given to meritorious ministers, while the areas that no one wanted were all returned to the emperor.

The beneficiary groups were mainly soldiers and immigrants, the lucky ones became fiefdom nobles, and the average ones were able to get a piece of land of their own.

Bureaucrats and capitalists also gained something, but it was much smaller compared to the lucky ones who rose to power in a single dynasty.

Jealousy makes people crazy, and with the heart of I can’t get it and I can’t let others get it, opposition is inevitable.

Only the German region is special, the long years of war between the lords, so that the aristocratic dominated military has been in a strong position. Coupled with an emperor who was willing to share the spoils, he was able to suppress the domestic bureaucracy and capital.

The same could not be said for other countries. In Britain, for example, the top positions were held by civil officials, the military was suppressed to death, and there was no strong emperor, the feudalization naturally could not be implemented.

The military can only follow the soup, ordinary immigrants are even more exploited objects. The plundering of wealth for a long time is unbearable for anyone.

The collapse of the colonial empire in the original time and space, in addition to the United States and the Soviet Union in the matter, one of the most important reasons is that the capital and bureaucrats take too much.

Especially in the late stage, nationalism awakening colonial cost rise, bureaucrats and capital and take too much benefit, colonies directly loss.

Along with the economic tension, the colonial government had to cut back on expenses, directly harming the interests of the military and the settlers. Not even able to drink the soup, people are naturally reluctant to sell their lives for the colonial empire.

With the people who sold their lives gone, the colonies became more and more chaotic and the maintenance costs continued to climb. When the general public saw that the colonies were not only not making money, but were instead losing money, they simply did not want them.

By the time the bureaucrats and capitalists with vested interests realized the danger, the wave of independence had already risen and the colonial empire was powerless to recover.

With a lesson from the past, Franz couldn’t have to save for a rainy day. Anyway, the Holy Roman Empire already had many states, and did not care to add a few more.

Abolishing overseas colonies to establish states, this kind of thing can only be done by Franz, other people simply can’t afford to carry such a big thunder.


Vienna Palace.
Franz held a document and said in a serious tone, “This is the appointment letter of the Governor of Central America. I will ask you one last time, Peter, are you really ready?”

The state was not a leap of faith, and Franz could help underwrite the domestic troubles. The division of vassals was also not new, everyone else could be sealed, and naturally so could the emperor’s son when it was his turn.

It’s just that the fiefdom is so much bigger “billion point point”, the autonomy is so much bigger “billion point point”, as for the rank of the title is still the same.

The royal son obtains the title of Archduke, belonging to the regular operation of the Habsburg Dynasty. According to the constitution of Shen Luo, as long as the Emperor’s approval is obtained, the Archduke is allowed to establish a state.

Dividing an imperial son to establish a state was still a part of Godroe, and was not considered splitting the country, let alone selling it. There were plenty of precedents in history, and there would not be much resistance from the populace.

Those who opposed it most strongly would be the capitalists and bureaucrats whose interests had been damaged, but the most this group of people would do was to curse a few times. If they are really asked to do anything, they still don’t have the guts.

As for the local fiefdom aristocrats, the establishment of the state will not strip them of their fiefdoms, and they should have a lot of rights, just one more boss on top of their heads.

The heart may be unhappy, but the relationship of feudal obligation, they have no way to oppose the emperor.

However, the emperor’s son alone could only keep everyone’s respect, and if they wanted to gain their allegiance, it still depended on the monarch’s political skill.

It was too risky to take a direct step, and despite having confidence in the son he had raised, Franz would not play any games of pulling the plug.

The post of “Governor” is a good excess, if you do a good job, you will be the king, if you do not do a good job, you will go home to be assholes.

In recent years, the Habsburg dynasty was also prosperous, and there were many replacements. There are still grandchildren, anyway, as long as Franz is still alive, it can be operated.

In addition to the closer Middle East and Africa to be incorporated into the mainland, the colonies in the South Seas and the Americas could be ruled by states.

In a sense, it was also diversification. For the royal family, a few more crowns would be a safeguard.

The spirited Peter immediately assured, “Don’t worry, father. I have been preparing for this day for many years.”

It was true that he had prepared for many years, from the beginning of opening up overseas colonies, Franz had plans to establish overseas states, so when it came to training his son, it was all done in accordance with the heir standard.

Having prepared for so many years, it was hard to not be excited when it was time to start implementing it, Peter wanted to be excited. After all, he wasn’t getting any younger.

Now that he was already in his middle age, if the plan didn’t start again, without waiting to perfect the state system, he, the founding lord, would be old first.

Looking at the spirited second son, Franz in feeling gratified at the same time, face but did not show any expression, pretense of indifference said: “to Austrian Central America, you have five years.

I don’t care what method you use, as long as you can control the local area in five years, you are the future king of Central America.

To give you one last piece of advice, if not as a last resort, it is best not to use means beyond the rules.

Perhaps the rules will bind your hands and feet, but it is still the rules that can protect you. As a higher power, you can change the rules, but you should never take the lead in breaking them.

Of course there is a premise for this, and that is that there is no threat to one’s own safety or the monarch’s authority. If this bottom line is crossed, then all the rules, can be pushed back.

What exactly to do, this still requires you to make a decision based on the actual situation, no one can help you in this regard.”


Appointing Peter as Governor of Central America was just the beginning, with the Governor of the South Seas, the Governor of South America, and the Governor of Alaska waiting to be appointed by Franz next.

However, considering the actual situation, Franz did not replace all the overseas colonial governors with his own sons at once.

Anything can not be a leap, just appoint a royal son as colonial governor, even if the outside world has a controversy, it will not be too big.

If the overseas colonies were all replaced with royal sons. Even if it is a political white, also know what the emperor is going to do.

Before the British, the external enemy, was cleared away, Franz would not stir up internal strife. Even if he had the certainty of suppressing all opposition, it wouldn’t work.

“A fierce tiger fighting a rabbit also uses its full strength.”

Not to mention having to deal with the British. You have to realize that some people may not be able to do anything, but their ability to make trouble is absolutely first-rate.

No one knows how much damage a single mistake in detail can cause.

(End of chapter)

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