Chapter 1008: Jaw-dropping Politics

  Chapter 988 Jaw-dropping Politics

Despite the fact that Japan and the West have each gained the support of their bosses, warship repairs also take time. While the sea war had come to an end for the time being, the curtain of the land war had just been drawn back.

I don’t know whether to say that the Spaniards were eager to win or had an iron head. Anyway, the expeditionary force launched an all-out counterattack, and at the same time launched landing operations on several islands.

Specific results have not been announced, anyway, the Spanish expeditionary force in all the way high, in addition to a few large islands are still in the hands of the Japanese, the rest were recovered by the expeditionary force.

What was going on, whether the Japanese were plotting or not, Franz didn’t care one way or the other. As long as the Philippine campaign dragged down on the line, and the longer it dragged the better.

It was not to make war money. Japan and the West were both poor, and no matter how much they squeezed, they could not squeeze a few drops of oil out of them. The main reason was that it took time to recover from the trauma of the war, and the longer it dragged on, the greater the say of the Vienna government.

At present, the most worrying thing for Franz is not the situation in the South China Sea, but the restoration of France. Because of the heir apparent, the three major royalist parties were all about to degenerate from a human brain to a monkey brain, and actually allowed the new government to grow bigger under their noses.

When the nobles reacted, they actually magically realized that the enemy had already reached into the army. Just because the high-ranking officers couldn’t be brought together doesn’t mean that the grassroots officers and soldiers couldn’t be brought together either.

Realizing the danger, the royalists finally knew to let go of their preconceptions, but unfortunately it was all too late. The revolutionaries took action first, and a number of high-ranking members of the royalist party met with accidents, leaving the royalist party leaderless for a while.

In addition to cursing a few pigmies, Franz could only help them to settle the matter. In other words, the representatives of the three royal dynasties were gathered together to discuss who should clean up this mess.

Even the exiled Napoleon IV came to Vienna to participate in the meeting in the capacity of the emperor with honor and dignity, probably ordinary people do not even dare to think.

However, this really happened. In order to clean up the mess in France as soon as possible, the Vienna government also had to make compromises.

For example: the role played by the Bonaparte dynasty in the Continental War was redefined.

Napoleon IV, who was originally the main person responsible for the war and was only not held accountable because of his status as a monarch, was now turned into a pure and innocent little white flower.

Responsibility for the war?

It doesn’t exist, it’s obvious that the capitalists held the emperor hostage and made the decision, so how can the emperor be held responsible?

Napoleon IV’s biggest responsibility was – incompetence, as a monarch actually held hostage by capitalists, it was a disgrace.

But he succeeded to the throne at a young age, and his auxiliary ministers were bought off by the consortium to the extent that the Emperor’s power fell away, and only then did the latter happen.

Out of the responsibility of a monarch, His Majesty Napoleon IV took responsibility for this and has decided to abdicate in the near future.

In order to avoid a recurrence of the situation of a weak lord and a strong subject, the Bonaparte dynasty has voluntarily renounced this succession because of the young age of the next generation of successors.

No matter how bullshit this explanation was, Franz now believed it. Of course, it was unavoidable to have a few more drinks, or else his conscience would not be satisfied! As for how many outside would believe it, that was none of his business.

Anyway, the end result was that the Bonaparte dynasty gave up their anti-Austrian flag, and the Vienna government recognized their right of succession to the French throne.

That’s right, it’s “throne” not “imperial throne”, France itself is a kingdom, the claim to the throne is obviously illegal. Now that the illegitimate regime had been overthrown, it was only natural to restore legitimacy.

This paradoxical explanation is certainly “irrational”, but politics is never rational.

In order to stabilize the situation in France, the new king would need the support of the Bonapartists, and a compromise was inevitable.

Then the son of Napoleon IV became third in line to the throne of France. If the Bourbon and Orleans dynasties launched the heir to the accident, or extinction will be his turn, the other members of the two dynasties can not be robbed.

Funny, isn’t it?

But that’s politics!

What looks like a struggle for the throne is also a redistribution of interests. The rotation of the king is a compromise between the three royalist parties.

On the face of it, the Bonaparte dynasty would have been at a great disadvantage in such a replacement order, and would have been cut off from the throne forever.

In fact, the monarch in exile can live a very free life, if you bring the government in exile is not the same. A large number of people had to be supported by the monarch, and even the largest family business could not be sustained!

Napoleon IV ran away although rolled away a large amount of money, but even more money can not stand to sit and eat. Especially after the tense situation in Paris, the number of defectors is even more unending, the number of young and old together are about to break ten thousand.

Refuse it, people are Bonaparte dynasty “loyal subjects”, so it will make people cold hearted; If all the acceptance, Napoleon IV and can not afford to support.

Against this background, if Napoleon IV did not want to go bankrupt, he had to make a compromise. Only if the new government returned the property of these supporters and gave up the suppression of them, could he get rid of this trouble.

As a smart man, Napoleon IV naturally knew that after the emergence of the European Union, the European political pattern has been stabilized, and it is impossible to restore the Bonaparte dynasty in a short time.

At least before the elimination of the head of the “red name”, even the best opportunities are related to them. Instead of continuing to carry on to the end, the last power in the hands of consumption, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity to sell a good price.

Political compromise, not only to get rid of the heavy economic burden, but also to eliminate the head of the “red name”, and by the way, also buy a wave of people.

How can an emperor who abdicates for the sake of his men’s return and the preservation of his family business not be embraced?

It can be imagined that after this operation, the cohesion of Bonaparte’s party will rise to another level, especially those who returned from exile, but also will remember this friendship.

Even for the sake of family reputation, in the next long period of time, these people have to embrace the Bonaparte dynasty.

The throne was lost and the succession came last, but the strength of the Bonapartists was restored.

If the political whitewash can be successful, for a long time to come, the Bonaparte faction is the most powerful political faction in France.

There were advantages and disadvantages, and along with the hearts and minds that were bought, Napoleon IV also lost some of them. From the moment the compromise was reached, the Bonaparte dynasty stood in opposition to the radical revenge faction.

No matter how good the reason, in the eyes of the radicals, it was betrayal. A traitor is more hated than an enemy, and it is likely that at this moment these people would like to get rid of Napoleon IV as soon as possible.

These were the things that the government of Vienna wanted most; the French were too active, and if they did not fight internally, they would fight externally.

Franz was satisfied with the political landscape of the continent and didn’t want another continental war, so the French hatred was better kept in a cage.

After some bargaining, Carlos, the champion of the Bourbon dynasty, who was supported by the government of Vienna, became the first successor, while the Orleans faction introduced Fili as the second successor.

On the surface, the Bourbon dynasty is to earn a lot, at the same time have Spain and France two crowns, overnight back to the peak of the era.

Unfortunately, this is only on the surface, not to mention the Carlos faction and the Spanish royal family has long been in a state of flames, the mess of France alone is enough to cause a headache.

Today is not the same as in the past, if a few months ago, the royalist party reached an agreement and gained the recognition of the anti-French alliance, you can immediately complete the restoration; but this good time has gone, now want to restoration, may be a civil war.




“Da da da da ……”

With shouts of murder and gunfire, Paris was once again thrown into chaos. After ascertaining that the royalists were in agreement to prepare for a restoration, the new government took immediate action to cleanse the city of its aristocratic power.

“Damn it, the phone lines are down too. The enemy clearly had a premeditated plan to break us down one by one!”

Knowing what he knew, there was nothing Count Adrian could do about what was happening in front of him.

The number of private armies of the nobles in Paris is not small, if they can be united, they are not comparable to the armed forces of the revolutionaries.

However, there is no “if” in reality. Gathered noble private army is indeed strong, but scattered noble private army is another situation.

After a period of preparation, the original ragtag revolutionary army had been transformed after absorbing the released prisoners.

The new government pre-empted the nobles’ private army with the numerical superiority of the revolutionary army and caught the nobles’ private army by surprise.

If that was all it took, it wasn’t as if there was no way for the noble private army to turn the tide; after all, the revolutionary army was not only heavily armed, but also lacked qualified officers. Even if the quality of the soldiers came up, ten points of combat power would be utilized at most five points.

Unfortunately, human nature is complex, and the nobles are no exception. Everyone is worried that if their own family takes the initiative to attack, others do not respond and end up with a total defeat.

“Count, why don’t we withdraw first? Right now we have limited power in our hands, and continuing to be trapped will only increase casualties in vain.”

The butler’s suggestion was undoubtedly the most realistic. The nobles who lived in the city were only a minority, and more nobles still preferred to live in the manor.

The revolutionary government had the ability to cleanse Paris, but did not have the ability to come up with a national purge. Once they left this cage, it was “the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is empty enough for fish to leap”.

With the power of the aristocracy and the support of the European countries, the restoration was only a matter of time. No matter how hard the revolutionary government tried, it could only be a dying struggle.

Count Adrian shook his head: “Now is not the time, just by our hundreds of people, with the family is not far to run. Send someone to take a secret passage to contact the nearby Marquis Anderson and Count Gutrun, and we will all break out together in the evening.”

Unlike the later generations, the European nobles of these days are going to the battlefield. The continental war is so intense, the French nobles of the right age basically walked from the battlefield, Count Adrian naturally will not be an exception.

Having had combat experience, Adrian naturally knew to make the optimal choice. Communication was interrupted, unable to gather the entire city’s noble private army, but that didn’t stop the military nobles in the neighborhood from hugging each other.

“Yes, Count!”

Just as the butler was about to turn around and leave, Earl Adrian hurriedly stopped, “Wait, there’s no need to send anyone. It’s estimated that their situation is not much better, and even if we send people out now, we won’t be able to contact them.

It might even expose the existence of the secret passage and be exploited by the enemy. Just wait until evening and contact them when we break out.”

It was a gamble, but Count Adrian had no choice. The Revolutionary Army had no artillery, so theoretically the best option was to die and wait for reinforcements.

But the problem is that the aristocratic group is equally scattered within, the guy with the call to arms is either meeting with God or meeting in Vienna, and the rest of them can’t command anyone.

The battle has been fought for a long time, originally controlled by the noble group of troops, have not appeared on the battlefield, by the count Adrian not think more.

In case the reinforcements don’t come, then it’s over. You know since the second revolution, by the new government are more than four figures of public executions, secretly killed more people.

Even though no nobles were publicly executed, there were many nobles who had accidents, and there was no shortage of those with higher status than him. If not for the tense situation, the royalist party would not have compromised so quickly.


Bloodshed ah, today was harmonized two chapters again, this day can not live (;︵;`)

(End of chapter)

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