Chapter 91: Early Human Immortal Jump Business

Chapter 91: Early Humanity’s Fairy Jump Business

Arthur had a war of words with the sailors, but due to the language barrier, both sides could only lend themselves to various gestures to express their strong aggressiveness.

Agareth couldn’t help but cover his mouth and laugh when he saw this, “Wow! Arthur, do you still think it’s a good thing if all humans speak the same language?
The Bible says that the reason why the Tower of Babel was never built was because God made humans speak different languages so that they couldn’t communicate with each other, so they went their separate ways.

But I must tell you that this is not the case, and God does not interfere in the affairs of the earth.

The Tower of Babel was not built because of human beings themselves, who were suspicious of each other, ganged up on each other, divided into groups, and cooperated on an equal footing, often only in the world of fantasy.

Human beings like to take all the good things for themselves and put all the bad things on God.

Whenever there is a disaster, they scream that it is a punishment from God and never mention their own reasons.

Whenever they want to do something, they bring God into the picture, claiming that it is from God’s will.

This is the hypocrisy of human nature. If you treat them well, they will think you are weak, and if you treat them poorly, they will think you are strong.

This is the problem with the world, the wise are always full of doubts about the truth of the world, while the fools hold on to the falsehoods and always believe in them.

Arthur, do you believe that as long as you draw your gun, you can immediately let scare this bunch of fools?”

Arthur glanced at the Red Devil as he sneered back, “Come on, Agareth. People who continue to talk tough even after being held at gunpoint are most likely brain-dead, the first prerequisite for a man to be a man is that he has to live, or else that’s not a human being, but merely a corpse. So is there any necessary connection between drawing or not drawing a gun and what you say?”

Agareth didn’t care when he saw that Arthur didn’t listen to him, he just sighed.

“See, Arthur, you just keep lying to yourself. I don’t blame you though, after all, I understand that it’s human nature to lie as well, and most of the time you’re not even afraid to face yourselves.”

Arthur ignored Agareth’s baiting words, he knew exactly what he had come here for today.

If he pulled out a weapon at this point, there was no chance it would scare his target away from approaching.

And there was a reason why he was using his native language to engage in ‘cordial and friendly communication’ with the sailors.

As expected, after sparring with the sailors for a while, he felt as if someone had set their sights on him.

It was a youthful lady wearing a sky-blue pleated skirt, a tilted sun hat, and a lace-edged parasol.

Perhaps because Arthur had learned too much chemistry from Faraday during this period of time, an ordinary person facing such a delicate lady would have a heart of pity, but he couldn’t help but do a chemical analysis.

From her milky white, almost can not see half a flaw in the snowflake skin can be seen, she should use a lot of arsenic, lead content exceeds the standard of highly toxic cosmetics.

And from her gorgeous blood-like red lips, it could be seen that this was definitely a color that could only be dyed by rouge lipsticks with extremely high vermilion content.

And that pair of watery and moving big eyes, also let Arthur see some unnatural.

Such large pupils, Arthur last saw, or in the comic.

And based on the recent fashion trend among the ladies of London, it was basically possible to tell that she had definitely taken eye drops of belladonna, a toxin that was lethal enough.

Perhaps in the eyes of the average man, this was a moving lady who would make them willingly fall under her stone skirt.

But to Arthur, the amateur chemist, this lady is at the same time a periodic law of the elements that walks the earth.

As Arthur watched the lady, she watched him.

She twisted shyly and turned to walk around the corner, tossing down an embroidered lace handkerchief in her hand.

Arthur rushed forward, kicked away the sailors who were ready to make the first move, and slipped away on his feet before they could react. “Fuck! Get that boy!”

“That little bitch is mine, she threw a few winks at me before, if you know what’s good for you, hand over your handkerchief!”

“Fuck you, she just asked me to take care of her business! Look at your face, it’s wrinkled like a soft jellyfish skin, how could she be interested in you?”

The sailors, who hadn’t seen a woman in months, were like Spanish bulls in heat, stimulated by testosterone, and they chased Arthur all the way with red eyes.

However, the bustling crowd hindered them from advancing, and seeing that they could not catch up with Arthur, this group of over-energetic sailors actually fought in the same place.

A few heavy punches down, some people’s noses hang color, someone missing half a tooth.

Arthur, who got the handkerchief that the sailors dreamed of, hid in the shadows of the street corner, he carefully unfolded the handkerchief, only to see that it was embroidered with a winding stone arch bridge, and on the edge of the stone arch bridge there is still a tantalizing red lipstick mark.

Arthur couldn’t help but nod at the sight of the handkerchief.

That counterfeiting merchant Martin really hadn’t lied to him, the logo and the technique matched, this was the usual modus operandi of ‘Cambridge’s little brothers’.

Seeing as he had helped this time, Arthur decided that when Mr. Martin opened a tavern in the future, he wouldn’t go smashing his business for the time being.

Agares stuck his head out from behind Arthur’s back to take a look, and the Red Devil couldn’t help but let out a gust of bad laughter, “Wow, looks like someone’s about to stumble upon a showy encounter.”

Arthur just hummed out of his nose, “Are you sure?”

As soon as his words left his mouth, he felt something seem to be approaching him.

Two delicate arms encircled his neck from behind, and a young girl’s voice accompanied by a bewildering aroma resounded behind him.

“Sir, do you want to play? I’m cheap.”

Arthur turned around and looked at the young girl, who only came up to his chest, and smiled as he clipped two tickets out of his pocket and rubbed them on the other’s face.

With a light touch, he pulled out the thick Chinese accent he’d been drilling for over a decade and popped out one word at a time.

“Play, sure, play. You, make me happy, pay, paycheck, big time.”

The young girl couldn’t help but slide a hint of concealed joy out of the corner of her eye when she heard the pinched accent.

She took Arthur’s arm and pressed it dead against his chest, trying not to let Arthur see her expression clearly.

Taking advantage of the height difference between the two, the young girl smoothly made a wink at the young boy guarding the street corner.

When the little boy received the signal, he paced with his hands in his pockets and disappeared to the end of the alley.

And the young girl saw him leave, slightly relieved, and then began to smile and laugh as she snuggled into Arthur’s arms to set up a conversation, and a pair of small, slender hands began to be unclean.

“Sir, your accent does not sound like a local ah, where did you come down from the ship?”

Arthur gently took hold of her wrist that was reaching into his coat pocket and spoke, “Don’t touch my things, if you want to, make me happy, then, I can give it to you. I’m English, but, born in India, so, the accent sounds like curry.”

“India?” The young girl said in surprise, “Then you must run a spice ship? Sailors on ocean-going ships earn a decent income, so you must not have earned a lot on this trip, right?”

Arthur did not answer positively, he glanced at the girl’s blushing face, and then patted his bulging pants pocket, “I said, make me happy, pay, salary, all greatly.”

(End of chapter)

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