301.Chapter 298 – Ranchi’s life is getting shorter by the day.

Chapter 298 – Ranchi’s day is a day too short
The winter morning in Helmholm was chilly, the sky was still dusky, and the faint morning light gradually colored the eastern sky.

In the quiet street corner of the dormitory area within the Proteus Royal Magic Academy, the front yard of a beige walled brick mansion was covered by a thin layer of frost and snow.

A light snowfall seemed to have fallen last night.

The windows of the mansion appeared a little hazy as the warm air inside formed a layer of water mist with the cold outside world, through this layer of mist, one could vaguely see the greenery dotted sporadically on the outdoor window sills, and the ice-crystallized frost condensed on the bare branches of the trees in the courtyard, and it seemed as if each and every leaf had been frozen in time, waiting for the arrival of spring, and everything appeared to be so peaceful in this cold and clear morning.

Today is still a working day, Thursday.

It’s almost the weekend already.

Zestila got up early in her bedroom and cleaned herself up.

Then crossed the living room and pushed open the door to the mansion, walking out with no expression on her face.

She stood by the door, one hand resting lightly on the doorframe, and from a distance she could see that the courtyard was on the verge of becoming an animal garden.

Still on the swing under the large tree, Ranch sat feeding the small animals that had gathered there, while the large dark fox sprawled gracefully on the ground, as soft and smooth as a couch.

He was gently scattering grain on the grass as the birds chattered and hopped around for food, while he was again sidling up to talk to his new animal companion, the fox.

Even from a distance, the sounds of the teacher and the large fox gossiping could be heard wafting along with the chilly air.


“You asked if I know any other Daemons.”


“What do you mean other Daemon Clans? Do you really think I’m an Archdemon?”


“No confiscating my human citizenship oh, everyone knows I’m human.”


“You still care about the Daemons ……”


“Don’t look forward to it too much, now even if there are other living Daemons, maybe they’re particularly disgraceful guys.”


“For example, that kind of outside looks high and cold and dignified and beautiful, actually at home is a personality twisted eaters, after indulging in the tenderness of the countryside completely do not want to make an effort again, you say that this is like the Great Demon Race?”


The big fox raised its head and shook its head.

“Alas, I’m also quite worried about her… she’s long past marriageable age, yet she’s still claiming the identity of a young human woman… I don’t know how long that identity will last.”


“Indeed, the shame of the demon race, expulsion from the demon nationality.”

And on the other side of the mansion entrance.


Zestila listened in silence as she gradually narrowed her eyes and suddenly rubbed them.


Just now, my eyes seemed to have wavered, and I actually saw a red light coming from my teacher’s head, but then again, it seemed like an illusion, and when I looked closer, there was nothing left.

Contemplated for a while.

Let’s just pretend that nothing happened.

Though there was consideration of asking the knowledgeable teacher what this was about, it would not be polite to go and say something perhaps inauspicious to the teacher early in the morning on a great day.

Zestila still couldn’t understand exactly what the unobstructed exchange between the teacher and the large fox was about.

She was sure the chats were saved in the big fox’s simple mind though.

In time, there would surely be a chance to read them.

“Sensei has a long life ahead of her and will live on.”

Zestila shook her head slightly and headed down the garden path.

At the end of yesterday’s monthly assessment day Ranch had a bounty of over a million credit points.

It was finally settled at 20% to 249,535 credits to Zestila.

Zestila looked at the number on the bracelet and didn’t know what to say. It was as if it had been opened.

She didn’t even know what it was like when her teacher went to the Shadow World.

It turned out that what he had said earlier when he and she had just gotten off the train and were walking through the streets of Helm, “If you find the Shadow World difficult, take him with you,” meant that he would really take her through it at lightning speed.

Even after seeing how powerful Sensei was, she now wanted to go to the Shadow World on her own instead of relying on Sensei’s protection.

She felt that she had learned a lot from her teacher and had some clarity on her path.

It was just what she needed to practice.


She walked up to Ranch.

“Teacher, are you busy working today.”

Zestila asked.

It was the same tone as usual, but obviously humble with a touch of respect.

“Fine, why?”

Rancic thought about it, having basically finished all the meetings he needed to have yesterday.

There wasn’t much work left to do at the school next, it would be good to talk to Associate Professor Sidor about the Empire again during his last stay at the school today and tomorrow.

“Then we can go and claim the Pink Sacred added bonus.”

Zestila said.

In addition to the reward of over 200,000 credits, there was also an item that could not even be bought with credits under unusual circumstances.

That was the Pink Sacred Grade prop.

It essentially belonged to the Proteus Empire’s treasure trove, and each piece was registered, and was strictly regulated within the empire, belonging to the prohibited private trading items.

“Good, the Endless Library should be at work now.”

Ranch collected his feed and stood up, he had long been ready to depart, and the big fox arrived on his shoulder as if it had transformed into black silk.

The collections were all located in the treasury deep in the Endless Library, and the Endless Library was not far from the Protoss Royal Magic Academy, it could be reached in a short walk.

Zestila nodded.

In addition to needing to use her bracelet when selecting her rewards, she was eager to follow along and see what her teacher would do with the selection of magic cards.


Half an hour later.

The business district remained as busy as it always was on a winter weekday in Helium, the temperature not inhibiting people from their usual working lives.

Pedestrians walked by the tall buildings on both sides of the street in their heavy winter coats, their exhaled white breath mixing with the air around them to form a gentle mist.

In the midst of this busy crowd, a young man and the young girl following him crossed the street until they came to a wide square.

Situated on the south side of Helium was the giant building, the Endless Library, a treasure of culture and knowledge in this strange city.

Unlike the other buildings, the library looked both ancient and modern, combining gothic pointed arches, futuristic metal lines, and rotating fictional structures as if it were a meeting point of time and space.

The two walked purposefully through the massive bronze door of the entrance, only to see the ceiling carved with totems and ancient legendary beings of various forms, revealing a spacious hall with a huge floating crystal ball at its center displaying ever-changing words and images.

“I haven’t been to this library since I arrived in Helium.”

Ranch looked at the navigation hub and smiled at Zestila.

“I get lost every time.”

Zestila clearly hated the building.

Since this library was so large, and its interior spaces were complex, it was easy to get lost in it.

There were some important pieces with powerful boundaries that could not be entered even without permission, so it led to a lot of places becoming dead ends, and it was hard to get out of this labyrinth even if you looked at the map.

For most of the citizens and travelers of the imperial city of Helome, the Endless Library was mainly a place to explore the unknown and experience strange adventures.

But they didn’t need to spend much time inside today.

Simply head to the collection self-extraction room and use Zestila’s student bracelet to pick out a pink Sacred Level reward from the catalog.

Halfway through the latter chapter, not done yet, finished by twelve o’clock
Can’t sleep, feel like gah

(End of chapter)

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