543.Chapter 531 – Huberian Wants to Save Ranchi

Chapter 531 – Hubert Leanne Wants to Save Ranchi
Cat Boss Restaurant, the slightly bustling and noisy first floor at lunchtime.


Antanas stood by the wall, looking back at the disappearing cat in his hand in confusion.

Only to see nothing out of the ordinary.

As far as the eye could see, the three people sitting on the far side of the window had their backs to her quite normally.

Antanas scratched her head and finally returned to her busy work once again at the sound of Sinora’s reminder.

Pranay had taken the day off early today, so the restaurant was just Antanas, a waitress, and Sinora, a receptionist who occasionally had to act as a waitress.

At the moment, at the bar table by the window, all three of them were staring at the tabletop without saying a word, sweat starting to form on their foreheads.

Luckily, the three of them rushed back to the table without letting Antanas notice anything unusual.


Huberian kept her head deathly low, and even though she could control her expression with her acting skills, she couldn’t keep her cheeks from staining scarlet.

She even wanted to just turn on stealth and run away now.

But where could one escape to?

If what Antanas had said was true, the painting might be seen outside as well!
That scene that made her want to die, if it was only seen by the Wilfords, it was actually still barely enough to forget it with time.

But now there was a painting hanging in the Cat Boss’s restaurant.

It was as if it was a constant reminder to her of the strange things the three of them had done that day.

The three of them became unusually taciturn at this point, and they were afraid of being detected as abnormal by Antanas, and stiffly pretended that they had no feelings for the painting.

Soon, it was confirmed that Antanas had walked into the back kitchen, and just as Tata was about to get up to take the painting down, she was again held tightly by Huberian’s hand.

They exchanged glances against their embarrassment.

Talia instantly understood Huberian’s look.

So Talia settled back into her seat once more.

She looked at Ranch, who picked up his glass of water and nodded with a light sip.

They both decided to pretend they hadn’t noticed the painting.

Since it was beyond redemption, they might as well make it a mistake.

As long as no one they knew realized that it was the three of them on the painting, then they wouldn’t die a social death!
Luckily, Pranay wasn’t around today.

Otherwise, with Pranay’s eyesight and intelligence, it was likely that he would have seen something from the three of them’s reaction just now.

This made them all breathe a sigh of relief.

The three exchanged a final glance, and at this point in time they united as if their destinies were linked together, deciding to take this matter to the tombstone with them and never let anyone find out!


But it didn’t take long for things to become awkward again between the three, with no one knowing what to say.

Never before had they felt like they were in jail for staying at the Cat Boss’s restaurant.

“…… Tata, tomorrow Huberian and I will be going to Shadow World, so I may not see you for a while.”

Ranch finally said.

“Oh, oh.”

Talia replied twice, absentmindedly.

She should have felt a little lost for these two traveling again, but at the moment she was only thankful from the bottom of her heart that they could give each other some time and some space.

Any more of these three spending every day together like this and Talia had a feeling that all three of them would have problems with their mental condition.


Today’s lunchtime meal process was over very quickly – the

Boss Cat quietly served lunch, and they ate it very quietly without saying anything more to each other.

The three once again sat in meaningful silence for a while.

“Well, then, I’ll be going back to school, Huberian, and I’ll see you tomorrow, Tata, and the next time we see each other will probably be at least a week or two from now.”

Ranch said goodbye.

“I’ll meet you at school tomorrow.”

Hubertarian nodded.


Talia nodded.

She then fell into a long silence.

Just as Ranch pushed the high chair back under the bar table and prepared to leave.

As he walked past Talia.

“Cheer up.”

Talia added as if she were talking to herself.


Ranch looked back at Talia in surprise.

“Tata are you cheering me on?”

Ranchi asked, pointing to himself.

He had never been treated like this before, or maybe he didn’t realize that Talia was becoming more and more of a gentle woman.

“You heard wrong.”

Talia’s eyelids collapsed and she said coldly.

She was annoyed when Ranch talked, or maybe he had a face that talked.

Shouldn’t have interacted with the man much.

“Thanks, Tata, when I get back for your birthday!”

Ranch waved cheerfully, bid them farewell, and walked out the door of the Cat Boss’s restaurant.

The sound of a wind chime echoed, and then the first floor of the Cat Boss Diner once again fell into the white noise of lunchtime.

Talia stared at the clean plates and saw that the corners of her mouth actually curved in an involuntary curve.

“Wait… ……”

She suddenly hesitated.

If Ranch knew her birthday, would he know her age as well? Thinking about it, Talia shook her head.

Ranch shouldn’t be able to do anything too outrageous even if he always had something damned on his mind.


Huberian dared not speak from the sidelines.

She had a feeling Ranch would buy eight hundred candles that day.

She was already looking ahead at what to do to rescue Ranch.


The Next Day.

The sky reflected a bright blue color with the characteristic clarity of summer.

The campus of Ichorite Academy had awakened, filled with vigor and hustle and bustle, with students gathering in twos and threes, talking and laughing.

Ranch and Huberian were walking along the campus roads in high spirits after a hearty breakfast.

Their words echoed in the air, intertwined with birdsong and the rustling of leaves.

“This time the three of us crunch and mess kill meow.”

The three of them had gone to the Academy of Magical Engineering first thing in the morning to get Ranch’s rank special approval letter as well as Boss Cat’s Logistics Magical Artisan Challenger license, and gave Boss Cat another team card for their Civilized Exemplar Squad.

“Don’t worry, Boss Cat, I’ll help you break through to the eighth rank, you must be the pride of the cats.”

“Meow haha, I’ll swell up meow!”

Huberian listened to Boss Cat’s laughter and thought that it might not have understood the weight of destiny yet.

But then again, how could she not.

Knowing full well that with Ranch, her human nationality was growing farther and farther away from her, she had decided that she would always be there for him, whether the future was dangerous or stable.

It was early summer in the middle of June, and just after eight in the morning, a warm breeze was blowing on the school lawn.

The two men and the cat soon made their way to the very center of the heart of the Ichorite Academy–

Even though it was the morning of the end of the semester, layers of the highest specification boundary spells still blocked off the Rubik’s Cube-type deep blue iron wall where the Void Gate was located, full of the sense of isolation of a strict fortress, and members of the Royal Palace Knights on duty were standing guard and patrolling the surrounding area.

They arrived at the first security check at the entrance of the building and used their registered challenger’s license to pass through the only main entrance, followed by another security check.

“If it’s the Sixth Order Shadow World we’re entering later, then nothing will happen, but if it’s really the Seventh Order, Dean Loren might suffer a whole new set of challenges, and even the wind of that incident with Sister Asuna will be overshadowed.”

Ranch said softly in the corridor, accompanied by few echoes in this empty environment of the passage.

“But this is also a diversionary tactic, those who want to impeach Loren won’t be able to talk about Sister Asuna anymore, I believe that Dean Loren would rather be bound to me than involve the innocent Sister Asuna, so let me give Dean Loren and Sister Asuna a hand.”


Huberian thought Dean Loren might not want to.

A little Ranch, when he took his attraction to the extreme, all his enemies would lose their minds and go crazy to mess with him.

And nowadays, that attraction was something Loren could sometimes share at critical junctures.

The shadows of the two men and the cat stretched across the silent walkway until they finally stepped deeper into the interior of this building that led to the Shadow World.

Far away on the raised platform of the plaza, the mirrored surface of the doorway connecting to the Shadow World still flowed with a deep, dark purple starlight.

“Boss Cat, have you tied up the team card for our Civilization Role Model Squad?”

Rancic inquired of Boss Cat as he looked ahead at the last inspection gate and workbench, and then at the empty halls of the end-of-semester morning.

One only needed to register one’s challenger’s license here and let the staff of the Southern Continent’s Shadow World Management Association finish checking the wearing of the [Shadow World Record Program], and then one could lead to the Void Gate ahead for challenge matching.

If you also want to use the [Shadow World Collaboration Program] to team up for a challenge, you can just take one more step of registering your team’s information.

“Brought meow.”

Boss Cat didn’t know what to say whenever he recalled that their team was called the Civilization Example Squad.

That what with the Sanctuary Villains dinner party, these guys were moving around and under the organs of other Bloods, so what the hell was the role model for!
But when he thought about it, he could also be taken to mix through such a magical super difficult and dangerous field like the Shadow World, the cat boss felt excited and thrilled again.

Ranch nodded.

The two of them and the cat then handed over their respective licenses and tool and magic decks to the personnel at the checkpoint workbench, and waited for the staff to complete the registration process for them.

“Can you make ……”

The young female staff member looked at the small black cat curiously.

She had initially wanted the challengers to undo their change spells and register for the challenge in their original form.

Upon reading the cat boss’s credentials it froze completely.

She didn’t realize that the cat was the original body, and it was a full seventh rank.

She had worked for so many years and had really never seen a cat of the seventh order.

“There’s no problem, when you guys come out give me the [Shadow World Record Program] to read again and you’ll get your challenger license back.”

The staff smiled and returned the tool magic cards of the two men and the cat, and the gate in front of them opened.

Her eyes still lingered on the cat boss, seemingly eager to jerk off the seventh-order cat.

But the cat boss couldn’t lend it out at this time.

The two men and the cat thanked her, retrieved their respective tool magic decks, and traveled straight in the direction of the Void Gate.

A distance of about a hundred paces or so was passed in conversation.

The door of the void still looks like a bottomless black hole, just standing not far from it, one can feel an invisible pull, as if all living beings close to it will be sucked into this endless unknown world.

“Huberian, Boss Cat, it’s time to start challenging the Shadow World.”

Ranch said to Huberian and Boss Cat with a smile.


Huberian nodded, now that she was a skilled worker.

“Meow, no problem!”

The cat boss gulped and bravely stood up straight despite becoming visibly nervous.

Accompanying the words, Ranchi walked into the door of emptiness as if he were walking through water.

Immediately afterward there was a moment of total darkness in which perception was lost, and nothing could be seen, not even the sound of a heartbeat could be heard.

Countless gears began to rotate and interlock, producing a roar that echoed in this pitch-black space.

[Blood Moon Bad World, New Alien Node “Glow in the Dark”, Historical Projection has been resolved].

(End of chapter)

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