Chapter 382: The Night Before France

Chapter 379: The Night Before France
The streets of London were tilted by torrential rain, and the bean-large raindrops slapped against the stone-bricked campus of the University of London, almost covering the entire school in a layer of foggy vapor.

The sound of riding boots hitting the ground rose and fell on the open walkway promenade as several Scotland Yard police officers wearing white gloves, cloaks, tight breeches, and officer’s swords appeared at the end of the walkway.

Arthur removed the pipe he held in his mouth, and the puff of smoke from the tip of his nose soon blended with the cold air.

Louis also took off his cigar and let out a long puff of smoke, “How are we going to open this with Mr. Chopin later? He has only just settled down in London, yet we now have to send him to Paris into the hands of Louis-Philippe. To be honest, I don’t think that’s a good option.”

Arthur replied calmly as he took off his gloves and rubbed his frozen hands together.

“That would be better than staying in London, and while I’m not sure of their exact reasons for doing so, our government does not intend to lend a hand to Poland, much less blame the Russians that’s for certain. While His Majesty appreciates Frederick’s talents, you must realize, Louis, that Britain is not France, and the King is not in a position to forcefully override the collective decision of the Cabinet. Moreover, even if he has this power and vigor, it is unlikely that he will go and fall out with the cabinet because of Frederick.”

Louis simply asked, “Do you think this is a good thing? Britannia is the world’s example of the winds of freedom, and you should stand on the side of justice and righteousness.”

Arthur looked at Louis, he certainly understood the other party’s small mind.

However, he didn’t completely point it out, but instead reminded it in a salty manner.

“Justice and righteousness are of course something to be pursued, but only those guys who are particularly lacking in these will label themselves so deliberately. And right now, worldwide, the one who needs this name the most is King Louis Philippe of France.

Arthur patted Louis’ shoulder and spoke to him, “Louis, I know you don’t like him, and even more so, you don’t want to add an exhibit to his collection cabinet. However, for a man like Frederic who has lost his homeland, at least Paris is a better guarantee of a safe and good life than London.

The man was a political skeptic of the 19th century and a political skeptic of the 18th century, with no beliefs of his own, nor did he believe that anyone had any. In essence, he is a man with a passion for power and a love of shameless courtiers. Although he had been crowned king, the orthodox royalist party of France satirized him as a mere king of the barricades, since his crown was rewarded by the mob behind the barricades.

However, thankfully, from the current news coming from across the English Channel, this king with a duck-pear head is very clear about his own situation, he is very self-aware, and therefore does not expect to establish much merit, in his heart, he just need to be able to deaden the orthodox and radical republicans, and at the same time, let the movement and resistance in the constitutionalists to check and balance each other, so as to ensure that his own crown will not fall to the ground The only thing he had to do was to keep the orthodox and the radical republicans at bay, and at the same time to keep the movement and the resistance among the constitutionalists in check, thus ensuring that his crown would not fall to the ground.

The ground is covered with dirty, cold, filthy sewage, which blends in with the warm, hot blood, and the traces of the struggle are dispersing as the rain washes them away. Perhaps tomorrow, the sun will still rise as usual. But no one will know what happened here in that cold and windy storm last night.

And, if only for my own sake, the existence of some personal feelings on my part would at least not be a bad thing for my friends. If it were you to-day standing in Frederick’s situation, Louis, I assure you that I would likewise send you to Paris. On this point, I can swear to God that I meant all the above remarks. Of course, if you think the force is not enough, I will swear to the devil again.”

Arthur smiled appreciatively at that, “You’re right, Louis, but there’s no specific statement in the Police Instruction regarding this aspect, and I always feel that a little bit of personal affection isn’t a bad thing. If neither the lawmakers nor the law enforcers of Britannia had any personal feelings, then the repeal of the Blood Act would not have been pushed through.

I don’t want political matters to influence your judgment of objective facts, and you have to understand that you are now more than just a member of the Bonaparte family, but also a Scotland Yard police officer, and the expression of political neutrality in the Police Instruction is not just for Britannia.”

The two were talking when suddenly, a subdued and stirring note came from the music room ahead of them.

Strange, intense and struggling emotions appeared all together, as if they were surrounded by a mob in a dark alley in the street. Struggling, fighting, thirsting, roaring for help, but it’s midnight and the light that has been longed for has not yet arrived.

A slightly strange chord ensues, a dissonant chord accompanied by a sudden change of mood, as if an unrealistic dream had been shattered by a sudden iron fist, as if a clear window had been smashed by a thug’s crowbar.

Louis asked rhetorically, “And aren’t you now having your personal judgment clouded by private feelings?”

Dark clouds that had covered everything.

Louis smiled and could only helplessly give Arthur a punch on the shoulder, “You don’t need to do that to that extent, what kind of person you are, and you can feel it after spending a long time with you. Alexander was able to survive, Mr. Wheatstone was able to get rich, Mr. Disraeli was able to come out of his disillusioned life so quickly, and so on, all of them couldn’t have done it without your help. But my problems are different from all of them. But even so, I am grateful for your sincerity, even if your help was only in words.”

But let us also note that he still has the cunning and pragmatism of the middle class in him, although he lacks a higher level of purpose. Such a character and foundation also made it possible for him to practise only a kind of rule which lacked both virtue and majesty, and to run the country like a grocery store.

And this, how can it be called bright.

It was the wild whistling of radical change as of an approaching storm, which seemed to speak of this sudden London downpour, and to say all that could be said of this cold English winter.

In this way, whenever guests arrived, or nationals came to visit his palace, he could proudly point to his ‘collection’ and proclaim to everyone: ‘The Citizen-King of France is the leader of the forces of liberty in the world, and France has missed out on this many times, but July Revolution of 1830 this time you have finally chosen the right one’.”

I realize that he may not actually want to do anything for the Poles, but he badly needs to find himself some loud propaganda slogans, converge on some progressives from all over the world, and feed them in their gilded cages with high pay.

The sun rises and brings with it what can only be called daytime.

Louis took a sullen drag on his cigarette, “It seems that Mr. Chopin has understood everything, which is not always a good thing, but at least it saves us from having to explain further with him.”

The door to the music room was pushed open, and the first person to appear within Arthur’s gaze was Dumas, who had offered to carry Chopin’s baggage, both large and small. As a republican soldier, he had been harboring considerable guilt about not being able to help Chopin and Poland.

Arthur stepped forward and took Chopin’s right hand, which was worth thousands of dollars, “Frederick, I’m sorry about this.”

Chopin looked a little haggard, his life had gone through several ups and downs in just a few short months.

It had also added another air of melancholy to his already feminine demeanor.

Nevertheless, he still managed to force himself to show a hint of a smile as much as possible.

“Arthur, you’re not the one who should be apologizing, you’ve done all you can. On the contrary, I think I should apologize to you, I shouldn’t have dragged you into this quagmire. Alexander has told me about Liverpool.

If it had been me who took that shot, I would have taken the bullet with my chest without a second thought, because it was the noblest thing a Polish citizen could do for his country. But you’re not Polish, you don’t owe us anything, and all you’ve done is because you have an honorable, golden heart.

In fact, even if you hadn’t mentioned it, I was going to say goodbye to you and go to Paris. For I fear that if I remain in London, I may well let what happened in Liverpool happen again. There are too many villains in this world, and although I have no way of punishing them, at least I hope to keep a good man like you alive.”

When Arthur heard Chopin’s words, he only felt that a large part of his pre-prepared speech of resignation and practise was suddenly of no use.

Since Chopin had chosen to respond with sincerity, he would naturally return with sincerity as well.

Arthur looked at him for a moment of silence, and finally chose to bend down and whisper in the small man’s ear: “Frederick, it’s not your fault, if you want to blame it, you can only blame it on the low position we are in now. If you really want to do something for your country, then use your hands to pop up there. At the same time, you have to remember to keep your distance from some people, sometimes, you don’t necessarily have to go to the front line to charge into battle to make something happen, especially if it’s a character like you who is worth something else. People don’t love a close neighbor, but they want him high and far away. Otherwise, how can you be their star?”

Chopin froze at first at his words, yet when he came back to his senses, he realized that he had a brand new ticket slipped into Arthur’s hand.

“Arthur, this ……”

Arthur redirected Chopin’s proffered hand, “A three hundred pound promissory note from the Rothschild Bank, the balance of your earnings from playing at the London Philharmonic Society these past few months. While I don’t like to measure friendship in terms of money, it’s hard to go out without it.

I have arranged for you to sail from London to Marseilles, and when you arrive in Marseilles you will take the train directly to Paris, after which you will go to the Paris branch of Rothschild’s and withdraw the money, and finally go to the Paris Opera House to see Mr. Mendelssohn, who is giving a recital tour there.

I have explained your situation to Mr. Mendelssohn in my letter, and he told me that numerous well-known pianists in Paris such as Liszt and Heller were interested in you. Beethoven’s student and your friend Mr. Cherny is also in Paris at present. I believe that with their help you will soon be able to give your first performance in Paris.

As for the side of the government department, I have also informed the Security Department of the Greater Paris Police Department of your situation through personal connections. The head of the security department, Mr. François Vidocq, will arrange for a person to meet you at the Paris Opera House, and they will step in to help you with all kinds of administrative and official documents for your walk in France.

If your debut in Paris is a success, Mr. Vidocq may even consider arranging for you to meet King Louis-Philippe at the Tuileries Palace. That honorable Majesty is very fond of patronizing the arts, has good taste in music, and plays a good violin, so you’ll certainly get along well with him.”

Chopin was dazed by Arthur s string of words, and he took a pen and paper out of his pocket and said, “Wait …… Arthur, let me take notes.”

“No need.”

Arthur shared a parcel from the hands of Dumas, and said as he walked, “If there is anything you do not understand, you can just ask Mr. Heine, who is traveling with you, directly when the time comes, and he will return to Paris with you.”

Chopin took a deep breath, “Arthur.”

“What’s wrong?” Arthur glanced at his look and spoke at Dumas next to him, “It looks like our Frederick needs a bit of good West Indian tobacco, Alexander, do you have more pipes there?”

Dumas just laughed out loud and hooked Chopin’s shoulder and said, “Don’t take it too much to heart, old man, and don’t be too psychologically pressured. I owe this kid my life, but don’t you see that I’m still doing what I should be doing? Between friends, this is a very normal thing, in the friend’s bad luck when pull a hand, this is human nature. If Arthur one day embezzlement, corruption, things exposed, from the streets of London to Paris, by then has become the world’s piano master of you, do not forget to reward him a bite of food on the line.”

Arthur also walked up to join Dumas and took Chopin by the shoulders and pulled him out, “Don’t worry, Frederick, I’m not a big eater, I won’t be able to eat you poorly. But you have to pay more attention to Alexander, I always feel that before I go bankrupt, this fat man will have to go to your doorstep to ask for food.”

Seeing the two of them joking, Louis followed suit and picked up his bag, coaxing, “If Frederick doesn’t pick you up, you can come up to my place then. Assuming, of course, that Louis-Philippe has rolled off his throne by then.”

Dumas joked, “What? By the sound of you, you plan to sit on it?”

“That’s certainly not true.” Louis just smiled back, “Alexander, you know me, I’m with you, we’ve both always been republican.”

(End of chapter)

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