Chapter 50: Descending the Mountain

Master and disciples are out the door, came outside on the grass, only to suddenly find a very important problem ……

“Master, for this trip to Cast Sword, should we fly there or walk there?” Li Shiyin asked.

This question instantly stumped Qin Ran, who stood still, not knowing how to answer.

In order to cast a good enough native sword for Li Shiyin, he has made many plans, but …… it seems that he has not thought about this matter.

He was afraid of heights and didn’t dare to fly too high, preferring to run on the ground with Godly Steps, but the silly apprentice disciple didn’t know Godly Steps yet, so she could only fly.

Imagine that image, he’s running on the ground, the silly apprentice is flying in the sky, he’s like a sheep, the silly apprentice is a sheepdog, and man, that image is not too pretty.

After thinking for a while, although he felt embarrassed, Qin Ran still said, “Let’s go down the mountain first, there are people selling Immortal Spirit Horses at the mountain gate, so we can ride there.”

“Okay!” Li Shiyin nodded and asked, “Then how do we get down the mountain?”

Qin Ran opened his mouth and replied back, “I’ll perform the Divine Walking Steps, and you’ll go down with your own sword.”

In this way, Li Shiyin summoned the Tilting Star Sword and lightly jumped on it, her body’s mana running.

She stood on the sword and turned back toward Qin Ran and smiled, “Master, then I’ll leave first! Wait for you at the mountain gate yo……”

After saying that, without waiting for Qin Ran to reply, she flew high into the air with a “Wuhu” sound, the light of the Star Mana around her body shining, she drew an arc and flew down the mountain like a meteor.

“Pay attention to an ……” Qin Ran’s mouth “all” word has not yet said, Li Shiyin has disappeared, he sighed, really a wild child, the heart is so tired.

He turned back toward the house and shouted, “Chasing Wind, watch the house, we’ll be back in a few days.”

I do not know why, chasing the wind also do not come out to send them, at this time Qin Ran shouted words, chasing the wind also only “good meow” should be a sound, the voice is indistinct, as if the mouth stuffed something.

Another unconscionable, Qin Ran heart doubt, for this family, the most dangerous will not be chasing the wind ……

But at this point on the trip, he didn’t want to go back and check.

“Tired of heart!!!”

Qin Ran looked up to the sky and sighed long and hard, and then he executed the Divine Walking Steps and went down the mountain along the stone path.

The Dao Sword Sect had five mountains, all of which were circled by a mountain protection formation, and in front of these five mountains, the mountain protection formation revealed a small hole that served as the mountain gate of the Dao Sword Sect.

Although for high-ranking cultivators, the mountain gate is a decoration, they like to come and go high, always from the air somewhere with an identity token in and out, or some like Qin Ran such as Gou Gou Sneaky people, like to quietly from a no one’s place in and out, it seems to be, the gateway of the Immortal Cultivation Sect is just like taking off your pants and farting in your pants, there is no need for it, but in reality, high-ranking cultivators and Gou Gou goods are very few. Dao Jian Sect such a large volume of sect, the door more, is ordinary disciples, from the mountain gate in and out is the daily routine.

The mountain gate of the Dao Sword Sect had people coming in and out all the time, and inside and outside the gate, there would be quite a few people gathering to stay.

The disciples either gathered to gossip, or hurried to and fro, or quarreled over grudges, or

In and out from the mountain gate, in short, it was a bustling scene inside and outside the gate.

Wang Ren, an outer disciple, had just gone through the test last month and was able to join the Dao Sword Sect, having the honor of stepping into the Immortal Way.

At this moment, he was discussing with his companion on how to bypass that damned bird and steal the elixir. As he was talking, he happened to look up and suddenly saw a stream of light speeding this way from within the mountain gate.

“Royal Sword Flight! Inner Sect Senior Brother?” Wang Ren’s eyes were quite envious.

To be able to fly with a sword, cultivation, technique and sword, all three were indispensable.

He Wang Ren worshiped into the Dao Sword Sect for more than a month, and now even the sense of qi has not been found …… This trip to collect medicine is precisely to honor the master, so that the master can give himself another lecture, and find the sense of qi at an early date.

And flying with a sword, how long would it take him to fly with a sword?

“I’m afraid that it will take decades of light ……” Wang Ren thought to himself, “That sword flying person is just a few decades earlier than me to worship the mountain gate.”

The stream of light in the distant air arced and landed on the ground close by, and the star-like dreamy mana glow dispersed, revealing the figure of a tall woman.

The woman’s white clothes and long hair, her figure was tall and graceful, her temperament was as cold as a lotus, her feet stepped on the stars and her back was against the starry river, so she was really a female sword fairy in general.

She raised her hand, and the longsword flew back into her hand like a swimming fish. The longsword returned to its sheath, and she stood still, like a relic green lotus, waiting for something.

What is she waiting for? Wang Ren thought to himself and subconsciously felt that there was no one in this world who was worth waiting for her, I’m afraid.

He peeked into her face:

That cool delicate face ……

And so on!

Wang Ren suddenly froze, and when he looked more closely at that face, he actually felt familiar, that …… that is not, that seems to be, that is the Li Shiyin that they attended the apprentice acceptance ceremony together last month?

“Ah …… yah!” He groaned meaninglessly, his gaze retracting as if pricked by a pin.

He thought back to the disciple acceptance ceremony, when he was certain that he had been accepted by the Dao Sword Sect, he thought that he had a bright future ahead of him, and that he would soon become an immortal and ask for help.

Among those who came together to pay their respects, Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin were the prettiest, and he wondered whether he should take Li Shiyin as his daoist partner or Tian Wenjin as his daoist partner, or perhaps, if they begged, he could grudgingly take them both.

But now ……

“What’s wrong with you?” The fellow senior asked him.

“Not much.” He shook his head.

“Do you know that Inner Sister?”

“Don’t recognize it!”

“Also ……” said the senior brother, “how could you possibly know a character like that, that might not be an inner disciple, but a personal disciple.”

“A pro-disciple?” Wang Ren completely froze.

Li Shiyin landed on the ground, collected her sword, swept a glance toward the incoming and outgoing crowd, none of whom she recognized, felt uninterested, and mentally sighed, “Master is also too slow!”

Master was obviously strong, but he couldn’t fly, she had to find a way to cure his fear of heights.

As she planned in her heart, Qin Ran finally came running, and when she saw him from a distance, she hurriedly waved her hand, signaling her position, and shouted, “Master!”

Qin Ran walked slowly towards her.

“Master you’re so slow!” She spat.

Qin Ran glanced at her and didn’t answer.

Wang Ren was not far away and was still secretly paying attention to Li Shiyin. When he saw that Li Shiyin’s cool image instantly changed into attentiveness, and then when he saw that Qin Ran was a young-looking man, he couldn’t help but curse in his heart, “No wonder she can defend her sword so quickly, so she’s a bitch who tends to favor the inner disciples and flatters the inner disciples! Disgusting!!!”

However, no one noticed him in the crowd.

Qin Ran led Li Shiyin, through the crowd, out of the mountain gate, and bought two Immortal Spirit Horses at the small market outside the mountain gate.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there is a jungle; where there is demand, there is supply; where there is buying and selling, there is killing.

In places like outside the mountain gate, those who go out mostly need means of transportation, pills, magic weapons, talismans and other things, so there are people who specialize in selling them;

Most of the people who came back needed to sell things like demonic beast inner pills, weapon refining materials, techniques, and medicinal herbs, so there were people who specialized in acquiring them.

Some clans wanted to save face, so this kind of place would be far away, and some clans didn’t care, so this kind of place would be right at the mountain gate. But there will always be such places.

The two Immortal Spirit Horses cost more than a hundred spirit stones, Qin Ran and Li Shiyin held one horse each and walked through the bazaar to the main road outside, Li Shiyin touched the snow-white fur of the Immortal Spirit Horses and laughed, “It’s so beautiful!”

Jokingly, she rolled onto her horse and went off.

When Qin Ran saw Li Shiyin getting on the horse, he suddenly realized something else, so he asked Li Shiyin without moving, “Do you know how to ride a horse?”

“Hehehe! Master, I but grew up on horseback Oh, the so-called bow horse skillful ……,” Li Shiyin is quite a bit proud, “On horsemanship alone, Li Shiwen’s horsemanship are not necessarily as good as mine!”

Two – pushed, the children of the general family, how can they not know how to ride a horse? Qin Ran instantly panicked a little.

After Li Shiyin finished speaking, she also reacted, she looked at Qin Ran, her big eyes curved into a crescent moon with a smile, she asked, “Master, do you not know how to ride a horse?!”

“Cough!” Qin Ran did not reply, learning Li Shiyin’s posture just now, he rolled over and mounted the horse, he thought in his heart, with his own physical qualities, a small Immortal Spirit Horse, is not a handful? How could riding a horse be difficult for him!

He remained calm and said, “What’s so hard about riding a horse? How can I not know how?”

“Master, riding a horse but there are a lot of skills oh ……” Li Shiyin blinked her big eyes, kindly reminded, only, that look of hers, how to look at it is not kind, but bad.

“Heh!” Qin Ran let out a cold laugh.

“Master ……,” Li Shiyin skillfully drove her horse around the side of Qin Ran, quite a bit of showing off, she smiled badly, “Do you want me to teach you?”

“Hmph! No need!”

I, Qin Ran, have backbone, even if I never know how to ride a horse in my life, fall off the horse and die outside the wilderness, I don’t need an apprentice to teach myself how to ride a horse ……

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