Chapter 242 – King Su Wu Ji of Nan Li County

Chapter 242 – King Su Wuji of Nanli County

Ruyi Fang.

At the mouth of the Xuan Ling River, a painting boat had just sailed by when a wet figure scurried out of the water, looked around, ducked under a stone cave along the shoreline, stripped off his clothes, rubbed his hair and messed it up, leaped up and tumbled out onto the street.

It was none other than Xin Zhuo!

At the end of the cave was a roundabout bend, and scuttling out he came to this bay.

Across the street was the Qi Yun Building where Jiang Yugui had come with Sis to encounter Win Jian Ying, which had been rebuilt at the moment and was even more prosperous and grand than before.

It is a pity that at the beginning of the beautiful clothes to play, now stand in front of it again is like a lost dog.

Xin Zhuo watched for a while, he suddenly thought of the Dream of the Red Chamber, inexplicably understand the state of mind of Jia Baoyu, what glory and wealth, skyscrapers, just passing clouds, Nanke a dream!
In fact, since he was out of the Jiang family, he already had countless ways to slip out of the city, and after that the sky was once again high enough for birds to fly.

A city of five or six million people, catching a person is too difficult, he has come into contact with a number of Zunis, there is absolute certainty to run away, unless the Earth Immortal personally.

Just infinite frustration in his heart!

At this time in the distance suddenly sounded the sound of rapid hoofbeats, hundreds of black metaphysical armor, murderous army, clustering two carriages passing by, a seven horse carriages, a familiar …… four horse carriages.
Su Miao Jin’s carriage!

Su Miao Jin ……

Xin Zhuo actually has countless words in his heart that he wants to talk to her, unable to say, unable to say anymore.

Just ……

That seven horse vassal carriage is …… Nanli County King Su Wuji has arrived?

He inexplicably remembered the word “borrowing power” that his mother said.

Ghostly shape of a flash, to a greenhouse on the second floor, casually smooth which daytime proclaiming the Lord of the wealth of the robe set on, and put on the other side of the poof hat, straight to Su Miao Jin father and daughter of the car chased to.

Look at the direction of the car, vaguely familiar, and then more and more familiar, is precisely where the Jiang family.

Xin Zhuo some hesitation, so easy to come out, now run back?
So, what is this Nanli County King thinking? To help the Jiang family? With his ability, can he arm wrestle with the Emperor?
In the midst of doubt, Su Wuji’s father and daughter’s car has arrived at Qian Fang Street outside the Jiang family’s main gate, and then stopped, I don’t know what they are planning to do?
And at this moment, the Jiang family’s main gate has been surrounded by officials and experts from various departments and ministries of the imperial court.

There seems to be a woman’s voice inside that is indignantly stating something.

Xin Zhuo pondered for a moment, his figure flickered strangely, and went to the top of one of the highest buildings next to him, looking down from above.

In the courtyard, Venerable Jiang Yong, Cicada Yi, and fifty-six Great Masters, nearly a hundred half-step Great Masters, and hundreds of Great Venerable puppets were sitting on the roofs of the surrounding rooms.

A terrifying aura surrounded the entire Jiang family compound, and the clouds in the sky rolled over as if they were thunderous.

This is a terrifying force that can turn the entire capital upside down, even if it is a fish out of water!

The court is afraid of the Jiang family, definitely have a large part of the credit of these puppets!

From this, we can see that the Jiang family’s hundreds of years of heritage is by no means a false name!
Xin Zhuo pinched his brow, hasty! He was too hasty and forgot about these puppets, if he had a hundred or so Zun Shi puppets with him, would he have been able to kill his way out of the capital in style?
And in the courtyard below, dozens of gloomy-faced court officials, led by an old eunuch with white hair and an old general of sixty or so years old, stood solemnly.

On the opposite side were the First Princess of Zheng, Princess Liyang, Princess Fei Huang, and other wives and Jiang Yugei, Jiang Yuqi, Jiang Nuying, and others.

Looking behind the group of people, Xin Zhuo’s heart began to sink, Murong Huo, Huang Dagui, Xiong Paw, Cui Ying’er, and Han Qiniang, one and not less, were all there.

I underestimated the strange loyalty and recklessness of these bandits, when in the village of the Dragon can die, and now they are “still in the Jiang family”, they can not escape to live? That is, there is a sharp letter of their own words, but also can not change anything.

People in this world, all have their own unique personality, sometimes really can not be measured by common sense!

Bullshit! If you don’t listen, you should be hammered!
“In the seventh year of Emperor Renzong’s reign, the four towns of Beiwei, Chancheng, Hedong, and Shanbei attacked the capital, Jiang Zigui, the ancestor of the Jiang Clan, led his entire family of men to die in battle, 300 men went, 15 men returned ……”

“Thirty-nine years of Emperor Renzong, the new king ascended the throne, Liang Hou chaotic government, Jiang’s ancestor Jiang Zhengshi, to set things right, the son for the crown prince, to protect the Great Zhou society, and since then, a lifetime of sunset, die of the gods of the earth and grain ……” “Xuanzong sixteen years, seventeen countries in the western region of the allied forces to violate the border, a few months directly to the capital, Jiang’s ancestor Jiang Buji rate of the whole house of one hundred and eighty-seven men, Jiang’s soldiers to meet the enemy, only three people returned ……”


“In the first year of the Heavenly Authorization, Prince Chong Yu’s old troops rebelled, ancestor Jiang Ce and the first county king led the whole family of men to the battlefield to kill the enemy, four hundred Jiang’s family, only thirty-eight people remain ……”

“The twelfth year of heavenly authorization, the thirteen kingdoms of the western region’s army invaded, the battle of the Kunxu Demon, thirty-one Jiang’s first male, two hundred Jiang’s branch sons and daughters were all killed in battle ……”

“This Great Zhou hundreds of years, my Jiang’s children for the country died in battle more than three thousand eight hundred people, all dynasties, there has been a precedent? There has never been a precedent in all ages! This Great Zhou is stained with Jiang’s blood!

That bastard Emperor Ji Chunshu, why does he want to destroy the Jiang family? This is not half the virtue of a human ruler ……”

Eldest Princess Zheng’s voice was like a sob, yet resounding, leaving one speechless!
An official beside the Divine Strategist Army said in a cold voice: “As a human subject, how can one blackmail the ruler with such things, ah–“

Before he could finish his sentence, he was already killed by Princess Liyang’s “elite soldiers”, and then angrily rebuked: “How can you allow this dog slave to talk too much?”

Tianwu army general Yuan Yi secretly sighed, he did not know Jiang’s honor and dedication to the Great Zhou, but …… the king let me die, how can I not die? There is also that huge group of forces do not need the Jiang family anymore, how can the Jiang family stay?
He looked to the side of the breath like the abyss of the tiger eunuch, the other party as if asleep, hands together in the python robe sleeves, even snow white eyebrows have not moved a bit, just from time to time to look back on a glance.

“What does Eunuch Tiger have in mind?” Yuan Yi lowered his voice.

That Eunuch Tiger smiled bashfully: “Do you really think that His Majesty wants to get rid of the Jiang family?”

Yuan Yi could not help but frown, pondering for a little while: “What does His Majesty intend?”

Eunuch Tiger’s voice is as thin as a mosquito: “You and I have known each other for half a decade, and we will not hide it from you, His Majesty’s most scrupulous person is in the south, and one is recuperating in the Taiping Palace. The Grand Princess is fainting and dying, but also all the calculations of death.

General Yuan, you can watch the show!”

Yuan Yi immediately understands the situation, and is more deeply asleep than Eunuch Tiger.


Qianfang street, that seven horse vassals car driving still did not move, at the moment the spacious carriage, sitting in two people, a person forty years old, a purple gold robe, strong and straight physique, face extremely handsome, face without half a trace of color.

South Li County King Su Wuji is no expression, no one in the world dares to look directly at it.

Just his pair of deep incomparable eyes at the moment but full of licking calves staring at the opposite side.

White clothes like snow, long black hair, face haggard Su Miao Jin, hands tightly kneaded in a place, seems to be extremely unsettled mood.

“The Fengtian Tower Illusion Realm seems to have opened today, why do you need to come here?” Su Wuji’s voice was mellow, carrying a hint of awe-inspiring majesty.

Su Miao Jin softly replied back, “Ji Jiwei, Yuan Zhanfeng and the other Pacific Palace elders are not here, so it was postponed until tomorrow’s hour!”

Su Wuji said, “Jiang Yuqing is afraid that he won’t be able to participate anymore either!”

Su Miaojin still bowed her head: “He cannot participate per se, the court will not stand by and watch him enter the Fengtian Tower illusion! It’s just …… that even if he doesn’t participate, his achievements in this life won’t be too low!”

Su Wuji lost his smile: “You are optimistic about him!”

“Didn’t father also say that he was optimistic about him in the beginning?” Su Miaojin asked rhetorically.

Su Wuji was silent for a long time before he said, “Do you really like that little brat?”

Su Miao Jin raised her head and looked straight at her father: “Yes! My daughter is already his person, if he is killed by the emperor, my daughter will never live alone!”

(End of chapter)

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