Chapter 807 – Long Xian Town, Dr. Xin.

Chapter 807 – Long Xian Town, Doctor Xin

The town is called Long Xian Town, a total of seventy households, the transportation is closed, there are not many outsiders, there are a lot of empty houses on the street, Xin Zhuo spent five taels of silver a year, rented a store on the street.

In the room there is only an old chair, a broken bed and a desk of unknown age that is about to fall apart, the landlord saw him “poor”, sent a broken pot and two broken bowls.

In the town’s only ready-made clothing store to buy a worn gray cloth robe, and in the iron store to buy some iron to repair the table and chairs, cleaned up, and then sat on the bed to stare.

At dusk, the occasional cough from next door disturbed his thoughts, and he stepped out to see what appeared to be a mudman store next door.

In front of the store, a middle-aged man in his fifties sat on the ground and pinched clay figures, his wrist was light, and he pinched a small person in three or two strokes.

Xin Zhuo walked over and silently watched.

The middle-aged man smiled and asked, “Where did you come from?”

Xin Zhuo said: “Very far away.”

The middle-aged man said: “Will you stay here from now on?”

Xin Zhuo nodded.

The middle-aged man asked again: “What is your name, old brother?”

Xin Zhuo silent for a moment, old brother ……

“Surname Xin.”

“This surname can not be rare.” The middle-aged man said: “My name is Old Iron, all neighbors, something to talk about.”

Old Iron ……

Good name.

Xin Zhuo said: “Thanks a lot.”

“No thanks!”

Old Iron stopped talking and concentrated on pinching the clay figure, his hands were ten-fingered and his nails were lightly picked, and the clay figure’s five senses appeared in a very three-dimensional way.

Xin Zhuo watched for a full hour until it was dark and returned to the house.

There is no light in the house, darkness, small yellow ran out of the wave, he continued to stay, try to run the heart method, the dirt in the body a little more, the progress is very slow.

The first of the Five Weaknesses of Celestials, I don’t know when it will pass.

Lying down, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

He suddenly got up, kiln out a spoonful of water from the water tank, but also live a pile of thin mud, learning from the next door old iron pinch mudman.

The first one, four unlike.

The second, plausible.

All the way to the tenth, barely humanoid.

He found that pinching this thing, with a calm mind, could pass the time.

After a sleepless night, when the sky was just dawning, there were three clay figures on the table ……

The floating Zhao Yi Master, the charming and graceful Xue Ji, and a short-haired middle-aged woman dressed completely differently from the people of this world.

That was his mother from his previous life.

He didn’t know who to think about, or what other people were worth thinking about, it seemed …… like these three were the only ones, right? Maybe add a Jiang Yuwei ……

Silently looking at the table three seven resemblance of clay figures, he suddenly happy like a child, his face showed a “clean” smile never seen before.

Then hugged the three clay figures, lying down, especially looking at the short-haired middle-aged woman, murmured a sentence: “Mom, I now super miss you, here is so lonely ah, Tianren wu wei good pain ……”.

Fell asleep in a daze.

At noon, he was awakened by the noise outside the door, he got up and walked to the door, only to see a group of people on the street surrounded by a white-haired vicissitudes of the old man, the old man’s lips are white, sick to death, see that it can not be done, some people urgently said: “Go to the next town to look for Dr. Wang, bring more money, quick!”

A group of men and women anxiously lifted up the old man and ran straight into the distance.

Xin Zhuo raised his hand and lowered it again.

Life, old age, sickness and death, human nature, practicing Buddhist techniques, how can you use your cultivation to intervene in the mundane people?

He walked back to the house, Xiao Huang did not know where to wobble back, eat the bladder, took back a wild boar leg, dog face proud. Xin Zhuo washed the pig’s leg, cooked it in a cauldron, and casually ate some.

In the afternoon, a cry came from the distance, the old man died, despite going to the next town to see a doctor, or did not last an hour.

The whole street was shaking with cries, and everyone was wearing mourning.

Xin Zhuo stood in front of the door for a long time, the body shape of a flash, disappeared in place, and then reappeared, has been nearly dusk, from the “look at the moon bag” poured out half a room of herbs and bamboo.

Then take Xiao Huang to play well water, cleaning herbs, woven bamboo frame drying.

While he was working, a little boy with a ghostly head wearing only short pants came up: “Uncle, what are you doing?”

Xin Zhuo laughed: “Drying herbs.”

“Herbs?” The little boy didn’t understand, grinned and said: “I know you, you are the flower child on the roadside at dusk the day before yesterday.”

“I also know you.”

Xin Zhuo patted his little head: “You are the little guy on the donkey cart.”

The little boy shrunk his neck: “Uncle has a good memory, my name is Dog, why did you come to live in our town.”

Xin Zhuo said: “I don’t have a place to live.”

Ah Dog thought for a moment and lowered his voice: “You came from far away, right? Do you know martial arts?”

Standing up and gesturing: “The kind that whooshes into the sky.”

Xin Zhuo smiled: “Why do you ask?”

Dog’s face was filled with longing as he said: “I heard people say that all the people outside know martial arts, they can fly in the sky, blow up a big mountain with one punch, and the pavilion chief lords are scared when they see them.”

There were no martial artists in this town, not even at the lowest level of the Houtian sub-ninth realm.

Xin Zhuo was stunned for a moment.

His contact over the years, are high on the high and low clan forces, is in the environment of the martial artists gathered, but do not know that this world will not be martial mortals are more, is a simple sub-ninth grade of the heart is also a hard to come by, please seniors to open the veins? It is even more of an extravagant request.

Great Qian to unify the world, unify hundreds of millions of people, why not organize the order of heaven and earth, constraints on the martial arts, to give mortals a way out?
He laughed: “There might be.”

Dog became interested, squatted aside and said: “Uncle, could you be the kind of expert that is said in the opera, who is hidden in the world and flies away on a flying sword on another day?”

Xin Zhuo said: “Frankly speaking, I am, I don’t even need to step on a flying sword, just whoosh into the sky.”

Dog instantly lost interest, got up and left in disgust: “You’re not, an expert won’t admit to being an expert, you’re so old, you stink.”

Xin Zhuo lost his smile and continued to weave the bamboo gabion frame.

A month, fleeting.

The front of Xin Zhuo’s store was filled with sun-dried herbs, and there were also more clay pots burned in clay pots, in which hand-rolled medicinal pills were placed.

That’s right! He directly used the [xxxx medical art] of knowledge of pharmacology, simple rubbing pills, not moving martial arts, not using medical skills, not exposing martial arts, is his transcendence of the five failures of celestial beings, the practice of the Buddhist secret art of adherence.

People in the town, at first a little defensive towards him, gradually attracted by his honest but “strange” behavior, every day people come to watch, especially the little boy Dog and the next door to the old iron, every day will come to chat a few words.

However, no one bought the pills that “Uncle Xin” rubbed in his hands, which seemed to be unreliable.

Xin Zhuo doesn’t care, still kneading pills every day.

This day, just after rubbing a jar of pills for cold and flu, Dog ran over with a snotty nose and a flushed and dizzy face, sat down on the ground and said dejectedly, “Uncle, I’m going to die, I’ve got a cold and flu, and my parents are only running a grocery store, which doesn’t make any money, and going to the next town to see a doctor will cost us a year’s worth of harvest …”. …”

“Can’t die, open your mouth.” Xin Zhuo casually pinched up a pill and threw it into his mouth.

Dog swallowed it with a “gulp”, his bitter little face wrinkled, and he ran outside.

A few moments later, Dog’s parents, the couple in their thirties that they had met on the road a few days before, looked over, their chests heaving, their eyes changing slightly, and carefully pulled out a few copper coins: “Thank you, Big Brother Xin.”

“Ah Dog is well?”

Xin Zhuo pushed the copper coins back, this thing, he wanted it useless.

Dog father full of respect: “Well, alive and kicking, this moment to go to the river to touch the shrimp, ready to send you, I did not think that big brother …… is actually a real skill, our town in the future also have their own doctor.”

The word “doctor” seems to be very sensitive, next door to the old iron and the street neighbors have gathered up, excited, skeptical, scrutiny.

(End of chapter)

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