294.Chapter 292 – Ranqi Thinks It’s Time to Put Some Intensity on the Monthly Examination Day

Chapter 292 – Ranchi thinks it’s time to put some intensity into the Monthly Examination Day
The center of the Protoss Royal Magic Academy.

Within that huge council chamber, the deep power and heavy historical light that was reflected silently wrapped around every corner.

It was as if all the sounds and voices in the hall were cut off by the changes on the screen, and it was terrifyingly quiet.

On the screen, the classroom that was in harmony a few minutes ago had become like a purgatory coliseum.

Creepy blood dripped from every corner of the classroom, scattered with clearly cut utensils and mutilated desks and cabinets.

In the center of the field of vision, Ranch was still smiling like nothing had happened, with a friendly smile on his face.

He was helping to give a hand to the teacher who had rushed to reclaim his students.

“Hard work.”

Getting a classroom full of students onto the transport truck, Ranch waved to the teacher in charge of the rescue.


The teacher in charge of the rescue was not in a good position to comment on anything and rushed off.

This was a scene he really hadn’t seen before.

Dozens of dying students inside and out.

It would take several trips just to transport them.

Give him more to kill and the hospital will be overcrowded!

If the seriously injured students had to be handed over to the public hospital in Helmholtz, I’m afraid that a bunch of news media would be reporting that a large-scale campus terrorist attack had occurred in the Protoss Royal Academy of Magic.

And how in the world was this person able to help put these students on stretchers like a passing enthusiastic resident, aren’t you the mastermind?
Meanwhile, on the other end of the screen, at the conference table.


“How many students did this one kill for him?”

Not only those in the classroom, but even the students who had earlier continued to sprint in the direction of the classroom with hostile intent but had not yet barged in, had collided with the old man who had chased him out the door, and had been recognized by the old man as the little brute full of malice.

The entire corridor of the examination area was now becoming quite dangerous.

But any student who dared to skip class and roam the corridors could be cut down by the old master casually.

It could be seen from the split screen.

The Shattered Corpse Death God had returned for a limited time and had already killed madly.

It was estimated that going forward it was destined to become a horrifying legend on the monthly assessment day of Protoss Academy.

And the bounty for Zestila on the notice board was still slowly rising.

It had only been less than ten minutes since the test started.

The bounty had soared to 309,820.

“Visually, more than eighty students have fallen within their judgment range.”

Defeating more students in the same examination was the harder it was to do, and the 1% increase in the total bounty resulting from each defeated student was multiplied independently.

“If we let Rocky McCarthy kill any more, it’s possible that he’s on track to exceed 100,000 credits for that 20% alone.”

“When the other students come out of the classroom after this class is over and see the numbers on the notice board, I’m afraid they’ll be creeped out even if they don’t know what’s going on.”

“I kind of want to bet on Zestila.”

“Too bad it’s already too late.”

You can only bet on it before the exam starts.

“Damn it guys ……”

There were also people whose expressions gradually changed from arrogance and teasing to anger.

It was never them who manipulated the situation, treating this like a game of cricket.

How dare a follower in the exam room override their will with such aplomb?
“Next, there’s no way I’ll let him pass any more classrooms.”

Accompanied by the arrogant male voice, the jutsu spell on the table flickered with light once again.


Anyone would know that the student this guy had favored and bet on was easily sent out by Ranch, without even seeing Ranch’s face.

He was just going to spend more credit points himself now, and wouldn’t let Ranchi get the better of him.

“Can’t afford to play can you?”

“So what? I don’t want him to win either, and if we let his demon master get so many credits, won’t he step on our heads?”

Amidst the sound of the words, all sorts of interventions triggered by the chief student’s authority were fed back into the assessment area. Only on the side of the round table, the first seat Duchess Crowlis who had been resting her eyes with her eyes closed always said nothing.

“Rocky McCarthy ……”

Crowlis recited the name silently.

She had known for a long time that this guy was not on the same level as the other students.

I’m afraid that those students in the assessment area weren’t even enough to make him use a magic deck.

Someone who could be favored and recommended to be pulled in by Sidao at this point in time basically couldn’t be wrong.

Could he become one of the key figures that would change the landscape of the Protoss Empire? Even if it was just a little bit.

Cloris looked towards the screen, no expression visible on her face.

The current conflict between Protoss and the northern kingdoms seemed to be the accumulated momentum of history, and everything was too natural to be natural, but what was really behind the empire was a group of ghosts that could not be seen in the shadows.

They didn’t know where they came from or what their final purpose was, and it was impossible to even prove their existence.

The only thing that was certain was that there were many pairs of unseen hands guiding something.

Perhaps in the near future the mysterious winds would sweep across the entire north and south continents, and it would ring and ring, chaining, spreading, and erupting until further north of the large northern kingdoms, the forces of the Church Kingdom that even the Church of the Resurrection was unwilling to mess with, the ancient races that had slept under the glaciers for tens of thousands of years, and the legendary living beings of the barren lands all those extremely ominous existences were dragged into the battlefield.

The Protoss Empire as a large kingdom in the corner of the northern continent was merely a trigger.

Even the southern continent by the distant sea could not be spared.

If a divine calamity were to come at that time, no matter what point the dice of fate cast, everything would be over.

Mankind’s eighth-ranked supreme warriors and accumulated national power should never be depleted from each other for some stupid reason.

She lifted her spirits somewhat and looked into the distance of the round table.

The others still didn’t seem to think highly of Rocky McCarthy.

“There’s a limit to individual ability after all, and there won’t be a second chance like this, so it’s better to see how he’s going to take this credit out of the exam room.”

Hearing their words.

Cloris let out a slight laugh.

“Krolis, you think it’s pretty funny too, don’t you?”

A Chief Student noticed Crowliss’s reaction and looked over, his eyes filled with a desire for power and an obsession with being in control.

“Yes, keep trying to give him a hard time, so he’ll show his true colors soon.”

She said with a gracious smile.

Whoever made the interference would carry an announcement as if it were notorious to the entire room, equivalent to the interference’s real name sponsorship.

It wasn’t her who suffered anyway.


Proteus Royal Magic Academy South.

Close to an hour and a half passed calmly after the Magical Beast Breeding classroom was cleaned and emptied.

Once the old man had chased him out, Ranch changed the symbols on the door sign back again seamlessly.

For the rest of the day, Ranch and Zestila stayed in the classroom, playing with the beasts like zoo keepers and feeding them from time to time to pass the time in peace and quiet.

“Teacher, how do we get through the time next?”

Being so relaxed, it all made Zestila a bit skeptical as to whether they were actually playing at a zoo or an animal-themed coffee shop, or if they were on a sprinting chase that was as menacing as it could get.

There were still four overly long classes to go.

I’m afraid that the same method won’t work a second time, and some more powerful students are feared to come as a second wave of hunters after the first class is over.


Ranchi, after listening to this, just sat on the sofa chair, raised his glass, tilted his head and took a sip calmly, not the least bit disturbed by the stream of active magical beasts behind him.

“It’s coming to an end.”

He said with a smile.


The assured look made Zestila inexplicably feel like she was close to seeing Ranch’s victory settlement animation.

(End of chapter)

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