546.Chapter 534 – Ranch is clearly an amateur

Chapter 534 – Ranchi is clearly an amateur
The nightfall capital of Pallant, Hershalem, was illuminated by pale air defense lights, and the streets were filled with the urgency of wartime among the figures of the people.

The silhouette of the parliament building stood out more prominently in the night sky, like a lighthouse on the verge of extinction.

And behind a pane of bright windows that always glowed dimly among the tall buildings were the stony cheeks of Ranch in the midst of his conscientious state of work, negotiating with his secretary.

The secretary, who was originally full of awe and slightly formal toward him, gradually began to relax his taut posture because of his words, and the distance between him and him also began to draw closer.

Outside the Shadow World.

Ichorite Academy, the clock has just passed eight o’clock in the morning.

The Jera Memorial Plaza, with its open-air giant screen and the encircling steps, is bathed in bright light.

However, uncharacteristically, there were more students than usual watching the open-air screen at the moment, and there was a lot of noise and discussion.

“A seventh-order Shadow World?”

There was a flash of light in the screen just now, and there was no doubt that this was a map-open type Shadow World of the seventh rank.

It was rare for them to see a Shadow World of this rank.

Even fourth year students would not necessarily be able to break through to the seventh rank and come across a seventh rank shadow world.

“How the hell did Ranchy he get into a seventh-order Shadow World? Did he find a seventh-order group?”

After not seeing Ranchi’s shadow for a semester, the students of the Sage Academy were kind of missing the joy he brought to everyone, and they didn’t expect him to come back as soon as he was whole.

“My god, does Dean Loren know he went to the Seventh Order Shadow World.”

Right now their biggest worry had to be Dean Loren’s state.

If it was unusual, the House of Magi would have already started meeting.

But Loren was currently out of town, so I’m afraid that he would know the news a little later.

There was no telling who exactly Loren was hosting right now, but if Loren learned that Ranch had run off into the Seventh Order Shadow World with Huberian, he would have to be the first to rush back to Ichorite.

It was well known that the failure of a seventh-order Shadow World would trigger an unimaginable natural disaster.

Shadow worlds are like a double-edged sword, opening up gradually at regular intervals in endless numbers, with different timelines and worldviews, some easy and simple, some exceptionally dangerous, appearing at fixed or random entrances to the world without warning, and are a projection of fragments of the world’s history or the history of other worlds, if the shadow worlds are left unattended, and then automatically shut down after a certain period of time, they will also lead to a natural disaster that will eat away at the present world. If you leave the Shadow World alone, the automatic closure of the Shadow World after a certain period of time will also cause a natural disaster to eat into the present world.

If you pass the Shadow World, you will receive a large amount of rewards, and if you fail to conquer it, a natural disaster will occur somewhere in the world.

The higher the level of the shadow world, the exponential increase in rewards and natural disasters.

That’s why every country was doing their best to cultivate talents who were good at conquering Shadow Worlds, and that’s where the Ichorite Academy came in.

If an accident occurs due to an excessive mistake by a student, causing a large-scale natural disaster in the current world, the Ichorite Academy would likewise be held primarily responsible!

Since the participants were Ranch and Huberian, Loren was the undoubtedly the first responsible person.

“Originally, with that incident with Sister Asuna, I heard that there are quite a few kingdom executives, led by Duke Agares, who are using this to impeach Dean Loren. There have also been voices outside of the Houghton Kingdom fanning the flames, and they neither want Loren’s popularity to grow too much, nor do they want the Ichorite Academy to continue to take up too much of the resources and association support.”

Quite a few students from Icrypte Academy were analyzing it.

According to this, at the current juncture, letting Ranchi make such a fatal maneuver as entering the Seventh Order Shadow World, if Dean Loren wasn’t blowing himself up, then he was playing a big game.

“Thinking on the bright side, the operation space of the Seventh Order Shadow World is also much larger, the duration and map are all called free, the ancient characters that can be accessed are countless, Ranchi as Dean Loren’s secret weapon, maybe everything is in Dean Loren’s plan.”

Despite the concerns expressed by most of the people on and off campus in front of the giant screen, there were still students who had witnessed Ranch’s first two Shadow Worlds who chose to believe before they questioned.

“But …… the theme this time ……”

These words, in turn, caused many gazes to look at the curtain once more, their voices becoming hesitant.

After half a year of not seeing Ranch, he looked a lot more raw to the challenge of the Shadow World, such an urgent situation he even aimlessly chatting with the secretary about many topics unrelated to the war, can only be seen with the naked eye of the secretary’s eyes gradually change, and do not know what Ranch in the end, as well as what this is a new skill.

Upon entering the Shadow World, people will be given unpredictable new identities to act out snippets of history.

Sometimes it can be an identity that fits well with one’s function, and sometimes it can be a rather badass identity position that requires special experience to navigate.

The higher the position, the more demanding the abilities and the more difficult the task.

It was the first time they had seen someone so unlucky that the Shadow World had opened with a Prime Minister at the end of his rope!

Generally speaking, whoever got this kind of status was basically game over at the beginning of the game. ……

The Hedonian capital of Ichorite.

Not far from the city hall, the Duke Agareth’s residence that was set against the power of his family.

The air was lightly scented with the fragrance of flowers from the rows of potted plants near the windows of the parlor.

A deep blue tapestry hangs on the walls, and the coat of arms of the House of Agares depicts the triad of power, commerce, and humanity.

Two middle-aged men dressed in expensive clothing sat comfortably on a sofa across a low, ruby-encrusted coffee table, discussing recent kingdom matters.

Suddenly, as a guest, Marquis Garcigos seemed to have thought of something.

“Duke Agares, it’s fine to leave Loren’s side to me, although his reputation was in full swing some time ago, it can’t hide his decline in education.”

Marquis Gassiges came a little closer, acting as if he was the first to take the lead, promising Lord Agares.

Giving up Asna belonged to the category of absurd behavior that made even His Majesty lament, and Loren had clearly fallen on his sword this time.


Duke Agares scrutinized Marquis Gassiges and nodded slightly.

He looked out the window, and his thoughts drifted as if he were far away, making it difficult for Gassigus to gauge the likes and dislikes of Duke Agareth.

It didn’t take long.

The Duke’s residence was accompanied by the sound of footsteps, and a secretary-like attendant walked into the parlor with an austere and elegant pace.

The valet walked to Duke Agares’ side, bent slightly, and spoke in a volume that only the three of them could hear.

The Duke listened to his words, and his expression, which had never moved, began to look slightly surprised.

Until the squire retreated.

Duke Agares silently chanted Loren’s name and clenched his fists.

“Loren …… the evil fruits that you have borne by indulging your students too much, is it really time for you to taste them now?”

He muttered to himself, as if a new feud had finally found a chance to settle the score.


On the other side, Marquis Gassigus finally couldn’t help but sneer when he saw Duke Agares letting loose.

Loren was too humorous.

Originally, he was worried that relying on Asna alone was not enough to impeach Loren, but now, even if the opposition didn’t go to the well, the Houghton Kingdom’s side wouldn’t be able to withstand the pressure from the Southern Continent Kingdom’s Joint Council and the Shadow World Management Association.

If the failure of the Seventh Order Shadow World triggered a natural disaster, it would have an extremely bad impact on the international reputation of the Houghton Kingdom and the Ichorite Academy!
“Ranch, is that the student who always hangs out with Migaiya’s daughter?”

Duke Agares asked.

He didn’t know much about these small-time freshmen of Ichorite Academy, and had only roughly heard that there seemed to be a freshman of the Sage Academy named Ranchi who defeated the Sage of Destruction, allowing Loren to pick up another young genius after Asna.

More impressions of this young man called Ranch were that he was good at licking the young lady of the Duke of Migaiya’s family, and looked like he wanted to retire at twenty to eat soft food.

“That’s the guy.”

Marquis Gassiges slapped the arm of the sofa straight on with a gloating smile, and

“That’s good, no matter how much pressure the United Kingdom Council and the international community puts on us in the next few days, we’ll just push Loren up and fully support him, this guy of his won’t be able to escape his responsibility anyway.”

When the general trend is not towards Loren, there is no need to offend Loren when it is obvious, they can be a skewer, at this time, they will reverse to become Loren’s supporters, and just give him a desperate attempt to invite blackness.

For the next period of time, Loren is afraid that he can’t tell which people really want to help him, or drag him down.

As the saying goes, the way of many help the way of few help, do not need them to make a move, naturally there will be forces from all sides to suppress Loren, the wind will also become Loren is an extremely reckless failure of the dean!
Seventh order shadow world, or hell opening, Loren’s students even if more heavenly, this time it is impossible to help his teacher to turn the wind comment.

Even Loren doesn’t understand politics, what kind of prime minister can that Ranchi kid be?
(End of chapter)

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