Chapter 978: Two Months, More Than Three Million Corpses

Chapter 978 – Two Months, More Than Three Million Corpses
“Nine thousand dead, fifteen thousand wounded!”

“Battleable sons and daughters, only seventy thousand left.”

“The Xiu Shan Sect’s quasi saintly ancestor, Hong Mei, died in battle!”

Inside the largest shed, the great monk paraclete of the Bodhi Temple reported the battle losses with difficulty.

Flying Sword Elder Ancestor and several other Paraclete Saints had a look of relief on their faces, admittedly, the saint was still in great power today, defeating the ten saints of the foreign race in three blows, casting monstrous spells to drive the foreign race away, but it couldn’t resist that there were too many foreign races.

Xuanze old ancestor smiled bitterly, “The main thing is …… that the alien race has more than two hundred quasi saints, the attack is too strong, we can’t hold up ah, even if we are well prepared, most of the disciples are decapitated by these quasi saints!”

Xin Zhuo’s arms on his knees, that foreigner han host, already strong power, far beyond the same realm of the human race, but also higher than his own realm, his arms a little numb, asked, “How many foreigners dead and wounded?”


This is the only thing worth cheering up, Bodhi Temple great monk said, “We have offensive carriages and spiritual beasts to assist, enough to kill them 60,000 or 70,000, saints frozen thousands of miles and killed another 70,000 or 80,000, today there are 150,000 foreigners died tragically, so consumed, it’s okay.”

“There are ten million foreign races.” The Flying Sword Ancestor reminded.

The smile on Great Monk Bodhi’s face gradually disappeared.

One hundred and fifty thousand, more than yesterday, but …… the [Nine Specters Hundred Fathoms of Ice] and [Calling the Wind and Rain] killed fewer today than yesterday, these foreign races are too refined ……

“The martial artists who died in battle, good burial, the remaining martial artists, good appeasement, tell them, the array is broken, everyone has to die, whether it is to die in battle or suffocate and be abused, choose for yourself!” Xin Zhuo waved his hand, “Disperse!”


A kind of Paramount Saints arched their hands and left.

Xin Zhuo signaled that Lu Zhiruo and the others did not need to follow, and strolled along with Little Yellow, walking all the way back to the city.

The sacrificial spirits that could be seized today were more than yesterday, and the remaining true qi of the four hundred and eighty-seven ten thousand year old martial artists were all absorbed.

Entry Human Saint Middle Realm: 3/30.

He took Xiao Huang out of the underground formation space, his figure flashed to the top of the tallest building in the city, “White Crane Building”, with his hands behind his back, silently looking at the night sky behind him.

The “Hundred Races Abyss” small formation, only two days ago, one third of the battle deaths and injuries!

He didn’t know what had happened to the other small formations, but he had a premonition that there would be no support here.

Then, how could he ensure that not all of the martial artists under his command would die before breaking through to the Human Saint Middle Realm?
If all the martial artists died in battle before the breakthrough, his own cultivation plan would be in vain, and he would not be able to defend this place.

Little Yellow tilted his head and looked at him, “Master, are you looking to see if those old guys will come to help?”

Xin Zhuo laughed lightly, “Do you guess if they will?”

“I guess not!” Xiao Huang cursed, “This damn place, so few people defending it, it’s not reasonable, it’s also not reasonable to have just one person saint for the master, I feel like they’re punking us.”

Xin Zhuo did not say anything.

Little Yellow sighed and said, “I can gather the Psychic Demon Race to fight, but I feel that it won’t help much, there are too many foreign races, and the human martial artists won’t be able to accept it, instead, they’ll be in disarray.”

Xin Zhuo patted his dog’s head, “Don’t sigh, the two of us are so lucky that it’s easy to run away!”

Little Yellow nodded, “Okay!”

Right at this moment, the township jade tablet on Xin Zhuo’s waist suddenly got hot, he subconsciously picked it up, only to see a sentence coming from it:

“Which human saint is next door? Seeking help for help! I, Zijing Holy Land Human Saint Zhang Baili, guarding the Chaotic End of the Rock, the foreigners are attacking at night!”

“This thing can still deliver messages?” Little Yellow stretched his dog’s head in amazement.

Xin Zhuo also felt odd and didn’t bother to reply.

“Seek help, seek help! Although the opposite alien human saint is only one, comparable to me, but the community is nearly half a million, I only have 300,000 martial artists under my command, too many deaths in battle, I really have no choice ……”

A sentence came from the jade tablet again, appearing to have an urgent tone.

Immediately after, another person sent words, “I am Purple Bamboo Forest Sai Qingzhu, guarding the Birch Forest small formation, only Quasi-Saint cultivation, barely fending off the foreigners with the two False Saints seniors, can’t do anything about it, I’m sorry!”

Zhang Baili of the Purple Bamboo Holy Land: “Two False Saints and a Quasi-Saint? How many martial artists are under your command?”

Purple Bamboo Forest Sai Qingzhu: “Two hundred and fifty thousand!”

Zijing Holy Land Zhang Baili: “Can come!”

Purple Bamboo Forest Sai Qingzhu: “No go, precious!”

The words on the jade tablet then ceased to appear.

Sai Qingzhu was also in the neighborhood?
Xin Zhuo was stunned for a moment.

“I said! Is this doing personnel?”

Xiao Huang stared straight at the jade plaque and suddenly cursed, “The old guys up there, they are really punking us, the two small formations next door both have only one foreign race and one foreign human saint, yet they have dispatched hundreds of thousands of martial artists to guard them.

We here are facing ten major alien clusters, ten million alien races, and ten major alien saints, and we only sent a hundred thousand or so martial artists!
Thick and thin, shameless to the extreme!”

Said, “eek”, said: “Master, your strength is so strong, you do not know the gold content of the alien saints, you one person to pick ten people, easy to handle, the world has never had, why don’t you and I go to the night attack on the alien tribe?”

Xin Zhuo thumped his heart, then shook his head.

What he needs is the imperishable fit of intention to practice within the small array of 10,000 years ago in the withered bones of the Ming Ming, the foreigners do not come to attack, he ran over, killing people count? Not to mention that within the group of foreigners, are there any great saint or saint king level experts in the mettle? Once the boat overturned in the gutter, is not the wave catalyzed.

The three mountains have all been overturned, he Xin Zhuo is not arrogant enough to single-handedly kill the foreigners and return in one piece.


The third day.

Heavy rain.

The Fae play out their tricks again, and they too make catapults and lead hordes of beasts, attacking from a distance and turning and running once Sinjor casts a spell.

And Cebu and others and more than two hundred quasi saints no longer make a move, dead close staring at Xin Zhuo, and each of the heart method operation to the extreme, the breath is monstrous, only waiting for him to come out of the formation, two or three hundred people to attack a person.

Still the same old routine, but very useful!

Both sides bombarded each other for three whole hours.

The human martial artists suffered heavy deaths and injuries, Xin Zhuo once again rushed the formation, killing seventeen Paramount Saints, and was forced back to retreat from the foreigners with [Nine Specters Hundred Fathoms of Ice].

That night, counting the number of people, battle deaths of human martial artists 5,700, wounded 7,000, much less than yesterday, flying sword old man and other people greatly relieved.


On the fourth day, the foreign race strange truce.

The fifth day, truce.


On the eighth day, the overwhelming millions of foreign races rushed in defiantly, this time playing tricks again.

Their quasi saints and saints, using the holy relics of their clans as scheming mediators, casting their own clan’s magical arts and techniques to bombard the formation from a distance, which can break the formation, but also can prevent Xin Zhuo.

Xin Zhuo could only use his arts to counter the bombardment.

There was nothing left to do but fight for his life, protect the formation and break the formation.


Truce on the tenth day.


Day 29, Truce.


Day 45, The Great War.


Day 55.


Sixty-ninth day of the Great War for two hours.

The alien race retreats.

More than two months.

Outside the formation, there were already corpses everywhere, mountains were crumbling, rivers were being diverted, and trees were withering.

Inside the formation, the graves have stretched for a hundred miles.

The sky was gloomy.

Lu Zhiruo held a snow-white silk scarf and sat disheveledly against the front of the shed, tears dripping and sliding down, this silk scarf was the relics of her elder sister who had the best relationship with her, who had died in battle yesterday, her body shattered by a sword of a foreign quasi-Saint, and her corpse was left without any bones.

Not far away, Murong Bo was holding a corpse, blankly fuming, the corpse was his aunt, the relative who led him into the Spirit Blade Sacred Sect, a Yuan level Sanlin female cultivator.

Not far away lies a body with only half of its head left, it is when Xin Zhuo rushed to Linxu City, the one who wanted to force Song Xinruo’s Liang Wu, although this person is lustful and playboy, bully others, but before dying, he broke out of the biggest blood of his life, shouting “the human race is not to be defeated”, rushed out of the formation, and was chopped to death by a sword, the body flew back to the formation. Over the past two months, there have been countless incidents such as this man’s bravery and fear of death.

They don’t know who they are fighting for and who they are dying for, the righteousness of the human race? Guarding the mortal people behind them? Or had to kill, do not kill is also dead, are not important, the important thing is that they did their oath, death and not retreat!

“Brother Murong!”

At this moment, the blood-covered Crane Jiuhe approached with a group of people, hissing, “To bury senior Murong in a generous manner, this is the order of the saint!”

“I won’t!”

Murong Bo let out a roar, “Who are we fighting for? I thought that by practicing supreme martial arts and flying through the sky, I could get great freedom, what are we doing now? Now we are in this hellhole, getting killed one by one!

There were 110,000 people when we came, how many are left now, 3,328, only 3,000 more, one more attack by the foreigners, all of them will die!

Where are the reinforcements from the big shots up there? Where are the reinforcements?”

He Jiuhe sighed, “The saints sent someone to ask for help the day before yesterday, you’re not unaware of that!”

“Fart! Fart!” Murong Bo yelled, “The next door Chaos End was attacked by a foreigner at night two months ago, three False Saints went to put out the fire the next day, this is what a close friend of mine told me, he wouldn’t lie to me, we abandoned it!”

Crane Jiuhe’s face was unsightly, speechless.

In the past two months, many people have realized that something is wrong, and that there shouldn’t be so few people here in the Hundred Races Abyss.

Murong Bo once again yelled, “The front of the formation of the Chaos End, only seventy miles, but there are two hundred and twenty-one clans and families, three hundred and forty thousand martial artists, our front of the formation of more than four hundred miles, only eleven hundred thousand martial artists, this is not fair! Unfair!”

He Jiuhe opened his mouth, still speechless.

“At least we have killed three million foreigners, even if we die, it’s enough!”

Inside the shed, the voice of the Flying Sword Ancestor suddenly came.

Murong Bo hugged the corpse tightly, lowered his head, and cried out in pain.

At that moment, his shoulder was tapped, and when he lifted his head, he realized that the Sage and the seven Paramount Sage Ancestors had all arrived.

Xin Zhuo’s face carried a trace of fatigue, his right hand was always placed on Murong Bo’s shoulder, in these two months, killing more than three million two hundred thousand foreigners, which was thirty times the number of human martial artists, this was indeed enough, but the words on the side of his mouth could never be said.

More than three million foreigners, died in his hands alone will be two million, of which more than one hundred foreigners quasi saints, but there is no sense of accomplishment in the heart, foreigners and human feelings are not quite the same, not afraid of death at all, but also the slightest show half a bit of sadness, to kill, like killing chickens, it is just a string of numbers that at first I did not dare to think about.

Tired of killing, tired!

Distance from Human Saint Middle Realm: 29/30.

Only one last kill away.

Over the past two months, those ten people from Cebu were not fools, they would always change their tricks to deal with him, and those people had a clear purpose, if they couldn’t beat him, they would run away, and then come back again, that is, they wanted to consume all of the martial artists under his command.

The four hundred miles of battle line is very long, he Xin Zhuo alone can not guard it, when the martial artists die out, is when the formation is broken!

The ten foreign saints did not have a formation to suppress them, they could fight for their lives with Xin Zhuo.

Xin Zhuo’s purpose is also very clear, strive to kill more foreigners, as soon as possible to seize the spirit of sacrifice, once the entry of human saint in the middle realm, he is sure, kill the other ten human saints.

This is a rally full of blood, the chips are human lives!
Human life, this kind of thing, right now, seemed to be truly worthless!

“Saints, is there still hope?”

Murong Bo, Crane Jiuhe and Lu Zhiruo who was not far away suddenly looked together.

Not only them, but the seven Flying Sword Ancestors also looked at Xin Zhuo in death.

There was only one last attack left!

More than three thousand people defending a four hundred mile front could not hold back the waves of dead and coming waves of foreigners that never saw less. One person guarding a distance of twenty feet, and also adding the array stakes, once, it will sue for death!
Xin Zhuo was silent for a long time, looking towards the snow foam drifting down from the sky, “I have sent Song Xinruo and three Yuanji experts, to go to the rear ten thousand miles of the Nine Divisions Sea Formation to ask for help, tomorrow before the foreigners attack, they should be able to rush back, and I think they will bring reinforcements!”

In his heart, he silently thought that he was afraid that he would disappoint everyone.

When the crowd heard this, their mood cleared up a little, and a hint of hope appeared on their faces.


Right at this moment, four figures came flying in the distance, and the leader was none other than Song Xinruo, only the four of them looked panicked, their faces as white as paper.

The hope on the faces of the Flying Sword Ancestor, Spirit Blade Ancestor, and the others vanished in an instant.

“How?” That Murong Bo looked behind the four, without half a silhouette, and asked in a trembling voice, “Why did you come back so early?”

Song Xinruo’s four people’s chests were heaving, it seemed that their feet were very heavy, when they reached close, they said with difficulty and full of bitterness, “Without reinforcements, we couldn’t even make it to the Nine Divisions Sea!”

“Why?” The Flying Sword Ancestor questioned in a deep voice.

A Yuanji martial artist’s voice trembled, “Nine thousand miles to the rear, the Devil’s End where the other small formations are located on par with the other small formations, has rebuilt the small formations, with a large number of martial artists stationed there, and we are not allowed to go over there!”

“What is the intention? What exactly is the intention?” The Flying Sword Old Ancestor, Spirit Blade Old Ancestor and a few others laughed miserably and looked towards Xin Zhuo.

Xin Zhuo was silent and only looked at the Yuan Extreme Martial Artist who spoke, he knew that this person had not finished his words.

Sure enough, this Yuanji martial artist cupped his fists and said, “They said that they want help, so that the saints can go carry help themselves!”

There was silence in all directions.

It was snowing heavily, drifting, and all directions were soon covered in vegetation.

Xin Zhuo stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake, these days he always felt that the human race big shots will not be so visionless, the war of the ten thousand races, concerning the life and death of hundreds of millions of human races and seventy million miles of home, even if they have a different idea of themselves, but also should not leave this place unattended, and now understand, the original early preparation!
Even if this place is broken, it doesn’t matter.

It’s really not worth it.


Right at this moment, a Yuanji expert in the direction of the small formation in front of them, flew in and said in a deep voice, “The foreign race has attacked again! For the second time today!”

Attacking twice in one day, this was something that had never happened in the past two months.

The group of Flying Sword Old Ancestor, Spirit Blade Old Ancestor, Murong Bo and He Jiuha were first stunned, and then they once again looked at Xin Zhuo with complicated gazes.

It did not matter which wind the foreign race had drawn today.

What mattered was that the house was in trouble, the duel was today, and life and death could be decided.

Xin Zhuo silent for a little while, stretched out his right hand, halberd fly out on their own, hold tight, heavy on the ground, a moment of the ground shaking the mountains, and then one word said: “You go! By the way, the people of Linqiu City will be taken away together.”

The Flying Sword Old Ancestor, Spirit Blade Old Ancestor, Xuanze Old Ancestor, Lu Zhiruo, and He Jiuhe were taken aback and panicked, “What does the Sage mean?”

Xin Zhuo blandly said, “It is sufficient for me to guard this formation alone!”

A group of people lowered their heads and gritted their teeth, “Willing to die with the sage!”

Xin Zhuo coldly glanced over the group of people, “Two months to kill more than three million foreigners, you have already done well enough, you have no shame in your hearts, why do you need to send yourself to death? Three breaths, don’t leave, kill, three ……”

“Sage, again, why bother!”

Flying Sword Old Ancestor Old Ancestor and Lu Zhiruo a group of people can not help but redden their eyes, with the saint to get along with two months, the saint, although few words, but there is no overbearing, there is no mistreatment of the subordinates, every death, he will always look at for a long time, silently reciting the name of the deceased, no one knows why he did so, and from the alien race scavenge treasures do not want to penny, all bestowed.

He is loving his subordinates, but he …… can t help it.

How can he abandon him after living and dying together for so long?

Moreover, they suddenly understood that the Mixed Sage Xin Zhuo, who was not the favorite of the great ones, was being targeted.

Were these great people crazy?
This kind of terrifying saint, he will surely be extraordinary in his day.

“Two ……”

Xin Zhuo’s body surrounded by a terrifying killing intent, the pressure of a group of people almost breathless, this is not a joke, it is really to kill.

“Good, let’s go.”

The group of Flying Sword Ancestors couldn’t withstand the pressure, looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and went straight into the distance.

The remaining three thousand or so people quickly retreated like a flood, leaving the surroundings empty.

Little Yellow glanced at Xin Zhuo and silently followed those people as they left.

The snow grew heavier and heavier, and hundreds of miles outside the formation ahead, the overwhelming army of foreigners slowly approached.

Xiao Huang quickly came back again, walked to Xin Zhuo’s side and said, ”The people of Lin Vengeance City, escorted by the martial artists who had just retreated, dragged their families and left, stretching for a hundred miles, not surprisingly, as expected by my master, the seven Flying Sword Ancestors and the four Lv Zhiruo wanted to return to fight for their lives, but they were backed off by a sentence from me, I said, ”The Saints received an order to fight one battle and then leave, and they won’t die. And you guys are pedantic and play with great righteousness, you will surely die’.

And they ceased to insist.”

“Very well!”

Xin Zhuo stretched his back, the three thousand or so people of the Flying Sword Ancestor were honestly not very useful, so why bother letting them die senselessly? Might as well blast them away.

Casually slapping his hand in the direction of Lin Vengeance City, the nine-colored true qi whistled, three colorful flying eagles in the sky above the city, two were slapped into blood and flesh, the other flew away in a hurry.

“Little Yellow, kill with me!”

“Yes, master!”

(End of chapter)

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