Chapter 1034: A Meeting at the Negotiation Table

  Chapter 1014 – Encounter at the Negotiation Table

What people are most afraid of is having no hope, the three million labor dispatch program, although it can’t solve all the unemployment problems in Europe, it can bring hope to everyone.

Adhering to the principle of maximizing impact, unless it is a skilled worker, this labor recruitment is limited to one person per household, and as far as possible, it is tilted towards economically disadvantaged families.

In a sense, this recruitment drive not only relieves the pressure on employment in various countries, but also serves as a large-scale campaign to alleviate poverty.

The salary standard set by the Vienna government was not high, only 50% of the average income of the European population in 1893, but it was already a high income for the lower class.

In this era of disparity between the rich and the poor, the income of the great aristocrats and capitalists is equivalent to the income of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of ordinary people a year, while more than half of the lower class people’s income is less than 20% of the average level, the word “average” has long since lost its significance.

If it were not for the fact that the workplaces are overseas and the basic conditions in all aspects are not up to date, such jobs would have been snatched up.

In this regard, Franz is the champion of poverty alleviation of the year. Perhaps also this century’s champion of poverty alleviation, after all, this level of poverty alleviation project has been unprecedented, it is estimated that the next few years will not come again.

When you sign a labor contract, you pay three months’ salary in advance, and you don’t need to worry about being cheated at all. This is a recruitment organized jointly with governments, and everyone will follow up on the subsequent labor dispatch together.

Of course, no one knows how far we can follow up. Anyway, when publicizing, try to pick the good things to say.

The harsh climate, the infestation of poisonous insects and beasts, all these realistic problems were intentionally or unintentionally ignored by the governments. Perhaps for the rulers, though, sending these potentially dangerous elements away is the way to go.

The effect of spreading money was naturally overwhelming, and with every advance salary issued, a family was temporarily freed from the hunger crisis. The deteriorating continental situation finally took a turn for the worse.


In the South Seas, the much-anticipated Philippine War Mediation Conference has kicked off in Sulawesi.

Unsurprisingly, in addition to the two countries involved in Japan and the West, there are also Britannia and the countries of the Continental Union participating in the mediation.

Obviously, the 1 vs. 17 mediation meeting was very unfavorable to the Japanese. It would be an absolute tragedy to play tongue-in-cheek in diplomacy.

The Japanese government is not without effort, in fact, before coming to the negotiating table, Ito Hirobumi has visited the ministers of many countries to invite them to participate in the mediation meeting.

Do not ask for full support, even if just send a representative to go to the hilarity, hold a personal scene, for the Japanese government is also a kind of support.

Unfortunately, even though the Japanese army performed well in the Philippine campaign, Spain was still a little stronger in the eyes of the outside world.

It was too difficult to ask people to risk offending Spain to help support the cause. Except for the British government, which remained on the side of the Japanese government for the sake of face, the Japanese never managed to pull in a second ally.

The aftermath of being alone soon manifested itself. The negotiations had only just begun when the hat of the aggressor was slapped on them, not allowing them to refute it at all.


The Russian representative, Tamburlaine Doss, said righteously, “The aggressor must be severely punished, and any act of indulgence is a desecration of the civilized world.

In order to seek justice for the innocent victims who died, I propose to set up a temporary tribunal to try the culprits who started this war.


If one were to judge by Tamburlendos’ comments alone, the uninformed would surely assume that the Japanese invaded Russia and that’s what made him so angry.

This was no longer the attitude that mediation by a neutral country should have been, but rather more like a revenge meeting. Did Tamburlendos have a grudge against the Japanese?

The answer is: no!

Although because of the assassination of Crown Prince Nicholas, the tsarist government all look at the Japanese people are not happy, but the Crown Prince is still alive and well, this is not enough to national hatred.

Not only no hatred, not even a major conflict of interest. The tsarist government did not move eastward strategically, the Japanese government did not go northward, even if the Kuril Islands a little dispute, that is also to the Japanese government concessions to the end.

However, this does not prevent Tambourine Dos to seek the bad luck of the Japanese, in addition to selling good to the domestic Crown Prince, more importantly, the Spanish gave money.

In order to take the initiative in the mediation conference, the Spanish representative is all the way to spread money, to participate in the meeting of the representatives of all countries manually a “souvenir” is indispensable.

In fact, not only the Spanish delegates gave gifts. The Japanese delegation also did not make less money, Ito Hirobumi even personally visited one by one.

There is no way, this is the bad habits of the times. 19th century diplomacy, has always been accompanied by materialism, the beautiful name – public relations.

Paying money does not necessarily make things happen, but not paying money will definitely be bad. Under the premise of not involving the interests of the country, the diplomats are much more maneuverable, usually whoever gives more will be inclined to who.

Unfortunately, not this time, the Conference of the European Union has made a decision to support Spain, as a diplomatic representative of one of the member states, Tamburlaine Dos must be supported, which is a matter of political principle.

Against this background, the efforts of the Japanese delegation could at best only make everyone’s mouths water and soften their attitudes a bit when it came to supporting Spain.

Originally, for the sake of the “big yellow fish” sent by the Japanese, Tamburlendos did not want to go so far, but a telegram from a big shot at home made him give up all his illusions and become a staunch anti-Japanese.

More than one similar telegram was received by the representatives of almost every country. No matter how good the Japanese government’s public relations were in the South Seas, they could not stop the Spaniards from going to Europe.

The end result was that more than a dozen countries of the European Union were pulling the plug. Nominally mediating, but actually supporting Spain.

The Spanish representative said, “Sir is right, the aggressor must be severely punished, otherwise justice will not be done and the world will be in chaos.

According to the intelligence we have gathered, the Japanese government and the French have a secret pact, the southward invasion of the Philippines is only the first step, they also plan to cooperate with the French army to participate in the continental war.”

Simply getting the Japanese to withdraw from the Philippine Islands was obviously difficult to assuage the Spaniards. Unfortunately, their own strength was limited and they were unable to counterattack the Japanese mainland.

In order to make the end of the Japanese a little more miserable, Federico decisively chose to pull the Anti-French League down. As long as the fact that Japan colluded with France was established, then the Philippine Campaign was not fought just for Spain in defense of colonization, but for the Anti-French Alliance.

The nature changed, and the final outcome would naturally be different. Even for the sake of saving face, the Antifa Alliance would make the Japanese suffer. Even Britain, which originally supported the Japanese, would give up this little brother due to the pressure of the Antifa Alliance.

In the face of the Spanish representative’s accusation, Ito Hirobumi naturally couldn’t admit it, or else it wouldn’t be a question of when to withdraw from the Philippine Islands, but a question of whether or not the Japanese Empire could still exist.

“This is a complete slander, we have no relationship with the French, there is no such thing as collusion.

Anyone with a little bit of military common sense knows that Japan is tens of thousands of miles away from Europe, and with the performance of our navy’s warships before, even if we were to go to Europe, we would have had to resupply many times along the way.

Without everyone’s permission, the Imperial Navy did not even have the ability to enter the Indian Ocean, so how could it possibly collude with France?

The Imperial Navy went to the Southern Ocean only to combat piracy, not realizing that when we were refueling coal in Luzon, we were sneak attacked by your country’s defenders, and we were forced to launch a counterattack.

We are the victims of this war. The so-called invasion doesn’t hold water at all. This is all the responsibility of whichever idiot garrison officer in Luzon, otherwise there wouldn’t be this war at all.”

In order to minimize the responsibility, Ito Hirobumi decisively chose to talk nonsense with his eyes open. Sensei didn’t care whether anyone believed him or not, he wouldn’t admit to all the accusations made by the Spaniards anyway.

“In front of ironclad facts, sophistry is meaningless. The French have all but admitted the existence of the secret contract, even the copy of the contract I have brought over.”

After saying that, the Spanish representative Federico took out the copy of the contract and handed it to the Shinra representative who was near the front, and also glared provocatively at Ito Hirobumi.

Not only was there a Franco-Japanese secret contract, but there was also an Anglo-Japanese secret contract, and if it were not for the acquiescence of Britain and France, the Japanese government would not have dared to go south.

Only now that France has declined, and Britain is still bullish, the Spanish government does not want to offend the British, directly ignoring the fact that the Anglo-Japanese secret treaty.

The most feared thing happened, the heartbeat accelerated Ito Hirobumi, hardened his head and rebuked: “A treaty fabricated out of thin air, want to convict us, your country has not been too overbearing.

We have never signed a secret treaty with the French, does Your Excellency want to make us admit it by bringing out a fake contract?”

It was impossible not to be nervous, the French-Japanese secret treaty really existed. Only the content on the top of the treaty was a little different from what the Spanish representative said.

Before the launching of the southward strategy, the Japanese government had considered the consequences of the defeat of France, so when the treaty was concluded, it was mostly ambiguous.

Coupled with the fact that the Paris government did not take Japan seriously and did not take their military power seriously at all, the final treaty concluded was a joint piracy siege program.

Siege of piracy seems to be no problem, the problem is that at that time the Shinra Navy for the purpose of blockade of France, no less in Malacca to do no business.

As the victor is not to be blamed, so this part of the black history, must be erased. The Japanese Navy wants to round up the “pirates” problem, the Shen Luo Empire will not say anything on the surface, secretly will not retaliate no one knows.

Anyway, Ito Hirobumi is very nervous. In the eyes of the Japanese government, the Shinto Empire spared no effort to support Spain out of retaliation for the possibility of Japan hooking up with France.

Just because of the “possibility”, the Franco-Japanese secret treaty was also strictly confidential, and under normal circumstances Shinra would not know the details. However, international politics often do not need evidence, with a possibility is already enough to make the government of Vienna to give them small shoes.

If this “possibility” was realized, then Japan would have a hard time in the future. There was no point in explaining it. No matter what the Japanese Government’s intentions were, and no matter whether they had done it or not, they would be subject to retaliation.

Hegemony needs to be established, and Japan, as the first country to come to the door after the war, must be the “chicken” to be used as an example.

Based on this judgment, Ito Hirobumi is now dead can not recognize the Franco-Japanese secret treaty, even if out of the contract is the same.

Perhaps realized that the little brother encountered trouble, the British representative Klaus said smilingly: “Gentlemen, things have happened, continue to linger in the past does not make any sense, our eyes to look forward.

The war is brutal, and every day that it lasts takes away many precious lives. Anyone who desires peace does not want a war, enough blood has been shed.

We are sitting together today to reconcile conflicts and end this meaningless war. As for other issues, it’s better to discuss them after the war has ended!”

It wasn’t that Klaus wasn’t forceful, it was really that this war initiated by the Japanese government couldn’t stand up to scrutiny at all. The pretext of holding back the war, the undeclared war, these are all things that the Japanese government can’t wash its hands of.

If they were dealing with a weak country, either playing rogue or being a jerk would be fine; but now that the European Union had intervened, then the best thing to do was to follow the rules of the game.

The London government is busy trying to bring down the European Union, this is not the right time to come out to pull hatred, after all, the existence of a coalition of the necessary conditions are only two points: common interests and common enemies.

Want to dismantle the European Union, the first step is to let the European countries do not feel threatened, only the common enemy disappeared, they will rest assured bold infighting.

In order to achieve this goal, the London government has decided to strategically contract overseas, avoiding conflicts with European countries as much as possible.

Against this background, the support that the British were able to give to the Japanese government could be imagined. Perhaps the London government now hated to see the Philippine War end immediately so that the European Union could be idle sooner.

The same applies to politics. If an alliance has nothing to do for years and years, people will find it dispensable.

“Soldier against soldier, general against general.”

Since the British had stepped up, as the boss of the European Union, Shinra naturally had to help his little brother take the pressure exerted by John Bull, otherwise how could he convince the people.

As the representative of Shinra, Governor Chandler smiled and said, “It is naturally best to be able to end this war early, after all, we all love peace, and no one wants to fight and kill all the time.

However, in order to warn future generations, there should still be punishment for the aggressor. I think it’s better to do it this way, first each of us will return to our pre-war boundaries and end this war.

Then, a joint delegation will be formed by each country to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the causes and consequences of the war. For the culprits who provoked the war, we are determined to have zero tolerance.”

The two big rogues talked about peace together, and there was not the slightest hint of a disconnect, so if one did not know about it, one might have thought that Britain and Austria were on good terms.

Unfortunately, those present were all in the know, and the game between Britannia and Shinra had long been seen by everyone.

The only one who felt nervous was probably Ito Hirobumi. There was no way, lightly restoring the pre-war boundaries seemed fair, but in reality, it was a waste of the last bargaining chip in the hands of the Japanese government. Without the Philippine Islands, what could the Japanese government bargain with Spain?

The Joint Investigation Mission is purely disgusting, sitting in a total of twenty representatives, excluding the two belligerent countries, exactly 1:17. The ratio of such a disparity in the investigation of the delegation, the results of the investigation will be favored by whom, it is self-evident.

Zero tolerance for the culprits who started the war, this is something we all absolutely believe in. Just look at France. After the Antifa coalition won the war, they sacrificed the French consortium.

There really was no wrongdoing, it just slipped through the net a bit. It goes without saying that Mike Mahon, the person directly responsible for the displacement of the population of Belgium and the Rhineland, is not to blame for the deaths.

The problem is that the top brass of the Bonaparte dynasty, who started this war, were actually let off lightly. Even if they couldn’t catch anyone, but they didn’t even bother to issue a wanted notice, which is a bit excessive.

In the heart of the spit on the line, say it out is not necessary. The rules of the game is so, Napoleon IV after the war in time to defect, the front of the account will be canceled.

The same applies when it comes to the Japanese government, except that they weren’t defeated and the Spaniards didn’t have the ability to go to Honshu Island to get someone.

(End of chapter)

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