Chapter 313: Rampant

Chapter 313 Rampant

Ren Zhongyang actually wanted to say that this is not a good position to sit in, but looking at Chen Fei’s excited appearance and the process of getting the village girl out of the way just now, it seemed like Chen Fei wouldn’t be able to get too much out of sitting in this position?

Ren Zhongyang made way, Chen Fei put the woven basket where he could get it at his fingertips, and then sat his butt down on the chair.

As Chen Fei took his seat, many figures appeared at once in the doorway that was originally empty. These figures pushed and shoved each other, and eventually a burly man walked in and sat in front of Chen Fei.

The strong man looked up at Ren Zhongyang, then turned his gaze towards Chen Fei, his eyes filled with greed.

“What’s so uncomfortable?” Chen Fei asked with a smile.

“Night sweats, please also have the doctor take a look.” The strong man said, placing his arm on the table and waiting for Chen Fei to take his pulse.

“Night sweats, seeing your face, when it is caused by Qi deficiency.”

Chen Fei glanced at the strong man’s wrist, without the intention of taking a pulse, always feeling that something bad would happen if his hand was on it.

Chen Fei did not know any medical skills, and he did not know anything about looking, sniffing and cutting. However, Chen Fei vaguely remembered that he had read medicine books, and would also read some medical books, and thus some theoretical knowledge still knew some, just not practiced at all.

“Doctor, is it necessary to take a pulse first?” The strong man saw Chen Fei casually, his demeanor immediately changed, and his voice became grim and low at once.

“Medical books have clouds, look and smell, not all need to take a pulse.”

Chen Fei calmly said, and then took out that white groundnut from the woven basket on the side. As the penny disappeared from Chen Fei’s sleeve, the white groundnut turned into the appearance of a qi and blood elixir.

“Qi deficiency, just make up more, come on, take this Qi and Blood Dan, your symptoms will be alleviated immediately.” Chen Fei enthusiastically said.

The strong man glanced at the qi and blood dan in Chen Fei’s hand, his icy look slightly reduced, he took the qi and blood dan and swallowed it into his mouth.

Chen Fei held his hands up, and seeing the Qi Blood Dan being consumed, it was directly the Void Frying Pork Liver, and another Qi Blood Dan emerged out of the basket all of a sudden.

Chen Fei immediately took out the qi and blood dan and handed it to the stout man whose face was a bit confused, saying, “One qi and blood dan is not enough, come on, eat a few more.”

The strong man looked at the Qi and Blood Dan in Chen Fei’s hand and somewhat awakened, his expression immediately became furious, the experience of stir frying the pig’s liver that appeared in his mind, what’s going on, how did it come to be.

Strong man in this city for so long, or the first time to encounter this kind of thing!
“This medicine of yours, it has no effect!” The strong man said angrily.

“That’s because you didn’t eat enough, listen to me, eat a few more, the effect will come out.”

The strong man looked at the Qi and Blood Dan that was dangling around in front of his eyes, and the veins on his forehead were shaken out. Eating one, the brain is full of the experience of frying pig liver, this is a few more, what should become in that head?

As soon as the strong man threw down the five pennies, he turned around and left the medical center with indignation, while Chen Fei collected all the money in a beautiful way.


Chen Fei looked at the people filling up outside the medical center and shouted. This one patient is five cents, so many patients, this money is not enough.

“Doctor, I’m poisoned, quickly help me look!”

Chen Fei’s words had just fallen, a man with an iron color walked in, while Chen Fei had already held the antidote to poison in his hands. Poisoned? Good, saved a penny turning the fruit into an elixir.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei finished seeing five patients, with a net gain of twenty-two coins, three of which were used to turn the elixir. And with this money in hand, Chen Fei felt that his somewhat stiff head seemed to have become much more agile.

It seemed that in the sea of consciousness, there was something that had been suppressed that was about to revive.

It was just a bit of a pity that with the departure of the fifth patient, the crowded scene at the entrance of the medical center disappeared at once.

Chen Fei purposely got up and went to the entrance of the medical center to take a few glances, it was really empty. Chen Fei tried to get Ren Zhongyang back to work as a bone-setter, but he didn’t see any more patients come to his door.

The door was empty!

Chen Fei had some regrets, it was so hard to find a quick way to save money, but as a result, only five people were coming, and no new patients were coming.

Chen Fei even dawdled a bit more, but indeed, no new patients appeared, as if there was some kind of news that spread through the crowd.

“I’m leaving.”

Chen Fei got up and prepared to leave the medical center. Chen Fei could feel the importance of money, thus Chen Fei had to continue to make money, it was impossible to stay here and not move.

“Can you allow me to follow Your Excellency?”

Ren Zhongyang had just been standing next to him, his head was sometimes clear, sometimes confused, and he had forgotten much of what he had just seen.

Ren Zhongyang instinctively understood that his situation was very wrong. And it was not easy to not have to be a Bone-setter anymore, Ren Zhongyang had no reason to continue to stay in the medical center.

Although Ren Zhongyang’s sanity appeared a little confused at the moment, he also understood that he had to follow Chen Fei in order to be able to figure out some things.


Chen Fei thought for a moment and nodded, in his heart, Chen Fei did not seem to want anything to happen to Ren Zhongyang. And staying within this medical center, I’m afraid that there would be other things that would happen afterward.

Chen Fei picked up his stretcher and began to walk down the street. I don’t know if it was because of the money in his sleeve, but Chen Fei would now begin to look around. And as time passed, Chen Fei’s mind became more and more clear, and his thinking gradually returned. Before, Chen Fei was subconsciously ignoring these things. As if Ren Zhongyang at this moment, he just buried his head and followed Chen Fei.

And following Chen Fei, seemed to make Ren Zhongyang a bit strained, Ren Zhongyang would forget what he was going to do next from time to time, which made Ren Zhongyang’s heart full of chills.

Chen Fei sells his fruits to everyone, but I don’t know what’s going on, no matter how Chen Fei sells, no one buys Chen Fei’s fruits anymore.

Although those people’s eyes were filled with greed when they saw the fruits inside Chen Fei’s basket, no one was willing to go forward and try one.

At the end of the day, Chen Fei simply stopped selling the fruits and kept observing the city.

The city was not big, Chen Fei realized that the main street seemed to be the one in front of him, and most of the stores and stalls were on this main street, including the medical center just now.

In addition to this main street, Chen Fei also saw some shady alleys. Those alleys, just by looking at them, it was as if the mind was about to be attracted.

Ren Zhongyang then almost took the initiative to walk into those alleys, but fortunately, in the end, Ren Zhongyang reacted on his own and skimmed his eyes.

Chen Fei did not try to enter those alleys, instead, he kept observing the situation of the various stores on the main street until Chen Fei walked in front of a martial arts center.

Regarding the martial arts center, Chen Fei’s heart instinctively had a sense of affinity, only that Chen Fei could not recall where this sense of affinity came from.

The door of the martial arts center opened, and the cold atmosphere surged out with the door, Chen Fei looked up and saw that there were really many figures jumping around and practicing martial arts.

“Should we go somewhere else?” Ren Zhongyang couldn’t help but shiver as he felt the aura around him.

“Strengthening the body, do you two want to come in and take a look!”

A figure silently appeared in front of Chen Fei and Ren Zhongyang, Ren Zhongyang subconsciously took a step back as if facing a great terror.

Chen Fei looked at the visitor, his figure was tall and thin, as if he was skin and bones, especially the cheekbones on his face were frighteningly high, and his two large eyes seemed to be glaring out.

This argument of strengthening the body was not convincing at all. But on the contrary, Chen Fei was able to feel a deep and depressing aura from this person.

Strong body could not be said, but this person was indeed very strong.

Stimulated by this, in the center of Chen Fei’s mind, the frequency of the various images flickered much faster all of a sudden, only that he was never able to put the images together completely.

“We still have things to do, farewell!”

Chen Fei thought for a moment and turned around to leave, this martial arts center made Chen Fei a little alarmed, it was better not to touch it easily.

“Don’t you want to make money? No one will buy your fruits now, and no one will come to you for medical treatment.” The curator had an odd smile on his face, looking at it made people’s hearts flutter.

Chen Fei’s footsteps couldn’t help but lurch as he turned his head to look at the martial arts center’s curator.

“Your martial arts school, can you let me make money?” Chen Fei whispered.

“It can, it depends on whether you have the skills to make money!” The curator nodded.


“Join my martial arts school and learn my techniques. If you learn it, your tuition will be returned double!”

The curator smiled sorrowfully and pointed at one of the largest fruits inside Chen Fei’s basket, saying, “The tuition fee is going to be for this one, and nothing else!”

Chen Fei looked towards the fruit within his woven basket, and vaguely, Chen Fei understood that it was his own Yang Life.

Within this woven basket, what was held was actually all that Chen Fei had, the gongfu cultivation essence, naturally, it also included his yangshou. And the martial arts center director, named to want, is Chen Fei’s Yang life.

As long as the life span was taken away, everything was also taken away.

“The tuition is too expensive!” Chen Fei shook his head and said.

“Expensive, naturally there are reasons for it to be expensive. If this one won’t, taking a few of them to offset the tuition is fine.”

A flash of greed flashed across the Martial Hall Director’s eyes as he pointed at several other slightly smaller fruits. In these fruits, sword intent rushed skyward, black light filled the air, and there was even a topsy-turvy person raising the sky and roaring.

“No, you misunderstood me, I’m saying that the tuition fee is too expensive, and I’m afraid that you can’t afford to return it if you double it.” Chen Fei looked at the martial arts center director and said.

As his mind became clearer and clearer and his thoughts turned, although Chen Fei still couldn’t remember many things, he had an almost paranoid confidence in his own speed of learning things.

The confidence came without cause, but Chen Fei deeply believed in it.

When the martial arts hall director heard Chen Fei’s words, he couldn’t help but be stunned, and then suddenly laughed loudly, his laughter was both icy cold and full of wanton mockery.

I don’t know what method he used to earn a little money, but now he dares to be so rampant! But rampant is good ah, not rampant, how can press on the Yang life, press on everything?
“Don’t worry, if I dare to say double return, I can definitely afford to give it, as long as you dare to enter my martial arts school!”

The martial arts hall director stopped laughing and looked down at Chen Fei, the mockery in his eyes not hidden at all.

(End of chapter)

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