Chapter 292 – The Last Kiss (Long Chapter)

Chapter 292 The Last Kiss (Long Chapter)

“It’s not easy to kill him.”

Tan Qingxue said, “Zhang Yuan is guarding him, moreover, the Withered Margin Son Taishang also gave him a protective immortal light ……”

“None of this is a problem.”

Li Yunxiao said coldly, “As long as you’re determined to kill him, I’ll arrange these things.”

“Arrange how? Ancestor Forgetting Ji has already said that she won’t help me, this is my own calamity, it’s hard to believe that Ancestor Tian Chen Zi, would dare to make an enemy of the Kure Yuan Taishang?”

Tan Qingxue’s stunningly beautiful face was a little cold.

Li Yunxiao said, “Attracting the South Sea Immortal Wind is such a big deal, his old man Kuk Yuan Zi will definitely need to be involved as well, once it comes to the critical moment of the deployment of the formation, he will be distracted, and at that time it will be our chance.”

“It’s impossible for his old man to watch the Immortal Formation Ceremony be affected for the sake of a Li An.”

“As for that protective immortal light on Li An, I will find a way to deal with it.”

Tan Qingxue was silent for a long, long time.

“I’m also curious as hell, after he died on Xuan Turtle Peak back then, didn’t you already cut all ties with him? The letter of repudiation has been obtained, and the Nine Revolutions Dantian Skill has been given to him, you still can’t let go of him ……”

Li Yunxiao eyes some self-deprecating color: “So many years, you have not loved me?”

“Nianxue is already so big, you are a wife and a mother, you always put another person in your heart even if it’s not enough, but now you can’t even lay your hands on him?”

“Even, for him, you can not become immortal?”


Tan Qingxue finally sighed and said, “Fine, go arrange it.”

“I’ll go kill him.”

Her words were so calm.


Li An was a little uncertain, but he quickly thought of a way to test the waters, wanting to know if the other side still wanted to kill himself, just need to find Zhang Yuan to ask as well ……

After all, if the opposite party had already given up, then there was no need for Daoist Withered Edge to keep Li An on guard.

He immediately came out of the gate, the first time to go to find Zhang Yuan, said, “A thousand years of cultivation, thanks to the care and guarding of Taoist friend Zhang, Li An is not grateful, this is some of the intention ……”

He sent a thick gift, which included rich immortal dao substances and so on, Zhang Yuan smiled, “Where where where, we are all of the same path, it’s only right to help each other.”

“Brother Zhang, I want to change my place of cultivation and go out for a walk and experience, do you think it’s okay?”

Li An asked tentatively.

Zhang Yuan frowned slightly.

Thousands of years had passed, and he actually felt that there wasn’t much point in guarding Li An anymore before ……

However, Kure Yuanzi had never given him any new orders.

He hesitated for a moment, but still said, ”Brother Li, I would suggest that you continue to cultivate here and not go out, after all, the Immortal Formation Ceremony is right around the corner, how can the chances in the rest of this world be compared to the Southern Rotting Island? You know, nowadays, the disciples within the Dao Sect, want to come here to have a look, are a thousand times more difficult, and the geniuses of other forces are even competing for their heads to come in, and you still have to go out …… is really unwise.”

“Even if you want to go elsewhere, it’s best to wait until after the Immortal Formation Ceremony.”

Li An thoughtfully nodded his head and said, “What brother Zhang said is reasonable, then I will cultivate for a while longer and wait until after the Immortal Formation Ceremony.”


Back to the cave.

Li An was bellyaching.

Who the hell is such a dog, staring at him all the time.

From Zhang Yuan’s words, Li An immediately guessed that there should still be danger.

Otherwise, Zhang Yuan would worry about Li An? Where would Li An have such qualifications.

Moreover, the Immortalization Ceremony …… is a point in time.

Before the Immortal Formation Ceremony, he should be in danger, while after the Immortal Formation Ceremony there is mostly no more ……

“Fuck, did I block anyone’s path to immortality?”

Li An cursed angrily.

But there was nothing he could do, since this was the case ……

then he could only wait.

In the next few days, he became more and more cautious, being careful at all times.

After all, if him being targeted really had something to do with someone becoming immortal, that also meant that the closer the Immortal Formation Ceremony got, the crazier the other party might get ah ……

It wasn’t just the Heavenly Thunder, he was still prepared to activate the lid of the teapot.

Make sure you can survive before saying anything.

Time flew by.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years had passed.

Li An guarded his eve and dared not relax in the slightest, he heard that the Dao Sect, after more than ten years of testing and observing, had finally begun to operate a large formation that covered the entire bay, actively attracting the South Sea Immortal Wind.

The Dao Sect’s experts poured out their nests, and the Immortal level existences all moved.

South rot island as the center, the dao sect exhausts countless of the bottom of the things built up the vastness of the great array, one by one, hooked up the operation, the horror of the qi emanates all day long, so that all the people in the entire bay have a sense of the heart, the pressure is extremely great.

On the South China Sea, it is like being attracted by a huge vortex, wild storms keep appearing, and even some weird breaths are triggered, the activities of searching for fairies on the sea all stop, and no one dares to go out to the sea any more.

The world’s attention, all the forces, cultivators, are concerned about the success or failure of the Dao Sect.

Five years have passed, the first time the big array is in full operation, all kinds of atmosphere in the bay exploded, the hundred and eight immortal cities suspended above, but also exudes brilliant immortal light all day long, which is also mixed with some inexplicable bizarre atmosphere.

There are a variety of magnificent sounds ringing, such as sitting high in the clouds of the Immortal Taoist powerhouse in the sermon, seems to be incomparably powerful demon king in the cry, as if between the bizarre creatures in the hissing ……

These voices were intermingled together and converged into a torrent that continuously traveled to the depths of the South China Sea.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that the cultivators within the bay had the power of the Great Formation sheltering them, then I’m afraid that everyone within the bay would have been directly blasted to death, even if it was such a great man of the Transitional Stage such as Xiang Yun Tian, he wouldn’t have been able to carry this kind of impact!
Very frightening.

Around the bay, the Dao Spirit Realm, Tai Qing Realm, and several other new continent great realms that were close together had now almost completely become empty cities, with all the cultivators withdrawing, directly giving way to trillions of earth.

After all, the world’s cultivators all knew just how terrifying the South Sea Immortal Winds were, and once the Dao Sect had truly attracted those things, the closer they leaned to the bay, the more likely they were to be affected.

The average cultivator simply didn’t dare to approach!
Eleven years passed, and Dao Zong’s first attempt failed!

It didn’t succeed in triggering the South Sea Immortal Winds, it only caused a few terrifying tsunamis to occur on the South Sea, which swept in and flooded half of the hells of the Tai Qing Realm and other great realms, causing a sky-splitting disaster, but fortunately, people had already evacuated.

Twenty-three years later, the Dao Sect’s second attempt also failed, only, this time, the fluctuation triggered by the Dao Sect was even more terrifying, a big explosion occurred on the South China Sea, some hidden spots of bizarre aura that were deeply hidden in the South China Sea but unknown to the public were detonated, and a large amount of bizarre aura erupted, and a gray mist formed on the surface of the sea, shrouding millions of miles, and no one dared to get close to it.

Another seventeen years passed-

That year, all the Immortals of the Dao Sect assembled, they summarized all the problems that had arisen over the years, closed their doors for a full three years, and then, finally, in the fourth year, they once again operated the spell formation.

Just the various experiments and thinking alone had taken more than sixty years.

The outside world was in an uproar for a while, and there were already voices questioning the Dao Sect’s actions, believing that by doing so, the Dao Sect had triggered a catastrophe on the South China Sea for no apparent reason, and had also caused many Immortal Cultivation Sacred Places of the Tai Qing Realm and the Dao Spirit Realm to turn into ruins, and the voices of crusade were unceasingly heard.

The Dao Sect loomed large, the spell formation roared into action, and this time, after a short period of calm on the surface of the South China Sea, all of a sudden, as if from an extremely distant unknown land, there were horrifying layers and layers of dark clouds emerging, and the entire sky above the South China Sea was darkened, gray fog was rampant, and within it, the hissing of some kind of horrifying beings was even vaguely audible!

At once, the entire Spirit World was greatly alarmed.

“…… This, is the Dao Sect really going to attract the South Sea Immortal Wind?”

“This is crazy, right ……Three hundred years of great turmoil has not been easy to pass, we have only been living a few years of good life, the Dao Sect is going to die again, this is dragging all of us into the water!”

“Shut up! If there really is still a terrifying Immortal Wind in the depths of the South Sea, the Dao Sect is undoubtedly doing the right thing, those who hold the paychecks for the people must not be made to freeze and die in the wind and snow, come on, immediately allocate a batch of resources to support the Dao Sect!”

Everyone was concerned.

Around the South Rotting Island, the great formation had already operated to the most critical moment.


In the closed ground.

Li An was on high alert, he placed the puppet in the cave, while he himself hid in a “humanoid cave” under the puppet’s futon.

This human-shaped cave was dug out according to his own figure one by one, and after he came close, it was as if he was buried in it, tightly closed.

He utilized the Life Seed Qi to completely cover himself, so that anyone scanning with their divine sense would find it difficult to see that there was another person hidden in the cave.

He was ready to invoke Heavenly Lightning at any time and blast the incoming enemies.

At the same time, he also planned an escape route.

In his opinion, if the other party truly had an undying desire to kill him, this was the most appropriate time to do so.

Because, the experts of the Dao Sect, including Kure Yuanzi, were doing their best to induce the South Sea Immortal Wind, they were simply too distracted to care about a mole like Li An.

The more this happened, the more dangerous it was.

He meditated and held his breath, not knowing how long had passed, when he suddenly felt a movement at the entrance of the cave.

Inside Li An’s retreat, there had been an additional beautiful figure.

This person was clearly Tan Qingxue!
She ……


With the help of Li Yunxiao, she easily crossed over all the protective spell formations without alerting anyone else.

What came was only her Yuan Shen!

“Fellow Daoist Li, long time no see.”

Tan Qingxue took the initiative to speak, her voice clear.

The “Li An” sitting on the futon opened his eyes, seeing the beautiful person in front of Tan, he was obviously a little surprised, saying, “Fellow Daoist Tan, how did you come …… here?”

He glanced towards the outside and couldn’t help but change his face, saying, “Did you …… sneak in?”


Tan Qingxue’s words were bland, she walked to Li An, her clothes fluttering, her body graceful, gazing at Li An’s face.

“Are you here to …… kill me?”

Li An’s voice was a bit astringent.

Tan Qingxue, however, did not answer this question, but said quietly, “Li An, do you still remember the Qingyang Square Market back then?”

Li An said, “Never dare to forget.”

Tan Qingxue sat down, like an old friend, and said, “At that time, I loved you to death, and there was no hope for the Immortal Path, so I only begged you to give me a child to spend the rest of my life.”

“It’s a pity, you only begged for the Immortal Path to be evergreen, cold-blooded as hell.”

Her words were ghostly as she said, “Speaking of which, if you weren’t determined enough back then, there wouldn’t be the Tan Qingxue of today.”

Li An said, “This is all due to Fellow Daoist Tan’s own blessings, how could Li An dare to take credit for it.”

Tan Qingxue sighed, “Fellow Daoist?”

Li An said, “Or, Mrs. Li?”

“Do you care if I am Mrs. Knight or not?”

Liam was silent.

“After you returned to the Dao Sect from the Immortal Fall secret realm, I thought you would come to me, but unfortunately, you didn’t.”

“You have already asked me for a piece of paper for a letter of truce, for another man’s wife, how could you dare to intrude?”

“If I wasn’t someone else’s wife, you would have come to bother me?”

Li An was silent again.

One question after another seemed to just add to his own disappointment and annoyance in vain, but Tan Qingxue’s heart didn’t really fluctuate too much, all of this she had already anticipated.

“You have saved me three times.”

“The first time, at the time of the Qingyang Square Market, using the mysterious aura on your body, you pulled me back from death.”

“The second time, writing a letter to get me out of the Xuan Yang Sect, allowing me to escape the scourge of the Xuan Yang Sect’s annihilation.” “The third time, at the time of the Heavenly Fate Mountain Range, you left that mysterious aura in the Heavenly Demon Mysterious Realm once again, helping me defeat the Demon Empress of the Demon Clan and have today.”

“I owe you a lot.”

Tan Qingxue spoke one by one.

Li An, however, couldn’t help but be stunned in his heart.

To this day, he realized why back then Tan Qingxue actually became the demon queen of the demon race, and by all accounts, she would have been completely worn out by the demon queen before ……

So, it was because of himself?
He also finally understood why at that time when he was in the Heavenly Fury Mountain Range he wanted the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, and everything went smoothly ……

Unintentionally hugged Tan Qingxue’s thigh ah ……

“You’ve saved me three times, and you really didn’t care about me in the slightest?”

She stared into Li An’s eyes.

Li An only regretted in his heart that he was still careless when he was in the Heaven’s Fury Mountain Range and actually saved her once, if Li An was given a chance to start over, he would definitely do it cleaner and let Tan Qing Xue die.

However, at this moment, he was keenly aware that Tan Qingxue might have a hint of hesitation within her heart-

Thus, Li An pretended to be full of regret and sighed, “Qingxue, we missed it after all.”

“Now you are already a peak master, about to become an immortal, with a boundless future, a powerful husband, a well-behaved and lovely daughter, and me, the Great Dao has been broken ……”

“It’s hard for me to become immortal.”

Tan Qingxue said softly, “Li Lang, are you willing to help me for the fourth time?”

Li An was alert and said, “How can I help you?”

“My straight path to immortality all these years, to a large extent, is due to the mysterious breath you left in my body when you were in the Heavenly Fury Mountain Range……. You are already lacking in the Great Dao, if you give me all of that kind of breath, the probability of me becoming an immortal can reach ninety percent.”

Her words were calm as she looked at Li An’s eyes.

This was her true purpose!
That mysterious aura on Li An’s body-

Dusty karma unresolved? The red dust sinful aura concentrated on Li An?

That’s just an excuse she gives to outsiders.

Tan Qingxue was very clear that Li An had a secret on him, that mysterious aura that had given her a lot of help since she had been cultivating for so many years, and now that she was facing the dilemma of becoming an immortal, if she could absorb all of the aura from Li An’s body ……

her grasp would be great.

However, it was impossible for her to tell Li Yunxiao directly, much less tell others that she coveted the mysterious breath on Li An’s body.

This was a secret that she had exclusive access to, and once she let Li Yunxiao and the others know about it, she was afraid that the others would also come to compete for Li An’s piece of fat meat, damaging her interests instead.

That’s why she made up an excuse and kept hinting and guiding, ultimately allowing the crowd to come to the conclusion that she still loved Li An and had old feelings for him, and moreover, this old feeling would also affect her state of mind when she became immortal.

This all made sense, after all, she and Li An had experienced life and death together, had been husband and wife, no one didn’t believe it.

As for to Li An ……

Since the time when she got the Nine Turns Dantian Knowledge for Li An and read it to Li An in front of Li An’s grave ……

She had already cut it off inside.

Tan Qingxue used to be an emotional girl, and although she was also selfish, she was easily influenced by her feelings.

After many years of cultivation and a long, long time on this path, those things, almost all of them, had dissipated.

She understood very well what she wanted.

Everything else was just a side issue.

It could be said that she and Li An were one of a kind at heart, as evidenced by the fact that she abandoned Li An and left him alone when he faced the danger of the life-supporting Horse Face in the Qingyang Marketplace.

It’s just that she has too little experience and can’t see through it.

Now see through, it is like a female version of Li An.

Li An also stared at Tan Qingxue for a long, long time and suddenly smiled and said:

“Do you still remember under Xuan Turtle Peak back then?”

“At that time, I hid in the grave and couldn’t move, but I was still able to perceive everything in the outside world ……”

“When you came to ask for a letter of repudiation, I thought you were very desperate, in fact, you are not, you agreed to marry Li Yunxiao, all just for me.”

“I had hated you at that time, very hate very hate.”

“But when I heard you recite the Nine Revolutions Dantian Skill …… to me I realized that I owe you much, much more.”

“Qingxue, I’m sorry.”

Li An’s words were gentle, just with endless remorse and regret, he said, “If there is an afterlife, I just want to be with you in that mortal world, to have a pair of children, with a coarse tea and a light meal, and from then on, not to ask to become an immortal-“

He closed his eyes, and a line of tears fell from the corner of his eyes, “You kill me, use everything I have to fulfill your immortal path.”

He had a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he didn’t have the slightest fear of death, there was also a sense of relief like a weight being lifted, a feeling of being free.

Tan Qingxue stared at him for a long, long time, her hand raised, but Li An’s words were like a heavy hammer, making her heart drums resound-

She closed her eyes and tried not to look at Li An, her divine power lingering and hovering in her hands-
She had almost walked up to Li An, and all she needed was for her hand to fall, and she would be able to cause the Harmonization Realm’s Li An to die –

“Qingxue, do it.”

Li An opened his eyes, in his eyes was infinite tenderness and love, as well as a kind of release without fear of death, he said, “This is what I owe you, in this life, I can only use my life to pay you back.”

“If there is an afterlife, I will pay you back with all my love-“

“I’ve never spoken the truth in my life, this one, it’s true-“

The “Li An” on the futon was deeply in love, while the real Li An hidden underneath the futon was already sweating at the corners of his forehead, and the heavenly thunder was about to explode.

Saying so much was just to affect Tan Qingxue’s mind!

Love her?

Loving a bitch doesn’t even love her!
Get her killed, kill her, that was the only thought in Li Min’s mind.

This bitch knows Li An’s secret, actually still have the intention to take over, she has already taken the way of death!

It was just that the best time hadn’t come yet, the best time for Li An to make his move was after Tan Qing Xue killed the puppet on the futon –

At that time, her defenses would be minimal!
Li An’s sudden move would have the greatest success rate.

So, kill the bitch!

Li An can’t wait…

Before the futon, after listening to the words of the puppet “Li An”, Tan Qingxue’s emotions were like a flood, breaking through her carefully woven dam, her hand fell down, but the divine power was dispersed, and she gently stroked the puppet Li An’s face.

In her eyes, in the midst of that extreme calmness, a trace of intolerance and bewilderment appeared.

“Li Lang ……”

She spoke softly, and suddenly cupped the puppet Li An’s face and kissed it –
A light kiss, then, she turned around in a dashing manner and said, “Enough is enough.”

“It’s all enough.”

Her words were this light and quick, and after she finished speaking, her figure actually disappeared directly from the spot –

On the futon, the puppet Li An’s expression froze.

Under the futon, Li An froze for a moment, then cursed.

What kind of madness is this bitch?

Grass ……

She actually didn’t kill him?

If you don’t kill my puppet, how can I get you killed?
Li An was furious!

However, he quickly suppressed his inner emotions!

Be cautious, be careful!
What if Tan Qingxue was just acting, going and returning to take advantage of his inattention to strike?
Who knows how poisonous this woman is.


On a reef, Li Yunxiao guarded Tan Qingxue’s physical body, the waves kept rolling in, hitting the reef, scattering snow-white clumps before returning to the sea.

After a long time, Tan Qingxue finally woke up.

“Well? Did you kill him?”

Li Yunxiao snapped with concern.

Tan Qingxue shook her head and said, “No.”

Li Yunxiao frowned and said, “What’s going on? Does he have other means to save his life?”

Tan Qingxue said, “I look away.”

“The knots in his heart have been dissolved, the red dust sins have been dispersed, and he has impacted into immortality with no more heart demons.”

Li Yunxiao was skeptical: “Really?”

Tan Qingxue nodded, “Yes.”

“You couldn’t forget him for so many years, this night, you can forget him?”

“Many years of heart knots, in fact, sometimes it really just takes one sentence.”

The expression on Tan Qingxue’s stunningly beautiful face was relieved as she smiled, “I’ve been in love with him for so many years, and he’s been in love with me as well, but tonight, he made me until, he actually really doesn’t love me anymore.”

“So, I put it down.”

“Yunxiao, when the day I become immortal, my heart will be completely united with you.”

She gently stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Li Yunxiao.

The biggest reason why Li Yunxiao was also very anxious about this matter was that, at that time, he would need to perform a yin and yang unification art with Tan Qingxue ……

That great art was passed down to him by Tian Chen Zi, requiring the two of them to have a unity of mind and not to be separated from each other.

That was why he was so concerned about the issue of Tan Qingxue’s heart demon.

At first, he was also furious, he had been a husband for so many years and his wife always had another person in her heart, this was simply intolerable.

But in order to become immortal ……

He chose to endure!
Endure it, and talk about it after becoming immortal.

He embraced Tan Qingxue into his arms, still having some doubts in his heart, so he comforted Tan Qingxue and said, “Okay, I believe you.”

“It’s windy, go back.”

The two of them immediately left hand in hand.

And shortly after sending Tan Qingxue away.

Li Yunxiao, however, alone, returned to this place, sitting here, his Yuan Shen out of body, do free swimming, quietly toward Li An’s retreat place and go ……

Only, he didn’t notice that a long time after his Yuan Shen went out of his body, a clear and cold figure, had also appeared here.

“The person I don’t kill, it’s your turn to kill?”

Tan Qingxue coldly whispered.


Inside the retreat.

Li Yunxiao’s figure appeared.

And under the futon, Li Anton’s heart tightened, Te Niang, really ah ……

Tan Qingxue, this snake scorpion, couldn’t it be that she realized that there might be danger, so, she let Li Yunxiao come to give away her head?


Good night.

(End of chapter)

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