464.Chapter 455 – Principal Ranch’s Busy Schedule

Chapter 455 – Principal Ranch’s Busy Schedule

“Can we really rest as soon as we get back?”

Sinora asked with some apprehension as she walked through the streets of Helome.

She didn’t want to give the new king the impression that she was a good eater.

The overly easy job requirements made her uneasy.

It was only just noon now, so she could even finish her lunch, go home, try on some clothes properly, familiarize herself with her new place, and then follow the new king’s instructions to go to Redmond House to find the new king.

“Uh …… why don’t we meet at three thirty then, any later won’t work.”

The Great Love Poet replied after a few moments of searching.

“No, no, no, I didn’t mean less breaks!”

Sinora shook her head hastily.

“Anyway, it’s fine if you guys come to me at almost that three to three-thirty time frame.”

On the way back to the school, the five made small talk as they walked.

Antanas still talked non-stop, constantly asking questions about this and that, Sinora asked the occasional worried question or two, and Pranay listened quietly to the new king’s careful answers.

The sunlight poured through the gaps between the skyscrapers and spilled onto the wide streets, adding a warm golden color to Helium, and a light spring breeze carried with it the scent of flowers and fresh air.

The three residences that Ranchi had arranged for the Daemon Outcasts were all on the north side of the Protoss Royal Academy of Magic, close to the Hegemony branch’s stronghold at the Protoss Royal Academy of Magic.

Having finally rescued Tata’s friends, Tata would be very happy for the rest of the year.

Being able to indulge in a retirement life with his hairy friends!
On the other side of the Protoss Royal Magic Academy Redmond Lou Ranch and Warden Bakas chatting about the contract was almost done, and after having lunch with Warden Bakas, he was able to send his new Imperial friend and partner Bakas away from the Protoss Royal Magic Academy.

Next he had to start work on the school, getting the three Archmagi processed for their new initiations and placing them in Redmond House.

As well as having to meet with Sigrid and tell her that he had successfully rescued the three Archdemons.

By the time Sigrid had settled down for her nap, which would be almost three o’clock in the afternoon, she herself could go back to Redmond House and entertain the three Archdemons with her real body.

Then later in the evening was to make an appointment to meet with Duke Berenhard.

Mentally roughly planning the order of the day’s work schedule, Ranchi breathed a sigh of relief and revealed a subdued expression.

On the side, Huberian silently looked at Rancic’s cheeks.

Huberian had already realized that the reason it was easy to follow Ranchi was because Ranchi had done all the things.

The dream in the negative fourth floor [Falling Tenderness] made her recall that she felt the same way when she was taken out to play by Duke Migaiya when she was a child.

Ranchi inexplicably had a sense of reliability of a mature male in his thirties, and there was no need to worry about anything when going out with him.

Things would be taken care of by him.


In that case, would Ms. Tata like Ranch?
Huberian knew that Tata had been acquainted with Ranch before she knew him herself, and both of them had come to the royal capital of Ichorite from the South Vantina domain, and there was no telling how long they had known each other.

Huberian had a hard time imagining how Talia, a demon princess who had been stranded in a strange land, had become Ranchi’s teacher, and what stories had happened between the two of them before they met themselves ……

Huberian shook her head, no longer dwelling on this inexplicable question.

Even if both she and Ranch learned some truth about the three of them today, the relationship between the three of them shouldn’t change. The harmony of being under the same roof was the only thing that would not be broken.

“Let me help you with your official school duties.”

Huberian spoke up.

Though Huberian had always hoped to get Ranch to curb his horrible careerism a bit, at this juncture, what the heck, she had to do what she could to help him.

These days, Ranch was either making cards or training the Bastard Clerics, so he should have a lot of school business in the next few days.

Huberian remembered that in Purgatory Cloister Academy before, Ranchi was the principal and she was the secretary, even if she didn’t necessarily help Ranchi, after being his partner for such a long time, she wouldn’t cause any trouble for him.

Ranchi froze slightly when he heard Huberian’s words. “Good, you go back to rest for a while, let’s meet at Redmond House in the afternoon, I’ve long since added a pass to your student bracelet.”

Ranch smiled and thanked him.

“I’ve actually been resting ……”

Huberian actually didn’t understand how she had accomplished her magisterial examination and her arduous mission until now.

She recalled that this morning had been all about walking around Helm’s Prison, ending up drinking and snacking, and then clearing the test.

Now even according to the completion of their final project, Miriam Milford could be awarded by the Empire an Extraordinary First Class Diploma from the Royal Academy of Magic in Protoss, as well as the team could get a chance to pick out a pink sacred magical prop from the Ancient Collections of Protoss.

Huberian felt that her Duke Miss Large, which was disliked by everyone in the Southern Continent, was not as good as this Earl Miss Small in the Northern Continent anymore ……

“Oh yeah, I also have a fox fostered at my student’s place, you guys can go and play with the fox when you have time.”

Looking at this somewhat uneasy appearance of Hubert Leanne, Ranchi thought for a moment and said.

Since returning from the northern snow plains, the big fox had been fostered at Zestila’s house.

The big fox that was previously brought out on the day of the Monthly Examination at the Protoss Royal Magic Academy, only Zestila was more familiar with it.

This Magic Realm Moonshadow Fox was the companion that Ranch was going to bring back to the southern continent, and in the future, it was estimated that it would have to be boarded at the Cat Boss Dining Hall, and the rules and regulations of the Ichorite Academy didn’t allow the students to keep this kind of large pet in the dormitory.

With three more large Demons playing with it at once, the fox should be very happy.

Moreover, the three Archdemons were all special outstanding young talents of the school, so there was no need to worry about them causing a negative impact on the fox.


Antanas asked in confusion.

“It’s one of those Demon Realm Moonshadow Foxes that was originally a cub and was raised by the teachers of the Proteus Royal Magic Academy over the years.”

The Great Love Poet described as he gestured.

He also didn’t know what this kind of fox was called by its demonic scientific name in the ancient magic world.

“What? The Protoss Empire still has this kind of black fox?”

Both Antanas and Sinora asked in surprise as they crowded forward, somewhat stunned.

Originally, the rare magical beasts that were about to become extinct in the Demon World, originally they all thought that they would definitely become completely extinct after the end of the Holy War, but they never thought that there would still be cubs that were able to survive in the Protoss Empire.

The line of sight that Pranay cast over also became quite curious.

“Of course, if you guys are free, you can help me to raise the fox, but don’t feed it too much.”

The dark-haired, green-pupiled figure stopped and nodded.

“Is this fox strong?”

Huberian was very confused, seeing as how Antanas was kind of dying to drag her off to jack the fox.

She had only heard Ranch tell her that back in the day in the Demon Realm, big foxes would have been very popular with the Greater Demon Clan.

She didn’t expect that after meeting the real Daemons, they all really liked this fox so much.

Although Huberian had never seen Ranqi’s fox, she had heard that this fox would be close to the noble Demon Clan, so she wasn’t very brave to touch this fox for fear of being close to it.

“No, it’s not much more than pretty, but it’s just pretty, edible, and cute.”

Antanas replied shaking his head.

“Pfft ……”

The Great Love Poet burst out laughing before quickly collecting his expression back.

Huberian gave the Great Love Poet a look, wondering why he looked like he had suddenly thought of something very happy.

(End of chapter)

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