54.Chapter 54 Ranch’s Artistic Beliefs

Chapter 54 – Ranchi’s Artistic Faith

Three figures stood silently in one place in the corridor where the light fluttered, their bodies were wrapped in light and shadow, making their images appear even more bizarre and evil.

“Difficulty 3 is usually not a classroom that normal students can challenge, it will only be open for a limited time, often for special course activities or high difficulty tests.”

“But according to rumor there’s also a hidden classroom of difficulty 4 in one of the cloisters, only I haven’t heard of any living students experiencing it first hand ……”

After listening to Batchelor for roughly a moment longer, Ranch handed Batchelor the credits coin in his hand.

Batchelor instantly took it like he had a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Ranch also once again let the Shadow World’s quest information appear in front of him.

[Time remaining 11 hours and 42 minutes]

[Mission Objective 1: Academy exploration over 60%, current progress 4%]

[Mission Objective 2: Investigate the source of tonight’s danger]

[Mission Objective 3: At least one person will survive until the end of the time limit, current survival is 6/6]

[Challengers Ranch & Huberian are in Cloister G21, not participating in any classroom.]

The “Progress 3%” at the beginning of [Mission Objective 1] has changed to “Progress 4%”.

In other words, you’ve gained 1% after passing the Demon Examination Center.

According to the discussion between Ranch and Huberian on the road earlier, the total of 6 challengers shown in the Shadow World were most likely divided into 3 groups.

The change in data then suggests that entering a certain demonic classroom of difficulty 1 should result in a 1% quest, and that clearing it would also increase the quest by 1%.

By analogy, the odds are that difficulty 2 and difficulty 3 classrooms will receive a higher degree of exploration.

If they had 3 squads and cleared each of the 5 difficulty 1 classrooms in 12 hours, a full count would only get 2% x 5 x 3 = 30% exploration degree.

So they had to consider splitting up into singles to challenge more difficulty 1 classrooms at the same time, or try to challenge difficulty 2 and 3 classrooms, in order to reach the [Mission Objective 1] of 60% Exploration Degree within the 12-hour mission time limit.

Ranch glanced at Huberian, who nodded in return.

Her math was good, and she had obviously figured out the mechanics of this Shadow World as well.

Then the next strategy was clear: they were going to try to challenge as many difficult classrooms as possible, and in the process, they were going to investigate what [Mission Objective 2] referred to as the “Potential Threat in the Demon Academy Tonight”.

“Batchelor, do you know of any recent changes at the Academy? Or if there are any risk factors that scare you tonight?”


Batchelor looked at Ranch and was silent for half a day without being able to say anything.

He didn’t understand what Ranch meant, and he didn’t know what could be more dangerous than Ranch tonight.


Ranch nodded helplessly, it seemed that students like Batchelor still had limited information, obviously not aware of any hidden inside information about the school, about [Mission Objective 2] or have to ask teachers or even senior staff like the director.

Unfortunately, the two examiners in the examination room couldn’t be asked.

But no matter what, Ranchi was sure that his progress was ahead of schedule.

Because if he had finished the exam normally, he would have had to wait for more than an hour before he could go through all this rule information, and he wouldn’t necessarily have met a good student as friendly and sincere as Batchelor, who was willing to tell him all the information in a nutshell.

It was time to study hard next; you couldn’t survive without studying!

Compared to the classes in Ichorite Academy that made him just want to run away, Ranch honestly didn’t really hate studying in this fantasy magic world academy that was as extraordinary as it could be, and even had a little bit of anticipation for it!
Huberian: “……”

She felt as if Ranch couldn’t wait to get to the next classroom.

Obviously, the Ranchi she saw in the classroom of the Sage Academy during the day was not at all this eager to learn …… Huberian was worried that Ranchi would awaken some nature that couldn’t be turned back after he finished his training in this school …… to become even more inappropriate ……

But she is not good to say anything, after all, she is not considered a person.

Just when Huberian thought like this.

“Mr. Bacher, there is an old saying in my hometown, it’s called the one who knows the time is the one who knows the place, I’m sure you won’t refuse to cooperate with us, right?”

Ranch said while patting Batchelor’s shoulder.

“That, that’s natural.”

“We won’t lose out on you if things are done well, so please take me to an art classroom.”

Ranch needed a sincere and intelligent demon to show him the way, it would save him a lot of time.

“This way please.”

Batchelor hastily gestured with his left hand outstretched like a waiter, instinctively with elegant noble manners, and began to lead the way for the two.

Although there was no fixed map due to the school’s intricate and changing corridors, Batchelor, as a person who had faith in survival, naturally knew exactly what most of the classrooms in the corridors were.

Ranch and Huberian followed Batchelor through the corridors swiftly.

Their steps were steady and swift.

In a few minutes, just ahead of them, a wide door appeared standing like a silent giant barrier to the secrets within.

Batchelor stopped and turned to face Ranch.

“I’m told that behind this door is a music classroom, and the closest art classroom that seems to be available, so if you’re not satisfied, I’ll take you to the others.”

Ranch’s eyes followed Batchelor’s gesture to the artsy door, which had two peculiar demonic marks above it, clearly referring to difficulty 2.

Then Rancic nodded, seemingly pleased with the classroom.

He reached out and placed his palm on the old, solid door, “This is the one.”

There was no telling how much time would be wasted by searching further.

“Really, really want to challenge the difficulty 2 classroom?”

Batchelor had obviously never been to this kind of classroom before, and still looked at Ranch with some concern as he asked.

“It’s fine, there’s no subject in art that I’m afraid of.”

After saying that, Rancic confidently pushed open the door.

The moment he stepped into the classroom in the next second, the internal scenery also flooded into his eyes, compared to the giant staircase classroom, this place was actually more like a big, wide theater! The ornately decorated lights, the red velvet seats, and the solemn stage, everything revealed luxury and nobility.

On the stage, a student was concentrating on playing music, his movements were coordinated and passionate, and the sound was like waves in the large classroom.

At the edge of the stage, a formally dressed teacher was faintly visible, like the manager of the entire classroom, he stood by the curtain, and at a glance, he saw the appearance of Ranchi and the three of them, and then raised his hand to indicate that they should go to the back row of seats, with only impeccable sense of command in his gestures.

Ranch and the others nodded, and moved slowly down the steps to the highest part of the classroom, where they could finally get a better view of the entire theater classroom in its entirety – the

In addition to the demonic students watching the performance like spectators in the back row of step seats, there were four demonic teachers sitting in the four large chairs directly across the stage, listening to the students’ musical performances like judges.

Ranchi gazed at this extremely bizarre construction, and even though he didn’t know the rules of this classroom yet, a strong sense of vestiges had inexplicably risen in his heart.

“Hm? Devilishly good voice?!”

Ranchi felt that this classroom was a bit off the beaten track!
(End of chapter)

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