Chapter 22 – Gathering Qi in January

Chapter 22 January Qi Gathering

A month later, when Zhou Xuan came out of his housing, his breath was already different.

His figure hadn’t changed, but the previous aura of a great elegant gentleman had been attached with heroic and martial qualities, and the confidence between his brows became more and more prominent and convincing.

Of course, Zhou Xuan did not go into seclusion, after all, the two realms of Body Forging and Qi Gathering cultivation were not worthy of the word seclusion at all, and he still needed to go out to eat on a daily basis, otherwise he would have to starve to death.

“This test optimization of the Mythic Group is a bit impressive.”

Zhou Xuan sighed, there was a reason why he said that.

The feeling of cultivation in the second test was completely cut-throat, it just felt like whichever realm you cultivated to violently transferred power to you, there was simply no magical blending of water and milk as it was now.

He could now clearly know how strong his power was, and when he punched out and put out a few points of force, he could know in his mind what level he could achieve with those few points of force punched out.

This power, real and true.

At the same time, as long as he put his heart into it, he could feel a channel of aura swimming in his meridians and orifices like a fish, that kind of tangible feeling that mesmerized him.

Not bad, he had gathered Qi.

During these thirty days or so, he basically took one Whole Body Dan every day and then practiced the Bone Forging Technique to speed up the absorption of the medicinal properties of the Whole Body Dan.

A bottle of Whole Body Dan was three grains, and in one month he directly ate ten bottles. In these last few days, he took one Qi Drawing Dan every day for a full three days before he drew Qi into his body and succeeded in gathering Qi.

The resultant effect was that although he had entered the Qi Gathering Realm, his breath was more vague, a sight that was clearly an overabundance of Dan Poison in his body.

This was also a case of having something to gain and something to lose.

But no matter, this point was within Zhou Xuan’s expectations.

Because since it is poison, then there is a means of detoxification, before Mu Yanjie mouth of the true disciple Yu Chengqun, this guy is also the yellow rank qualification, but only a few decades into the transformation of the dragon.

His battle prowess was among the top within the true disciples of the Dragon Transformation realm, and recently he was even about to impact the Purple Mansion.

Why was the other party’s cultivation speed so fast when he was a yellow ranked qualification?
Because Yu Chengqun’s grandfather is the supreme elder, he grew up learning the theoretical knowledge of each realm, to be eighteen years old body and bones to grow completely, after checking the qualifications, directly knocked the medicine up.

Then why was the other party not affected by the dan poison?

It was also his grandpa, the Supreme Elder, who searched for the essence of heaven and earth for him, lifting the shackles of the dan poison, and even remodeling his body and bones to go further.

With money, cultivation progresses rapidly;with power, resources are inexhaustible.

In the world of metaphysics, the essence of money and power is derived from one’s own strength.

As for him, this breath is floating, knocking medicine up the gathering qi realm, how to pass the outer door election, get the first to become a true biography.

He naturally has his way.

Moreover, now that he was at the Qi Gathering Realm, it was time to prepare for the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Unlike the Immortal virtual game, when playing the Immortal game, foundation building was hard as hell, and a foundation building pill could make a player squander all the resources they had saved up in front of them, and they still might not be able to succeed.

This game, The Great Realm of the Eastern Emperor, was different because this game was too big.

A land boundary was a domain; a thousand domains were a continent; and three thousand continents were the Great Realm.

The Great Realm that Zhou Xuan was currently in was the Great Realm of the Eastern Emperor.

In addition to the East Emperor Great Realm, there must be other Great Realms, but the second test has not yet been installed, I do not know if this test has been installed.

Within the realm, the Holy Land is the strongest force, and the powerful Holy Land is in charge of hundreds of continents. A weak holy land may only control a few continents, which will be laughed at by other holy lands.

The world is large, there are more people, and when there are more people, there are more whims. After countless theoretical refinements and practical refinements of the Foundation Establishment Dan, coupled with the spiritual grasses and rare flowers also after countless grafting cultivation and breeding, the price has long been knocked down, and now the price is very inexpensive.

In the Holy Land, Foundation Establishment Pills were as countless as beans.

However, in more remote regions, Foundation Establishment Pills were still slightly more expensive.

In the Hengshan Domain, the Foundation Building Pill belonged to the ordinary price category, and poor cultivators who were more diligent and did more tasks, accumulated over time, would be able to purchase a Foundation Building Pill in a year or so.

Therefore, it is possible to cultivate while doing quests at the Qi Gathering Realm, and by the time you reach the ninth level of Qi Gathering, you might be able to accumulate two or three Foundation Establishment Pills.

But for Zhou Xuan, he naturally didn’t want to use a Foundation Establishment Pill to build his foundation.

This was because all cultivators who reached the Foundation Establishment Realm through Foundation Establishment Pills were Humanitarian Foundation Establishment.

On top of that, there was the Earthly Dao Foundation Establishment and the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, and as a player he would naturally choose the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment.

Three types of earth treasures are needed for earth foundation building, and five types of heavenly materials are needed for heavenly foundation building.

Regardless of whether it is an earth treasure or a heavenly material, they are all products of accidental derivation between heaven and earth, or spiritual grass, or precious flowers, or ores, or spiritual liquid and so on and so forth, all of them have divine features.

Of course, with Earthly Foundation Building and Heavenly Foundation Building, as long as one succeeds, one’s strength becomes even more powerful.

After Earth Path Foundation Establishment, the initial life springs were like babbling brooks, continuous, and at the same time, one would automatically comprehend a forbidden art.

After Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, the initial life spring will be like the water of a great river, and when it is complete, the life spring will be like the sea, and when it enters the Foundation Establishment Realm, it will comprehend an innate divine ability.

While the forbidden arts had a price to pay, the divine ability was as easy to use.

As for the five kinds of heavenly materials of the Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, Zhou Xuan had explored the Hengshan domain during the second test, and basically knew the location like the back of his hand, and during the second test, he opened several archives to conduct simulation experiments, and had long since become proficient.

After pondering over this, Zhou Xuan left the house.

Over the past month, he had basically been cultivating in order to reach the Qi Gathering Realm as soon as possible, and then plotting for the five Heavenly Materials.

In order for the Ten Thousand Swords Sect to shelter the outer disciples, disciples at the Forging Body Realm were not allowed to go outside the boundaries of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect. It was only when they reached the Qi Gathering Realm that this situation would be alleviated.

The Qi Gathering Realm was already able to take on quests outside of the Wan Jian Sect and go solo or with a small group to complete them.

However, Zhou Xuan still planned to bump up to the 9th level of Qi Gathering before doing so, after all, when comparing the 9th level of Qi Gathering scheming for Heavenly Materials to the 1st level of Qi Gathering scheming for Heavenly Materials, it was still the 9th level of Qi Gathering that was more secure.

As for building the foundation, it was impossible to do so now. The time for the Outer Sect Competition was still a few months away, which meant that even if he was able to build the foundation, he would have to stop and wait until the Outer Sect Competition was over.

Because once he reaches the Foundation Establishment realm, he automatically becomes an inner sect disciple and is not allowed to participate in the outer sect competition.

This was also the reason why many outer sect disciples who were able to build their foundations at the 9th level of Qi Gathering had to participate in one or several outer sect competitions, in order to take the first place and enter the True Transmission straight away.

After all, this might be their only chance in this life.

After leaving the house, Zhou Xuan first did some shopping, and then directly traveled to Purple Bamboo Peak by Fish Dragon Boat, as for why, of course, it was to return the money.

It was only natural to pay back what was owed.

Yin Yueqi was still slightly surprised when she learned that Zhou Xuan had come to visit, and without waiting for Zhou Xuan to open his mouth, she directly inquired, “But have you encountered any difficulties?”

After all, Zhou Xuan had borrowed five hundred Lower Grade Spirit Stones from her before, she didn’t even expect Zhou Xuan to be able to pay it back, and now that the other party had come again, the odds were that he wasn’t here to pay back the money.

But if she wanted to borrow it again, she was in a bit of a bind.

Solely asking directly to see if she could help out with some advice.

(End of chapter)

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