46.Chapter 46 Prince Consort!

Chapter 46 – Crown Princess!
Yao Qing was disoriented for a moment.

Soon, she recovered again and squeezed out an ugly smile towards Zhao Yi.

“Jing’er must still have a reason he has no choice but to do so.”

As if she was convincing herself, she said with certainty, “You also said that the item was important to him, that’s why he risked his life to get it, it must be so!”

Zhao Yi sniffed and waved his hand in disbelief.

“It doesn’t matter if you lied to me, I’m not related to that little monk, what happens to him has nothing to do with me.”

“But don’t lie to yourself!”

“You have paid so much for him, and even had to offer yourself to me as an evil person, but as a result, he didn’t even look at you, this matter is indeed quite difficult.”

As soon as these words came out, the psychological defense that Yao Qing had just built up collapsed with a swish.

Yao Qing’s eyes instantly turned painfully red, and tears kept welling up in her eyes.

“Jing’er ……”

Zhao Yi sighed, stepped forward, wrapped her in his arms, and softly said in a soothing voice, “The first time I saw that monk, I knew that he’s a white-eyed wolf that can’t be raised! Don’t worry, leave this matter to me, I’ll let someone go and slaughter him to take it out on you!”

“No!” Yao Qing sat up straight violently and begged, “Please let Jing’er go, whatever you want me to do?”

Hearing this, Zhao Yi was instantly dissatisfied, “What are you talking about? Is this prince not the kind of person who takes advantage of people’s danger?”

Yao Qing lowered her head and looked at the big hand that was making mischief, her delicate pretty face rising into a red cloth!
Zhao Yi’s face did not change color as he righteously said, “Who in Shengjing City doesn’t know that this Prince is a famously honest gentleman, never disdaining to do that kind of thing that falls down a well!”

Yao Qing’s silver teeth were about to be clenched.

She had never seen such a brazen person!
She was ashamed and annoyed in her heart, but she could only grit her teeth and endure as she was begging someone.

In the end, she couldn’t stand it anymore and pressed Zhao Yi’s big hand, pleading, “Don’t . Here ……”

Zhao Yi laughed and raised his hand to hold her in his arms, then turned around and headed for the bedchamber.

At this time, Huang Ying appeared out of nowhere and asked behind Zhao Yi, “Master, what should we do with that person?”

“Your Highness ……”

Yao Qing wrapped her arms around Zhao Yi’s neck, her eyes filled with pleading.

Zhao Yi paused in his footsteps and sighed, “That’s just it, let him go.”

Hearing this, Yao Qing’s face was suddenly filled with gratitude.

“Many thanks, Your Highness!”

When Huang Ying, who was on the side, saw this scene, the corner of her mouth rose, revealing a sneer.

What was the use of this woman’s large breasts?

No brains at all!

She doesn’t even use her pig brain to think.

In Shengjing, if the master really wanted to kill someone, why bother?

She’s still counting the money after she’s been sold.

This woman is the second dumbest person Huang Ying has ever met!
The first stupid one is Su Shanshan!

Huang Ying let out a shameful laugh.

Then seeing the wine jar on the table, her eyes lit up.

Rouge Red!
She hadn’t tasted this world’s most famous wine yet!
Huang Ying glanced to the left and right, and when she saw that Green Bee wasn’t here, she immediately hemmed and hawed.

The Sixth Prince didn’t have an Imperial Consort, and they were the two biggest female officials in the back house.

With Qing Bee not here, this wine was hers!

Just then, a tall and sturdy black shadow suddenly descended from the sky.

He sniffed his nose.

Then pinpointed the wine jar on the stone table!

Zhao Mian looked at the wine goblet filled with wine that Zhao Yi had poured for Yao Qing earlier but she hadn’t touched, and became very dissatisfied!
“Old Six, that coarse ram, doesn’t know how to appreciate fine wine at all! Drinking from a cow like this is simply burning the qin and wasting it!”

Huang Ying finally recognized someone, her little face instantly collapsed and she wilted, “Second Prince, why are you here?”

Zhao Mian was a famous wine madman in Shengjing City.

Since Zhao Mian had come, that jar of Rouge Red definitely didn’t have her share!

Sure enough!

Zhao Mian was unceremonious.

He directly copied the wine altar into his arms!
Then, he looked at Huang Ying and frowned, “Little Huang Ying, you don’t seem to welcome me?”

Huang Ying hurriedly shook her head, “How could that be, I am very welcoming!”

Zhao Mian didn’t talk nonsense with her either.

Reaching out, he lifted up the untouched wine cup and poured the wine in the cup back into the wine jar again before nodding in satisfaction.

Zhao Mian patted the wine altar and sighed, ”It’s not easy, I didn’t think that one day I would be able to taste a mouthful of Rouge Red again! That Old Six guy is petty to the extreme, finding him to ask for an altar of wine is harder than asking for his life!”

After saying that, he looked at Huang Ying vigilantly, “Little Huang Ying, you wouldn’t want to hit this altar of wine too, would you?”

Huang Ying quickly shook her head, “No no, how could I, slave girl doesn’t like to drink!”

“So very good!” Zhao Mian patted the altar of wine and said with satisfaction, “This Imperial Prince is counting on this half altar of Rouge Red to live for the rest of his life. If you dare to rob it, this imperial prince might have to go through a few moves with you!”

Huang Ying hurriedly shook her head again.

At this time, Zhao Mian suddenly heard something moving and turned back to look in the direction of Zhao Yi’s chambers, skimming his mouth in disdain.

“Old Six is still young! What’s so good about women that they can smell as good as beautiful wine?”

After finishing his speech, Zhao Mian bent his head over the wine altar and took a sniff, saying with a mesmerized expression, “There is no greater joy in the world than this!”

Then, without seeing how he moved, he instantly disappeared in place.

Looking at the empty stone table, Huang Ying had a look of regret.

She still hadn’t tasted that wine ah!

The next day!

When Zhao Yi woke up, Yao Qing was no longer in his arms.

Thinking back to last night’s absurdity, Zhao Yi was a bit unfulfilled.

The only thing that Zhao Yi regretted was that the Yuan Yin Qi wasn’t as tonic as Yao Qing had said.

Yao Qing wanted to mobilize the Yuan Yin Qi to help Zhao Yi break through the Xuan Pass.

Yao Qing was almost skeptical!

If she hadn’t been able to feel the raging Yuan Yin Qi in her body, she almost thought that all these years of cultivation were fake gong methods!
Zhao Yi also finally died.

It seemed that what Miaoyin Realist said was true, his qualifications were really about as good as a mallet!
As Zhao Yi was thinking, he suddenly froze.

He blinked, then unbelievingly rubbed his eyes again, finally making sure!


Zhao Yi directly sat up with a jolt, pulling the quilt to wrap his body around him with his hands and feet, looking at the Myriad Sound Realist who suddenly appeared out of thin air, his three souls were about to go out of his body in fear!

Zhao Yi exasperated: “You’re a ghost, how come there’s no sound at all? People scare people to death, do you know that?”

Seeing Zhao Yi wrapping himself up like a dumpling, the Myriad Sound Realist skimmed his mouth in disdain, “Is there anything on you that I haven’t seen before?”

After saying that, she didn’t wait for Zhao Yi to reply and directly threw a scroll onto Zhao Yi.

“What’s this?” Zhao Yi picked up the scroll in confusion.

Miaoyin Zhenran casually said, “The Holy Decree of Transmission!”


Zhao Yi sniffed as if he had pinched coals of fire and directly threw the scroll away.

He looked at Miaoyin Zhenren and said with round eyes, “Father has collapsed?”

Myriad Sound Realist shook his head, “Not yet.”

Zhao Yi couldn’t believe it, “Father hasn’t even died yet, and you guys dare to pass the throne, are those old men in the Sovereign’s Office crazy?”

Myriad Sound Realist sniffed and looked at him strangely, “Those old guys have been crazy for a long time, did you just realize it now?”

Zhao Yi’s tone stuttered and he said in a bad mood, “You know that’s not what I meant!”

Myriad Sound Realist waved his hand and interrupted, “I know what you mean!”

“There are three copies of the imperial decree, this one is the edict of succession, I just happened to be passing by, so I brought it over for you, after the emperor disperses his power you’ll just take it and ascend to the throne.”

“There is another one that the people from the Sovereign’s Office are sending to your home, it is the edict to enthrone you as the Crown Prince, it should arrive soon.”

Zhao Yi froze for a moment and asked suspiciously, “What about the third copy?”

Miaoyin Zongren raised an eyebrow, “The third copy is for the enthronement of Su Shanshan as the prospective Crown Princess, and it’s being sent to the death row.”

After saying this, she tsked twice under her breath, “Entitling a crown princess in death row, this is still the first time in the Great Xia Dynasty, interesting!”

Zhao Yi frowned, “I can understand if you guys want me to be the crown prince. But I’m withdrawing from the marriage, why do you still want to enthrone Su Shanshan as the Crown Princess?”

When Miaoyin Zhenzhen heard this, she immediately said with contempt, “You’re really uneducated!”

Zhao Yi froze for a moment, “What do you mean?”

The Myriad Sound Realist said without a trace of anger, “The termination of a marriage contract is a private matter! You’re an imperial prince, so as long as you report it to the clan government, then the clan government will ask the patriarch of the Zhao clan to Zhu Zhu approve and draw a pledge, and the termination paperwork will go into effect.”

“Enthronement of the crown prince is a public matter! After Xuan Zhen Guan and the clan office agree, the emperor stamps the jade seal on the edict of succession and the enthronement is completed directly!”

Speaking here, Myriad Sound Realist shrugged his shoulders.

“Zhao’s patriarch is the emperor, he’s going crazy right now, where are you going to find him to give you the vermilion seal? Therefore, your marriage contract with Su Shallow is still valid in the law.”

“Enthronement of the crown prince is different. Both Zongzheng and I have agreed that you should be the Crown Prince, and the Empress who presides over the imperial government has also stamped the jade seal on the imperial decree edict, so the enthronement is considered complete.”

“Since Su Shallow is still nominally your future imperial consort, and now that you’ve enthroned as the crown prince, she is rightfully the future crown consort.”


Is this heroine that hard to kill?
Zhao Yi said irritably, “Couldn’t you have killed her first before enthroning the crown prince?”

When Realist Miao Yin heard this, she looked at him as if she was looking at a pile of shit.

“Saying that you’re uneducated is even a compliment!”

“What do you think an imperial concubine is, a cabbage on the street?”

“Ordinary people have to get permission from the government to repudiate their wives, so the Imperial Concubine can be killed at will?”

ps: please collect, please read after!

(End of chapter)

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