Chapter 102: Recovering Lombardy

  Chapter 102 Recapturing Lombardy

After the Battle of Venice, Marshal Radetzky didn’t stop, just let his troops repair for two days and marched to Lombardy.

The Sardinian government had overestimated their position in the minds of the local populace, and after experiencing deception, the people of Lombardy had become deeply resentful of the Sardinian government.

The Battle of Venice had broken the backbone of the Sardinian army, and after the loss of faith, the destructive power of the routed soldiers was horrifying.

Everywhere they went, they plagued a place, not waiting for the government to mobilize the masses, they pulled the hatred to full value.

There was no harm without comparison, and the common people suddenly realized that their days under the Kingdom of Sardinia were not as good as during the reign of the Austrian government.

At least the corrupt Austrian government had established a social order, and despite being oppressed by the government, the nobles, and the capitalists, the social order was still generally stable, and everyone was still able to make do with what they had.

However, after the arrival of the Sardinian Kingdom, there was a succession of wars, the high war tax was even more severe than the Austrian government, the oppression from the nobles and capitalists remained, and there was also the harassment from the rebel soldiers.

June 1, the city of Milan broke out in the bread tragedy, in order to survive the Milanese workers besieged the bakery, attracted the Sardinian army’s bloody suppression, hundreds of people were killed on the spot.

On June 3, the Peasants’ Revolt broke out in Pavia, which once grew to more than 3,000, and openly displayed the banner of welcoming the Austrian army.


The Sardinian government anticipated that the People’s War had not struck Austria, and they themselves were first plunged into the ocean of the People’s War.

The Lombardy region arrived too easily, in addition to a group of republicans were cleansed, the Sardinian government did not make a big fuss, and now the aftermath broke out.

Austria had ruled here for so many years, how could it not have supporters?

If the Kingdom of Sardinia had been strong, the loyalty of these people is estimated to be greatly reduced, but now it is clear that Austria has the advantage, they naturally can not help it.

Coupled with a large group of speculators who want to jump ship, the Lombardy region of the workers and peasants revolutionary movement started like fire, Marshal Badorio can only one side of the war with the Austrians, the other side to send people around to put out the fire.

Without waiting for reinforcements from the Kingdom of Sardinia to arrive, the Austrian army was at the city of Milan.

In just a few days, Marshal Badolio seems to have aged twenty years, and at this time he is left with regret.

If he had known that it would come to this point, he would not have been greedy for this credit in the first place. By now he had already seen that Marshal Radetzky giving up Lombardy was simply baiting the enemy.

It was a pity that they had all been deceived by political propaganda, wishfully believing that the Austrian Empire was rotten and that their armies were all unbeatable.

“Marshal, the enemy is already approaching the city of Milan, quickly order a retreat!” Lieutenant General Pitcher Messer said anxiously

“Retreat? Where else can we retreat to?” Badorio said with a cold smile

Looking at the general in front of him who made him make wrong decisions, Badorio hated to just shoot him.

But this was just an earlier thought, now his heart was dead, as the highest commander of this military operation, he had to be responsible for the failure of this war.

The pain of being defeated, Badorio could not endure, he would rather die on the battlefield than go back to be judged in a military court.

“Of course it is to return to the country, the city of Milan can not be saved, the Lombardy region more than likely can not be defended, the Austrians will not be satisfied, we still have to fight the war of defense of the homeland.

At this time, we must preserve our strength as much as possible, otherwise who will the Kingdom of Sardinia rely on to guard it?” Lieutenant General Mercer said rightfully

Badorio shook his head and said, “It’s precisely because we have to conserve our strength as much as possible that we can’t retreat, if we don’t keep the Austrian main force in check, can other troops still retreat back?

We are running in front, the enemy is chasing behind, do you think we can still have a few soldiers left if we run back to Sardinia?

Besides, the home defense war, the country also needs time to prepare, we must hold the enemy in Milan city to buy time for the country!”

At this time, he had already put his personal life and death at risk, out of a soldier’s responsibility, he was ready to fight for a ray of hope for the Sardinian Kingdom.

If the battle of Venice both sides also fought hard, then the defense of Lombardy was defeated too quickly, the Austrian army is completely in the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves.

Originally Bardolio thought that with the hand of 100,000 troops, relying on the position of fortifications, no matter how can be delayed for two or three months time.

With such a long period of time, the Kingdom of Sardinia completed another national mobilization. Fighting on the mainland, with the support of the people, there may still be a chance to fight.

Unfortunately, the Sardinian army has been knocked out of the soul of the army, so even if the number of troops is more than enough, it is useless, Badorio had to hope for the defense of Milan.

After all, the Republic of Hungary, relying on Budapest, resisted the Austrian army for more than a month, so far did not fall, there is no reason they can not do.

Badolio wanted to defend Milan to the death, but King Charles Albert did not agree, the Sardinian Kingdom’s army were all committed to this war, if the whole army was lost, then the Kingdom of Sardinia will be finished.

In the end, Badolio made a decision to leave 10,000 troops behind to defend Milan and buy time for the army to retreat.


On June 10th, the Sardinian army, which had been fighting for two days and nights, finally failed to stop the Austrian troops. With the cooperation of the people in the city, the city of Milan was once again returned to Austria.

While Milan fell, Marshal Badorio committed suicide by drinking a bullet in the Governor’s Palace, preserving his last dignity as a soldier.

On .6.12 the Austrian army recovered Lombardy and directed its troops to the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Austro-Sardinian War entered a new phase.


The rapid defeat of the defense of Lombardy left the Sardinian government dumbfounded, they really did not expect to lose so quickly.

After all, at the beginning, Marshal Radetzky, with less than 100,000 troops, relied on the position and blocked the attack of 200,000 Sardinian troops.

In their view, now the Sardinian Kingdom in the Lombardy region of the army there are 120,000 to 300,000, and Austria put into the attack of the force is almost comparable, even if the fighting strength is a little worse, as the defense of the party is also able to make up for the advantage of geographical advantage.

Charles Albert anxiously asked, “Li Qi, how many troops have we withdrawn from the front line, can we hold back the enemy’s attack?”

Minister of War Li Qi replied with a bitter smile, “Your Majesty, a total of 70,000 troops have been withdrawn, and domestically we have mobilized 150,000 troops again, but these people mobilized at a later stage have not been formally trained, and I’m afraid that their combat power ……”

Push the book “the seventh consortium”, a white rich and beautiful cute girl author wrote, it is full of all kinds of luxury!

(End of chapter)

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