Chapter 731 – The whole hall was shocked

Chapter 731 – The whole hall is shocked
The hall was silent, the blood on the four hundred remaining sons of the Changle Clan dripped down the corners of their clothes onto the alabaster floor, and the rich smell of blood wafted out.

In front of the door of the hall, the Duan Clan’s group of experts looked grave.

At the guest seat, the two male brothers, Zuo Meng Yuan and Teng Shanqing, were hesitant.

Changle Qin’er was looking around blankly.

The original despair and killing in the hall suddenly vanished into thin air due to the appearance of those seven swords and a line of words.

Only, that Sovereign level expert was slow to show up!
Elder Changle Gong looked towards the Duan Clan’s group of people’s sudden and dark expressions, fearing that another twist would occur, he coughed lightly and said almost pleadingly, “Qin’er, quickly let the predecessor show up for a get-together, my Changle Clan’s friendship with the predecessor is only going to have to be traced back!”

Changle Sheng also said: “Baby girl ……”

Changle Qin’er at this moment had been enveloped by huge indescribable complex emotions of panic, happiness and incomprehension, etc., hissed: “Seniors, seniors?”

“Snapped ……”

The dark door in the corner suddenly stepped out of a figure with a long stature, just …… a servant’s green clothes, holding a broom and a wooden dustpan in his hand, sweeping a glance at the great hall, and then, there was no then.

Changle Qin’er looked at him dumbfounded, and then, looking behind him, continued to look around.

The Changle Clan clan clearly knew that this person was a subordinate of their own house, the second master Changle Sheng’s lifted heart was lowered again, his face grim as he rebuked: “Dirty brat, get out of the way!”

Wasted emotions for nothing.

The blood-covered Huang Confessor and Ling’er in the corner, on the other hand, gave the green-clothed subordinate a wink: “Hurry up and go, hurry up and go!”

No wonder the crowd reacted in such a way, this person did not have the slightest fluctuation in realm and was only an underling in the Changle Mansion, how could an expert of the Hunyuan Void realm be an underling?
Elder Changle Gong was impatient, rushing into mid-air and clasping his fists, he personally opened his mouth : “Please also show yourself senior!”

The surroundings were still slow to respond.

But among the experts in the hall, Elder Gu, Zhao Li, Juan Si Liang, Song Bai, Yu Si Liu and even Yellow Hair in the Demon Sect’s Three Difficulties and so on subconsciously took a step forward, their eyes staring straight at the green-clothed boy.

“Senior!” Changle Qin’er shouted out with a hoarse voice once again.

Xin Zhuo took a step forward at this time and walked straight to the side of the main seat, Elder Changle Gong’s seat, put down the broom and wooden dustpan, sat down with a big horse, removed the beanie on top of his head, and condescended to the crowd, looking at them with a playful look.

Before the Duan’s attack before all the moves, he saw clearly, small means just, can not hide him, this shit between the martial arts family strife, he originally did not want to interfere, and here many eyes, he also do not want to show up and expose his whereabouts, incurring unnecessary trouble.

Just one owes Changle Qin’er’s love, he is a person who does not want to owe favors. Secondly, the two families of the treasure land he needs, at the moment it happens to be all the people, is suitable for action.

He sat here, instantly caused everyone’s eyes, even the elm brain, also understand that this Changle family’s boy underling is not quite right, so depressing scene, which underling dare to come?
Deng Shanqing, Zuo Mengyuan two dukes were just puzzled by Juan Si Liang’s out-of-character reaction, at this moment they understood and looked at Xin Zhuo in surprise.

Elder Changle Gong’s group of people drifted off, their gazes straightened and a strong contrast arose in their hearts.

Changle Qin’er’s gaze was also mesmerized, dull and in a trance.

Ah Huo he ……

“Miso ……”

The seven swords around her suddenly flew up on their own, instantly arriving in front of Xin Zhuo.

However, he saw Xin Zhuo reach out his hand and pick at the nail slit on the blade of one of the swords.

This time it couldn’t be more certain. Changle Sheng’s rough face twitched, the subordinate in his own concubine’s room was a Hunyuan Void expert, and he had drunk soup from his end? Just scolded him?
The distant yellow provider and Ling Er maid stared desperately, Ah Huo …… is really an expert? He did not brag?
Changle Qin’er is even more short of breath, face reddened, the heart rose an unspeakable sense of absurdity and unthinkable, so lost in thought and difficult to say, they picked up a Hun Yuanxu master halfway? Their own hard work want to look for the backer, is on their side, and beyond the expected too much.

It was even stronger than Grand Duke Zuo and Grand Duke Teng!

Xin Zhuo was silent for a long time and merely uttered two words.

Zuo Mengyuan and Teng Shanqing, the high disciples of the great sect with deep backgrounds and pride, immediately stepped forward and saluted with a respectful attitude: “Greetings, senior!”

Elder Gu and Zhao Li also came forward to salute in a panic: “Sect Leader!”

“Your Majesty!”

Yu Siliu’s face was complicated to the extreme as he stepped out of Duan’s group of people and gave a long salute.

Fairy Favored Thought changed her face again and again, she had seen Xin Zhuo before in the forbidden land of Da Luo and Da Yan, just not close enough to meet and speak, at this moment, her mood was extremely apprehensive, and she was even a bit puzzled, when did Xin Zhuo break through the Hun Yuan Void, and how much time had it only been? Also followed forward to salute: “Great King!”

Zhu’s Zhu Youshui was most panicked in his heart, this guy? It was him! Wasn’t he wanted by Da Luo and Da Yan? Glancing at his own old man, he followed and stepped forward: “Greetings, Young Sect Leader Xin!”


The yellow hair in that devil sect’s three difficulties unexpectedly followed out, choking on his tone as he prostrated himself and knelt down: “Minister, the former West Qin Yan Bei Hou, Hussar General, and left minister of the Ministry of War, articulated Yan Repudiation Zong See Your Majesty!”

Sect Leader! Your Majesty! Great King! Sect Leader Xin Shao!
This series of titles caused the entire hall to be a bit confused, only the person in question understood in his heart what the reason was.

Xin Zhuo scanned through the crowd, and finally looked at Yan Repudiation Zong, this guy was the first one to scamper away after he left back then, when the Western Qin army unified the world, he didn’t expect to meet here, and said with some emotion, “You’re this inhuman and ghostly, it’s really out of my expectation!”

Or that year that tone!

Or that familiar feeling!
The leader of the “Three Difficulties of the Demon Sect” group, who had dominated the area, cried out in pain for a moment.

At the door of the hall, Song Bai’s eyes were dodging, his whole body was hidden behind Granny Flower, and he lowered his voice and said urgently: “Escape! Quickly! This grandson is not an ordinary person, his expression I can see that it is not as simple as helping someone out, this guy has a black heart!”

The most understanding of their own must be the enemy, Song Bai no day not think of death Xin Zhuo revenge, before still pondering how to fool than their own older than more than a hundred years old wife hands, now only feel the heart of the cold, this grandson realm is too high, breakthrough is too fast, do not run to wait for a longer period of time?

Do not need him to remind, Duan’s group of people have already made a gesture to leave, only just to move, but found that an overwhelming pressure descended, a heavier than a mountain of water flow blocked the front, followed by taking them into the hall.


The door of the grand hall suddenly closed.

Xin Zhuo sneered: “Since you’re here, don’t even leave!”


Duan Clan’s group of experts breathed heavily, their faces turned white, and their hearts trembled at the tips, they really didn’t know what to do.

Xin Zhuo finally glanced over and beckoned to Changle Qin’er.

Elder Changle Gong’s father and son vaguely “understood” something in their hearts, the original Qin’er this concubine’s daughter is so blessed, have whispered to urge: “Qin’er go!”

And why wait for them to say?
Changle Qin’er had already gotten up, her face flushed red as she ran towards Xin Zhuo, her heart filled with unspeakable joy and exhilaration!
(End of chapter)

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