371.Chapter 365 – Ranch Returns to His Imperial Capital, Helome

Chapter 365 – Ranchi Returns to His Imperial Capital, Helmholtz

This time, both Ranch and the Earl of Milford’s first lady naturally stopped paying attention to each other and only briefly crossed their eyes.

Ranchi was sure that the earl’s family’s eldest lady saw herself, but it was obvious that she was very jealous of the Silent Saint Son’s identity, and her eyes carried a half-avoidance.

Ranchi smiled and sighed.

He and their two students might meet again at the Proteus Royal Magic Academy in the imperial capital of Helm, except that his own self at that time shouldn’t frighten them anymore.

Even though they hadn’t had much previous interaction, the unlucky look of the damsel in distress always gave Ranch a rather familiar feeling.

Many times he had seen Huberline when someone was either trying to kill her or on their way to do so.

But in this countess, Ranch could not sense the existence of the Great Love Poet, and her appearance was completely different from the disguise Talia had given to Huberian when she set out.

I’m afraid I’m making too many associations.

However, on second thought, if Huberian wanted to sneak into the Protoss Empire disguised as a young lady of an earl’s family, she would have changed her face, but she would have needed a card maker who was proficient in the magical language of the Demon race to help her remake the [Change: Human], and the [Poet of the Greatest Love], a card that didn’t belong to Huberian and couldn’t be stowed away in her soul space, would need to be sealed and disguised as another object to go through the security check of the Box Hill Province of the Protoss Empire. disguised as other objects to do so.

Cid’s hand surreptitiously poked Ranch, interrupting his thoughts.

Surprised and confused, Ranch turned his eyes to his side.

“Why are you staring at that girl for so long.”

It was as if it was because Ranch was dressed as the Silent Saint Son, causing Cid to hate Ranch’s new look extraordinarily, and to lay his hands on him a few times harder, with no heart at all.


“Look, it’s obvious there were two girls on the platform just now, and I’m surprised your question wasn’t first asking me ‘which girl’.”


Ranch was a little speechless.

But he then guffawed and smiled.
“Thinking of an old friend, but it shouldn’t be such a coincidence.”

He replied matter-of-factly.

Other side.

On the platform where the track in front of her was empty, Hubert Leanne saw the train on the opposite side of the road start.

She had just accidentally looked at a dangerous guy!

She also realized in this way that the Silent Saint had left.

However, in that instant just now, she saw the shallow smile at the corner of that figure’s mouth, that calm and steady look like good fortune would always surround him, and for a moment, it made her feel that there was an inexplicable sense of vestigial vision in this person.

“It should …… not be ……”

Hubert Leanne murmured as she looked at the distant train.

She was a little afraid to think about this overly surreal and ridiculously outrageous situation, no matter how much she thought about it, it couldn’t be that Ranch had taken the Silent Saint and then helped her at this junction.


For a moment she didn’t know whether to trust logic or her intuition ……

Huberian on the platform stood quietly, the hem of her skirt swaying with the light wind, the wind swept past her, silently ruffling the long hair that was like silk and satin, and she gently pressed the strands of her hair that were being held up by the wind.

The train whistled, pulling out of her sight, heading toward the far end of the line with a rolling mist and a fading rattle.

If it was him/her, surely they would be able to meet again in Helome.

The two figures in the train and on the platform, who were moving away from each other, thought to themselves.



The next day.

The center of the Protoss Empire, the imperial capital of Helom.

With the spring afternoon sunlight spreading diagonally on the railroad tracks, the magic energy railroad train slowly stabilized at the south station of Helom City. Ranch and Sigrid, having retrieved their luggage from the check-in counter, stood out from the crowd on the station hall level and walked through the heavily guarded checkpoints.

Their footsteps were hurried, weaving in and out of the hurrying crowds of Helome at four o’clock in the afternoon.

As they walked out of the station, the air, mixed with the aroma of nature, smelled like spring in Helmholtz more than in the cold north.

On both sides of the street, vibrant plants and old, towering buildings create a scene that connects fantasy and reality.

“The city of Helium always has a psychedelic feel to it, and even I think it’s nice to live here.”

Ranchi sighed as he dragged his suitcase with one hand and held a cup of afternoon black tea in his right hand.

No matter how many times he came to this city, he would be attracted by the architectural scenery that became more and more strange around him after he went deeper into the city, which could not be found in the paintings.

“I think you should be quite suitable to go into that business of municipal planning, maybe you can make it better.”

Sigrid chatted with him from the sidelines.

The two changed to another train midway through the trip and changed an image in the process.

The golden-orange sunlight glittered among the skyscrapers, the floating gardens were in full bloom and color, and as the two men walked through and under them, they could hear the singing of the plants and see the shimmering flickers of light from the astral bodies coming from the aerial gardens from a distance alone, adding to the relaxing atmosphere of the afternoon.

Boss Cat hid in Ranch’s shadow and didn’t say a word; he hadn’t stopped listening to the two chatter along the way.

Obviously, earlier, he heard Tata say that she and Ranchi had basically not spoken a few words between the two of them on the way from South Vantina’s collar to the royal capital of Ichorite.

Boss Cat now whenever he recalled Ranchi and Tata’s time together, and then looked at Ranchi and Cid’s time together in front of him.

Looking at it through the controlled variable method, could it really be Tata’s problem?

“I’ve got to go to Helome Broadcasting after I go back to school for a break later.”

Ranch said to Sigrid.

The interview program was tonight, and he had to get to the headquarters building of Helome Broadcasting a little early.

It was still early for now, but later on, Sigrid would have to be left alone in the Royal Academy of Magic in Protoss.

“No problem, just drop me off at Gloria’s.”

Sigrid nodded.

“Is she okay with that?”

Ranch asked as he thought about the name for a moment.

He remembered that he had once met this direct soldier named Gloria in Associate Professor Sidor’s history class, and she seemed to be a bit bored with idleness at the time so she ran to see herself, as well as Sigrid’s close friend who stayed at the Royal Academy of Magic in Protoss.

But this way down Ranch to help the Silent Bishop test loyalty, let Ranch feel the existence of a whole bunch of rebels, he all for the Silent Bishop to feel the earth is not worth it.

So now he couldn’t help but be a little worried about whether something like loyalty would be provoked by a traitor when faced with a truly great temptation.

“Don’t worry, she was practically raised by me, I know her by heart.”

Sigrid said assuredly.

Earlier, when she was playing the role of a student at the Proteus Royal Magic Academy, most of the time she stayed at Gloria’s house, and she was one of Sigrid’s most trusted subordinates.

A powerful student in her own right, Gloria, as the tenth seat of the third year, owned the school’s sole mansion residence, and later, after Ranch had thoroughly investigated the school for potential Reptilians, he had also kept his tacit approval of Gloria’s residency because she was one of his own.

However Ranch didn’t reply, lost in thought, Sigrid looked to Ranch ready to explain Gloria’s credibility to him some more.

Then she saw the confused look in Rancic’s eyes.

Like she was pondering whether she was under thirty or in her late thirties.

This made Sigrid laugh and she accelerated towards the front, no longer paying attention to Ranch.

I tried my best to write, but I couldn’t finish today, so I’ll do at least three more tomorrow

(End of chapter)

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