Chapter 312:

Chapter 312 Stiffness
Ren Zhongyang looked up at Chen Fei, déjà vu, Ren Zhongyang felt that he should know Chen Fei, but on the contrary, when the words came to his mouth, he couldn’t name him at all, and he couldn’t recall any interactions between the two.

“Eating fruit? It’s fragrant and sweet!”

Chen Fei yelled, holding winter jujubes in his hand, handing them to the village girl. The village girl glanced at Chen Fei with her gloomy gaze, directly took the winter jujubes in Chen Fei’s hand, and stuffed a bite into her mouth.

“Alas ……”

Ren Zhongyang saw the village girl’s action, subconsciously want to stop, stomach pain, how can such a food, later is not the condition will be aggravated.

The village girl chewed vigorously, Chen Fei hurriedly took out the small apples and white groundnuts in the basket. Selling fruits, Chen Fei has already sold experience.

One must give three pieces to others at the same time, or else they will react later and not buy them, there is no such thing as a repeat customer.

Chen Fei was now just encountering one, hurrying to sell one, and then looking for the next person.

The village girl chewed on the jujube, there was no flavor, looking at Chen Fei handed over the apple and white groundnut, the village girl hesitated, but still took it over, one bite, all swallowed into the stomach.

The corner of Chen Fei’s mouth grinned, breathing and waving his hand, the void fried pork liver, triple strike came in a wave, the woven basket reemerged with winter jujubes, apples and white groundnuts.

Ren Zhongyang glanced at the village girl, and then looked at this strange stance of Chen Fei, and was a bit confused for a moment.

Not only was Ren Zhongyang confused, the village girl was also confused at the moment, what had she eaten? Shouldn’t there be an origin being drawn over, what has she drawn?

Breathing and waving your hands and frying the pig’s liver? What kind of weird stuff is this?


Chen Fei took out the apple from the basket and tentatively asked the village girl.

The village girl looked at Chen Fei with cold eyes and pulled out three pennies from her bosom, handing it to Chen Fei somewhat unwillingly.

Chen Fei sighed with some regret and turned his head to look at Ren Zhongyang.

The feeling of being a familiar stranger was too strange, Chen Fei hesitated and did not sell the fruit to Ren Zhongyang, but instead looked at the other people in the medical center.

Inside the medical center, the servants who were constantly busy coming in and out of the medical center, noticed Chen Fei’s gaze, all of them ignored it and continued to busy themselves with the things in their hands.

If they had encountered this kind of fruit seller in the past, they would have directly rushed up and eaten all the fruits. As long as they keep eating, they can finish the fruit without paying.

But just now the village girl, finished eating three, even stopped, but also paid, this how to see, are not normal.

Chen Fei sighed with some pity, and looked back at Ren Zhongyang, the two of them staring wide-eyed.

Ren Zhongyang looked at the village girl, and then looked at Chen Fei, a hint of help appeared in his eyes. Although Ren Zhongyang could not recall where he had seen Chen Fei, but for Chen Fei, Ren Zhongyang had an inexplicable sense of trust.

Ren Zhongyang at the moment for the village girl, there was no way to continue to pulse diagnosis, Ren Zhongyang had an extreme sense of rejection. Although he didn’t know what was happening, Ren Zhongyang knew that if it continued, something big might happen to him.

Chen Fei saw the look in Ren Zhongyang’s eyes, and in his heart, Chen Fei was still willing to help Ren Zhongyang.

“Where are you uncomfortable?” Chen Fei looked towards the village girl.

“Tummy ache!”

The village girl looked at Chen Fei for a second and said sorrowfully, “You know how to see a doctor? How about treating me? My stomach hurts too much, help me!”

She said help me, but the village girl’s expression was full of coldness, making one’s scalp go numb when looking at her.

“I don’t know how to heal.”

Chen Fei shook his head and looked towards his woven basket, picking through it. Chen Fei vaguely remembered that he seemed to know how to make pills.

It was true that he didn’t know much about medicine, but amongst the elixirs, there were so many that could directly heal the body. It was just that very few people did so, because elixirs were more expensive, and normal illnesses could not use elixirs.

After rummaging through the woven basket, Chen Fei slipped two fruits in his hands, these two fruits gave Chen Fei the feeling that they should be related to elixirs, the antidote elixir as well as the healing elixir.

If you had a stomach ache, you either ate something bad, or you really had a disease. Then the antidote and healing pills should both come in handy.

But nowadays, this seemed to be a fruit, how did it turn into the appearance of an elixir?
Chen Fei was just thinking about how to explain to the village girl that these were actually two kinds of pills, when the few pennies contained in his sleeves, two of them slightly trembled and dissipated, and the two fruits in Chen Fei’s hands turned into two pills.

Chen Fei blinked his eyes and touched the money in his sleeve again, the money was indeed less, Chen Fei did not expect that the original money had such an effect.

“If you have a stomachache, I think eating these two pills should be able to relieve it.”

Chen Fei looked at the village nun and showed the elixir in his hand to the village nun, the village nun just wanted to take it, but Chen Fei withdrew his arm at once.

The village nun stared at Chen Fei at once, her eyes were already full of blood red in them, and her surrounding breath was full of cold and secretive, as if she wanted to freeze people directly here.

“Cure, give money?” Chen Fei was not indifferent to the surrounding atmosphere, and asked very seriously.

This elixir was only turned out with two cents, it couldn’t be given to the village girl for nothing like this. Selling fruits also gave money, you can’t cure a disease and not pay for it. “Give it only after it’s cured!” The village girl looked at the elixir, a flash of greed in her eyes.

“You just have a stomachache, this can definitely be cured. You can’t wait for you to finish eating it, say it doesn’t work, and just walk away, that won’t work!”

Chen Fei shook his head, not recognizing the village girl’s statement.

The village nun stared at Chen Fei and suddenly smiled darkly and said, “I’ll definitely pay, and if it works well, I’ll even buy more!”


Chen Fei grinned and handed the two pills to the village nun. The village girl looked at the pills in her hand, they were indeed made by alchemy, this would not be as inexplicable as the three fruits just now!
In Chen Fei’s expectant gaze, the village girl threw the pills into her mouth as soon as she could, and without seeing her chewing, she directly swallowed them into her stomach.

In an instant, Chen Fei felt that two memories were lost in the middle of his mind, but Chen Fei didn’t panic, pretending to have a spatula in his hand, he started to fry the yam and chicken in vain.

The village nun’s face, which was originally grim, suddenly froze, what was not there was no skill in pills, what was there was just two segments of cooking skills. The village nun turned her stiff neck to look at Chen Fei, what in the world is this person?
Obviously it was really a potion, how did it get involved with the cookery, what the hell is going on here!

Chen Fei vainly fried a plate of yam with chicken to get that feeling back. Chen Fei hurriedly turned his head to look at the woven basket, and unsurprisingly, the two pills reappeared inside the basket.

“Does your stomach still hurt? I still have elixirs here, two more?” Chen Fei smiled as he took out the elixir from within the basket and handed it to the village girl.

Ren Zhongyang, who was on the side, looked at the scene in front of him, he didn’t know if those two pills had any effect on the village girl, but Ren Zhongyang could feel that the village girl was angry to the extreme at the moment.

It was as if she could pounce on Chen Fei at any time, and would tear Chen Fei alive in order to relieve the anger in her heart.

Ren Zhongyang swallowed his saliva, this village nun was not normal, Ren Zhongyang instinctively balked a little, but to be able to infuriate the village nun like this, it seemed that Chen Fei was not normal either.

“It’s not working, keep showing me!” The village girl turned her head to look at Ren Zhongyang.

Chen Fei, she really couldn’t see it anymore, that or the whole this kind of look.

“No effect, I guess the amount is not enough, you eat two more to try.” Chen Fei persuaded from the side.

The village nun gave Chen Fei a grim look and did not pick up Chen Fei’s words, she was determined not to eat anything Chen Fei gave her.

“I’ve just taken your pulse, taking these two medicines will definitely help.”

When Ren Zhongyang heard that this village girl was going to continue looking for him, sweat was coming out of his forehead and hurriedly marketed Chen Fei’s pills.

“Look, the Langzhong has said that this medicine is effective!” Chen Fei grinned at once.

The village nun stared with bloodshot eyes, glancing at Ren Zhongyang and then at Chen Fei.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore!”

The village nun clenched her teeth, the tremendous force filled her teeth with friction, and the sound of the friction was a bit harsh, as if she was about to bite her teeth to pieces.

“Oh yeah.” Chen Fei somewhat regretfully put the elixir back.

The village nun threw down the five pennies consultation fee, got up and stood up, and walked away without looking back. Chen Fei was a bit surprised and took the five cents away, two pills, surprisingly sold for five cents.

This is much more efficient than selling fruits just now.

Ren Zhongyang looked at the back of the village girl, in a trance, Ren Zhongyang felt that the village girl compared to just now, seems to have lost a lot of weight. Before Ren Zhongyang took a closer look, the village girl had already disappeared.

Chen Fei beautifully put away five dollars, looked up at Ren Zhongyang. The position of this groom, quite good ah, more promising than the peddler.

Ren Zhongyang felt Chen Fei’s gaze, hurriedly got up to thank, Chen Fei smiled and waved his hand, now Chen Fei is more interested in knowing, how can I sit here?
Chen Fei glanced at the other people in the medical center, but those people were oblivious to what was happening over here, just now when Chen Fei was selling medicine, these people did not come out to stop them.

“It seems like I can leave.” Ren Zhongyang suddenly said.

“Leave what?” Chen Fei turned his head to look at Ren Zhongyang in confusion.

“Just now, I was unable to heal that person, and I couldn’t even leave if I wanted to. Now that that person is gone, I can leave this position as well.”

Ren Zhongyang explained, just now when Ren Zhongyang faced the village girl, he actually wanted to walk away, but on the contrary, Ren Zhongyang couldn’t do it. If he insisted on doing so, in the underworld, Ren Zhongyang felt that something even more horrible would happen.

But now with the departure of the village girl, it was as if that restriction of not being able to leave had been lifted.

Chen Fei’s expression moved slightly, remembering the place where he had first sold the fruit just now. It was also after waiting for everyone around to stop buying that Chen Fei was able to pick his stretcher and leave.

Countless doubts swirled around in the middle of Chen Fei’s mind, but soon Chen Fei subconsciously forgot these thoughts.

“If you’re not going to be a bone-setter, then let me be one for a while.”

Chen Fei thought about the five cents he had just spent, Ren Zhongyang wasn’t going to be the bone-setter, so let him be the one to do it instead.

(End of chapter)

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