98. Chapter 98 – Frey Knows the Rules of the Knights’ Courtyard Well

Chapter 98 – Frey Knows the Rules of the Knights’ Courtyard Well
Frey, Ranch, and Huberian walked on the path leading to the school’s Knight’s Courtyard.

Along the way, the three of them didn’t exchange anything, they just walked quietly.

The bluebonnets on both sides of the path were scattered like guardians, silently swearing the mystery and tranquility belonging to this campus. When spring came, these trees would proudly display their lavender flowers, and their beautiful and vigorous vitality always attracted a lot of students and residents of the royal capital to come and stop to admire them, and this place would become very lively at that time.

At the end of the path lies a long wooden building.

It only had one floor, but it was as spacious as a small dojo.

Looking from afar, one could see that the glass of the windows had cracked quite a bit, and age had left indelible marks on its wooden walls.

However, the interior of this seemingly forgotten building was full of vigor, and from within came all sorts of cacophonous noises – there were laughs, curses, roars, and rumbles, and all of these mixed together sounded like a raging mob fight.

“This is it, what this team left behind is a bunch of stubborn manglers, even the dean has a headache with them.”

Frey paused in his steps, pointing to the cabin in the distance and said to the two men beside him.

The dean he referred to in his words was not Loren, the dean of the Sage Academy, but the dean of their Knight Academy.

“Frey-san, how do we consult with them later?”

Ranqi asked as he looked at this youth who had an untamed aura about him.

In Ranchi’s opinion, Frey’s half-hitched sunglasses, his eyes so sharp that they were like a falcon’s, together with the strong sense of explosive power on his body, had quite a feeling of a gang killer.

Although in general, this look might not be very much like going for a friendly exchange, Ranchi knew that in the course of performing official duties, if one negotiator appeared with a tough attitude and the other companion appeared with a gentle attitude, it was a good match to interfere with the other party’s will to negotiate and soften the other party’s stance through the change in attitude.

“Let me try to negotiate first, I’m still familiar with the rules of the Knights’ Courtyard.”

Frey first made sure that there was a weapon carried well in the inner pocket of his jacket, and then looked in the direction of the cabin.

“Then I’ll trouble you.”

Ranch nodded, he belonged to the House of Sages after all, and didn’t quite know what the rules were on the Knights’ side of the house, so it was a good time to take this opportunity to learn.


Huberian felt a twinge of ill will when she witnessed Frey’s habitual humongous bandit-like demeanor from earlier.

She was sure that this was definitely not the “rules of the Knights’ House”!
But then she thought about it more carefully.

Out of the three, Ranchy would probably turn into a scammer if he went to negotiate, and she herself, a half-demon, would not be well received.

In the end, it was indeed the “local” Frey who was the most suitable.

He was a martial artist, so he must have a better understanding of the way martial artists communicate with each other.

“If you need any help, we’ll make up for it.”

Huberian said from the sidelines.


Frey nodded slightly sideways and moved forward.

The door was quietly half-open, as if inviting passersby.

In truth, the lock had been eroded by age and could no longer be locked perfectly.

The trio from the student council came to the door, their eyes focused on the dimly lit arena.

Inside, several burly men were gathered, some sitting, some standing, and none of them were tough looking fighters. Even Frey, who looked like he could fight, could only be considered a normal youth compared to them.

The sense of oppression emanating from that group of fighters was as unstoppable as a wild ocean wave.

However, among these fighters, the one who held the absolute commanding position was a woman with long crimson hair, who seemed to be of a completely different class from the other members.

Despite her tall stature, she appeared rather petite in comparison amongst the group of strong men, and likewise, she was dressed as a rather wild fighter, with her hair tied back in a high ponytail, bangs swept over her right eye, wearing a wrap and pants, and bandages wrapped around her arms and legs.

Her rather aggressive eyes made her look very dominant.

“At the head of the group is the third year student of the Knight Academy, Zilviny, of honorable character but with a fiery temper, a sixth-ranked gold-level challenger, the hope of restraining her through force is very small, the main difficulty lies in the need to simultaneously take care of the fifth-ranked fighter at the three o’clock direction, as well as suppress that group of fourth-ranked fighters.”

Frey pointed to the target in the room and whispered to his two companions to share the other’s intelligence.

Both Ranch and Huberian shifted their eyes to Frey and both nodded.

From what Frey was saying, he was trying to avoid a head-on confrontation, something they both agreed with.

Violence is not only not a way to mediate the school’s conflicts, but also deepens them, which not only defeats the purpose of living together harmoniously on campus, but also affects the good image of the student council, and today’s demolition work will not be completed smoothly and on time.

Therefore, the goal of their work today must be to reach an amicable negotiation with the other side that is convincing to both sides.

“Those three over there, what are you whispering about!”

A burly man seemed to have sensed the slightest movement at the doorway, his voice like the roar of a gale that set off the air currents in the arena.

Shocked, Huberly Ann took a wary step back, she wasn’t very good at dealing with such insolent and violent martial artists.

However, Ranchi acted very leisurely as he pushed open the door and asked calmly:

“Students, may I ask if this is the ministry room of the ‘Fighter’s Soul’ team?”

“That’s right.”

The crimson hair-colored female in the cabin replied with a wave of contempt.

Her facial expression also started to become serious and unkind.

This subdued aura of the visitor, this inspection-like speech, made the fighters in the arena think of the student council.

“Then, what are you here for?”

The fighters inside the cabin asked in unison, their voices seeming to have magical power, enough to make the freshmen tremble with fear and sit right down on the ground.

However, the three student council members standing at the entrance were clearly not ordinary people, they stood still without moving, not fearing the threats of those burly men at all.

“We are the officers of the student council, and now, according to the decision of the college, as well as the executive order of the King Houghton Capital Fire Department, we need to vacate this room and have it demolished today.”

Huberian put on a business-like demeanor, sounding like a bank clerk coming to collect a debt.

She wasn’t afraid of anything anyway, with Ranch in her pocket.

As soon as the words fell, an overbearing might instantly filled the entire cabin, as if it was a direct rebuttal to her words, and roars of fury continued to ring out.

“This is our important place, you guys without the soul of a martial arts fight get the hell out of here!”

(End of chapter)

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