Chapter 438 – Unprecedented Re-Enhancement, One Step into Innate

Chapter 438 – Unprecedented Recultivation, One Step into Innate
In the secret room, the atmosphere was somewhat grave and strange.

Xin Zhuo stood at the edge of the formation, with mixed feelings, sure enough, his own gongfu martial arts were still very advanced, as evidenced by this amount.

“Sister Miao’er, Steward Tiger have you guys ever seen such a large amount of merit salary?”

The girl Ya Ya looked blankly at the tiger backed man and the woman in white.

“Could it be that something went wrong?” Steward Tiger frowned and cupped his chin again, his large rough hand trembling slightly.

On the contrary, it was that white clothed Miao’er girl who frowned and said, “The highest seventy thousand since a thousand years, or that eccentric Teng Taixuan, this matter is already extremely puzzling, this little guy …… has reached the extreme number, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing… …”

“I guess it must be a good thing!” Yaya girl said to herself: “Maybe his martial arts is really a reference to the Heavenly Creation, not entering the Houtian nor the Innate? Or it fits well with the Qiankun Myriad Kung Fu Book?”

Steward Tiger said: “Do we need to inform the Chancellor?”

Miss Miao’er smiled bashfully : “No need, if the work is completed faster, it will naturally be a credit to us! Leave these three to me!”

Saying this, she picked up Xin Zhuo’s merit salary jade tablet in Miss Ya Ya’s hand and waved her sleeve: “Let’s go!”

Xin Zhuo and Reverse Cangtian glanced at each other and followed Miss Miao’er to leave.

Walking out of Tianya Hall, all the way to the west, turned a piece of broken wooden cottage, to another green brick and blue tile house in front of, only to see the plaque written on the “Hidden Merit Hall” three big words, the handwriting is also very ugly, probably the person who left the word is not very cultured.

Miss Miaoer tapped on the door, the door lit up with eye-catching light, and then the door was opened wide, and an aroma of books came out.

Entering the door, two walls were lined with bookshelves, which were stacked with bamboo slips, neat and pleasing to the eye.

Under each bamboo slip, there were relevant introductions and explicit prices, and there was also a notch where one could stuff down a merit salary plate and make a purchase.

“Make your own choices.”

Miss Miao’er pointed towards Hidden Dragon and Reverse Cangtian with an intoxicating imperial voice, and then affectionately grabbed Xin Zhuo’s hand and walked towards the opposite side of the main hall’s bookcase, smilingly saying, “Your merit salary is too much, so you can choose from the jade slips here oh!”

Bamboo slips are an alternative way of writing down words to paper books, and jade slips are further developed and carved on bamboo slips, which can exist for longer.

With a wave of the hand next to the organ message, the whole wall “creak” sound opened, revealing dozens of merit jade simple inside.

Next to a stone wall fluorescence huge, showing dozens of the name of the law.

Eight-nine Xuan Gong residual volume, pick up billion!

“Nine Nine Technique Scrolls, 1,000 million!

Wuji Wudao Scrolls, 1,000 million!

“Sword Scrolls without Words” – 1,000 million!

“Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, 100 million!

“Three days of skill, one hundred million!

Xin Zhuo only glanced at the first six techniques, and then shook his eyes, eight or nine Xuan Gong? Nine nine Xuan Gong? Myth?

“Those are 10,000 years ago in the legend of the gong method, you do not need to see, I do not have, the general’s house has no still two say, even if there, you can not afford to buy!”

Miao’er girl crossing her long legs, her flowing skirt scattered, extraordinarily attractive reverie, “You have one hundred thousand, remember to exchange for a kind of gongfu, a kind of martial arts combat technique, will grow up very quickly!”


Xin Zhuo carefully observed, only to find a wide range of, chaotic, and do not know which one is good and which one is bad, which one is more suitable for themselves, half a day of entanglement, had to choose a value of eighty thousand merit salary of the [Nine turns to train the body decision], all the foundation, began with the heart method well.

And choose a just worth 19,999,999 [Fight Cloud Palm].

At this time, behind the hidden dragon and against the sky has been selected, is watching.

“Heh heh heh ……”

That Miao’er girl suddenly laughed her head off, tears came out of her eyes, and she didn’t know why she laughed, waving her hand : “A bunch of stupid people, go go go, the eighty-sixth room on the left, it’s your house, you have to do something in three days!”


The eighty-sixth wooden cottage, is not a good place, is a simple wooden house, the top wooden tiles leak holes, rain is afraid of leaking.

Three climbing rope beds, three broken quilts, three pairs of dishes.

“That bitch is not a good bitch!”

The three earthly emperors, Earth Immortal battle power, and demonic talents, one by one, chose a bed to sit down, and Reverse Cangtian said so.

I don’t know which bitch he was talking about, Miss Miao’er or Miss Ya Ya, but it doesn’t matter, what matters is what the hell is this place and what are we doing now?
Nowadays, the martial arts skills are scattered, the merits and fame are gone, and a group of beggars can beat the three people down.

The atmosphere is a little strange.

For a while, against the pale sky got up and kicked over his chopsticks, turned back and said: “to come here, the suppression of the heavenly immortal rules are gone, is a good thing, but the old man is by no means willing to stay for a long time, must find a way to go back! What do you two think?”

“Going back is a must!”

Zang Long similarly carried his hands behind his back, walked around and sat down, “But first, we must live, a temporary predicament is nothing, the strong have always been ill-fated, I’ll try the martial arts I just bought, whether it’s really as special as they say it is!”


Reverse Cang Tian also sat down.

In fact, the two of them were eager to try and were full of curiosity.

Xin Zhuo was equally curious and picked up the two jade slips in his hand and brought them to his eyes, vaguely seeing that they were densely covered with human meridian patterns and words.

Only, he really has no interest in practicing this thing on his own, and invoked the Moonwatch Well to drop on the well water.

[Spirit Sacrifice:Heart Jade Simplified Nine Revolutions Body Training Decision, containing ancient Yin Void Realm martial artist’s heart method, can be shared directly].

[Sacrifice to the Spirit: The Jade Sketch of the Technique Fighting Cloud Palm, containing the palm technique of an ancient Yinxu realm martial artist, can be shared directly].

Xin Zhuo thought about it and then looked at the [Mirage Dragon Power] of the Mirage Dragon Sacrificial Spirit and the [Great Observance and Illumination Heart Decision], [Nine Swords of the Sea of Blood] and [Floating Spirit] of the Xuan Yuan Spirit Pioneer.

Currently, he was only a mortal body, and only had a pitiful two Heart Techniques, a Mirage Dragon Power, a set of Palm Techniques, a set of Sword Techniques, and a set of Transportation Techniques. As for how to learn them, one still needed to do some research, and how to rebuild one’s body needed to be researched as well.

He first felt himself, as if the meridians that had been cracked by the landslide at the beginning had been straightened out, and his internal organs, bones and flesh were all much more delicate.

Although it is only a mortal body, but it is like a desperately polished, honed body, is dedicated to cultivation, and was once the power to suppress the Earth Immortal’s great venerable, this is by no means just practicing martial arts can be compared to ordinary people, as if it is a piece of heavenly blessing “diamond”.

Next is to observe the [nine turn body training decision] and [combat cloud palm], this body refining decision is the heart method is also a cultivation of the physical body of a kind of gongfu, one turn training skin, two turn training tendon, three turn training bone …… eight turn training meridians, nine turn integration!
The realm can be steadily cultivated to the nineteenth realm above the Earth Immortal, which is the realm of Yin Void!
And the Fighting Cloud Palm ……

was extraordinarily different from the palms outside, it used the power of one’s own meridians, the Mixed Taiji, to strike a superb palm, and then drove the power of nature to assist!

This is called …… internalization to the end!

Whereas the palm techniques outside were cultivated natural forces, imitated natural forces, fancy.

One relies on itself, one relies on the external forces of heaven and earth, and it is clear who is higher and who is lower.

He again recalled the image of the fat leather-armored man in front of him smashing over the hidden dragon with a stick, no wonder the seventh-turned Earth Immortal could not beat the first-turned Earth Immortal, the cultivation styles were very different, and they were not even on the same scale!
It’s also no wonder that Miss Ya Ya said, what you guys are practicing is trash, the gong methods out there aren’t just trash?

And although the fusion martial arts of one’s own Moonwatch Well is wonderful and stronger than those outside by a head, but in order to prevent the Well Master from being rejected by Heaven and Earth and unable to cultivate, it still more or less compromises to Heaven and Earth outside, no wonder it will support one’s own dispersal of kung fu this time!

He also looked to the sacrificial spirit Xuanyuan Lingpai’s heart martial arts introduction, can not help but frown slightly, Xuanyuan Lingpai can cultivate to the celestial five decline realm, obviously there is something unusual, his martial arts techniques are also extremely close to the martial arts techniques here, just there is still a trace of impurities, for example, not only does he cultivate his own power, but also cultivate the power of nature, which is obviously lower level, far less than the cultivation of his own power here is pure!

There is also Teng Taixuan, back then, he dared to kill the immortal and could kill the immortal, I think it must have something to do with practicing the wonderful martial arts here, after all, those craftsmanship martial arts out there, they don’t dare to fight with the Heavenly Dao Immortal Rules!

Therefore, it was definitely a good thing that he had come here!
He threw away the complicated thoughts in his mind and looked into the well, he decided to remove the clutter and merge it, the Moonwatch Well was able to remove impurities on its own.

[Nine Turns Body Refining Technique] and [Great Observance and Illumination Heart Decision] fused.

The water on the surface of the well undulated and swirled, silhouettes, weapons, and techniques appeared and disappeared, and soon formed a new Heart Technique – the

[Nine Revolutions Great Observation and Illumination Body Training Technique]

Taking a closer look at the content, crikey! It was really subtle and incomparable, that is, it kicked out the irrationality of the [Great Observation and Illumination Heart Decision], but also absorbed the essence of the [Nine Turns Body Training Technique].

Nine turns of body training light illumination itself, the earth is wonderful!
Then he fused the [Mirage Dragon’s Power], [Nine Swords of the Sea of Blood], and [Fighting Cloud Palm] together.

The surface of the well fluctuated and undulated once again, and soon formed the latest, subtle, and even surpassed this place’s martial art of skillful striking-

[Mirage Dragon Nine Changes Bitchy Fighting Palm]


The name really fit the operation of the Mirage Moon Well, when multiple martial arts are fused together it creates a certain sense of disorganization, generally known as Bitchy and Messy.

He looked again to the lone recluse at the end, [Floating Spirit], there was no fusion to be had with this thing, and it had too much of the impurity vibe of the outside for it to be perfect!
Looking at the moonflower again, [3/100].

He suddenly realized a bad thing, I don’t know if there is a moon here, in case he can’t replenish the moonflower ……

Immediately and decisively eliminate [Floating Spirit], don’t want it!
A set of perverted fusion mind techniques and a set of fusion technique techniques are already far beyond the people in this place, which is enough for the time being!

With the Moonwatcher’s Well, it seems like everywhere you go is excellent, it’s a wonderful feeling!
[Tsukiakari 0/100]

Completely empty.


An intense tingling sensation swept through his body, and his entire body’s meridians kept opening up in a completely new route.

The [Nine Revolutions Great Observations Body Training Technique] Heart Technique was directly fused into the top level by the Moonwatcher’s Well, which meant that he didn’t need to practice from the first revolution, and directly fused his entire body in nine revolutions!
It was like when a casual slash was the Realm of Transformation!

It could be said that Lord Wang Yue Jing only needed to cultivate the realm, and there was no need to even think about martial arts or heart techniques, so he directly went full level!

After an unknown amount of time, his body was slimy and covered with a layer of dark brown mucus.

It had been thoroughly cleansed once!
The body is full of power, seems to have the power to fight the dragon and tiger, the skin, flesh and bones are very strong, this feeling is brand new, belongs to his own personal, no one can take it away, and he is confident that even if he goes back, the [Heavenly Dao Immortal Rule] is only afraid that he can’t suppress himself.

After all, he had already transcended some kind of control!

Looking again at the Moonwatcher’s Well.

[Well Master:Xin Zhuo.]


[Realm:Innate Seventh Grade! (One of Ten)]

[Technique: Nine Revolutions of the Great Observance and Illumination Body Training Technique (Innate)]

[Technique: Mirage Dragon Nine Changes Bitchy Fighting Palm (Innate)]

So this feeling is called innate?
Could it be that the above is called the latter day?

If I go back in the future and don’t catch the old ancestors of all the major sects rubbing themselves on the ground, I, Jiang Yuqing, don’t have the surname Xin!
At this time, suddenly heard “dang” two crunching sounds, looked up, only to see Hidden Dragon and Against Cangtian two people pretending to walk towards the window with their hands in the air, and in front of the two jade slips have already shattered.

You want to steal eighty thousand dollars worth of martial arts? It’s not stupid.

Just look at the moon well sacrifice spirit dead things, that is directly deducted from the word, there is nothing left inside.

Then look at the blood qi of the two, two ninth grade, innate ninth grade.

Everyone is “heavenly immortal rules” exclusion of the bird people, their own start is two steps higher than them! No, the fused and refined martial arts techniques are countless steps higher than theirs.

“This feeling is called an innate cultivation martial artist? It’s too much stronger than the ninth rank realm when I was young, internalized to the extreme, cultivated itself, it’s really not a vain trip!”

Reverse Cangtian glanced back at the broken jade slip on the ground, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his old face, and then he looked at Xin Zhuo, the embarrassment disappeared, this kid can’t see the realm, or is it a mortal body? The gong method is too difficult to practice? It’s a pity to have such a good gongfu, the old man started out a step above him!
“Yes.” Xin Zhuo nodded frankly.

“Huh?” At this time, Zang Long looked straight across the room and suddenly turned around and whispered, “That’s interesting!”

Xin Zhuo and Inverse Cangtian walked over together in curiosity and also looked across the street, and all of a sudden, they were dumbfounded.

(End of chapter)

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