Chapter 1062: The Patriot

  Chapter 1042 The Patriot

Washington, the political capital that symbolizes American independence, was reduced to a border city at the end of the Civil War, but the stubborn United States government still moved the capital back after the war.

To this day, the traces of the war have long since faded. Only in the artificially preserved history museums can the trauma of the war still be seen.

The original purpose was to let the people of the United States know the shame of the war, and strive for the unification of the United States of America. However, as times have changed, the nature of these artifacts has also changed, becoming an important part of the anti-war wave.

As a nation of immigrants from all corners of the world, the concept of “unification” was not well understood.

Irish immigrants and English immigrants can never piss in the same gourd, Italian immigrants and French immigrants continue to hate each other, and discrimination between whites and people of color …….

The European world sows the causes, but the bitter fruits are borne by the United States. Too many ethnic conflicts were intertwined, and internal problems have always plagued the fledgling nation.

As a matter of fact, so did the original time and place. In later times, many people thought that the Americans were very “meticulous”, obviously possessing a strong national strength but had been holding back until after World War II before exploding.

They did not realize that the real United States was not as strong as they thought. The weak central government, ethnic conflicts and the unlimited power of the states were all problems faced by the new country.

The internal conflicts that continued daily consumed too much of the nation’s energy. Successive U.S. administrations, beginning in the 19th century and continuing into the early 20th century, struggled to overcome this internal conflict.

Eventually, as time went on and immigrants got to know each other better, interracial marriages increased, and the divisions within the white race were eased, the country became truly strong.

This self-integration in the original time and space lasted for hundreds of years, not to mention now.

With the independence of the South, the face of the central government of the United States was directly swept away, and its control over the states became weaker and weaker.

The immigrant country, the people’s sense of belonging to the country was already low. The average person cared more about their own personal quality of life than re-unifying the South.

Secession wasn’t all bad, there was an equal wave of vested interests, for example: several food-producing states in the Central Plains didn’t want the South to come back and take markets from them.

Also uninterested in unification were the western states. Because there are no self-interests involved, many are indifferent to reunification or not.

Simply put, there was no problem with unifying the South, but not with asking them to join the army and go to war.

This seediness was manifested during the Civil War. Many states with little interest involved openly resisted conscription by the central government.

Of course, the interference of the Great Powers was also an important factor. With one’s own security at stake, one must think twice before acting, even if one is no longer supportive.

Those who really wanted the re-unification of the North and the South were in fact the eastern states where the capitalist consortia were clustered. While the capitalists were motivated to support reunification, it was not possible for them to go to war and fight for their lives.

In this regard, Jewish capital set an example for the American bourgeoisie: “They have everything but the state.”

With ordinary people not wanting to fight, and those who wanted to fight not wanting to go to war, it was arguably inevitable that the United States’ path to unification would be thwarted.

Against this backdrop, it is not surprising that the anti-war wave became the mainstream of society. After all, the capitalists who supported unification by force were a tiny minority of the entire nation.

President Grover Cleveland, who was keen to promote national unification, was “watching and anxious”, but was unable to do anything about it.

In fact, Grover Cleveland was not the first president to try to reunite the South after the Civil War. Many of his predecessors had tried before him, but all ended in tragedy.

His predecessor, in particular, had coincided with the outbreak of the Continental War, a period when the ability of European nations to intervene in the Americas was at its lowest.

If the South was to be united by force, then was the best opportunity. The continental countries were busy PKing with the French, and the only one left on the sidelines was Britain.

Alone, the government in London could not have run head over heels to participate in the Civil War; after all, it was the longstanding national policy of the British to put Europe before America.

Unfortunately, there was a heated argument within the United States over whether or not to initiate forceful reunification.

From the Congressional government down to the general public, fierce conflict erupted around the issue.

Several state governments within the United States publicly stated that they would not send troops to fight in the new Civil War, causing their predecessors, who had proposed the unification plan, to go straight down.

The Continental War ended before the Union could reach a consensus. Once a moment is missed, it will never be repeated.

The Confederate States of the South are not soft, and can be said to be the second only to the United States of America’s existence in the American world. Although the gap between the two sides in terms of overall national power was up to more than double, when it came to military power, the gap was infinitely minimized.

If the European countries intervene again, then these gaps will no longer be gaps, but may become an advantage.

It was important to realize that on the issue of unifying the south by force, the European powers had often issued warnings to them. Including after the formation of the European Union, they hadn’t forgotten to send people to remind them to keep their peace.

If you want to break the stability of the Americas, a joint mixture of the powers to fight more is inevitable. At that time, not to mention the unification of the South, even the North will have to be divided once again.

Specific reference can be made to the European powers when they intervened in the Civil War, put forward the “zoning occupation plan”.

Simply put: Britain, France, Austria and the West led the four countries to unite the European countries together to dismember the United States, and then implement the partition occupation.

Of course, this is only a kind of intimidation. If the troops were to be deployed, we would have to think rationally about whether it was worth it.

However, this kind of intimidation is still very intimidating to the Americans who have not seen the market.

With his predecessor stepping down in disgrace, President Grover Cleveland naturally wouldn’t be headstrong enough to do it all over again.

In order to realize the unification of the country, Grover Cleveland decided to adopt a roundabout strategy, both: to provoke conflicts between the major powers in Europe, to create an international basis for unification.

It was against this background that the Cuban independence movement broke out.

As the black hand behind the scenes, Grover Cleveland just smuggled a few batches of arms over to the past, so that the British and Spanish countries are directly against each other; by the way, it also planted a seed of suspicion between Spain and Shenla. It can be said to be very successful.

Unfortunately, Spain was, after all, in decline, making this plan greatly reduced.

…… (did not finish writing, in order to full attendance, can only send in advance, do not hit me ah…)
(End of chapter)

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