257.Chapter 256 – Ranqi has been pitiful since he was a child

Chapter 256 – Ranchi has been pitiful since he was a child

“Lord Francis, Miss Zestila.”

Ranchi bowed to the two, then sat down on Viscount Francis’ side as usual.

“Mr. Lodge, I heard that you visit the town every afternoon, how do you feel about the town?”

Viscount Francis asked with a smile.

“It’s an excellent city for tourism and settlement, its development potential is huge, as long as we vigorously develop the tourism industry, we can definitely achieve prosperity.”

Ranqi replied seriously.

With that, he also realized as if Viscount Francis’ question didn’t mean that.

Viscount Francis was also slightly silent for a while at his words.

He just wanted to ask Ranch how he felt about living in this town.

As a result, how did it sound like a leader sent by the province to conduct research was giving his opinion.

But once he thought about Ranch’s profession as a scholar, he didn’t think there was much wrong with it.

“I called you all here today mainly to ask for your opinions.”

Viscount Francis cleared his throat, and since he had waited for Ranch, he ordered the butler to order the kitchen side, so they could start their dinner time, and

“Zestila, I would like to hire Mr. Rocky to continue to serve as your tutor, that is, to return to the Protoss Royal Academy of Magic with you as your attendant, is that acceptable to you?”

Viscount Francis was actually quite apprehensive.

He sometimes didn’t know if his words would upset or hurt Zestila, so he had been cautious in his interactions with her.

If Zestila agreed, he would take the risk of using his own authority to get Ranchi an identity in the city of Lilome, making it easier for him to travel to the imperial capital.

Ranchi sat on the side of Viscount Francis, slightly noticing a slight reluctance in the expression of Zestila across from him.

But she was also thinking and did not immediately veto it.

Although she would never take the initiative to ask Ranqi for knowledge about magic genealogy and magic engineering, but every day she would carefully read the annotations Ranqi left on the books according to the progress, and then every day, she would use the finished magic genealogy textbook to exchange for the magic engineering textbook, and then when Ranqi wrote a good annotation on the magic genealogy textbook, she would use the finished magic engineering textbook to exchange for the finished magic engineering textbook back.

She preferred this self-study method of learning.

The teachers of the Protoss Royal Academy of Magic would not be as patient as Ranqi, and few people in the North Continent could have such a unique knowledge of magic engineering as he did.

The table became silent because of Viscount Francis’ proposal, and even the servant who delivered the meal sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and after putting down the meal, he quickly retired.

These days, Ranchi had also learned about that school, and probably knew what Zestila was concerned about.

The style of the Proteus Royal Magic Academy was somewhere between the Ichorite Academy and the Purgatory Cloister Academy, but its biggest feature was different from both schools.

First of all, family lineage and status are especially important, in addition to being divided into upper and lower houses at the time of enrollment, its teachers and treatment are very different, and noble students even have many privileges from birth.

Secondly, the phenomenon of ganging up among students is very serious, and there is rarely any sincere friendly relationship among students.

When he talked with the silver-armored cleric, Ranqi had unintentionally heard something related to it, and it was said that sometimes the students of the Protoss Royal Academy of Magic did not only want to kill their opponents, but also wanted to humiliate and torment their opponents before they could be blackmailed and controlled, which is a place full of darkness under the rules, but accordingly, it can also become stronger quickly.

Like the Silent Bishop in the beginning, the Silent Son of the Holy Spirit directly disguised identity sent to the Proteus Royal Magic Academy training, and in the end, he graduated with bloody results and excellent grades, so that the Silent Bishop is quite satisfied.

Later on, even the Bastard Holy Maiden died at the hands of the Silent Saint Son.

Of course, precisely because the school had a harsh elimination system, the noble students who stood out from the examination would accordingly have more privileges and preferential treatment, even far greater than ordinary teachers.

Not only could they use their credits to complete grade skipping, they also had many optional powers that they could even share with their attendants, causing them to gain more convenience in the school so that they could better serve themselves. Many people in the empire refer to this privilege of the nobles to bring their followers as “follower summoning” – a competition to see who has the stronger family background.

Bringing a useful or powerful attendant can make a noble’s life at school much easier.

Of course, the limitation of a follower is that it cannot be higher than the sixth rank, which is the limit for third-year students.

One of the great pleasures of many students and even professors in high positions in the school was to grade the newborn nobles’ attendants, and would even regard them as summoned objects, measuring their value by rank and grade.

Zestila had originally refused the follower that Viscount Francis had arranged for her, and Viscount Francis was helpless and could only respect her thoughts, after all, that was her character.

But now Viscount Francis unexpectedly drew another Magic Engineering Scholar of unknown grade from the South Continent from the sea.

The most crucial thing was that Zestila was willing to get along with him, then maybe Zestila could be persuaded to bring him along as a scholarly follower, her partiality was serious and she was in great need of a tutoring teacher who could make her listen to her words.


Zestila was silent for a long time.

She didn’t really want to bring an entourage, being alone would make her more comfortable.

The most crucial thing was that after going to that cage where strength and status were everything, if she couldn’t stand her ground, being her half-demon follower wasn’t a good job, and she might even be implicated by her and suffer a lot of prejudice, discrimination, flying colors, and unfair treatment.

“Zestila ……”

Just as Viscount Francis was about to inquire about Zestila’s mastery of magic genealogy and magical engineering course content, he wanted to use it to persuade her.

“I’d rather not, Viscount.”

Ranch said in a gentle tone to Viscount Francis, who didn’t look like he wanted to embarrass Zestila, and

“I’ve been jinxed since I was a child, and my family’s chamber of commerce has been implicated by me and is close to closing down ……Following the young lady to the imperial capital, I’m afraid that not only will I not be able to help her ……I’ll only be adding to the trouble.”

Speaking, Ranchi seemed to remember something very sad.

The table was quiet all of a sudden.

It wasn’t like this heavy topic was fake.

The knowledgeable and gentle youth also didn’t look like the kind of sinful son who would curse his own chamber of commerce to collapse.


“Not afraid of trouble, I’m good at taking care of people.”

Zestila said as she gazed up toward Ranch.

“Is this ……”

Ranch hesitated a little.

“Come with me to the Imperial Capital and continue to teach me magic lineage and magical engineering, I don’t want to listen to those teachers at school.”

Zestila finished and focused on continuing her meal.

“Thank you, Ms. Zestila.”

The exchange between the two ended, and the table resumed its previous peacefulness, with only the occasional sound of a spoon lightly touching a china plate echoing through the used dining room from time to time.

Viscount Francis: “????”

(End of chapter)

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