291.Chapter 289 – Ranchi’s Killing Streak Storing Up Power

Chapter 289 – Ranchi’s Killing Streak Building Up Strength

Under Ranchi’s demonstration, Zestila gently put her hand out and touched the top of the fox’s head, warmth and soft touch came from it, and the big fox let out a high pitched but intimate sound, as if showing her a friendly welcome.

A ripple of unspeakable joy surged through Zestila’s heart.

She had never been in contact with an animal before.

The old teacher stood at a distance, watching these two students with the magical beasts, the picture framed into a warm picture, overflowing with the colors of love and understanding, he slightly squinted his open eyes, and silently in his heart, he sent sincere blessings and hopes for these two children.

If this school was full of good children like them, how wonderful it would be.

The old man thought to himself.

At this time, the bell outside the classroom finally rang, its sound was low and long, with some magic power, able to penetrate the walls and spread to every corner of the assessment area.

When the bell ended, the examination would officially begin.

As the examiner, he would also inform the two students of the specific content that needed to be completed for this examination.

Regardless of the outcome of this examination, he was willing to give these two students the highest possible marks.


The long ringing bell cut off abruptly.

Before the old teacher could speak, a cold wind suddenly struck, as if it was the warning of a storm, and the warm and harmonious atmosphere was suddenly torn apart.

The door panel was violently overturned with a violent impact.

Several students with aggressive gazes barged into the classroom.

Their eyes showed indifference and insult, treating everything as nothing.

Without any sign or warning, and without looking at the old teacher, they took one step into the classroom and poised themselves towards Ranch and Zestila.

Fully armed, they entered the battlefield the moment the test began, the weapons in their hands glittering with a cold metallic luster, reflecting their eyes and revealing an aura of determination!
However, the magical beasts were more sensitive to this hostility and threat.

Their eyes suddenly burned with rage!

The original calm and kind expression instantly changed into vigilance and ferocity.

They lunged at the intruding students like an instinctive reflex.

In an instant, chaos filled every corner of the classroom!
The sounds of rushing, hissing, and clashing of metal and claws mixed together as the magical beasts used their innate strength and magic to fight with this group of hostile villains.

Zestila stood by with fear in her eyes.

She didn’t expect this group to be so vicious.

Originally, according to the number of silhouettes in the distant corridor when they entered the classroom, the students who should have come in in the first wave shouldn’t have been so many and so decisive!

In the midst of the chaos, Ranchi’s eyes were also slightly worried.

“Students, stop it, these kids aren’t aggressive!”

The old teacher then hurried forward into the center of the chaos, trying to use his wisdom and experience to calm the sudden storm.

Unfortunately, in front of him, a student took a deep breath before swinging his right fist violently beside his stomach, followed by his entire body blasting out like an arrow.

“Aorta Rupture Fist!”

His first punch that shocked the classroom resounded through the atmosphere, slamming into the Wraith’s body like thunder.

However it was actually on the old man who had come over to persuade him.

Instantly, the old master was sent flying along with the magical beast, skidding several meters on the classroom floor.

The Wraith’s body was sturdy and seemed to be fine, but the old master didn’t know.

Zestila watched the scene of chaos, her mouth hanging open in disbelief.

Ranch was filled with a distressed expression, wrapping his arms around him.

It seemed that he was worried about such a worldly thing as a student hitting a teacher.

“Students, stop it!”

The old man struggled to support himself on the floor and stood up from the ground, however, these crazy students didn’t pay any attention to him at all.

The experience of being violently challenged by bloodthirsty students had been a few times up to now.

However, even so, receiving such a vicious blow was a first. If he had been a dozen years older, perhaps this blow just now might have sent him to meet the goddess-sama.

How pathetic.

The old man didn’t know whether his eyes were open or closed, and sighed sadly.

Talking about what happened to all the students over the years.

This kind of vicious behavior is certainly there, but in recent years, students have become more and more violent and uncaring.

Is there no value for people and things, a considerate heart, and respect for elders left in any of them?
While living conditions in the Empire are better today, are children’s hearts really becoming more and more depraved?
How good it used to be.

Those times when the Holy War had just recently ended and everyone was united in love.

Naturally, the old man’s thoughts drifted back a few decades.

How pure and full of enthusiasm the students of the Protoss Royal Magic Academy were back then, burning with hope for the future.

They treated themselves respectfully, not because of how strong they were on the battlefield, but simply because they were like-minded.

He recalled their cheerful voices.

“Major, we will definitely learn about the breeding of magical beasts from you.”

“What’s the name of this little fox? It’s so cute.”

“I didn’t realize that you, who was called the God of Corpse-Shredding Death on the battlefield, was such an amiable person… It’s really the fault of the war.”

Everyone is harmonious and friendly ……

It’s the same as this feeling.

Some of the more grumpy students would also risk being prosecuted alone, secretly rescuing magical beast cubs that would be sent to the slaughterhouse, registering them with a license for scientific research, and protecting them.

Whenever I think back to those years, my heart warms up.

Why is it that there are no such students anymore?

There are still some, like those two students with good hearts.

Between the short thoughts, the passage of time, the classroom had become a battlefield.

This was originally a room with warm and elegant decorations, filled with all sorts of props and ingredients, but now it was a mess.

The licorice scattered on the floor was intertwined with dust, carrying feathers dropped by magical beasts.

The hissing of the magical beasts mixed with the roars emitted by the students, forming a deafening rhythm that continued right from the time of the Holy War, gradually turning into the ghost of the Protoss Empire, the unresolvable hatred.

In the face of this incomparable tragedy, the old man shook his head, as if he had completely lost his heart, unable to even go and hug the magical beasts he had loved for many years and raised as children.

No way no way.

Can’t be angry.

You’re too old to be angry.

The old man tried to squeeze out a smile and said to himself.

One day, the future of the Protoss Empire was going to be in the hands of the young.

As a teacher, you shouldn’t correct your students with the violence of fighting evil with evil.

It was like he had realized early on in his youth that one could not use force to conquer magical beasts.

Thinking like this, the old man still had good intentions written under his pale eyebrows.

Just as he was about to use his old bones again to try and sensitize some of these wayward students.


The main door was suddenly slammed open, a cabinet flew over, and being hit directly in the head by the cabinet, the old man once again tumbled to the ground.

“Luckily it’s a level one classroom!”

“Open kill!”

More students rushed in and looked at the messy cooking classroom, their eyes glowing with cruelty and greed, sharpening their knives as if they couldn’t wait to dismember all those ingredients and magical beasts, and then go and get the 130,000 credits.

(End of chapter)

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