Chapter 399: No Choice

Chapter 399: Not Making a Choice
Chen Fei had a futon in the Yuan Chen Sword Sect’s courtyard, and usually sat on it when he practiced.

Chen Fei’s futon, which was compiled with spiritual grass, would automatically absorb and gather Yuan Qi on weekdays, the effect wasn’t really strong, it could only be said that it was better than nothing.

At the same time that futon, there is also a bit of tranquilizing effect, also not strong, but also better than nothing.

Like this futon, in the entire Yuan Chen Sword Sect, every Qi Practicing Realm will have one. Because it was only ordinary spirit grass that was used, the value wasn’t really high.

And the effect is ultimately something, over the years, it is still somewhat considerable.

Since it wasn’t expensive, it wouldn’t be a loss to have one on hand.

And at this moment, Chen Fei in front of this futon, surprisingly no yuan qi to speak of, in the sword back to the building this main peak secret room, placed such a futon, how to see how odd.

Chen Fei stood aside, his eyes constantly looking at the futon, at the same time, his mind power constantly perceiving, but still could not see any difference out.

Whether it was his eyes or his mind, it clearly told Chen Fei that this was an ordinary piece of grass.

Chen Fei pondered for a moment and sat down on the futon with his knees crossed.

A slight coolness emanated from under the futon, Chen Fei’s mind, which had been somewhat fluctuating due to the killing, slowly calmed down with this coolness.

Chen Fei’s eyes revealed a trace of surprise, not to mention the other, alone this function of calming the mind, has already exceeded the futon that Chen Fei had in Yuan Chen Sword Sect.

Or rather, there was no comparison between the two.

This coolness was not forcibly suppressed, but rather, it was like a spring breeze, soothing the distractions in your mind and allowing you to easily let go. There was no reluctance in it, but rather it was as natural as eating and drinking water.

Chen Fei reached out and touched the futon, and to the touch, it was still the same kind of ordinary grass mustard, quite rough, but Chen Fei did not intentionally break it to explore the material of the futon.

Obviously, he already knew that this futon was somewhat extraordinary, so Chen Fei would not go and destroy it without full confidence.

I don’t know whether it was an illusion or not, as the coolness of the futon continued to emanate, Chen Fei’s heart not only became calm, but also more and more ideas emerged in his mind.

This seemed to be a bit contradictory, after all, serenity represented a pure mind with no other distractions.

More and more thoughts, that was a sign of the rebirth of distracting thoughts, the two almost ran counter to each other.

But it was this kind of contradiction that had appeared in Chen Fei’s sea of consciousness at this very moment, just like a person, in a very calm state of mind, thinking about various things.

Chen Fei’s expression moved slightly, thinking of a possibility, he closed his eyes and began to operate the Bladeslayer Sword.

A stern aura began to appear on Chen Fei’s body, most of the various techniques Chen Fei practiced today had already been cultivated to the level of great perfection.

Nowadays, what Chen Fei mainly attacked was the Bladeslayer Sword as well as the Water Yao Sword, which were still in the position of the Proficient Realm, and there was still a small distance from the Perfection Realm.

Yuan Chen Sword Codex, Chen Fei cultivated extremely quickly, after all, it was only a general outline, the key still depended on the degree of cultivation of the other techniques, and only in the end could it be truly linked together.

At this moment, as Chen Fei operated the Bladeslayer Sword, Chen Fei’s various ideas about this technique began to appear in his sea of consciousness. These ideas collided with each other, and there were both correct and incorrect ones.

The correct ideas would directly drive the degree of comprehension of the Bladeslayer Sword forward. Wrong ideas weren’t a bad thing either, it could become the other side of the dialectic of those correct ideas, and would likewise promote the comprehension of the technique.

In just a few moments, Chen Fei had a little new feeling about the Bladeslayer Sword.

It was a completely different feeling than after the panel was simplified and practicing the Bladeslayer Sword.

After the panel simplified Bladeslayer Sword, you just need to cultivate, that is, the feelings appear directly in your mind. If you want to compare, the panel is to let you directly turn the correct answer in the back of the number book.

This futon, is to let you solve the problem yourself step by step, among which there will be a lot of fun solving the problem.

One is to have it directly, and the other is to have it step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step.

These two ways, each different, if you let Chen Fei choose ……

Why should Chen Fei choose? Both of these are now in his hands, which one is convenient, choose which one, to put it simply, of course, all of them.

Children only make choices, adults never want it all!
Chen Fei’s eyes opened, and the stern aura of his body fell back.

Chen Fei got up and looked at the futon in front of him, at this moment, Chen Fei somewhat understood why Sui Wengong and Xing Xinzhao could both break through to the late stage of the Orifice Practicing Realm in the past few years.

Having this kind of cultivation gas pedal, the speed of comprehending techniques would reach a very fast speed.

With the breakthrough to the late stage of the Orifices Realm, the collision of spiritual opportunities, naturally, could not be compared, after all, that was almost an epiphany effect.

And it was also a question whether this futon could still have such a strong effect in the second half of comprehending the techniques.

After all, the Bladeslayer Sword was still only at the mastery stage, so it was understandable that it could have a more pronounced effect. And Chen Fei’s own enlightenment nowadays had also reached a new stage, and was no longer much weaker than some geniuses.

According to Chen Fei’s observation, this futon, was more of an icing on the cake. It is to iterate another layer of effect on top of your own.

This bushel is somewhat similar to the effect of a famous teacher. But sometimes in the face of a question, that can not do out, really can not do out, even if others teach you once, you next encounter, or blind. But no matter what, have this futon, in the merit cultivation, certainly can save a lot of time. The stronger the stronger, if given to those heavenly prides, the effect would be absolutely amazing.

Chen Fei put the futon away in the space compartment, and wondered where exactly the Sword Returning Floor had gotten this thing from. Unfortunately, nowadays, no one was there, so Chen Fei had no way to ask.

Even if the people were still there, if Chen Fei were to ask, those people probably wouldn’t say anything.

Knowing that they would die, they would still leave something to others, and there were very few people in the world who existed like that.

Chen Fei glanced at the secret room to confirm that nothing was left out, and his body flashed, leaving the original spot.

By the time Chen Fei reappeared, he was already in the Inheritance Ground below the bottom of the lake.

Compared to when Chen Fei first came here, there were no changes here, the only thing, was that the formations here had been strengthened by the Sword Returning House.

Obviously Chen Fei’s last arrival had caused the Sword Returning Floor to have palpitations and had vigorously remodeled the formations here.

A sword element rose from Chen Fei’s body, directly chopping the stone monuments of several of the Yuan Chen Sword School’s techniques, then the sword element flashed, digging out the inheritance stones of the three techniques of the Sword Returning House, loading them into the package behind him.

And at this moment, Chen Fei’s doppelganger, after dealing with a few of the Sword Returning Tower’s true disciples, rushed inside the Sword Returning Tower’s hidden scripture cabinet and began searching for valuable Mind Techniques.

The other techniques within the hidden scriptures pavilion could no longer arouse any interest in Chen Fei. The only ones that were available were those Mind Techniques that might not necessarily be of a high grade, nor were their techniques necessarily much superior.

However, if they could give Chen Fei some good ideas, then they held great value for Chen Fei.

As for the Sword Returning Building’s treasure cabinet, Chen Fei did not have much interest in it. However, based on the principle of not wasting it, Chen Fei’s doppelganger still made a trip there.

However, the result was just as Chen Fei expected, even within the main peak’s secret room, there was nothing decent. This kind of place that specialized in providing resources to Body Refinement Realm disciples, what good things could there be.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei left the Sword Return Building. And at this moment, the Sword Return Building was the one that truly erupted into great chaos.

Because the elders of the Sword Return Building, hadn’t returned for too long, this situation silently illustrated a fact, a fact that gave them the creeps.

For these ordinary disciples, Chen Fei did not kill them because there was no point. It wasn’t like Chen Fei took pleasure in killing, and Chen Fei practiced martial arts not for the sake of killing.

Living a long life and controlling one’s own destiny, that was the real reason Chen Fei practiced the martial way.

Chen Fei carried a large parcel on his back, and in a moment’s work, he was already more than a hundred miles away from the Sword Returning House. Chen Fei found a cave on the mountain, cleaned it up a little, took out the futon, and sat on his knees.

Chen Fei spread the Mind Technique Laws that he had gotten from the Sword Return Building’s hidden scripture pavilion on the ground and read through them one by one. After reading each one, Chen Fei would stop for a moment to think and then take the next one.

After spending more than an hour sporadically, Chen Fei finished reading all ten or so of the Mind Technique Laws.

The effect could not be said to be nonexistent, but it was indeed extremely limited.

Among them, there were a few Mind Techniques that had interesting ideas, but they were only interesting, and for the time being, they couldn’t give Chen Fei any substantial help, so they could only be kept as an underpinning.

Chen Fei was not too surprised, after all, the sword back to the building is not a hegemonic level forces, among which the limited survival of the work of law, is a very normal thing.

If Chen Fei could go to the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect’s Sutra Pavilion, the harvest would definitely be great. However, today’s Chen Fei was not yet at this level.

Chen Fei took out the three Inheritance Stones from the Sword Returning House, chose one of them, and probed his mind into it.

After an hour, Chen Fei’s eyes opened. This was the body technique inheritance of the Sword Returning House, named Sword Flying Yan, opening up seventy-five orifices.

With Chen Fei’s eyes nowadays, the Sword Flying Goose was average in terms of prancing and shifting, but was quite extraordinary in terms of straight line speed.

If Chen Fei had seen this Sword Flying Goose before obtaining the Great Surprising Thunder Sword, then Chen Fei might have cultivated part of its essence. But nowadays, it was no longer necessary.

Chen Fei looked towards another inheritance stone and his mind probed into it.

Another hour passed, Chen Fei’s eyes opened, the Sword Return Building’s main cultivation technique, the Sword Return Technique. The whole was okay, and the only thing that was useful to Chen Fei was probably that Sword Return style.

Using it on an electromagnetic cannon, it would probably allow Chen Fei to shorten the time it took to build up his power.

As for the rest, it was far inferior to the Yuan Chen Sword Dictionary and had no value for cultivation.

Chen Fei probed his mind into the last inheritance stone, and in just half an hour, Chen Fei’s eyes opened.

The time taken was short, but the last inheritance stone gave Chen Fei a different kind of surprise.

Sword Returning Eye!
A wild goose leaving traces, as long as it had come, even if it had left, it would be captured by the Sword Returning Eye.

According to the gongfu, if cultivated to the peak, one could even drag the breath from the past, hard.

The Law of Cause and Effect?
(End of Chapter)

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