Chapter 326 – The Three Lives Stone (3000)

Chapter 326 – Three Lives Stone (3000)

This ancient method goes against the laws of life and death, and is incompatible with heavenly reasoning.

The side effects were extremely terrifying.

It was normal at first.

But later.

It often led to the re-incarnated clansmen being either insane or demonized, and once caused a huge tragedy as a result.

There were quite a few mysterious ancient clans that were buried because of this.

Therefore, a long time ago, they disappeared into the long river of history.


Can actually see here!

“Is the forbidden land …… here the essence of the forbidden land?”

Wang Xiu could not help but feel a stirring in his heart, his eyes emitting a unique light as he looked towards the center of the formation.

The twilight sky in front of him.

The yellow spring silhouette that seemed to run through the entire heaven and earth continued to flow, and eventually flowed there as well, hazy and hazy, the haze covering it up, so it could not be seen truly.

His feet lightly tapped the void.

The figure disappeared in place.


A hundred miles away.

Wang Xiu appeared in the sky above and looked down, his eyes filled with astonishment.

There was a small lake a hundred feet square there.

The lake was not clear.

It was muddy and yellow, seemingly extremely similar to the yellow spring water.

This is the center of that huge formation.

Wang Xiu’s eyes released a strange light, piercing through the essence.

He saw a near constant flow of rich dead air, which erupted from under the lake, spreading out in all directions.

That dead gas, is the unique power that pervades the world here, making all living beings immortal and incorruptible.

At the same time.

Above the sky, one end of that majestic yellow spring shadow flowed through here as well.

The vast number of living souls and resentful souls in it were continuously transported here, falling into the lake.

Making the entire surface of the lake gusty with gloomy winds, there were constantly heart trembling mournful roars coming from it.

If someone with a slightly poorer cultivation stood here.

Being blown by the wind from the lake.

One might not be able to say that their souls would collapse and their souls would be blown away directly following that wind.

Wang Xiu slowly walked forward and stood on top of the gravel by the lake.

Bowed his head.

The thick fog pounded on his face, and he could not see the true surface of the lake.

Wang Xiu tapped his fingers.

A pure mass of mana that contained the flavor of the Underworld Emperor’s Prison Suppression Scripture then wrapped around a droplet of water and slowly floated in front of him.

He stared at the water droplet.

The color was muddy, and there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.

“Jie Jie Jie ……”

Suddenly, a sinister laugh surfaced.

The water droplet abruptly changed, and a face emerged from it, hideous and ghastly, roaring at Wang Xiu.

“Death, life …… Haha life can not be …… death can not be …… Another one! Another one!”

That voice was sharp and piercing.

Wang Xiu watched expressionlessly.

The water droplets twisted again.

Soon another face coalesced out, a woman, very charming, despite not having a body, but just a light raise of the eyebrows, the flavor is better than countless women in the world.

Either it is a great demon of the fox clan, or it is a devil who has practiced his charming skills to the highest level.

“Good handsome little Langjun …… Nu Jia is so lonely …… and cold …… Come to accompany people, okay? Cluck cluck cluck ……”

The voice was crispy to the bone.

Wang Xiu still just looked.

Rolling his eyes.

The faces on the water beads kept changing, and only after hundreds of different faces appeared did that mournful voice from the very beginning reappear.


Wang Xiu flexed his fingers and the water bead fell back to the lake.

He muttered to himself, ”The water is real yellow spring water, but it is only stagnant water with crippled rules that make it difficult to function properly! This place is too old, and for countless years, the efficacy of this yellow spring water to wash the soul has long since disappeared …… leaving only an endless accumulation of resentful souls here.”

At this moment, he vaguely knew something about this piece of heaven and earth.

Ancient ago.

Someone, by some unknown means, had set up a great formation of reincarnation here, and had cut off a real Yellow Spring from the Underworld with the intention of constructing a small reincarnation.

Thus resurrecting someone …… or, a certain group of people.

Or, just a testing ground!

Preparing for the ultimate resurrection.

Wang Xiu favored the latter.

Later, for unknown reasons, the plan here was abandoned, or interrupted.

The person who laid everything out is no longer there.

The rules here were not truly perfected, and could only function with the residual formation instincts, leaving much to be desired.

Then …… something went wrong.

This place was once supposed to be a small world with quite a few living beings.

It was difficult to enter the normal cycle of reincarnation due to being split apart.

After the spirits here died, their souls could only be extradited to this formation by the yellow spring shadow and the broken laws.

As a result, there was no return.

Initially, this situation was not obvious.

This place apparently still has communication with the outside world.

People were constantly coming and going.

Even though the number of living beings here kept cutting down, no one bothered to seriously wonder.

Until ……

The living souls and dead qi in this formation grew thicker and thicker, and eventually one day it exceeded the upper limit of its carrying capacity and completely exploded.

Boundless death qi spread throughout the entire area.

It plagued all the living beings here.

“All the paths in the world are one yin and one yang, interdependent, and it is difficult for a lone path to survive! ‘Death’ will move closer towards ‘life’, and ‘life’ is constantly moving closer to ‘death’, this is reincarnation! ”

Those dead auras filled the air, and although they were unconscious, they were able to seek out any living being.

They do not hurt anyone.

They just replace it with the vitality within the living being. This was just the most fundamental operating law between heaven and earth, and those dead qi had no concept of hurting people!

However, for living beings, the loss of vitality in the body means death.

This is the result of the rules being crippled, leading to an imbalance in the operation of heaven and earth.

In fact, many caves, blessed places, small worlds, there will be a similar situation, except that it is not embodied in the aspect of life and death, the most common tend to be the cultivation limitations, resource limitations and so on.

After all, in this world, those that can affect the rules of life and death are too few.

The three thousand great roads, life and death are definitely the most supermodeled existence.

When cultivators practiced, they sought nothing more than eternal life.

However, throughout the ages, how many people of great talent have fallen on the path of seeking eternal life?
Who can really live forever?

The life span is nearly endless, but not really endless!
The seeming immortality is not really immortality!
Those who have great powers can turn mountains and seas, change the sky and earth, and even rub the stars and rivers with their hands, creating worlds.

What can they do about their own life and death?

Just because you didn’t die doesn’t mean that you’ve successfully overcome death!

It’s just that you’ve not reached your great end!
Death is there.

Looking coldly at the world.


So even though the number of small worlds in this vast expanse of heaven and earth is as vast as a sea of smoke, there are very few of them that can slightly affect the operation of the rules of life and death.

Even if it did, it was very limited.

And like this in front of us, directly destroying the cycle of life and death in one side of the heaven and earth, causing this place to become an extinct area, even in the history of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, it was also very rare.

“The person who set up this game should have accidentally obtained the secret method inheritance of those great tribes in the ancient period, and then added his own Dao magic aptitude, wanting to realize the resurrection ability he envisioned! If he were to succeed, it would be enough to shake the world and leave a mark on the entire ancient history!”

Wang Xiu could not help but sigh.

It was a pity that that ancient method itself was forbidden by heaven and earth.

And the rules of life and death, how can they be shaken so easily.

In the end, it failed!

“However, it may not be, after all, the cycle of life and death in this place was finally destroyed, and also lasted for so many years, it must be counted …… or can be said to be winning half a son of heaven!” Wang Xiu’s heart moved, this thought.

But no matter how.

The person who laid down the big picture of this place can definitely be considered a great talent.

Throughout ancient history, there may not be a few people.


Wang Xiu walked along the lakeshore and suddenly his eyes were attracted to a spot.

Only to see in the middle of the lake.

There was actually an ancient monument that stood in the misty fog, which was actually not seen before.

He dispersed his divine sense and scanned the pattern on it.

“Hungry Ghost Road?”

Wang Xiu was slightly stunned, then laughed lightly, this was an attempt to emulate the true Six Paths of Reincarnation?

His vision looked far away and landed on the rest of the ancient peaks in a distant land.


On the other five ancient peaks, it was also like this?
Punishing all the dead souls, according to their deeds in life, and sentencing them to different reincarnations, this was the legendary Underworld.

And don’t look at just a few words lightly.

The great aptitude needed to realize this was simply unimaginable.

It wasn’t even much simpler than completely changing the rules of life and death.

If the person behind the scenes was truly able to create a new Six Paths of Reincarnation, how could he have turned a good heaven and earth into this hellish state.

This is exactly what happened.

Wang Xiu’s divine sense swept through the many ancient runes branded on it, and immediately realized that although there were some esoteric and profound places on that ancient tablet, it was still too far from the real Six Paths of Reincarnation.


Wang Xiu suddenly stared, his face changed slightly, staring at the stone tablet, “This material …… is not right!”

A silver glow blossomed in his brow.

A pure divine sense landed on top of the stone tablet and then penetrated.

At that instant, a gray haze fell before his eyes, and a scene of broken images flooded into his mind.

It was not his memories.

Rather, it was a period of life that belonged to someone else.

The images kept flashing.

The scene in front of me changes rapidly, and the owners of the memories rotate rapidly.

At times male.

Sometimes female.

In just this instant, Wang Xiu seemed to have experienced thousands of lifetimes and passed countless years.


Wang Xiu retreated two steps, amazement flashed in his eyes, “So close, with the strength of my divine soul, I almost sank into it, it’s hard to pull myself out!”

He stared at the stone tablet.

At this moment, he could finally be sure.

The Three Lives Stone!
This was the true Three Lives Stone!

Rumor has it that there is a river of forgetfulness in the underworld, and beside the river of forgetfulness there is the Three Lives Stone, on which there are words as bright red as blood, engraved with the words “Early ascension to the other shore”.

If a living being passes by it when he or she is reincarnated, he or she can carve the name of the most unforgettable person on it.

At the same time, they can also see the past life and the next life.

But this is the folklore for the Three Lives Stone, about the beautiful fantasy color is too heavy.

Wang Xiu carries the legacy of the Underworld Emperor.

He clearly knew that the world’s understanding of the Three Life Stones was not even a fraction of its own.

The Three Lives Stone is the same as the Judge’s Pen and the Book of Life and Death, which are the most precious treasures of the Underworld.

All of them are treasures that were created by the rules of the world.

It is a manifestation of the rules of cause and effect!

It is simply impossible to judge them by ordinary grades.

If you insist on dividing it.

It is at least above Immortal Weapons.

Beyond all the supreme treasures in the nine heavens and ten earths today.

“No…… is not the complete Three Lives Stone!”

After the initial surprise, Wang Xiu calmed down and muttered to himself, “This …… should be refined from the real Three Lives Stone, from the fragments cut down!”

Even though it was not the real Three Lives Stone.

The power was not comparable.

However, it was also a supreme treasure.

It far surpassed any divine weapon Wang Xiu had seen today.

The grade was at least comparable to a quasi-imperial weapon.

However, what really surprised Wang Xiu.

It was more than that!
(End of chapter)

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