199.Chapter 199 – Ranch Changes the Version of the World

Chapter 199 – Ranchi’s Version of Changing the World
Sitting in the reassuring hut that was Talia, Huberian breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ranch, thank you for saving me again.”

“Huberian, don’t worry, with Tata’s leg up, as long as the Bishop doesn’t fight his way to the capital of Houghton, you won’t be in danger.”

Ranchi looked at Huberian, who still didn’t seem to be in a lighter mood after interrogating Phoenix.

“…… But the southern continent, I’m afraid it won’t be so peaceful again soon.”

Huberian nodded, then said softly.

In addition to some of the information that he had already learned from Styxella, the reanimist that they had subdued in the Shadow World of the [Hallowed Villains’ Dinner], Phoenix also knew a little bit of “Bishop Ivanoth of Destruction and Bishop Farmer of Decay have a joint action”.

In addition, the assassination plan this time also showed that the two archbishops had the intention of secretly destroying the relationship between the Kingdom of Houghton and the Kingdom of Arrowland.

I’m afraid that they are planning something horrible against the two countries in the future.

Ranqi had also told Huberian that the first thing the blood race would do after taking control of the Krieger Empire was to start a war, on the one hand consuming the forces within the empire that still had dissenting views towards the blood race, and on the other hand annexing more kingdoms, plundering resources, and captive human beings.

Since the southernmost Kryptonian Empire is not at peace.

And these few Cardinals in the southern continent are already in premature foolishness.

The war that is destined to break out in the southern continent is likely accelerating dramatically.

At that time it will not only be Huberian’s crisis, but the entire Houghton Kingdom will be in peril.

“After we hide in the northern continent during our winter vacation, your fifth Death Star should not come for the time being, because in the eyes of the Restoration Church, the two of us just disappeared off the map, and it’s impossible to think that we switched our identities and directly penetrated deep into the inner workings of the Restoration Church in the northern continent. But it’s possible that when we come back to the Southern Continent, your fifth crisis will be the Southern Continent War.”

Ranch admitted helplessly.

He counted, it should have been four times already.

Just because he kept saving Huberian and changing the original course of the story, it now seemed that the decisions of the Blood Clan and the Church of the Resurrection might also change due to Huberian’s too-long survival, just like the butterfly effect.

Synthesizing those intelligence known only to Ranch, plus the intelligence learned from the Restorationists here.

He found it likely that the effect of Huberian’s survival would be exactly that–

The Bloods would wage war earlier and more eagerly.

“If an all-out war initiated by the strongest Kriegsmarine Empire breaks out in the Southern Continent, coupled with the Resurrectionist Church’s attack with a purpose in the shadows, the entire Southern Continent will become a mess ……”

Huberian muttered.

The entire southern continent had hundreds of large and small countries, in addition to the largest but isolated by the mountainous terrain of the Krypton Empire, the more powerful Houghton Kingdom, Yaloran Kingdom, Campella Kingdom, and other large countries, there were also many less powerful kingdoms, as well as some principalities and marquisates in the places close to the north.

“When the empire launches its invasion to the north, some small neighboring kingdoms might directly defect to the empire, while the likes of the Houghton Kingdom and the Yaloran Kingdom will ally with each other, and of course, there are also countries that will first remain neutral and wait to see what happens.”

Ranchi gave Huberian his prediction like a prophet.

Of course he knew what the Southern Continent would be like after the fight.

In the future of the main storyline, the Southern Continent was supposed to be in chaos.

And in that chaotic world, the existence of every top powerhouse would be crucial.

Seventh and eighth ranked powerhouses could even greatly influence the victory or defeat of a large battle on the battlefield.

Some eighth rank powerhouses were even better than an army in their own right.

This was still too much of a version of overkill for Ranchi, who was only at the fourth rank.

He could fight the Bloods with a special attack, but he couldn’t really touch the seventh order against humans, let alone the eighth order.

From the fifth rank onwards, not only was the difference in attributes at each rank extremely large, but the higher-ranked cards would have some particularly unreasonable and perverted effects.

The difference in strength between the same rank will also become more and more obvious.

To use an analogy, the higher the level, the more places where the gap between Kryptonians and ordinary players can be created.

An existence of the level of Bishop of Destruction Ivanoth could slaughter an entire duchy with the power of one person if there weren’t several eighth-ranked powerhouses to stop him.

If Ivanoth ever reached the ninth rank, he would be the true God of Calamity who controlled life at will.

In a more gamified or data-based concept, the eighth order can actually be considered as a range of levels from 80 to 89, and as you get closer to the ninth order, you will continue to improve your attributes in the same level, for example, there is a huge gap in basic attributes between the weakest level 80 and the strongest level 89, except that they can both use the eighth order card, so they are all in the same level.

In addition, from level 89 to level 90 requires an astronomical amount of experience, and this 1 level increase is also quite terrifying, once you break through, it is equivalent to entering the 9th level category from the 8th level category, and you will be able to use the destructive 9th level magic cards.

After reaching the top level of the eighth rank, the difference generated by the innate growth of attributes is extremely obvious, and then they have basically chosen the orange epic and pink sacred, the structure of the magic card decks will take shape, and the restraints between different professions and factions will be very clear. This is also the reason that some level 80 may be stronger than some level 89.

Of course.

In this real world, naturally, there was no concept of a materialized level.

Ranchi was only making an analogy based on the game in his previous life that seemed to have been made with reference to this world.

“If …… father is still in the Houghton Kingdom ……”

Huberian murmured with her head bowed.

Every time this time, she would think of her father.

“Yes, if Duke Migaiya was still around, the Houghton Kingdom would have one more battle force of at least quasi-bishop level.”

Ranchi sighed.

“Quasi-bishop level ……?”

Huberian looked at Ranch suspiciously.

“That’s what they say over at the Alchemy Academy.”

Rancic helplessly explained up the outrageous definition of this very folk to Huberian.

The eighth rank was already a ranked supreme powerhouse on the North and South Continent of the current generation no matter what.

Due to the lack of a specific grade reference, and the huge difference in strength after reaching the eighth rank, the students of the Alchemy Academy alone had several grades for the division of strength of the eighth rank.

Tearing down battle strength was also a great pleasure of the Alchemy Academy for a long time.

Just from what Ranqi had heard, there were “Ordinary Eighth Order”, “Strong Eighth Order”, “Quasi Bishop Level Strength”, “Bishop Level Strength “Super Bishop Level Strength” and many other extremely outrageous terms.

For example, Ivanoth and Loren were both recognized as bishop-level.

And Talia was probably a strong eighth-order class.

Quasi-bishop level strength can be able to barely stop a cardinal of the Church of the Resurrection on its own, but there’s no way to beat it, such as the Immortal Sword Emperor Juliana.

Super Bishop level strength is the strongest one or two bishops in the Church of the Resurrection.

In a war, a bishop-level eighth rank might directly change the fate of a country.

This was also the reason why Loren was known as the strongest protector of the Houghton Kingdom.

That was why Duke Migaiya’s disappearance was an extraordinarily heavy blow to the Houghton Kingdom, and Duke Migaiya, who was the holder of the tablet, would have been at least as strong as a quasi-bishop level.

Later on, Ranqi couldn’t bear to see the students of the Alchemy Academy arguing, so he casually proposed the concept of “rank” as an analogy, and asked them to standardize the weights and measures.

The unexpected result was.

Since Ranqi put forward the concept of “grades”.

The students of the Alchemy Academy have been tearing up their battle power even more.

They are now always discussing whether the strongest person in the Houghton Kingdom, Dean Loren, is an eighty-something level, while Bishop of Destruction, Evanoth, is an eighty-something level.

There was a lot of bickering.

Even the Alchemy Academy seemed to have started a joint research with the Magic Engineering Academy, aiming to develop magic tools that could specifically analyze the target’s “level”.

Anyway, these issues were not the concern of Ranqi, a “level 40+”.

Ranqi was only sure that he and Huberian had gotten the ticket to the Church of the Resurrection in the North Continent.

The next step was to make preparations, and then they could start planning their winter vacation projects.

Hopefully, by the time they returned from the North Continent, the South Continent would still be stable for the time being.

Ranchi wasn’t confident that a trip to the North Continent would result in him practicing to the point where he was able to sway the situation of the Kingdom War that strongly.

I’ve tried my best, Yuuki no Fainting

(End of chapter)

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