Chapter 104: Unwanted Pregnancy

Chapter 104 – Unexpected Pregnancy

After today, Li An officially stayed at Song Mingzhang’s residence.

He began to waste his sleep and time reading, waking up early and going to bed late, tirelessly.

Although the two do not have the name of master and disciple, but Song Mingzhang is a lot of guidance to Li An, Li An, either true or false, from Song Mingzhang also did greatly gain, the salute is very respectful.


In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

Five years, Li An in addition to reading, almost do not go out a step.

It wasn’t “for show”, but he had indeed immersed himself in it.

Before and after eight years, he really developed the habit of reading.

Moreover, with the knowledge becoming richer and richer, the level is getting higher and higher, he really has a feeling …… that in his previous life, he was only concentrating on the bitter cultivation, which is really a bit of a problem.

Even though he had been a Jindan, there were many gaps in his knowledge, which were now being filled one by one.

After all, the treasure connoisseur of the Treasure Pavilion requires a person who has a wealth of knowledge and a wide range of eyes.

In the evening of this day, Song Mingzhang returned home from the Treasure Pavilion.

The maids in the house had already prepared dinner, and Li An, who was reading in the study hall, was also reminded by the maids that it was time to eat, so he walked out of the study hall.

In these five years, the maids in the house had gotten used to Li An’s presence, and in a sense also treated Li An as a part of the place, very polite and respectful.

At the dinner table, there were only Song Mingzhang and Li An.

Song Anning’s meal, on the other hand, was sent to her room, and she had never eaten with Li An before-after all, the veil needed to be removed for the meal.

Although she was cured of her “Yin Festering” disease, the aftereffects were very difficult to clean up, and it was likely that in this lifetime, the scars and pits on her skin would be very difficult to recover.

Unless she succeeded in building her foundation, she would be able to revolutionize herself with her immense cultivation.

As usual, Li An told Song Mingzhang what she had gained today one by one, and Song Mingzhang couldn’t stop nodding his head.

He was becoming more and more satisfied with Li An.

For one thing, in the past five years, Li An had been reading without sleep or sleep, without the slightest bit of slacking off, and without asking about the outside world, which made him even more convinced that Li An was a person with a pure heart.

Secondly, Li An’s reading was profound, and when the two of them talked on weekdays, very often, Song Mingzhang could also get inspiration from Li An, and often had a sense of further advancement, which was also very important to him.

“Is there something bothering senior today?”

Li An snapped.

He noticed that Song Mingzhang was not in high spirits today and seemed to be worried.

Song Mingzhang let out a long sigh, looked at Li An, and finally said:
“Today the pavilion master to find our group of old guys, said a lot of words …… Hey, the end is near, the sun is thinning!”

He seemed to have some self-injury in his eyes:
“Zuo Wen ah, I have a smooth life, everything is not regrettable, the only worry is that I have this granddaughter peace.”

“She has never been involved in the world, seldom go out, and has been tormented by the disease of yin ulcer …… If in a few years, I die, she will have someone to rely on?”

Li An couldn’t help but say with a straight face, “Seniors don’t have to worry too much, your old man’s longevity is evergreen, not so much in haste, even if in the future when you are truly immortal, by virtue of your connections in the city, she will be able to live a good life.”

“Zuo Wen will also do his best to keep the young lady safe.”

Song Mingzhang nodded in relief, what he wanted was these words.

When he took in Li An, one is to cherish talent, and the other, there is also something to ask for.

Although Li An is already a hundred years old this year, but with his cultivation at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, he still has at least a hundred years to live!

His granddaughter’s qualifications are not good, coupled with the delay of the disease, it is difficult to want to build the foundation in this life.

Now that Song Anning was in her early thirties, her lifespan was estimated to be less than two hundred years.

Li An was almost still able to protect Song Anning for the rest of her life!
As for other connections, he Song Mingzhang is also very clear, people go tea cooler, after he died, Song Anning really have any needs, people at most by the way to help one or two small help, will not give anything to Song Anning again.

People are going to pay each other and exchange benefits.

This is the most important purpose for him to cultivate Li An.

“By the way senior, Zuo Wen recently thought of a method that might be able to cure Miss An Ning’s face disease ……”

Li An opened his mouth at the right time.

In fact, when he met Song Anning five years ago, he already had a method in his mind.

But it was only today that he said it.

For one thing, if he revealed this ability too early, he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to avoid making Song Mingzhang suspicious, and in these five years he had tried to make various medicinal liquids from time to time to pave the way for today.

Secondly, he is also worried that if too early to cure Song Anning, that Song Mingzhang will be looking for a good family for her to marry, at that time, Song Mingzhang in the consideration of the future recommendation of the treasure connoisseur, that extra husband and wife of a family, naturally is the first choice, Li An this outsider, and what does it count for?
Now Song Mingzhang’s life expectancy, should only have four or five years left, and his last wish is also good.

And perceived Song Mingzhang has “entrusted the orphan” intention, then add another fire.

“Oh? You can let her restore her appearance?

Song Mingzhang was a bit excited.

A low rank female cultivator was, in a sense, similar to a worldly woman, and the most important thing was that face!

Song Anning’s bumpy face was also destined for a bumpy life.

It would be best if …… it could be changed.

“If senior trusts me, I’ll go prepare tomorrow and give it a try for Miss An Ning!” ……

The next day.

Li An went out for a trip and bought many things.

In the evening, Song Mingzhang and Li An entered Song Anning’s boudoir together.

“Mr. Zuo, I, can my face really recover?”

Song Anning looked at him excitedly.

“It should be possible, please don’t worry miss, Zuo Wen will do his best-“

Song Anning nodded, then, gently removed the veil.

She subconsciously lowered her head as she “showed her face” in front of Li An for the first time.

However, Li An did not have the slightest fluctuation on his face, and began to prepare the herbs and so on.

The various medicinal herbs were crushed, and with the addition of spiritual liquid and spiritual soil, they were stirred well and became a sticky paste.

As Song Anning lay down, Li An grabbed these pastes and slowly applied them to her face.

It was very much like applying a face mask!

But, within these herbs, Li An quietly injected a trace of his Life Seed Spiritual Power.

Only after four hours of compressing did Song Anning get up to wash her face.

While she washed her face, Song Mingzhang and a few maids were beside her all letting out exclamations of surprise!

“So beautiful, so beautiful!”

“Miss is so beautiful!”

Even Song Mingzhang was excited, “An Ning, An Ning!”

Song Anning’s body couldn’t help but tremble a little when she heard everyone being so excited, she took the mirror handed over by the maid and looked, only to see that in the mirror, a fair face had appeared.

She gripped the mirror tightly, and hot tears couldn’t help but flow down from her beautiful eyes.

Her original face was just like a flipped pomegranate skin, nail shoes stepping on rotten mud, a good big piece of hemp skin!
But now, although there are still a lot of pits and spots that have not been removed, compared to the original, it is a world of difference.

Her beauty embryo appearance, has been initially revealed.

“Zuo Wen …… thank you!”

Song Mingzhang grabbed Li An’s hand, his heart was also very excited.


Next, Li An meticulously helped Song Anning make the medicinal liquid.

The first efficacy was obvious, but the subsequent containment was much slower.

Another five years passed in the blink of an eye.

Under Li An’s careful care, Song Anning had completely become a great beauty with a beautiful demeanor.

In the past, she was reluctant to go out and meet people, living in a boudoir, but recently she has been keen to “socialize”.

She was the granddaughter of Song Mingzhang, and now she was also very beautiful, so she soon had a lot of fun with some young people of the same status in the city.

Day trip to the street to buy water powder, night sitting on the river boat to enjoy the moon and wind.

Often even return late at night.

Song Mingzhang on her very spoiled, so not much control, with her nature to play.

Li An is indifferent, he knows, Song Anning in the most beautiful time, has been wearing a rotten face dare not go out, now is a kind of “vengeful compensation”, but also very normal.

However, when he occasionally went out, he would hear some rumors, heard that many of the city’s playboys, for Song Anning jealousy.

No one dared to pass these news to Song Mingzhang.

Li An carefully inquired and observed that the matter should be true, moreover, those playboys’ competition for the pursuit of Song Anning made Song Anning very pleased and happy.

He sighed slightly, but didn’t care much.


Since Song Anning’s face got better, Song Mingzhang was a lot happier and was even planning a marriage for Song Anning recently.

During this time, there were also many people who came to the door to propose marriage, especially some of the youths within the Treasure Pavilion.

However, Song Mingzhang was quite skeptical and rejected them one by one.

He could tell that those people didn’t really like Song Anning, but rather came at him and acted eagerly.

Song Mingzhang’s big day was approaching, with only two or five years left to live, he became more and more anxious in this matter, and in the blink of an eye another half a year had passed.

Just at this time, something happened that both Li An and Song Mingzhang did not expect–

Song Anning …… was unexpectedly pregnant.


(End of chapter)

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