325.Chapter 321 – Ranchi to be Governor of Snow Plains Province

Chapter 321 – Ranch will be the Governor of the Snowy Plains Province
On the VIP stands at the highest part of the Chinston City Arena, Viscount Blake Bone had trouble accepting the victory or defeat that was decided in just a few seconds, and didn’t even fully accept that Shia’s set of punches and kicks ended the match more swiftly than Blade.

The veins on his forehead throbbed furiously, as if he was doing his best to resist the urge to order his men to kill Shia and those two bastards from the Protoss Royal Magic Academy, and gripped his cane on the ground.

First, he stared at Shia with a death glare, and then his eyes moved back to Ranch and Cid on the far side of the stands.

“Professor Meche …… you don’t have a problem with me settling those two students, do you ……”

Viscount Blake Bone’s teeth were not even open, but he let out an appalling chattering sound.

Everything is to blame for those two troublemakers ……!

“No problem.”

Mekhi nodded.

“You’ll be the Governor anyway, and I’ll take care of the Imperial side for you.”

Mekhi knew very well that he should go along with Viscount Blake Bone’s mood at this time.

Viscount Blake Bone nodded, stood up, and walked towards the stands where a group of powerful nobles of the Snowy Plains Province were, inviting them to join him on the side where Viscount Levin Chinston was.

The silver glittering Knight Arena building, reflected on the iron fence of the VIP stands, a group of powerful nobles were slowly gathering and walking from the seating area, their gorgeous costumes, with iris scent mixed between the ranks, glittered under the winter sunlight of the snowy region, making the atmosphere of the contest that had just come to an end even more solemn.

As they approached, the people sitting on the side of the grandstand who had not yet left sensed the change and retreated, and the side of the grandstand where Viscount Levin Chinston was originally bustling gradually became much emptier.

Some of the people didn’t dare to look directly at them, but just looked into the empty field, pretending to still be watching the closing curtains, while some held their children’s hands tightly, reminding them not to make any noise, the surroundings of the grandstand were instantly shrouded by this sudden silence and suppression.

“Levin, congratulations you have recruited a good son-in-law, but …… isn’t his hand a little too hard?”

Viscount Blake Bone leaned on his crutches and stood on the aisle not far from where Viscount Levin Chinston was seated.

“I’ll pay for the medical expenses.”

Viscount Levin Chinston’s gaze was only concerned with Shaya, who was being tended to by the medical staff he had already arranged for, by the far side of the arena stage, his eyes filled with gentleness.

“Medical expenses? Can you afford to pay for it?!”

Looking at Levin’s glib appearance, Viscount Blake Bone’s hatred was already hard to contain, and
“Regarding the matter of the Governor of the Snowy Plains Province, make a stand, if you still want to perfunctorily pass today, don’t blame us for being enemies in the future!”

The corner of Viscount Blake Bone’s mouth hooked up a crazy cold smile, his clear voice was like an icy dagger, piercing the eardrums of everyone present.

Many of the surrounding Chinston City crowds who had not yet retreated away revealed a look of horror.

The lords behind Viscount Blake Bone either looked straight at Viscount Levin Chinston, or slightly apologetically averted their eyes, but always stood on the side of Viscount Blake Bone and Professor Meche.

Even the populace had heard Viscount Boone’s meaning.

He was beginning to bully Viscount Chinston.

The other lords had already agreed to the matter of Viscount Blake Bourne taking up the governorship.

If Viscount Levin Chinston still didn’t agree, then next, Chinston City, which had become a mortal enemy with Viscount Blake Bone, would be sidelined by the Snowy Plains Province and suffer from the Ghostbusters’ siege.

It was even difficult to guess if Viscount Blake would push the Ghost Party behind his back.

Most likely, the next thing to happen to Chinston City would be the destruction of the city!
Viscount Blake Bone’s shadowy sight swept over Ranch and Cid, and then looked at Professor Mekhi beside him, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, like he was telling them that no matter what the outcome would be, the two of them wouldn’t be able to leave the Snowy Plains Province.

For a moment, the temperature over the entire arena plummeted, those once talkative and noisy voices had become a passing cloud, the faces of the residents of the city of Qinston were filled with nervousness and panic, an indescribable oppression filled the air, the heartbeat of each and every one of them seemed to fight against the silence around them, and it was as if time had been stretched out, the second hand turned abnormally slow.

The centerpiece of the entire arena, that Lord of Chinston City dressed in dark blue embroidered robes, at this moment appeared incomparably isolated and vulnerable.

People were waiting nervously, expecting him to give a reply that would put everyone’s mind at ease, but the sense of oppression in the atmosphere was getting stronger and stronger, making the entire scene likely to explode at any moment due to the ignition of a fuse.


Only Ranch, who was sitting next to him, gently pressed on Viscount Levin Chinston’s shoulder.

Meeting Viscount Levon Chinston’s eyes seemed to tell him that he could just leave it to himself next.

“Gentlemen, I’ll make two brief remarks here.”

Ranch raised his hand, and despite his slow movements, his deep, steady voice gave off the subdued feeling of a stable anchor in the midst of a storm, causing several of the other nobles to cast their gazes at him in bewilderment.

It was only to see him take a few sketchy manuscripts out of his pocket.

“These are the portraits of the department heads of each faculty, so if you’re really a high-ranking person, Professor Mekhi, you should recognize at least some of them, right?”

The nobles originally didn’t intend to pay much attention.

Yet with just a glance, they were attracted and shocked by the paintings in his hands.

These portraits all had meticulous strokes and deep emotions, as if each painting had a story waiting to be discovered, and it seemed that they were just a few portraits that the young man in front of them had drawn at random, so that they couldn’t help but imagine and speculate at this moment what kind of masterpieces they would be if these drafts were turned into real paintings!
Even Viscount Blake Bone couldn’t help but flash a hint of greed and deeper malice in the bottom of his eyes while he was surprised.

Silence filled the stands.

The other nobles had heard that the youth who had created Shaya was a student of the Protoss Royal Magic Academy.

The implication of his question directed at Professor Mekhi was very clear, it was precisely in openly questioning the authenticity of Professor Mekhi’s identity, and at the same time, it was also tearing down Viscount Blake Bone.

Logically, they should have opened their mouths to defend Professor Meige at this moment.


Out of selfishness.

Several other nobles also wanted to take this opportunity for Ren Ranch to identify it for them.

So they all very tacitly chose to pay attention and not say much for the time being.

“Of course I know their names.”

Mekhi’s voice remained majestic, not budging the slightest bit from Ranch’s questioning.

“My question is not about their names, but the fact that in this school there are also internally defined levels of authority for the teachers, from the highest level, zero, to the lowest, nine, and could you please tell me what the corresponding level of authority is for each of them.”

Ranchi asked again with a subdued smile.

At that moment, Meich’s complexion stared and his heartbeat sped up.

He realized that this was a psychological battle.

Whether or not there was this brand new rank rule in the Protoss Royal Magic Academy today, he really wasn’t sure.

If he flatly denied it and the other party immediately produced evidence that could prove that the sequence rule did exist in the school, then he would immediately reveal himself!

But if he went along with what the other party said, the other party could turn around and say that there was no such rule in the school at all.

Damned little brute!

“I’m very sorry, teachers’ internal information cannot be disclosed to the public, you don’t have to be delusional enough to try to get information out of me and then in order to go and threaten other teachers.”

Mei Qi held back the anger in his heart and replied with a slight smile.

If it wasn’t for his quick reaction and coming up with a response saying, he would have probably been forced into a dead end by the steeply turning question.

His heart had already risen with the intention to kill, waiting for this moment to muddle through, he must let Viscount Blake Bone kill these two guys quickly to end the future!
“Oh? The authority level of our school’s teachers, but there are public announcements, oh? All open and transparent.”

Ranchi raked in a meaningful smile and took out a copy of the “Protoss Royal Magic Academy – Admission Guide” from his pocket, and it was the 1798 edition of the Solar Calendar, that is, it was just released this year.

It was as if he had been teasing Mekhi throughout, making even Cid, who was sitting in the back, cover his mouth and laugh.

“It’s a forgery!!!”

Mekhi said with an instant bite, pointing at this book in Ranchi’s hand.

The reaction now had to be electrifying, any hesitation would look like a ghost.

“How can you say it’s a forgery when you haven’t even looked at it?”

Ranch questioned in confusion.

The other nobles were all slightly twitching at the corners of their eyes by this point.

The guy with the enrollment brochure, who had just acted naturally, yet didn’t know how many inducing fake gestures and words there were, couldn’t tell which sentence was a trap, and what new trap it would lead to after answering.

“I’ve been away from the academy for a while, and this is a newly issued brochure, and it’s only natural that your very unfriendly attitude would cause me to misunderstand, knowing that you students are always trying to step on your teacher’s head in any way you can.”

Mekki could only clench his fist in front of his mouth and rephrase his words as if to ease the embarrassment, trying to round up his words.


Nonetheless, the other powerful nobles started exchanging glances with each other, all of them already starting to doubt Mechi’s authenticity a bit.

None of Mekhi’s logic was out of place, but there were numerous less than convincing breaks in the continuous reactions.

Or if a person’s status was true, then he shouldn’t show any breaks no matter what kind of temptations he endured!
But Ranchi’s temptation, any way you look at it, makes you think that there’s something wrong with Mekhi. If Professor Meich was really a fake, they had made a scene in front of two old students of the Protoss Royal Magic Academy, and afterward, they were afraid that they would become a big joke in the Imperial Capital.

But the problem is, Professor Meich’s deeds, and coincidentally and the imperial capital recently a character match …… this point has been verified by the imperial capital investigation team.

“May we see this enrollment brochure?”

Finally a middle-aged male nobleman in a gown stepped forward and inquired to Ranchi.

At this moment, anyone knew that this youth was extraordinary, and this kind of absolutely calm posture and position made them all begin to favor one fact in their hearts – what this youth said was the truth.

“You guys?!”

Viscount Blake Bone lightly raised his cane, a little panicked.

The enrollment brochure had the magical steel seal of the Royal Academy of Magic of Protoss on every page, and its authenticity was easily discernible.

They had previous years’ enrollment brochures to compare, and the magical steel seal was impossible to forge, unless one could steal the ancient magical wizard from the school that could stamp this seal.

And so.

With a crowd of nobles looking through it.

Since the beginning, there was no information about Mekhi on it.

“There must be one in the back, the faculty heads’ information is all towards the back.”

Viscount Boone’s heart raced as he pointed his cane at the powerful men flipping through the enrollment brochures.

The result was that the name Mekhi was never visible.

Mekhi’s eyes flicked from side to side and seemed to grow more and more anxious.

“No matter what, you’ll remember today’s incident Levin! One day I will settle the score with you!”

Viscount Blake Bone turned to Viscount Levin Chinston and shouted, with quite a hint that he was about to leave.

Anyway, even if Professor Mekhi really had a problem and his plan to take office as Governor today failed, there would still be a chance to contact the Ghost Party and take revenge on these damn guys!
But the next second.

Viscount Boone, who was just about to leave, was stopped by the knights of the Knights of Chinston City, and Viscount Blake Boone’s guards confronted the knights nervously.

“Levin? What do you mean, is there any king’s law left, do you want to turn against me in front of the other lords?!”

Viscount Blake Bone couldn’t bear it anymore and turned back to Viscount Levin Chinston to question him, while looking at the other lords.

As a result, he found that the other nobles were flipping through the enrollment brochure, and they all froze completely after seeing a certain page.

A long period of silence passed without a single person speaking for him.

The nobleman holding the book, seemingly out of affection, lifted it up stiffly with his arm and showed it to Viscount Blake Bone.

“Come, Viscount Boone, tell me whose name is signed on the last page of this book.”

Ranch asked, leaning back in his chair, with a smile, if any, on his face, as he looked up.

This instant.

Viscount Boone’s throat trembled, unable to make any sound, only staring his eyes round as if he had seen a ghost.

Only the nobleman beside him, helped him pronounce those words.

Incredibly quiet, yet noisy.

The short name surrounded Viscount Boone’s ears like a magic sound that could not be dispersed.

Soon, at the order of Viscount Levin Chinston, the guards also arrested all of Viscount Blake Bone and Professor Meche, as well as their escorts.

Everything flowed swiftly.

The human and material evidence of Viscount Blake Bone colluding with the Ghostbusters to murder Imperial Earl Shia Candace had been handed over by Ranch to Viscount Levin Chinston, and he could be imprisoned in Chinston City’s prison before the traffic resumed according to the statute.

If Viscount Blake Bone is not convinced, then also afterward to the imperial capital Helm’s highest court to see.

The surrounding nobles looked at this steep debunking and change, hesitated to open their mouths, only feeling that they had stirred up a big ouroboros.

The most crucial thing was that the man in front of them, if he himself hadn’t come in person, none of them would be able to get off the hook if the East Window was revealed in the future!
“I’m sorry, Mr. Rocky McCarthy, it was our fault, please forgive us!”

“It’s alright, I don’t blame you guys, you are also victims, I will keep this matter a secret for you, so that you won’t lose your reputation in the imperial capital.”

Ranch shook his head and raised his hand once again to indicate that they didn’t need to be more formal.


This caused the other nobles to fall silent again for a moment.

This Rocky McCarthy seemed to be a very friendly and approachable person, but then again, he seemed to be speaking in black.

He only needed to casually talk twice in the school and spread this story among the teachers and noble students, and it wouldn’t take more than a day for all of them, this group of nobles from the Snow Plains Province, to be carved on the pillar of shame and flogged ……

“I came to the north this trip only to start a series of special rectification programs for the chaos in the Snow Plains Province, are you willing to support it?”

Ranchi asked succinctly.

“Of course, Mr. McCarthy.”

In this situation, none of the nobles hesitated to respond to Ranch.

“Very well, what are you going to call me when you see me in the imperial capital in a month’s time?”

Ranchi stood up and looked to the south with his hands on his head, like he was looking away from the imperial capital Helm.

“Lord Governor Rocky McCarthy.”

Viscount Levin Chinston, who stood up from the side, was at the head, and he bowed to Ranch.

The rest of the nobles quickly followed one by one.

The post of governor of the Snow Plains Province was at the moment just short of an inauguration ceremony and sending an official letter over to the imperial capital.

Such a capable gentleman as the principal of the Proteus Royal Magic Academy was willing to serve as their governor, and instead of pursuing responsibilities, he helped them solve their mess, regardless of how he would distribute and coordinate the several city-states, today was already the best result for them.

No one dared to speak out in favor or disbelief.

They only knew one thing, that his noble sense of duty and sincere heart were not in any way false, and that he happened to have the ability to match it.

The man in front of him might make the Protoss Empire great once more.


Not far from the arena seats.

“Well, it’s good to give him a slight increase in favorability.”

Cid stretched, like he just woke up, the bones in his back and spine rattling a bit, thinking that with this holy son around, he didn’t have to worry about anything.

Hearing this, Boss Cat looked at Ranchi, who was being greeted by a group of nobles and walked away, and then looked at Cid, squirming and not daring to say anything.

“What do you want to say?”

Cid asked with a smile.

Boss Cat hesitated for a while, but looked at Sid.

“You won’t …… really like him, right ……”

Boss Cat mumbled, it was worried that if Ranchi was really taken in by Hegemony Catholic, then even escaping back to the Southern Continent wouldn’t be enough.

“I’m raising him as a son, could it be that I would fall for a boy so much younger than me? What do you take me for?”

Only this moment, Sid’s eyes cooled down a bit, causing a chill to run down the cat boss’s spine, his pitch-black cat hairs standing up, as if he had felt bone-chilling terror when he first saw this bishop in the first place.

The cat boss understood.

She was enjoying herself, but was very much able to distinguish between the game and reality, or rather she had always been incredibly cold inside and had never changed.


Shrinking into a ball after shuddering, Cat Boss couldn’t stop her heart from pounding and still stole a sigh of relief.

As long as Sigrid wouldn’t make a move on Ranch, then this trip to the Northern Continent wasn’t going to be a particularly big deal.

More than seven thousand words today, Yuzuki’s fainting, begging for a monthly ticket!

(End of chapter)

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